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牙槽嵴重度吸收的无牙颌,约占笔者门诊所见无牙颌患者总数的1/4~1/3,患者一般不愿接受手术修整。由于口腔条件的不利因素较多,为全口义齿修复带来一定困难,修复后效果欠佳。笔者根据其口腔特点,充分利用有关  相似文献   

牙槽嵴萎缩或缺损是临床进行义齿修复的棘手问题。牵张成骨技术是一种新的牙槽嵴修复方法。本文就牙槽嵴牵张成骨技术的特点、牵张器的种类、操作要点和并发症等方面的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

下颌牙槽嵴严重吸收的总义齿修复体会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对下颌牙槽嵴严重吸收的老年患者进行总义齿修复,是临床上既常见而又较困难的。近年来,作者对21例下颌牙槽嵴严重吸收致牙槽嵴低平甚至与口底平齐的患者,进行了细致的修复,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

软衬材料用于下颌慢性牙槽嵴疼痛的临床评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:评价软衬材料用于治疗下颌慢性牙槽嵴疼痛的效果。方法:对16例下颌慢性牙槽嵴疼痛的患者,采用Molloplast-B软衬材料衬垫下颌全口义齿,于修复后1个月行舒适度问卷调查,采用秩和检验进行统计学分析,于使用软衬前后进行咀嚼效能测定。结果:16例患者的疼痛症状均有缓解,7例患者的固位有改善,14例咀嚼效果有改善;使用软衬后咀嚼效能显著提高。结论:短期内Molloplast-B软衬材料对下颌慢性牙槽嵴疼痛,有良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

不同年龄组牙槽嵴裂植骨术后牙槽嵴高度的临床观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:评价在不同年龄阶段髂骨松质骨移植修复牙槽嵴裂术后植入骨的变化情况。方法:根据牙槽嵴裂患者裂隙侧尖牙萌出情况,将其分为A、B两组,通过牙槽嵴裂植骨术后临床随访和拍摄X线,追踪观察植骨区牙槽嵴高度的变化。结果:尖牙萌出前植骨优于尖牙萌出后植骨,术后正畸可增高牙槽嵴的高度。结论:牙萌出可增高牙槽嵴裂患者植骨术后牙槽嵴的高度。  相似文献   

解决牙槽嵴吸收萎缩是口腔修复治疗的一个重要方面。通过种植体配合其他材料(如骨移植物,骨引导再生膜)和技术(外科手术,牵张成骨)对半高和维持萎缩牙槽嵴起到很好的作用。  相似文献   

52例牙槽嵴重度吸收的全口义齿修复效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对牙槽嵴重度吸收的无牙颌患者,采用试排牙时闭口式二次印模法,针对性的精细排牙以及良好的基托磨光面形态,观察修复效果。方法:选取52例牙槽嵴重度吸收的无牙颌患者,用托牙基底板做颌托基托,采用试排牙时闭口式二次印模法,人工排牙时注意中性区位置,基托磨光面形态呈凹面型,完成注塑全口义齿修复,观察临床效果。结果:通过该方法制作的全口义齿固位力明显增强,很少发生黏膜压痛,取得了较满意的临床效果。结论:对牙槽嵴重度吸收的无牙颌患者,采用试排牙时闭口式二次印模法,细致的个性排牙,以及良好的基托磨光面的形态,有助于提高全口义齿的固位功能、封闭功能和舒适性。  相似文献   

复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物预防剩余牙槽嵴吸收实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:观察复方骨形成蛋白牛物复合物植入大鼠下颌切牙拔牙窝用于预防牙槽嵴吸收的效果,为临床应用提供实验依据.方法:选用健康雄性Wistar大鼠54只,随机分为对照组、单纯壳聚糖组、复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物组,18只/组;制备复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物及单纯壳聚糖复合物,分别植入对应组大鼠下颌切牙拔牙窝内;3组动物于3、6、9周每组每次处死6只,切取下颌骨,用软X线机配备Image-Pro Plus软件检查牙槽嵴相对高度,双能X线骨密度分析仪测定骨密度值,常规病理切片观察牙槽窝成骨.结果:3、6、9周复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物组牙槽嵴相对剩余高度和骨密度值均高于对照组及单纯壳聚糖组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);3、6、9周病理切片显示复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物组牙槽窝成骨优于对照组及单纯壳聚糖组.结论:复方骨形成蛋白生物复合物可用来预防拔牙后牙槽嵴的吸收,有广阔的临床应用前景.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析患者配戴金属基托和树脂基托全口义齿后发音的计算机语音学参数,探讨上颌义齿基托对语音功能的影响.方法 选择42例无牙颌患者,分别制作纯钛金属基托义齿和树脂基托义齿,用计算机语音分析系统提取患者配戴义齿后发声母/x、sh、r、zh、ch、j、q/的第一强频集中区(first concentrated frequency area,CFA-1)频率值和/g、k、zh、ch、j、q/嗓音起始时间(voice onset time,VOT),以戴人金属基托义齿所得资料作为A组,以戴入树脂基托义齿所得资料作为B组.配对t检验分析两组差异,观察比较两组舌根塞音三维语图.结果 A组声母/x、sh、r、zh、ch、j、q/CFA-1频率值[分别为(3595±102)、(3089±104)、(1876±116)、(4078±116)、(3604±119)、(5432±118)、(4934±121)Hz]低于B组[分别为(3644±101)、(3280±88)、(1978±113)、(4214±193)、(3817±49)、(5478±158)、(5020±183)Hz],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).A组声母/zh、ch、j/VOT值[分别为(54.67±1.13)、(143.80±2.24)、(62.53±0.75)ms]大于B组[分别为(52.88±0.34)、(137.55±2.50)、(62.00±1.54)ms],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),提示A组舌尖舌面成阻部位比B组靠后;A组/g、k/VOT值[分别为(26.94±0.33)、(114.53±2.15)ms]小于B组[分别为(28.59±0.65)、(124.40±3.74)ms],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),提示A组舌根成阻部位比B组靠前.观察舌根塞音/g、k/三维语图发现,患者配戴树脂基托义齿时79%(33/42)在正常冲直条前约1 ms处出现冗余冲直条,而配戴金属基托义齿时相应三维语图无此现象.结论 选择纯钛金属基托义齿,可减少舌腭区基托厚度,有利于患者语音功能的恢复.  相似文献   

目的观察中药葛根素对鼠拔牙后剩余牙槽嵴吸收的影响作用。方法制作大鼠下颌中切牙缺失模型,于剩余牙槽嵴的粘膜下注射葛根素,用X线片测量大鼠相对剩余牙槽嵴高度和骨密度值,HE染色观察不同时期剩余牙槽嵴的组织学形态改变。结果实验组剩余牙槽嵴相对高度均大于对照组(P〈0.05);除一周组外,其余各实验组剩余牙槽嵴光密度测量值均大于对照组(P〈0.01);组织学观察可见实验组大鼠剩余牙槽嵴表面的成骨质量较对照组高,骨吸收程度较对照组少。结论将葛根素注射于拔牙窝周围能够抑制剩余牙槽嵴的吸收并保存牙槽嵴的高度。  相似文献   



Intensive mechanical stress and/or inflammation are known to induce alveolar bone resorption. This study investigated whether a distribution of mechanical stress would reduce residual ridge resorption or improve ischaemia.


Thirty rats were divided into six experimental groups (n = 5). The control group received no intentional stimulation, but rats in the experimental groups wore denture stimulators made of acrylic resin or a soft lining material. The stimulator transmitted masticatory pressure to the rats’ palates for four weeks. The four types of soft lining materials investigated in this study dispersed the applied pressure, with compressive stress ranging from 20.8 to 90.8 kPa. Volumes of blood flow and bone resorption of denture foundations were measured every week for 4 weeks. Statistical evaluation of these results was performed using two-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak test within 5% error limits.


Non-viscoelastic material clearly induced bone resorption and ischaemia of denture foundations, while viscoelastic materials reduced these phenomena to different extents according to their viscoelastic properties. Ischaemia in the alveolar ridge preceded residual ridge resorption, because the amount of residual ridge resorption and blood flow rate showed a simple linear regression.


Animal model of this study suggested that a distribution or reduction of mechanical stress could improve blood flow and decrease alveolar ridge resorption.  相似文献   

The mandibular implant-retained overdenture could improve masticatory function compared to the conventional complete denture. However, increased forces exerted by the overdenture could increase residual ridge resorption of the maxillary anterior and mandibular posterior areas. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the mandibular implant-retained overdenture using two or four dental implants, or the conventional complete denture on resorption of the residual ridge of the maxillary anterior and mandibular posterior areas over a period of 10 years. In total, 120 patients, 30 patients treated with an overdenture on two implants (two-implant group), 30 patients with an overdenture on four implants (four-implant group) and 60 patients treated with a conventional full denture (conventional group), participated in this study. On panoramic radiographs, made before and 10 years after treatment, proportional area measurements were applied to determine changes in bone height. After 10 years, a statistically significant amount of bone resorption had occurred in the anterior maxilla in the two-implant group and in the four-implant group. A significant amount of bone resorption had occurred in the posterior mandible in all three groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in both areas. Patients presented large individual differences. It is concluded that patients rehabilitated with implant-retained mandibular overdentures are not subjected to more residual ridge resorption in the anterior maxilla when compared to patients wearing a conventional full denture. Regarding the mandibular posterior residual ridge, resorption was irrespective of wearing an implant-retained mandibular overdenture or a conventional mandibular denture.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study investigated the change over time in the area of the posterior mandibular residual ridge in patients wearing either i) mandibular overdentures stabilised by two implants (Brånemark System; Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) connected by a bar, or ii) mandibular fixed cantilever prostheses stabilised on five or six implants. Proportional measurements were made in order to compare the area of the residual ridge with an area of bone uninfluenced by resorption. Measurements were made by digitising tracings of panoramic radiographs that were taken shortly after implant insertion and up to seven years later. With the use of overdentures, the posterior bone area index reduced by a mean of 1.1% per annum, while a mean bone area index increase of 1.6% per annum was demonstrated in association with fixed prostheses. A multiple linear regression model was fitted to predict the change in posterior area from type of prosthesis, gender, age, years of edentulism and initial height of the mandible. The model was only significant for initial height of mandible (P = 0.04) and type of prosthesis (P = 0.0001). In conclusion, patients rehabilitated with implant‐stabilised mandibular overdentures demonstrated low rates of posterior mandibular residual ridge resorption, while patients rehabilitated with implant‐stabilised mandibular fixed cantilever prostheses demonstrated bone apposition in the same area.  相似文献   

目的:探讨增强下颌严重低平牙槽嵴的老年无牙颌患者全口义齿修复固位、稳定的方法。方法:对在我科就诊的59例患者采用一些特殊的改良型方案进行下颌全口义齿修复用以增强义齿的固位和稳定效果,对比改良型与传统型方法设计、制作的两副下颌全口义齿,并采取问卷的形式获取患者的满意度。结果:经在我科就诊的59例患者对比改良型与传统型方法设计和制作的两副下颌全口义齿使用后,对于改良型方案81.36%(48例)患者作出"满意"评价,18.64%(11例)认为"有改善",没有"无差别"病例。结论:所采用的特殊改良型措施可有效增强下颌严重低平牙槽嵴全口义齿修复的固位和稳定。  相似文献   

目的:初步探讨下颌两侧非对称性牙槽嵴形态对全口义齿稳定性的影响.方法:利用激光三维扫描仪取得下颌无牙颌标准模型牙槽嵴表面形态数据,通过计算机辅助工程(CAE)软件形成下颌全口义齿,标准形态牙槽嵴黏膜,以及4种左右形态非对称的牙槽嵴黏膜三维有限元模型:首先建立标准牙槽嵴(S),其次按下颌牙槽骨不同部位吸收至S的1/4高度为条件,分别形成右侧磨牙区吸收(Rm),右侧后牙区吸收(Rpm),右侧牙槽骨吸收(Rapm)及左侧前牙区和右侧牙槽骨吸收(LaRapm)的黏膜模型.在S条件下义齿左右两侧咬合面的双尖牙区P,第一磨牙区M1及第二磨牙区M2等6个部位分别设定位于牙槽嵴顶及其颊侧的2个加载位置,共计12个加载点,单侧垂直加载9.8N的力,利用三维有限元分析各条件下义齿最大综合位移.结果:M1加载时各牙槽嵴条件下的义齿最大位移较P和M2加载时的小.各部位加载时LaRapm条件下义齿最大综合位移都较其他牙槽嵴条件下的大.左侧M2加载时的Rapm较Rm和Rpm的大,P加载及右侧M2加载时的Rm、Rpm、Rapm相近,且都大于S.结论:在单侧加载条件下,下颌两侧非对称性牙槽嵴前牙区高度影响全口义齿稳定性.  相似文献   



The effect of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate solution and microwave irradiation on surface roughness of one denture base resin (Lucitone 550 -L), 3 hard chairside reline resins (Tokuyama Rebase II-TR, New Truliner-NT, Ufi Gel hard-UH) and 3 resilient reline materials (Trusoft-T; Sofreliner-S, Dentusil-D) was evaluated.

Material and methods

Thirty specimens of each material were made and divided into 3 groups: Control - not disinfected; P - daily disinfection by immersing in sodium perborate solution (3.8%); MW - microwave disinfection (6 min/650 W). Roughness measurements were made after polymerization (baseline) and after 1, 3 and 28 days. Roughness differences relative to the baseline readings were analyzed by Student''s t-test (P=0.05).


At baseline, Trusoft showed the highest (P<0.001) mean surface roughness (3.54 µm), and its surface roughness was significantly reduced after 28 days of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate (P=0.013). Roughness measurements of material Trusoft were not performed after microwave disinfection due to the severe alterations on the surface. In the 3 groups evaluated, changes in roughness were significant for materials Ufi Gel hard (from 0.11 to 0.26 µm; P≤0.041) and New Truliner (0.19 to 0.76 µm; P≤0.019). The roughness of materials Lucitone 550 (0.37 µm), Tokuyama Rebase II (0.37 µm), Sofreliner (0.49 µm) and Dentusil (0.38 µm) remained unaffected (P>0.05).


The roughness of the hard reline materials Ufi Gel hard and New Truliner was adversely affected by microwave disinfection, immersion in water or in sodium perborate. Microwave disinfection caused severe alterations on the surface of the resilient liner Trusoft.  相似文献   

目的 探讨分光光度法与目测法测量义齿基托树脂色稳定性的相关性,以期确定分光光度法中的界值色差.方法 选取A、B两种红色义齿基托树脂(牙科丽义齿基托聚合物BQ-1,色号分别为2和3),各制作33个圆形试片,对试片一侧进行不同时间的光照处理,使其变色.30名色觉正常且具有1年以上口腔修复临床经验的口腔医学研究生分别对试片进行目测判定,结果计为"不变色"、"轻微变色"或"严重变色".用SP62分光光度仪测量试片两侧的色度值L*、a*、b*,计算色差△E.以色差△E为横坐标,以目测观察判定为"严重变色"的人数比例为纵坐标,绘制两种树脂的Logistic曲线.以50%观察者判定为"严重变色"时所对应的色差值,作为分光光度法的界值色差.结果 A、B树脂Logistic曲线的R2值分别为0.93和0.94;界值色差分别为2.87、2.82.结论 义齿基托树脂色稳定性评价中,分光光度仪数值测色方法与目测方法具有较好的相关性,不同色号的红色义齿基托树脂的界值色差相近.
Objective To explore the relationship between the spectrophotometric and visual methods in evaluating the color stability of denture base resin, and determine the threshold color difference of denture base resin in the spectrophotometric method. Methods Two kinds of denture base resin were respectively fabricated into 33 specimens whose color differences varied from indistinguishable to obvious.Each of the specimens was assessed respectively by 30 human observers and a SP62 spectrophotometer. The results of visual assement were recorded as "indistinguishable change", "light change" or "severe change",while the spectrophotometric color differences ( △ E) were calculated. In each group, a logistic curve was explored to determine the relationship between the color difference ( △ E) and the ratio of "severe change".Results The R squares of logistic curves were 0. 93 and 0. 94 respectively. The threshold color differences in the spectrophotometric method were 2. 87 and 2. 82 respectively. Conclusions A high relevance between the spectrophotometric and visual methods in evaluating the color stability of denture base resin was found.The threshold color differences for different color denture base resins were similar.  相似文献   

打磨与浸水对全口义齿后腭边缘封闭区适合性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究打磨与浸水对上颌义齿后腭边缘封闭区适合性的影响。方法:以快速水浴聚合法制作全口义齿基托,并于开盒后、磨除基托边缘0.5mm后,基托在(22±2)℃浸泡2d后及一周后用读数显微镜测量后腭边缘适合性。结果:打磨引起基托残余应力释放,基托适合性下降(P<0.05)。浸水2d后基托适合性继续下降(P<0.05),浸水1周后,与浸水2d时相比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:打磨引起的残余应力释放,但随时间延长越来越小,吸水膨胀有一定补偿作用。短期快速聚合法对基托适合性有不利影响。  相似文献   

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