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苯乙烯生物标志物的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究苯乙烯的生物标志物,为苯乙烯的生物监测提供理论依据。方法 采用高效液相色谱法对苯乙醇酸(MA)、苯乙醛酸(PGA)、苯乙烯巯基尿酸(MUA)进行监浏。结果 晨尿中MA、PGA、MUA和苯乙烯接触浓度间相关关系分别为y=2.58x 70.82,y=1.66. 37.42,y=0.05x 0.555;班末尿中MA、PGA、MUA和苯乙烯接触浓度间相关关系分别为y=1.85x 89.02,y=1.33x 4.32,y=0.04x |0.68,均呈良好的相关性。结论 晨尿及班末尿中的MA、PGA、MUA测定均可作为苯乙烯的生物监测指标。  相似文献   

目的 探讨我国职业接触二硫化碳(CS2)的生物接触限值.方法 用高效液相色谱法测定工人班末尿中2-硫代噻唑烷-4-羧酸(TTCA)含量,用气相色谱法测定接触CS2工人作业场所空气中CS2浓度,探讨二者的相关关系,比较生物接触限值和PC-TWA判定结果.结果 CS2作业工人班末尿中TTCA含量与其接触的工作场所空气中CS2浓度呈正相关,回归方程式Y=0.265X-0.165 (r=0.91,P<0.01).基于本次研究的回归方程,根据GBZ 2.1-2007《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第1部分:化学有害因素》规定的CS2的PC-TWA 5 mg/m3推算,CS2接触工人班末尿中TTCA浓度生物限值为1.2 mgTTCA/g Cr.结论 建议我国CS2生物接触限值修订为1.2 mg TTCA/g Cr.  相似文献   

对职业接触汞工人进行体检和尿汞检测,分析尿汞与工作场所空气中汞浓度及临床表现的关系,并参考国外职业接触汞的生物限值,提出我国职业接触汞的生物限值为尿总汞20μmol/mol Cr(35μg/g Cr)。  相似文献   

目的研制江西省职业接触砷的生物限值。方法对接触砷危害的作业工人进行健康检查和尿砷检测,并结合国内外文献资料进行综合分析。结果对400名接触砷的职业工人进行尿砷测定,结果显示,尿总砷平均值为0.20mg/L,标准差为0.12mg/L,95%上限值为0.40mg/L。36名非职业接触人员尿总砷平均值为0.04mg/L,标准差为O.02mg/L,职业人群与非职业人群差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。职业健康检查结果发现,9人出现砷斑等皮肤样病变。通过工作场所空气中砷及其化合物浓度测定,结合几例砷中毒患者的临床资料和国内外文献,经综合分析,提出江西省尿砷的职业接触限值。结论砷的生物指标较多,经综合分析,课题组认为以尿总砷作为判断指标更为科学合理,建议江西省职业接触砷的生物限值为尿总砷0.40mg/L。  相似文献   

镉作业工人肾功能及生物接触限值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
镉作业工人肾功能及生物接触限值研究罗成模任振斌讠云芝兰叶青李洪勇刘仁章慢性镉中毒对人体健康的影响主要是肾小管功能损害,表现为尿中低分子量蛋白排泄增加,部分中毒患者还有肾小球功能损害。据文献报道,即使是脱离镉接触多年,镉所致肾功能损害仍不可逆转。因此,...  相似文献   

苯乙烯作业工人染色体畸变率与尿中代谢物相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究苯乙烯作业工人染色体畸变率与尿中代谢物苯乙醛酸 (PGA)、苯乙醇酸 (MA )浓度的关系。方法 对 10 0名接触苯乙烯的工人和 10 0名非苯乙烯作业的工人进行流行病学调查 ,测其班后尿中PGA、MA浓度 ,检测外周血淋巴细胞的染色体畸变率。结果 苯乙烯在一定浓度下可造成作业工人染色体畸变率增加 ,且经单因素分析 ,班后尿中MA +PGA浓度、工龄等因素与工人的染色体畸变率相关。结论 苯乙烯对接触者的染色体具有损伤作用 ,且与班后尿中MA +PGA浓度有很好的相关性。建议班后尿中MA +PGA浓度的卫生标准应低于 (0 4 4 2± 0 0 5 6 )g/L。  相似文献   

目的推荐我国职业接触苯尿中反-反式黏糠酸(uMA)生物限值并建立相应的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定方法。方法选择职业苯接触者56人和非苯接触者24人,应用活性炭吸附管采集工人呼吸带空气、CS2洗脱、毛细管气相色谱法检测个体外暴露水平,同时采集当日工作班前和班末尿样本,应用HPLC测定尿中uMA以观察内暴露水平。尿样经2mol/L盐酸酸化、香草酸为内标、乙酸乙酯萃取预处理,采用ODS柱、冰乙酸:四氢呋喃:甲醇:水(体积比1:2:10:87)为流动相、流速0.9ml/min、紫外检验波长264nm、柱温25℃的色谱条件分离测定尿中uMA。结果uMA的线性范围为0.10~10.00mg/L,检出限为0.10mg/L,加标平均回收率为95.1%~100.5%,批内、批间精密度变异系数分别为4.4%~7.5%和6.2%~8.8%。接苯工人空气苯浓度范围0.332~146.000mg/m^3,平均浓度41.8mg/m^3,班末尿uMA与个体苯接触量存在良好线性关系y(mg/gCr)=2.103+0.177x(mg/m^3),r=0.791,P〈0.01,将我国职业苯接触限值PC—TWA=6mg/m^3代入回归方程,推算工作班末尿中uMA含量为3.165mg/gCr。结论建立的HPLC测定uMA方法简便、快速、灵敏,可用于职业接触苯的生物监测,参考国内外文献和国外相关标准,建议我国职业接触苯生物限值班末尿uMA为2.4mmol/molCr(3.0mg/gCr)。  相似文献   

职业接触限值是制订职业卫生标准的基础。本文介绍了我国职业接触限值的发展历史、研究情况,并与国外部分国家的限量标准进行比较,为今后制定我国工作场所有害物质的职业接触限值提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

我国职业接触限值的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业接触限值是制订职业卫生标准的基础。本文介绍了我国职业接触限值的发展历史、研究情况,并与国外部分国家的限量标准进行比较,为今后制定我国工作场所有害物质的职业接触限值提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

关于职业接触生物限值编写指南的建议中国预防医学科学院劳动卫生与职业病研究所黄金祥,吴宜群我们根据中国预防医学科学院《关于制定卫生标准的程序和方法》中的有关要求,结合生物监测特点,拟定了如下的编写指南的建议,供有关主管单位及同道评议或试用。1.主要内容...  相似文献   

苯乙烯对青年男性工人遗传毒性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的 ]研究苯乙烯对青年男性工人的遗传毒性。 [方法 ]根据苯乙烯的平均浓度设高、中、低三个剂量组 ,测其苯乙烯代谢产物尿中苯乙醛酸 (PGA)、苯乙醇酸 (MA)浓度 ,以外周血淋巴细胞的染色体畸变率及微核率作为遗传毒性指标 ,并与其有关因素进行相关回归分析。 [结果 ]高剂量组染色体畸变率高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;微核率的结果则是 :当苯乙烯浓度为 5 7 2mg/m3 时 ,或班后尿中PGA +MA浓度为 0 442 g/L± 0 0 5 6g/L时 ,微核率高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,且随苯乙烯浓度的增高而增加。微核率及染色体畸变率与苯乙烯平均浓度、班后尿中MA +PGA浓度、工龄和吸烟量呈正相关 ,与饮酒和年龄无相关。 [结论 ]苯乙烯对接触男工具有遗传毒性 ,且呈一定的剂量—效应关系。班后尿中MA +PGA浓度可以考虑作为苯乙烯接触的生物监测指标。  相似文献   

通过现场调查、临床体检和实验测定的“班前”呼出苯浓度与接触苯浓度之比和高、中、低苯浓度接触者的呼出苯的毒物动力学观察结果,结合工人体检的健康状况和其它生物学监测指标间的关系,并参照国外制订呼出苯生物阈限值的文献报道;根据我国现行苯的最高容许浓度(40mg/m~3),建议职业性苯接触者“班前”末端呼出气中苯的生物接触限值为0.40μg/L(0.12ppm)。  相似文献   

Beryllium (Be) is a metal mainly used in the form of alloys, with copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al) in the metal industry. Be is an extremely toxic element which must be handled under strictly controlled conditions to avoid health hazards to workers. Exposure to Be can be responsible for Chronic Beryllium Disease, a pulmonary disease preceded by sensitization to the element, and for lung cancer. The goals of the current study were to investigate Be exposure in France, to determine the airborne Be occupational exposure levels, the associated impregnation of employees through their urinary Be levels and the factors that might affect them, and finally to study a possible relation between biomonitoring and airborne data. Seventy-five volunteer subjects were thus atmospherically and biologically monitored in five French companies involved in Cu or Al casting, Al smelting, CuBe machining or AlBe general mechanical engineering. Airborne exposure was quite low with only 2% of measurements above the current French Occupational Exposure Limit (2 µg/m3); the population potentially most exposed was foundry workers. Impregnation with Be was also low with only 10% of quantified urinary Be measurements above the current German BAR value (0.05 µg/L). Using a Bayesian statistical modelling approach, the mean subject-specific urinary excretion of Be was found to increase significantly with the mean subject-specific exposure to airborne Be. From this relationship, and based on the current French OEL-8?hr, a Biological Limit Value of 0.08?µg/L (= 0.06 µg/g creatinine) could be proposed.  相似文献   

[目的]对某外资蓄电池生产厂职业性铅接触评估,探索职业卫生工作模式。[方法]开展职业卫生学调查,对作业场所环境中铅浓度和职业接触人群血中铅水平进行检测和评估,并收集、分析了历年检测和健康监护数据,结合职业卫生组织管理模式,总结控制职业性铅危害的经验。[结果]2个铅烟作业场所历年28次检测结果中,合格率为92.8%;3个铅尘作业场所45次检测结果中,合格率为88.2%;98%的铅接触者血铅水平低于40μg/dl(1.93μmol/L),无铅中毒病例发生。[结论]采取综合干预,员工理解,互相促进的互动模式,可有效控制职业铅接触的危害。  相似文献   

职业性铅接触与各生物接触指标间的关系评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文在对蓄电池厂100名铅接触者的健康监护中,各项生物监测按规定的质量控制要求进行。并了其间的剂理效应关系。结果发现,空气中铅尘、铅烟低于最高容许浓度;接触者的血铅、尿铅和FED呈非常显著相关。(P〈0.01)其中血铅能较好地定量反映接触铅工人体仙的铅负荷,并提出了血铅的可接受水平。  相似文献   

Industries that use fluoride-containing materials are usually aware of their toxicity and adopt adequate medical measures. It has been found that workers in factories who have not been considered as subjected to fluorine hazard and therefore have not been controlled had significantly elevated urinary fluoride levels. Most workers in a medically controlled fertilizer plant had normal urinary levels. Maintenance workers were found to have higher values, up to 12 mg/liter.  相似文献   

This study reports on longitudinal changes in lung function using spirometry of employees at a beverage processing plant, where exposure information (1995-2001) suggests that the threshold limit value (TLV)-Time Weighted Average (TWA) of 1 ppm was not likely exceeded. Changes over time in lung function (Forced Expiratory Volume of 1st second, FEV1; Forced Vital Capacity, FVC; and FEV1/FVC ratio; all expressed as percent of the predicted) were evaluated by using sparse lung function data obtained from 1993 to 2002 in 43 exposed and 31 unexposed workers. The longitudinal changes were assessed using multiple regression analysis where the dependent variable was the annual change of lung function indices and the independent variables were exposure and smoking habits. With regard to exposure, FVC increased, FEV1 was unchanged, and the FEV1/FVC ratio tended to decrease. The latter difference was not significant when FVC was used as a covariate. The FEV1 is significantly worse in smokers than in non-smokers. These data suggest that no lung function changes occur when the H2O2 levels were compliant to the exposure standard. Our findings support the current TLV-TWA of 1 ppm for H2O2.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨吡虫灵农药生产职业暴露对男工精液质量的影响。[方法]分别选择某农药厂吡虫灵生产男工22名为暴露组、厂行政办公区男性工作人员46名为内对照组,另选择某疾控中心男性工作人员22名为外对照组。对各组所处环境空气中吡虫灵及其相关化学物如四氯化碳及氯气进行连续3d的监测,同时选择暴露区及外对照区各3人进行连续3d的个体采样和皮肤污染量测定,评价暴露水平;按统一的实施标准收集一次性精液,用UCDavis推荐的方法对精液质量进行评价,用WHO推荐的标准对精子的形态学进行评价,同时应用计算机辅助精子分析系统(CASA)对精子的运动能力进行分析。[结果]暴露组空气中吡虫灵、四氯化碳浓度明显高于内、外对照组(P〈0.01),而氯气差异无显著性(P〉0.05),同时个体采样及皮肤污染量结果均显示暴露组吡虫灵浓度显著高于外对照组(P〈0.01);暴露组精子直线性(LIN)、精子前向性(STR)均显著低于外对照组(P〈0.05),精液量异常率显著高于外对照组(P〈0.01);内对照组精子活动度显著低于外对照组(P〈0.05),精液量及精子活动度异常率显著高于外对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]吡虫灵农药生产职业暴露对男工精液质量有一定影响。  相似文献   

The work was aimed at finding whether the ratio of delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and creatinine (Cn) concentration (ALA/Cn), presently used in occupational health practice for evaluation of lead exposure gives a better assessment of ALA excretion than uncorrected ALA concentration itself, as well as at finding a better, but not complicated method for adjustment. ALA and Cn concentrations were measured in untimed urine samples of altogether 390 men and women (age: 18-60 years) not occupationally exposed to lead. In agreement with others, ALA/Cn was found to be an unsuitable method of adjustment for the differences in ALA concentration due to the different concentrations of samples. This can be explained by the different renal handling of ALA and Cn, proved by the literature data. The exponential relationship between ALA/Cn and Cn concentration raised the possibility of adjustment to the logarithm of Cn concentration (ALA/log.Cn). This simple method provided a more reliable index, the value of which was independent of the actual Cn concentration of urines within a wide range (2-32 mmol/liter). The recommended biological limit value (70 mumol/log.Cn mmol) separates equally well from normal values, both in dilute and concentrated urines. The evaluation of occupational lead exposure might be more reliable using this index, instead of uncorrected ALA concentration or the ALA/Cn ratio.  相似文献   

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