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商务合同和书信英语词汇特征及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商务英语中的合同与书信文体,与国际贸易、国际金融等学科专业等密切相关,各有其用词特点和词汇特征.合同中出现的词汇并不一定在书信中出现,反之,在商务书仿中很少会出现有合同特色的词汇.分析比较其异同有助于商务英语的学习和准确运用.  相似文献   

近年来,我国经济社会各领域普遍出现诚信缺失现象。商务部数据显示,我国企业每年因信用缺失导致的直接和间接经济损失高达6000亿元,其中因产品质量低劣、制假售假、合同欺诈造成的各种损失达2000亿元。另据有关数据,我国企业坏账率高达1%至2%,且呈逐年上升势头,而成熟市场经济国家企业坏账率通常为0.25%至0.5%;我国每年签订约40亿份合同,履约率只有50%。  相似文献   

约翰  D·李奇 《中国医院》2007,11(11):12-13
介绍美国医院质量委员会的职责,包括确保提供给所有人安全的医疗质量;协调机构之间的关系以便提供给患者更好的医疗服务;制定衡量质量的标准;以签定合同的方式列出期望的质量目标.并建议创建一个联系机构,有权处理质量安全问题.  相似文献   

杨柳 《中国数字医学》2022,(11):79-82+120
通过分析医院合同管理模式存在的问题,探讨采取建设合同管理系统、打通多系统数据、推行电子发票等措施形成医院合同管理全过程数字化平台的可行性,对改变传统合同起草、审签、执行、归档的方式,实现医院合同数字化管理,建立医院现代化合同管理体系具有积极意义。  相似文献   

建设工程施工合同的事前审计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校的跨越式发展,高校的投资规模不断扩大,建设工程施工合同审计成了高校固定资产投资审计的重要内容,如何做好建设工程施工合同的事前审计,控制工程项目质量和规模、防范投资风险、预防合同纠纷、避免出现违法、无效合同,为后续审计打下基础。本文通过实际工作总结,对建设工程施工合同中的要素分析,探讨建设工程施工合同事前审计的重点内容和方法。1审核和约定合同价款的确定方式合同价款有三种确定方式,一是固定价格合同;二是可调价格合同;三是成本加酬金合同。应根据招标文件的约定进行审核。如果是包干方式的,应该约定工程由于设计变更、发包方要求的变更、政策性调整及其他原因的变更的价款调整方法,约定材料价格变更时材料价格的调整方法,并且约定由于承包人的原因造成投标漏项、漏算视为自愿给予发包人的折扣。对于采用工程量清单综合单价进行招投标的工程合同,约定综合单价包干合同价款部分在合同执行期间内,综合单价及综合合价均不作任何调整,待完工时按实际工程量进行结算。约定工程造价调整的确认条件:①发包人及监理单位共同确认的工程量增减;②发包人及监理单位共同确认的新增工程项目、设计变更或工程洽商及现场签证。对于不进行招标的工程,审计人员应根据工程施...  相似文献   

目的:探索基本医疗保险欺诈骗保现象发生的关键因素和骗保模式,为保障基本医保制度的长期稳定运行提供政策建议。方法:立足于国家医疗保障局曝光的医保欺诈典型案例,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法探究欺诈骗保的关键因素及其典型模式。结果:导致医保欺诈行为的组态有4种解,其总体一致性为0.936282,总体覆盖率为0.648143;得出骗保行为发生的4条路径,并概括出参保人群妨碍、政治压力缺位、政策过程艰难、社会意识缺乏4种典型骗保模式。结论:规范参保人的参保行为是医保欺诈治理的重点;完善医保监管体系建设是医保欺诈治理的关键;健全欠发达地区民营及基层医疗机构管理制度是医保欺诈治理的当务之急。  相似文献   

我院护理人力资源配置现状分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨医院护理人力资源的配置现状,加强对人力资源的合理使用,不断满足患者需求及提高护理工作质量。方法采用回顾性调查方法,了解本院护理人员在编制、年龄、学历及职称结构等方面的配置现状。结果护理人员编制不足,病床与病房护士之比仅为1∶0.35;护士年龄在30岁以下者占53.60%;学历以中专为主,占75.68%;职称以初级职称为主,占77.03%;合同护士占全院护士35.59%。结论护理人员编制不足,年龄、学历、职称分布欠合理。建议按工作需要配置护理人员,重视护理人员在职培训,加强合同护士管理,保证护理工作质量及服务质量。  相似文献   

负责美国联邦医疗保险和医疗补助的联邦机构说,他们发现大量医药公司正在进行医疗保险欺诈。这些公司通过给保险受益人回扣或实物等方式促进利用医疗保险金销售其产品。 面对迅猛增长的医疗保险金,健  相似文献   

王宇  张桂蓉  谭大兵 《重庆医学》2021,50(8):1426-1428
在医院运行过程中,中央空调系统是医院正常运转必需且能耗较高的设备.随着医院的发展,医院老旧中央空调的节能改造势在必行且问题诸多,采用何种方式在低风险、高效能、高标准的情况下完成节能改造项目是医院需要解决的问题.该文以某三甲专科医院采用合同能源管理方式实施老旧中央空调节能改造为例,主要针对医院老旧中央空调系统存在的问题,重点阐述了采用合同能源管理模式实施节能改造的步骤、注意事项和主要成效.  相似文献   

为了配合医院人事制度改革,改变护士严重缺编现象,合同护士已经成为护理队伍主要力量度.要建立一支高素质护理队伍,为病人提供高品质护理服务,必须加强对合同护士管理.本病区合同护士占护士总数70%,如何提高合同护士整体素质,稳定护理队伍,提高护理质量,适应护理工作需要,是为每一位护士长提出了新的课题.深入了解合同护士,尽快掌握她们特点,积极培养避免护理质量滑坡,使护理质量不断提高,是每位护理管理者应尽义务和职责.  相似文献   

As developing countries become more involved in the international chemical trade, they must adhere to certain requirements for importation of their chemicals into foreign countries. These developing countries will be required to provide basic safety information on their chemical products, including data developed from chemical and toxicologic testing. These data must be developed in accordance with the national requirements of the importing country. Many importing countries have adopted the OECD Test Guidelines and the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) as primary guidance to assure the quality of laboratory data. These procedures provide a basis for internationally acceptable data. Several countries have incorporated many of these provisions into their national laws or administrative procedures. These procedures describe the process of documenting the conduct of laboratory studies, including recording of data, reporting of study results, and storage of data gathered. This process is intended to assure the quality and integrity of the data so that, if required, the study can be reconstructed by an auditor or an inspector. Details of these procedures and their applicability to the international chemical trade are discussed.  相似文献   

随着中国2010版GMP的实施推进,以及国际药品贸易的广泛开展,如何保障药品在运输环节的质量稳定,成为国际注册和国际贸易的重要话题和关注热点。笔者长期跟踪研究药品国际认证和注册,以及药品运输过程中的稳定性,搜集并分析了关于运输环节药品质量保证的相关法规和指南,进行系统研究,提供药品企业借鉴。  相似文献   

P E Kalb 《JAMA》1999,282(12):1163-1168
In recent years, health care fraud and abuse have become major issues, in part because of the rising cost of health care, industry consolidation, the emergence of private "whistle-blowers," and a change in the concept of fraud to include an emerging concern about quality of care. The 3 types of conduct that are generally prohibited by health care fraud laws are false claims, kickbacks, and self-referrals. False claims are subject to several criminal, civil, and administrative prohibitions, notably the federal civil False Claims Act. Kickbacks, or inducements with the intent to influence the purchase or sale of health care-related goods or services, are prohibited under the federal Anti-Kickback statute as well as by state laws. Finally, self-referrals-the referral of patients to an entity with which the referring physician has a financial relationship-are outlawed by the Ethics in Patient Referral Act as well as numerous state statutes. Consequences of violations of these laws can include, in addition to imprisonment and fines, civil monetary penalties, loss of licensure, loss of staff privileges, and exclusion from participation in federal health care programs. Federal criminal and civil statutes are enforced by the US Department of Justice; administrative actions are pursued by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General; and all state actions are pursued by the individual states. In addition, private whistle-blowers may, acting in the name of the United States, file suit against an entity under the False Claims Act. Enforcement of health care fraud and abuse laws has become increasingly commonplace and now affects many mainstream providers. This trend is likely to continue.  相似文献   

The authors in this paper report the findings of a survey of medical students at the University of California, Irvine, California College of Medicine regarding their views on the Medicare and Medicaid programs and on the problem of fraud and abuse in these government medical benefit programs. The students were asked their views on four issues: (a) the quality of various aspects of Medicare and Medicaid; (b) the seriousness and prevalence of physician fraud and abuse in the programs; (c) the punishment that should be given to violators; and (d) the causes and prevention of fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid. They viewed fraud and abuse as serious but not as being widespread. They believed that physicians who violate program regulations are not likely to be punished by official agencies. They favored moderate penalties for violations. Explanations offered by the students for fraud and abuse focused on physicians' attitudes and motivations as well as on the structure of the Medicare and Medicaid programs.  相似文献   

浙江省医药国际贸易应用型人才需求探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘琪 《中国医药导报》2008,5(36):121-123
本文从全国及浙江省近年来医药国际贸易的发展状况出发,对浙江省医药国际贸易应用型人才的需求进行了多方位的深入分析,为新建专业奠定基础,并深入了解医药国际贸易这一具有一定特殊性的人才类型。研究结果显示,医药国际贸易应用型人才在浙江省的市场中需求大,供应紧缺。  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the prospects for introducing United States anti-fraud (or anti-false claims) laws in the Australian health care setting. Australian governments spend billions of dollars each year on medicines and health care. A recent report estimates that the money lost to corporate fraud in Australia is growing at an annual rate of 7%, but that only a third of the losses are currently being detected. In the US, qui tam provisions - the component of anti-fraud or anti-false claims laws involving payments to whistleblowers - have been particularly successful in providing critical evidence allowing public prosecutors to recover damages for fraud and false claims made by corporations in relation to federal and state health care programs. The US continues to strengthen such anti-fraud measures and to successfully apply them to a widening range of areas involving large public investment. Australia still suffers from the absence of any comprehensive scheme that not only allows treble damages recovery for fraud on the public purse, but crucially supports such actions by providing financial encouragement for whistleblowing corporate insiders to expose evidence of fraud. Potential areas of application could include direct and indirect government expenditure on health care service provision, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, defence, carbon emissions compensation and tobacco-related illness. The creation in Australia of an equivalent to US anti-false claims legislation should be a policy priority, particularly in a period of financial stringency.  相似文献   

蒋献  易琴  薛丽  闫薇  王熙  李利 《医学教育探索》2009,8(5):543-544
医学留学生教育是我国医学教育的重要组成部分。为做好皮肤病学尼泊尔留学生的教学工作,四川大学华西医院皮肤病学教研室在教学队伍建设、教学管理、教学内容、教学方法与手段等方面进行了探讨,提高了尼泊尔留学生皮肤病学的教学质量。  相似文献   

P K Woolf 《JAMA》1987,258(23):3424-3427
The author discusses the role of the editors of scientific journals in ensuring the high quality and integrity of the research they publish. Woolf urges editorial leadership in such areas as defining and enforcing standards for responsible authorship; establishing policies for data retention and availability, for handling allegations of fraud, and for publishing retractions; and enforcing peer review. She concludes that editors can be instrumental in alerting authors to questionable data and research practices.  相似文献   

对留学生生理学教学的体会   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
留学生教育是我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分。本文结合多年来对留学生教学工作的实践和研究,从提高思想认识、突破语言交流障碍、认真备课授课、严格规范管理等方面对留学生教育进行探讨,以期进一步提高留学生教学教学的质量,增强国际间医学教育的合作。  相似文献   

医学是最受来华留学生关注的本科专业,医学教育已逐渐成为我国留学生教育的一个重要展示窗口并从一个侧面反映我国高等教育的竞争力.我国具有留学生医学教育的比较优势,但也面临规模扩张与保障质量的挑战.可以通过提高教师英语交流能力、了解留学生特点、采用有效的教学方法、重视反馈评价等途径提高留学生医学教育质量.  相似文献   

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