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Wilber A  Nienhuis AW  Persons DA 《Blood》2011,117(15):3945-3953
In humans, embryonic, fetal, and adult hemoglobins are sequentially expressed in developing erythroblasts during ontogeny. For the past 40 years, this process has been the subject of intensive study because of its value to enlighten the biology of developmental gene regulation and because fetal hemoglobin can significantly ameliorate the clinical manifestations of both sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia. Understanding the normal process of loss of fetal globin expression and activation of adult globin expression could potentially lead to new therapeutic approaches for these hemoglobin disorders. Herein, we briefly review the history of the study of hemoglobin switching and then focus on recent discoveries in the field that now make new therapeutic approaches seem feasible in the future. Erythroid-specific knockdown of fetal gene repressors or enforced expression of fetal gene activators may provide clinically applicable approaches for genetic treatment of hemoglobin disorders that would benefit from increased fetal hemoglobin levels.  相似文献   

In erythroid tissues the chromatin structure of the beta-globin gene locus is extensively remodeled. Changes include the formation of DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) over the promoters of actively expressed genes. To test the hypothesis that such "opening" of promoter chromatin structure is important for beta-globin gene expression, we placed a 101-bp erythroid-specific hypersensitive-site forming element (HSFE) from the core of LCR HS4 immediately upstream of a minimal beta-globin gene promoter. We then studied the effects of this element alone and in combination with other cis-acting elements on globin gene chromatin structure and gene expression in MEL cells and transgenic mice. Single or tandem HSFEs increased the size of the portion of the promoter accessible to DNase digestion, increased the proportion of promoters in an accessible conformation, and increased gene expression approximately 5-fold. These were equivalent to expression levels attained using a 2.8-kb microLCR construct. Inclusion of the LCR HS2 enhancer did not increase expression further. In transgenic mouse fetal liver cells the HSFE increased average expression 2.5-fold compared to the minimal promoter alone. These results indicate that a small cis-acting element is capable of remodeling local beta-globin promoter chromatin structure and producing expression similar to that seen with a microLCR construct.  相似文献   

Variations at the KLF1 gene have been associated with a series of human erythroid phenotypes including the In-(Lu) phenotype, hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, borderline HbA(2) and increased red blood cell protoporphyrin. Natural mutations have shown that KLF1 regulates gamma globin gene expression and its role in the switching from fetal to adult globin expression has been suggested by experimental studies. In this paper we report that subjects with S270X KLF1 mutations show a decrease of HbF levels with increasing age, supporting in vivo the role of KLF1 in hemoglobin switching in humans.  相似文献   

Barker  JE; Pierce  JE; Nienhuis  AW 《Blood》1980,56(3):488-494
Stimulation of sheep erythropoietic progenitor cells by erythropoietin (epo) has been studied with regard to its effect on the pattern of hemoglobin production. An analysis of hemoglobin (Hb) synthesis in BFU- E- and CFU-E-derived colonies from fetuses either homozygous for HbA (AA) (homozygous also for the beta c gene responsible for HbC production) or HbB (BB) (lacking the beta c gene) indicated the following. Colonies derived from precursor cells from 51- and 89-day fetuses exhibited small but detectable increments of HbB synthesis with prolonged incubation in vitro. This response was not dependent on the epo concentration. Erythropoietic precursor cells from a 124-day BB fetus were already committed to HbB synthesis, since HbF production was replaced by HbB on successive days in vitro as erythroid colonies matured; this switch was not affected by varying the epo concentration. In contrast, progenitor cells from a 124-day AA fetus responded to higher doses of epo by forming colonies in which more HbC was made at the expense of both HbF and HbA. Erythropoietic stress did not result in induction of HbF in vivo or in erythroid colonies derived from CFU-E in young adult BB sheep, whereas our prior studies had shown induction of HbC synthesis under analogous conditions in colonies derived from young adult AA sheep. We conclude that the epo-induced HbF (or HbA) to HbC switch and the fetal to adult hemoglobin switch are regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Asynchronous DNA replication within the human beta-globin gene locus.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The timing of DNA replication of the human beta-globin gene locus has been studied by blot hybridization of newly synthesized BrdUrd-substituted DNA from cells in different stages of the S phase. Using probes that span greater than 120 kilobases across the human beta-globin gene locus, we show that the majority of this domain replicates in early S phase in the human erythroleukemia cell line K562 and in middle-to-late S phase in the lymphoid cell line Manca. However, in K562 cells three small regions display a strikingly different replication pattern than adjacent sequences. These islands, located in the inter-gamma-globin gene region and approximately 20 kilobases 5' to the epsilon-globin gene and 20 kilobases 3' to the beta-globin gene, replicate later and throughout S phase. A similar area is also present in the alpha-globin gene region in K562 cells. We suggest that these regions may represent sites of termination of replication forks.  相似文献   

In vivo protein-DNA interactions at the beta-globin gene locus.   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated in vivo protein-DNA interactions in the beta-globin gene locus by dimethyl sulfate (DMS) footprinting in K562 cells, which express epsilon- and gamma-globin but not beta-globin. In the locus control region, hypersensitive site 2 (HS-2) exhibited footprints in several putative protein binding motifs. HS-3 was not footprinted. The beta promoter was also not footprinted, while extensive footprints were observed in the promoter of the active gamma-globin gene. No footprints were seen in the A gamma and beta 3' enhancers. With several motifs, additional protein interactions and alterations in binding patterns occurred with hemin induction. In HeLa cells, some footprints were observed in some of the motifs in HS-2, compatible with the finding that HS-2 has some enhancer function in HeLa cells, albeit much weaker than its activity in K562 cells. No footprint was seen in B lymphocytes. In vivo footprinting is a useful method for studying relevant protein-DNA interactions in erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Positioned nucleosomes contribute to both the structure and the function of the chromatin fiber and can play a decisive role in controlling gene expression. We have mapped, at high resolution, the translational positions adopted by limiting amounts of core histone octamers reconstituted onto 4.4 kb of DNA comprising the entire chicken adult beta-globin gene, its enhancer, and flanking sequences. The octamer displays extensive variation in its affinity for different positioning sites, the range exhibited being about 2 orders of magnitude greater than that of the initial binding of the octamer. Strong positioning sites are located 5' and 3' of the globin gene and in the second intron but are absent from the coding regions. These sites exhibit a periodicity (approximately 200 bp) similar to the average spacing of nucleosomes on the inactive beta-globin gene in vivo, which could indicate their involvement in packaging the gene into higher-order chromatin structure. Overlapping, alternative octamer positioning sites commonly exhibit spacings of 20 and 40 bp, but not of 10 bp. These short-range periodicities could reflect features of the core particle structure contributing to the pronounced sequence-dependent manner in which the core histone octamer interacts with DNA.  相似文献   

We linked a 3.3-kilobase fragment containing the entire A gamma-globin gene together with 1.3 kilobases of 5' flanking and 0.37 kilobase of 3' flanking DNA to a 2.5-kilobase fragment containing four of the developmentally stable hypersensitive sites normally located in the 5' region of the human beta-globin locus. This construct was injected into fertilized mouse eggs, and its expression was analyzed in the primitive and definitive erythroid cells, as well as the brain of 14-day embryos. All six transgenic individuals that contained intact copies of the construct expressed the transgene in an erythroid-specific fashion. Expression was observed in both primitive and definitive erythroid cells. This is in marked contrast to previous transgenic mice experiments using the same A gamma-globin gene fragment in isolation, where expression was restricted to primitive erythroid cells. Our results show that the region containing the developmentally stable globin locus hypersensitive sites changes the developmental stage specificity of a human fetal globin gene in transgenic mice. These observations imply that sequences additional to those used here are involved in the developmental control of fetal globin gene expression in vivo. The ability to express fetal globin in adult erythroid cells allows one to consider using fetal globin genes for gene therapy of sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Stochastic expression of fetal hemoglobin in adult erythroid cells.   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The expression of fetal hemoglobin, Hb F, in the adult cells is cellularly restricted both in vivo and in culture. Because, in cultures of erythroid progenitors, subclones that express or fail to express Hb F are derived from the same erythroid stem cell, a mechanism must exist whereby Hb F expression segregates in the progeny of erythroid progenitors during their differentiation. We present mathematical analyses of experimental data which suggest that expression of Hb F in human adult erythroid cells occurs on a stochastic basis. We quantified Hb F expression among the subclones of erythroid bursts (clones) in vitro by labeling subclones with fluorescent anti-Hb F antibodies. The observed data were compared with predictions from a stochastic model with the assumption that the expression of Hb F in a subclone occurs with a probability P equal to the frequency of Hb F-expressing subclones in an experiment. There was good fit between the observed and predicted data with respect to: (i) the relative frequencies of monomorphic F+, monomorphic F-, and bimorphic F+/F- bursts, respectively; (ii) the size distributions among F+, F- and F+/F- bursts; and (iii) the proportions of subclones expressing Hb F within bimorphic F+/F- bursts. Given the hypothesis that erythroid progenitors which have an active Hb F program are less differentiated than cells which do not proceed to express Hb F, the stochastic event indicated by our analyses may be the probability that adult erythroid progenitor cells undergo terminal differentiation at an earlier stage than usual.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old boy with refractory acute leukemia (ALL) was transplanted with liver cells from twin fetuses of an 18-gestational-week age. Regeneration of hemopoietic cells was evident during the second week following transplantation when a cellular, predominantly erythroid, marrow was present. Studies of bone marrow and peripheral blood cells obtained 21 days posttransplant showed that bone marrow and peripheral blood BFU-E-derived erythroblasts displayed typical fetal patterns of globin chain synthesis (gamma/gamma + beta ratios: 0.87 to 0.98). In addition, all of the individually analyzed erythroid clones displayed a fetal type of globin program, suggesting that the presence of rare, partially switched clones was unlikely. Additional evidence supported the fetal phenotype of these progenitors. The il expression of culture-derived erythroblasts was typical for fetal erythroid cells. As in fetal cells, fetal sheep serum influenced neither the globin nor the il phenotypes, and the growth characteristics were as those observed in fetal liver cultures. That these fetal progenitors matured in vivo and produced cells with a fetal program was shown by the pattern of globin biosynthesis in bone marrow cells and peripheral blood reticulocytes (gamma/gamma + beta ratios: 0.85 to 0.95) at days 14 and 21 posttransplantation. These results indicate that the transplanted fetal cells, in spite of their proliferation and differentiation in the environment of the recipient, continued to express during the early posttransplantation period fetal patterns of globin, surface antigenic determinants, and growth and response to environmental modulation. The observations in this patient support the notion that hemoglobin switching is primarily controlled by a mechanism intrinsic to the stem cell.  相似文献   

alpha-Amino-N-butyric acid stimulates fetal hemoglobin in the adult   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The effect of alpha-amino-N-butyric acid (alpha ABA) on fetal hemoglobin production in the adult was examined in vivo after being administered to normal and anemic baboons and in erythroid progenitor cell cultures. Infusion of alpha ABA for five days resulted in four- to fivefold increases in the level of F reticulocytes of normal or chronically anemic baboons. The induction of HbF by alpha ABA was strikingly enhanced by the administration of 5-azacytidine. The addition of alpha ABA in culture produced a concentration-related increase of HbF in baboon CFUe and e-cluster colonies. In addition to the induction of HbF, alpha ABA stimulated the growth of all classes of erythroid progenitors in vivo or in culture. The activation of gamma-globin gene expression by alpha ABA is attributed to an interaction between regulatory sites of globin chromatin modified by alpha ABA and the immature intracellular environment of the expanding erythropoiesis. The combination of chromatin modification, DNA methylation, and the immature intracellular environment of rapid erythroid regeneration may explain the synergistic induction of HbF by alpha ABA and 5-azacytidine.  相似文献   

G J Dover  S H Boyer 《Blood》1987,69(4):1109-1113
We have developed methodology that allows comparison of the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) of fetal hemoglobin (HbF)-containing red cells (F cells) with the MCH of non-F cells from the same individual. To do this, suspensions of peripheral blood erythrocytes and their internal contents are fixed with an imidodiester, dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate dihydrochloride (DTBP). Thereafter fixed cells are made permeable to antisera by treatment with Triton X-100 and isopropanol, reacted with a mouse monoclonal antibody (MoAb) against HbF, and then with fluorescein-conjugated antimouse IgG. No appreciable hemoglobin is lost during such manipulation. Red cells from a diversity of subjects were thus treated and examined microscopically, first by transmitted light and then by epifluorescence. A direct correlation between Coulter-derived MCH and mean absorbance of 415 nm transmitted light was found for 100 unfixed (r = 0.96) and for 100 antibody-treated fixed-permeabilized red cells (r = 0.99) among individuals selected so as to provide a range of Coulter MCH values between 20 and 35. Comparisons of microscopically derived MCH of F cells and non-F cells were statistically nondistinguishable (P greater than 0.05) in all subjects. Such comparisons included normal individuals (less than 1% F cells), SS patients (7% to 48% F cells), subjects with congenital anemia (22% to 65% F cells), individuals with heterocellular hereditary persistence of HbF (HPFH) (12% to 21% F cells), and heterozygotes for beta + thalassemia (11% to 31% F cells). We conclude that gamma- and beta-globin production within F cells is regulated in a reciprocal fashion both among normal individuals and among individuals with elevated HbF production.  相似文献   

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