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Early studies that used older tracing techniques reported exceedingly few projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) to the brainstem. The present report examined DR projections to the brainstem by use of the anterograde anatomical tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). DR fibers were found to terminate relatively substantially in several structures of the midbrain, pons, and medulla. The following pontine and midbrain nuclei receive moderate to dense projections from the DR: pontomesencephalic central gray, mesencephalic reticular formation, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, medial and lateral parabrachial nuclei, nucleus pontis oralis, nucleus pontis caudalis, locus coeruleus, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, and raphe nuclei, including the central linear nucleus, median raphe nucleus, and raphe pontis. The following nuclei of the medulla receive moderately dense projections from the DR: nucleus gigantocellularis, nucleus raphe magnus, nucleus raphe obscurus, facial nucleus, nucleus gigantocellularis-pars alpha, and the rostral ventrolateral medullary area. DR fibers project lightly to nucleus cuneiformis, nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, nucleus paragigantocellularis, nucleus reticularis ventralis, and hypoglossal nucleus. Some differences were observed in projections from rostral and caudal parts of the DR. The major difference was that fibers from the rostral DR distribute more widely and heavily than do those from the caudal DR to structures of the medulla, including raphe magnus and obscurus, nucleus gigantocellularis-pars alpha, nucleus paragigantocellularis, facial nucleus, and the rostral ventrolateral medullary area. A role for the dorsal raphe nucleus in several brainstem controlled functions is discussed, including REM sleep and its events, nociception, and sensory motor control. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry showed that the human rostral brainstem contained cholinergic neurons in the oculomotor, trochlear, and parabigeminal nuclei as well as within the reticular formation. The cholinergic neurons of the reticular formation were the most numerous and formed two intersecting constellations. One of these, designated Ch5, reached its peak density within the compact pedunculopontine nucleus but also extended into the regions through which the superior cerebellar peduncle and central tegmental tract course. The second constellation, designated Ch6, was centered around the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus and spread into the central gray and medial longitudinal fasciculus. There was considerable transmitter-related heterogeneity within the regions containing Ch5 and Ch6. In particular, Ch6 neurons were intermingled with catecholaminergic neurons belonging to the locus coeruleus complex. The lack of confinement within specifiable cytoarchitectonic boundaries and the transmitter heterogeneity justified the transmitter-specific Ch5 and Ch6 nomenclature for these two groups of cholinergic neurons. The cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis (Ch4) and those of the Ch5-Ch6 complex were both characterized by perikaryal heteromorphism and isodendritic arborizations. In addition to choline acetyltransferase, the cell bodies in both complexes also had high levels of acetylcholinesterase activity and nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein. However, there were also marked differences in cytochemical signature. For example, the Ch5-Ch6 neurons had high levels of NADPHd activity, whereas Ch4 neurons did not. On the other hand, the Ch4 neurons had high levels of NGF receptor protein, whereas those of Ch5-Ch6 did not. On the basis of animal experiments, it can be assumed that the Ch5 and Ch6 neurons provide the major cholinergic innervation of the human thalamus and that they participate in the neural circuitry of the reticular activating, limbic, and perhaps also extrapyramidal systems.  相似文献   

In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus is responsible for the generation of most circadian rhythms and their entrainment to environmental cues. Cholinergic agents can alter circadian rhythm phase, and fibres immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase, the biosynthetic enzyme for acetylcholine, are present in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Since there are no cholinergic somata in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, these fibres must represent the terminals of cholinergic neurons whose cell bodies are located elsewhere in the brain. This study was aimed at locating the cholinergic neurons that project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus by retrograde and anterograde tract-tracing and immunohistochemistry for choline acetyltransferase in the rat. After injection of fluorogold, a retrograde tracer, into the suprachiasmatic nucleus, retrogradely labelled neurons that were immunopositive for choline acetyltransferase were located throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the cholinergic basal nuclear complex, with highest densities in the substantia innominata and the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. A few cells were also located in the medial septum and in the vertical and horizontal limbs ofthe diagonal band of Broca. In the brainstem, double-labelled neurons were located in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and the parabigeminal nucleus. Injections of the anterograde tracer biocytin in these three brainstem nuclei resulted in fibre labelling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, consistent with the retrograde findings. No clearly double-labelled cells were located in the retina. These results suggest that the suprachiasmatic nucleus receives cholinergic afferents from both the basal forebrain and mesopontine tegmentum which may mediate cholinergic effects on circadian rhythms. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The origins of the cholinergic and other afferents of several thalamic nuclei were investigated in the rat by using the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated-horseradish peroxidase in combination with the immunohistochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity. Small injections placed into the reticular, ventral, laterodorsal, lateroposterior, posterior, mediodorsal, geniculate, and intralaminar nuclei resulted in several distinct patterns of retrograde labelling. As expected, the appropriate specific sensory and motor-related subcortical structures were retrogradely labelled after injections into the principal thalamic nuclei. In addition, other basal forebrain and brainstem structures were also labelled, with their distribution dependent on the site of injection. A large percentage of these latter projections was cholinergic. In the brainstem, the cholinergic pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus was retrogradely labelled after all thalamic injections, suggesting that it provides a widespread innervation to the thalamus. Neurons of the cholinergic laterodorsal tegmental nucleus were retrogradely labelled after injections into the anterior, laterodorsal, central medial, and mediodorsal nuclei, suggesting that it provides a projection to limbic components of the thalamus. Significant basal forebrain labelling occurred only with injections into the reticular and mediodorsal nuclei. Only injections into the reticular nucleus resulted in retrograde labelling of the cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The results provide evidence for an organized system of thalamic afferents arising from cholinergic and noncholinergic structures in the brainstem and basal forebrain. The brainstem structures, especially the cholinergic pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, appear to project directly to principal thalamic nuclei, thereby providing a possible anatomical substrate for mediating the well-known facilitory effects of brainstem stimulation upon thalamocortical transmission.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the cholinergic innervation of the brainstem reticular formation in an effort to understand the potential role of cholinergic neurons in processes of sensory-motor modulation and state control. The cholinergic cells and processes within the pontomedullary reticular formation were studied in the rat by application of peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemistry with silver intensification for choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT). ChAT-immunoreactive cells were located in the pontomesencephalic tegmentum within the laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental (LDT and PPT) nuclei, where they numbered approximately 3,000 on each side and were scattered in the midline, medial, and lateral medullary reticular formation, where they numbered approximately 10,000 in total on each side. The cholinergic neurons within the reticular formation were commonly medium in size and gave rise to multiple dendrites that extended for considerable distances within the periventricular gray or the reticular formation, as is typical of other isodendritic reticular neurons. A prominent innervation of the entire pontomedullary reticular formation was evident by varicose ChAT-immunoreactive fibers that often surrounded large noncholinergic reticular neurons in a typical perisomatic pattern of termination, suggesting a potent influence of the cholinergic innervation on pontomedullary reticular neurons. The contribution of the pontomesencephalic cholinergic neurons to the innervation of the medial medullary and lateral pontine reticular formation was studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) in combination with ChAT immunohistochemistry. A proportion of the cholinergic neurons within the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (pars alpha) and the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus were retrogradely labelled on the ipsilateral (10-15%) and contralateral (5-10%) sides from the medial medullary reticular formation, indicating a significant contribution to the cholinergic innervation of this region, which, however, also appeared to derive in part from intrinsic medullary cholinergic neurons. The major fiber system by which the medial medullary reticular formation was reached by the pontomesencephalic cholinergic neurons appeared to correspond to the lateral tegmentoreticular tract. Fibers passed from these cholinergic cells ventrally through the lateral pontine tegmentum, in the region of the subcoeruleus, where they also appeared to innervate by fibres en passage the noncholinergic neurons of the region. A significant proportion of the pontomesencephalic cholinergic neurons were retrogradely labelled from the lateral pontine tegmentum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cholinergic and PACAPergic systems within the oral pontine reticular nucleus (PnO) play a critical role in REM sleep generation in rats. In this present work, we have investigated whether REM sleep enhancement induced by carbachol (a cholinergic agonist) or PACAP, depends on an interaction between muscarinic and PACAP receptors. This hypothesis was tested by recording sleep-wake cycles in freely moving rats injected into the PnO with PACAP in combination with the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine, or with carbachol in combination with the PACAP receptor antagonist PACAP6-27. When administered alone, PACAP (3 pmol) or carbachol (110 pmol) induced an enhancement of REM sleep during 8 h (+61%, n = 8; +70%, n = 5), which was totally prevented by infusion of atropine (290 pmol) for PACAP, or of PACAP6-27 (3 pmol) for carbachol. Quantitative autoradiographic studies indicated that (i) PACAP (10-9-10-7 M) induced in the PnO an increase (+35%) of the specific binding of the muscarinic antagonist [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate, which could be completely prevented by PACAP6-27 (IC50 = 8 x 10-8 M) and (ii) both carbachol and PACAP enhanced [35S]GTP-gamma-S binding in a concentration-dependent manner in the PnO. The maximal increase due to carbachol was significantly higher in the presence (+126%) than in the absence (+102%) of PACAP (0.1 microM). These data showed that interactions between muscarinic and PACAP receptors do exist within the PnO and play a role in the local mechanisms of REM sleep control in the rat.  相似文献   

No previous report in any species has systematically examined the descending projections of the posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus (PH). The present report describes the descending projections of the PH in the rat by using the anterograde anatomical tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin. PH fibers mainly descend to the brainstem through two routes: dorsally, within the central tegmental tract; and ventromedially, within the mammillo-tegmental tract and its caudal extension, ventral reticulo-tegmental tracts. PH fibers were found to distribute densely to several nuclei of the brainstem. They are (from rostral to caudal) 1) lateral/ventrolateral regions of the diencephalo-mesopontine periaqueductal gray (PAG); 2) the peripeduncular nucleus; 3) discrete nuclei of pontomesencephalic central gray (dorsal raphe nucleus, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, and Barrington's nucleus); 4) the longitudinal extent of the central core of the mesencephalic through medullary reticular formation (RF); 5) the ventromedial medulla (nucleus gigantocellularis pars alpha, nucleus raphe magnus, and nucleus raphe pallidus); 6) the ventrolateral medulla (nucleus reticularis parvocellularis and the rostral ventrolateral medullary region); and 7) the inferior olivary nucleus. PH fibers originating from the caudal PH distribute much more heavily than those from the rostral PH to the lower brainstem. The PH has been linked to the control of several important functions, including respiration, cardiovascular activity, locomotion, antinociception, and arousal/wakefulness. It is likely that descending PH projections, particularly those to the PAG, the pontomesencephalic RF, Barrington's nucleus, and parts of the ventromedial and ventrolateral medulla, serve a role in a PH modulation of complex behaviors involving an integration of respiratory, visceromotor, and somatomotor activity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The course and terminations of the spinal and supraspinal projections of rat dorsal horn lamina I cells have been determined by antidromically activating the cells with a roving stimulating microelectrode which was used to map systematically the brainstem of the animals. The cells studied are the most common type of projection cell in lamina I of the rat with ascending axons coursing in the contralateral dorsolateral funiculus at C2. In the present study we have found that the axons decussate within 1–5 mm of the cell body. The ascending axons occupy a peripheral site within the dorsolateral funiculus at C2. Within the brainstem it was possible to identify a main or ‘parent’ axon which showed a progressive drop in conduction velocity as it coursed rostrally. All these terminated in the midbrain. In addition to the main branch each axon gave rise to several collaterals and these terminated in: (a) ventrolateral periaqueductal grey and the immediately lateral n. cuneiformis; and (b) the dorsal medullary reticular formation. (i.e. most fibres had two different projection zones). Since these cells did not project to the thalamus, it may be that the information they carry is used other than for purely sensory processes. One possibility is that they impinge on an antinociceptive system believed to originate in the periaqueductal grey.  相似文献   

B. N. Dugger, M. E. Murray, B. F. Boeve, J. E. Parisi, E. E. Benarroch, T. J. Ferman and D. W. Dickson (2012) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 38, 142–152 Neuropathological analysis of brainstem cholinergic and catecholaminergic nuclei in relation to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder Aims: Rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) is characterized by loss of muscle atonia during rapid eye movement sleep and is associated with dream enactment behaviour. RBD is often associated with α‐synuclein pathology, and we examined if there is a relationship of RBD with cholinergic neuronal loss in the pedunculopontine/laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (PPN/LDT), compared to catecholaminergic neurones in a neighbouring nucleus, the locus coeruleus (LC). Methods: This retrospective study utilized human brain banked tissues of 11 Lewy body disease (LBD) cases with RBD, 10 LBD without RBD, 19 Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 10 neurologically normal controls. Tissues were stained with choline acetyl transferase immunohistochemistry to label neurones of PPN/LDT and tyrosine hydroxylase for the LC. The burden of tau and α‐synuclein pathology was measured in the same regions with immunohistochemistry. Results: Both the LC and PPN/LDT were vulnerable to α‐synuclein pathology in LBD and tau pathology in AD, but significant neuronal loss was only detected in these nuclei in LBD. Greater cholinergic depletion was found in both LBD groups, regardless of RBD status, when compared with normals and AD. There were no differences in either degree of neuronal loss or burden of α‐synuclein pathology in LBD with and without RBD. Conclusions: Whether decreases in brainstem cholinergic neurones in LBD contribute to RBD is uncertain, but our findings indicate these neurones are highly vulnerable to α‐synuclein pathology in LBD and tau pathology in AD. The mechanism of selective α‐synuclein‐mediated neuronal loss in these nuclei remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Purpose: The endocannabinoid system is known to modulate seizure activity in several in vivo and in vitro models, and CB1‐receptor activation is anticonvulsant in the rat pilocarpine model of acquired epilepsy (AE). In these epileptic rats, a unique redistribution of the CB1 receptor occurs within the hippocampus; however, an anatomically inclusive analysis of the effect of status epilepticus (SE)–induced AE on CB1 receptors has not been thoroughly evaluated. Therefore, statistical parametric mapping (SPM), a whole‐brain unbiased approach, was used to study the long‐term effect of pilocarpine‐induced SE on CB1‐receptor binding and G‐protein activation in rats with AE. Methods: Serial coronal sections from control and epileptic rats were cut at equal intervals throughout the neuraxis and processed for [3H]WIN55,212‐2 (WIN) autoradiography, WIN‐stimulated [35S]GTPγS autoradiography, and CB1‐receptor immunohistochemistry (IHC). The autoradiographic techniques were evaluated with both region of interest (ROI) and SPM analyses. Key Findings: In rats with AE, regionally specific increases in CB1‐receptor binding and activity were detected in cortex, discrete thalamic nuclei, and other regions including caudate‐putamen and septum, and confirmed by IHC. However, CB1 receptors were unaltered in several brain regions, including substantia nigra and cerebellum, and did not exhibit regional decreases in rats with AE. Significance: This study provides the first comprehensive evaluation of the regional distribution of changes in CB1‐receptor expression, binding, and G‐protein activation in the rat pilocarpine model of AE. These regions may ultimately serve as targets for cannabinomimetic compounds or manipulation of the endocannabinoid system in epileptic brain.  相似文献   

The substantia nigra (SN) has long been known as an important source of afferents to the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN). However, it has not been established which of the chemospecific cell populations receive this synaptic input. We sought to address this issue by a correlative light and electron microscopic approach that combines anterograde tracing of nigral efferents with pre-embedding choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and/or glutamate (Glu) immunohistochemistry. Following large bilateral injections of Phaseolus vulgaris–leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in the SN, the labeled nigrotegmental fibers were concentrated in a small area of the mesopontine tegmentum which contained very few ChAT-immunoreactive (ChAT-ir) cell bodies. However, strands of fine varicose fibers penetrated to adjacent regions of the PPN which harbored numerous cholinergic perikarya. The anterogradely labeled boutons were often seen in the proximity of ChAT-ir perikarya and dendrites, but the majority (82–93%) established symmetric synaptic junctions with noncholinergic profiles. In the pars dissipata of the PPN (PPNd), one-third of the labeled terminals synapsed onto noncholinergic perikarya and primary dendrites, while in the pars compacta of the PPN (PPNc) axosomatic synapses were rare. The possibility that the perikarya receiving a rich synaptic input from the SN are glutamatergic was tested in experiments combining anterograde transport of biotinylated tracers biocytin and dextran-amine (BDA) with glutamate immunohistochemistry. In double-labeled sections, Glu-ir perikarya within the terminal plexus of nigrotegmental fibers were surrounded by synaptic terminals. The PPNd also contained retrogradely BDA-labeled neurons which were contacted by anterogradely labeled terminals. These results indicate that although a small subpopulation of cholinergic neurons in the mesopontine tegmentum receive direct synaptic input from the SN, the primary target of nigrotegmental fibers are glutamatergic cells in the PPNd. Our results also provide ultrastructural evidence that some nigrotegmental fibers innervate pedunculonigral neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 395:359–379, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In female rats, estrogen has been reported to enhance cocaine sensitization. Here we investigated the effect of estrogen and cocaine treatments on GABA(B)-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding. Ovariectomized rats without (OVX) and with estrogen treatment (OVX-EB) were pretreated with saline or cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) for 5 days and after 1 week of withdrawal challenged with cocaine. One hour after the final injection, animals were sacrificed, brains immediately frozen, and stored at -70 degrees C for subsequent cryosectioning. In vitro functional autoradiography was performed using baclofen (300 microM), a GABA(B) receptor agonist, to stimulate [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in tissue sections at the level of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). OVX-EB rats showed lower levels of [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in the VTA (-15%) and entorhinal cortex (EC) (-60%). The effect of cocaine on GABA(B)-mediated G-protein activation varied with the presence of estrogen. Repeated cocaine administration reduced [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in the VTA and EC of OVX rats and increased it in OVX-EB. Thus, our data suggest that estrogen reduces GABA(B)-mediated G-protein activation in female rats. The results also show that estrogen strongly influences cocaine-induced alterations in GABA(B) function in the VTA and EC of female rats.  相似文献   

Large neurons in laminae III and IV of the spinal cord which express the neurokinin 1 receptor and have dendrites that enter the superficial laminae are a major target for substance P (SP)-containing (nociceptive) primary afferents. Although some of these neurons project to the thalamus, we know little about other possible projection targets. The main aim of this study was to determine whether all cells of this type are projection neurons and to provide information about brainstem sites to which they project. Injections of cholera toxin B subunit were made into four brainstem areas that receive input from the spinal cord, and the proportion of cells of this type in the L4 spinal segment that were retrogradely labelled was determined in each case. The results suggest that most of these cells (>90%) project to the contralateral lateral reticular nucleus (or to a nearby region), while many (>60%) send axons to the lateral parabrachial area and some to the dorsal part of the caudal medulla. However, few of these cells project to the periaqueductal grey matter. As lamina I neurons with the neurokinin 1 receptor appear to be important in the generation of hyperalgesia, we also examined projection neurons in this lamina and found that for each injection site the great majority possessed the receptor. These results demonstrate that dorsal horn neurons which express the neurokinin 1 receptor contribute to several ascending pathways that are thought to be important in pain mechanisms.  相似文献   

Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of substantia nigra pars compacta (SNPC) neurons in rats induce behavioural hypersensitivity to dopaminergic agonists. However, the role of specific dopamine receptors is unclear, and potential alterations in their transduction mechanisms remain to be evaluated. The present study addressed these issues employing the dopaminergic agonist, quinelorane, which efficaciously stimulated G-protein activation (as assessed by [35S]GTPγS binding) at cloned hD2 (and hD3) receptors. At rat striatal membranes, dopamine stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding by 1.9-fold over basal, but its actions were only partially reversed by the selective D2/D3 receptor antagonist, raclopride, indicating the involvement of other receptor subtypes. In contrast, quinelorane-induced stimulation (48% of the effect of dopamine) was abolished by raclopride, and by the D2 receptor antagonist, L741,626. Further, novel antagonists selective for D3 and D4 receptors, S33084 and S18126, respectively, blocked the actions of quinelorane at concentrations corresponding to their affinities for D2 receptors. Quinelorane potently induced contralateral rotation in unilaterally 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, an effect abolished by raclopride and L741,626, but not by D3 and D4 receptor-selective doses of S33084 and S18126, respectively. In functional ([35S]GTPγS) autoradiography experiments, quinelorane stimulated G-protein activation in caudate putamen and, to a lesser extent, in nucleus accumbens and cingulate cortex of naive rats. In unilaterally SNPC-lesioned rats, quinelorane-induced G-protein activation in the caudate putamen on the non-lesioned side was similar to that seen in naive animals (50% stimulation), but significantly greater on the lesioned side (80%). This increase was both pharmacologically and regionally specific since it was reversed by raclopride, and was not observed in nucleus accumbens or cingulate cortex. In conclusion, the present data indicate that, in rat striatum, the actions of quinelorane are mediated primarily by D2 receptors, and suggest that behavioural hypersensitivity to this agonist, induced by unilateral SNPC lesions, is associated with an increase in D2, but not D3 or D4, receptor-mediated G-protein activation.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings and morphological identification of neurons by means of intracellular HRP staining were performed in the midbrain-pontine tegmentum of the cat. Electrical stimulation of the substantia nigra, pars reticulata, induced short-latency inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in tegmental neurons, as previously reported. These tegmental neurons were distributed not only in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTN) (26 cells), but also in the cuneiform nucleus (CNF) (13 cells), the central gray substance (CG) (four cells), the parabrachial nucleus (three cells), and the tegmentum between the inferior colliculus and the CG (two cells). The morphological characteristics of the HRP-stained tegmental neurons were analyzed by camera lucida drawings of 16 well-stained cells, i.e., ten PPTN neurons, three CNF neurons, two neurons in the tegmentum between the IC/CG, and one CG neuron. All of these neurons seem to be classified as "isodendritic" neurons. Regardless of the soma size (15-120 micron in diameter), most of the tegmental neurons showed wide dendritic fields of 1-2 mm, mediolaterally, and 0.5-1 mm, dorsoventrally. These results indicate that the nigrotegmental projections exert an inhibitory influence on the neurons located in a wide variety of nuclei of the midbrain-pontine dorsal tegmentum.  相似文献   

In rats, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep can be elicited by microinjection of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) into the oral pontine reticular nucleus (PnO). In the present study, we investigated whether this area could also be a REM-promoting target for a peptide closely related to VIP: the pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP). When administered into the posterior part of the PnO, but not in nearby areas, of freely moving chronically implanted rats, PACAP-27 and PACAP-38 (0.3 and 3 pmol) induced a marked enhancement (60-85% over baseline) of REM sleep for 8 h that could be prevented by prior infusion of the antagonist PACAP-(6-27) (3 pmol) into the same site. Moreover, injections of PACAP into the centre of the posterior PnO resulted in REM sleep enhancement which could last for up to 11 consecutive days. Quantitative autoradiography using [125I]PACAP-27 revealed the presence in the PnO of specific binding sites with high affinity for PACAP-27 and PACAP-38 (IC50 = 2.4 and 3.2 nM, respectively), but very low affinity for VIP (IC50 > 1 microM). These data suggest that PACAP within the PnO may play a key role in REM sleep regulation, and provide evidence for long-term (several days) mechanisms involved in such a control. PAC1 receptors which have a much higher affinity for PACAP than for VIP might mediate this long-term action of PACAP on REM sleep.  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and compare the potential of four DBS targets in rats for regulating bladder activity: the periaqueductal gray (PAG), locus coeruleus (LC), rostral pontine reticular nucleus (PnO), and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg).


A bipolar stimulating electrode was implanted. The effects of DBS on the inhibition and activation of micturition reflexes were investigated by using isovolumetric intravesical pressure recordings.


PAG DBS at 2–2.5 V, PnO DBS at 2–2.5 V, and PPTg DBS at 1.75–2.5 V nearly completely inhibited reflexive isovolumetric bladder contractions. By contrast, LC DBS at 1.75 and 2 V slightly augmented reflexive isovolumetric bladder contractions in rats. DBSs on PnO and PPTg at higher intensities (2.5–5 V) demonstrated a higher success rate and larger contraction area evocation in activating bladder contractions in a partially filled bladder. DBS targeting the PPTg was most efficient in suppressing reflexive isovolumetric bladder contractions.


PPTg DBS demonstrated stable results and high potency for controlling bladder contractions. PPTg might be a promising DBS target for developing new neuromodulatory approaches for the treatment of bladder dysfunctions.


DBS could be a potential approach to manage bladder function under various conditions.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test whether chronic neuroleptic treatment, which is known to alter both expression and density of dopamine D(2) receptors in striatal regions, has effects upon function and binding level of the cannabinoid CB(1) receptor in the basal ganglia by using receptor autoradiography. As predicted, subchronic haloperidol treatment resulted in increased binding of (3)H-raclopride and quinpirole-induced guanosine 5'-O-(gamma-[(35)S]thio)triphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) in the striatum when compared to that measured in control animals. This increased D(2) receptor binding and function after 3 days washout was normalized after a 2-week washout period. Effect of haloperidol treatment was studied for CB(1) receptor binding and CP55,940-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS in the striatum, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. (3)[H]CP55,940 binding levels were found in rank order from highest to lowest in substantia nigra > globus pallidus > striatum. Furthermore, subchronic haloperidol treatment resulted in elevated binding levels of (3)[H]CP55,940 in the striatum and the substantia nigra and CB(1) receptor-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS bindings in the substantia nigra after 3 days washout. These increased binding levels were normalized at 1-4 weeks after termination of haloperidol treatment. Haloperidol treatment had no significant effect on CB(1) receptor or [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding levels in globus pallidus. The results help to elucidate the underlying biochemical mechanism of CB(1) receptor supersensitivity after haloperidol treatment.  相似文献   

The subregional distribution of mu opioid receptors and corresponding G-protein activation were examined in the striatum, amygdala, and extended amygdala of cynomolgus monkeys. The topography of mu binding sites was defined using autoradiography with [(3)H]DAMGO, a selective mu ligand. In adjacent sections, the distribution of receptor-activated G proteins was identified with DAMGO-stimulated guanylyl 5'(gamma-[(35)S]thio)triphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) binding. Within the striatum, the distribution of [(3)H]DAMGO binding sites was characterized by a distinct dorsal-ventral gradient with a higher concentration of binding sites at more rostral levels of the striatum. [(3)H]DAMGO binding was further distinguished by the presence of patch-like aggregations within the caudate, as well as smaller areas of very dense receptor binding sites, previously identified in human striatum as neurochemically unique domains of the accumbens and putamen (NUDAPs). The amygdala contained the highest concentration of [(3)H]DAMGO binding sites measured in this study, with the densest levels of binding noted within the basal, accessory basal, paralaminar, and medial nuclei. In the striatum and amygdala, the distribution of DAMGO-stimulated G-protein activation largely corresponded with the distribution of mu binding sites. The central and medial nuclei of the amygdala, however, were notable exceptions. Whereas the concentration of [(3)H]DAMGO binding sites in the central nucleus of the amygdala was very low, the concentration of DAMGO-stimulated G-protein activation in this nucleus, as measured with [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding, was relatively high compared to other portions of the amygdala containing much higher concentrations of [(3)H]DAMGO binding sites. The converse was true in the medial nucleus, where high concentrations of binding sites were associated with lower levels of DAMGO-stimulated G-protein activation. Finally, [(3)H]DAMGO and [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding within the amygdala, particularly the medial nucleus, formed a continuum with the substantia innominata and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, supporting the concept of the extended amygdala in primates.  相似文献   

Neurons in the medullary reticular formation (MRF; nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis) were evaluated for their involvement in the analgesia produced by focal electrical stimulation and microinjection of morphine into the periaqueductal gray region (PAG) of the rat mesencephalon. Analgesia-producing PAG stimulation altered the spontaneous activity of 80% of the neurons in the MRF (both excitation and inhibition were observed) and inhibited the noxious-evoked excitation of 75% of MRF neurons. Microinjection of morphine into the PAG also increased (50%) and decreased (17%) the spontaneous activity of MRF units and inhibited the noxious-evoked excitation of 47% of MRF neurons. These effects were specific for analgesia produced by the PAG manipulations and were partially reversed by naloxone. The role of the MRF in PAG-induced analgesias and the degree of overlap in neuronal systems influenced by intracranial morphine and electrical stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

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