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The objectives of the study were to isolate and chemically characterize the iron in wheat and to determine the biological availability to the rat of the iron as the purified complex(es). Hard wheat bran contained no butanol extractable or water extractable iron, but approximately 60% of the iron was extracted by 1 to 1.2 M NaCl or ammonium acetate solution. This salt extractable iron complex was purified and identified as monoferric phytate. The purified monoferric phytate was soluble in water. Synthetic monoferric phytate was prepared from sodium phytate and ferric chloride and determined to have spectral characteristics and gel filtration chromatography behavior identical to the complex isolated from wheat bran. The butanol-water-salt extracted bran residue contained no detectable phytate and an as yet uncharacterized form of iron. The biological availability of the iron to the rat was determined by a hemoglobin depletion-repletion bioassay. The relative biological value of the iron as monoferric phytate, either isolated from wheat bran or the synthetic product, was equal to the reference compound, ferrous ammonium sulfate. In contrast, the biological availability of the iron in the bran residue was significantly lower and the low biological availability of an insoluble form of ferric phytate was confirmed. It is concluded that the major portion of the iron in wheat is monoferric phytate and has a high biological availability to the rat. Monoferric phytate in bran may be bound to cationic sites of proteins or other cellular components and utilization of the iron may be through solubilization of the monoferric phytate by ion exchange type mechanism rather than by hydrolysis of the phytate as has been postulated.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》1987,7(3):253-263
Interactions involving phytate and trace element absorption have largely dealt with iron and zinc. The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction of phytate as found in soy protein with Cr status. Male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to 5 groups, 10 rats per group. The 5 groups had either ground beef (GB), textured soy protein (TSP), a combination of GB and TSP (GB:TSP), Torula yeast (TY), or TY with added Cr (TY+CR) as the protein source. At wk 4, 7, and 10, an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was conducted, while at wk 13 or 15 lipoprotein lipase activity (LPL), total plasma cholesterol and insulin were determined. All 5 groups had a glucose removal rate (GRR) of 2.7%/min or lower during wk 7 of the experiment. By wk 10, the GRR improved in TSP fed rats (p<0.05) and tended to improve in the TY+Cr, GB:TSP and GB fed animals. The fasting plasma insulin of the TY+Cr fed animals was significantly greater than the GB, TSP, and GB:TSP fed animals (p<0.05). Concurrent plasma glucose was not significantly different. Total plasma cholesterol was not significantly different among the 5 groups. In all groups, the fed LPL activity was significantly greater than the fasted LPL activity (p<0.05). These results suggest that 0.35% phytate as found in the TSP diet is not detrimental to Cr status.  相似文献   

Soaking of cereal grains has been suggested as a method to reduce their phytate content and hence increase their mineral availability. Whole and milled wholegrain, normal and low phytate sorghum and normal maize were studied. Soaking of unmilled sorghum and maize did not result in substantial reductions in phytate or mineral contents. With milled grains, phytate solubilisation was somewhat greater in maize than in sorghum after a short (1?h) soaking period but not after 6–12?h of soaking when practically all phytate had been solubilised. Also, with milled, low phyate sorghums, phytate solubilisation was not substantially higher than in their null controls. Soaking milled grain substantially reduced mineral contents and Ca?×?phytate:zinc molar ratios. However, the loss in soluble minerals could have a greater negative effect on mineral availability, compared to the positive effect of the phytate reduction. Thus, soaking does not seem to be a viable household method to improve sorghum and maize mineral availability.  相似文献   

1. Steers with rumen and simple duodenal cannulas were allowed to graze pasture or were given diets of dried grass or flaked maize with or without hay. For an experiment a solution or suspension of magnesium chloride, polyethylene glycol (molecular weight 4000) and either 144Ce (as cerous chloride) or chromic oxide was added to the rumen with a morning feed. Conditions in the rumen were sometimes modified by adding sodium chloride or hydrochloric acid. 2. Changes in magnesium:marker in samples of strained rumen contents with time interval after adding the dose were due partly to changes in Mg distribution between different phases. Results indicated, but not unequivocably, that negligible amounts of Mg were absorbed in the first few hours. 3. Relative recoveries of Mg and markers at the duodenum indicated that proportions of Mg intake absorbed (net) varied from approximately zero for pasture to 0.2--0.5 for flaked maize. Significant correlations between absorption efficiency and sodium:potassium in rumen contents (positive) and rumen pH (negative) were observed. 4. Steers with simple duodenal and re-entrant ileal cannulas were given a diet of flaked maize and hay supplemented with different amounts of magnesium oxide. Little net change in Mg relative to an unabsorbed marker was found between these sites even for a diet containing an Mg supplement of 8 g/kg dry matter.  相似文献   

植酸磷的测定──离子交换法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍用离子交换法测定植酸磷的含量。对消化终点、最适的提取时间、离子交换树脂的分离效果进行了试验。黄豆粉、窝窝头、豆腐干植酸测得值的变异系数分别为2.16%、4.92%、1.78%,回收率依次为103.38%、102.81%、103.41%。植酸标准品的植酸含量理论值为57.64%,本法测定值为55.23%,相对误差为2.14%。本法的精密度及准确度均符合要求。  相似文献   

Soy protein, phytate, and iron absorption in humans.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The effect of reducing the phytate in soy-protein isolates on nonheme-iron absorption was examined in 32 human subjects. Iron absorption was measured by using an extrinsic radioiron label in liquid-formula meals containing hydrolyzed corn starch, corn oil, and either egg white or one of a series of soy-protein isolates with different phytate contents. Iron absorption increased four- to fivefold when phytic acid was reduced from its native amount of 4.9-8.4 to less than 0.01 mg/g of isolate. Even relatively small quantities of residual phytate were strongly inhibitory and phytic acid had to be reduced to less than 0.3 mg/g of isolate (corresponding to less than 10 mg phytic acid/meal) before a meaningful increase in iron absorption was observed. However, even after removal of virtually all the phytic acid, iron absorption from the soy-protein meal was still only half that of the egg white control. It is concluded that phytic acid is a major inhibitory factor of iron absorption in soy-protein isolates but that other factors contribute to the poor bioavailability of iron from these products.  相似文献   

Iron absorption in man: ascorbic acid and dose-dependent inhibition by phytate   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The dose-dependent inhibitory effect of sodium phytate on iron absorption was studied in man by serving wheat rolls containing no phytates and rolls to which various amounts (seven dose levels between 2 and 250 mg expressed as phytate phosphorus) were added just before serving. Fe in the two kinds of rolls was labeled with two radioisotopes of Fe (55Fe, 59Fe) and the rolls were served on alternate days. The inhibition of Fe absorption was strongly related to the amount of phytate added; 2 mg inhibited absorption by 18%, (p less than 0.001), 25 mg by 64% (p less than 0.001), and 250 mg by 82% (p less than 0.001). The addition of ascorbic acid significantly counteracted the inhibition whereas the corresponding effect of meat was less well defined and only seen at the highest phytate level. The marked inhibition of Fe absorption by phytates and the significant counteracting effect of ascorbic acid have wide nutritional implications.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》1987,7(8):833-842
Experiments were carried out on iron-chelating capacity of phytic acid in fortified and unfortified diets of whole wheat, white flour and wheat bran using albino rats in a 10-day balance study. The results revealed that gross digestibility was highest in control diet (93.25%), least in the wheat brain diet with added ferrous sulfate (86.70%) and intermediate in other diets. Among the unfortified and fortified diets, the highest amount of phytate was present in the diet having wheat bran (2.69–4.99 mg/g). Phytate concentration of the rat faeces followed the pattern of dietary phytate content of test diets. The data indicated high values for iron (200.00–236.64 mg/g) in fortified diets while in the unfortified diets, the value was the same (16.67 mg/g) except the casein diet, which contained 69.99 mg/g of iron. Iron concentration of the fat faeces ranged 16.25–23.50 mg/g; the higher value being in the excreta of animals given fortified diets. The casein diet had iron 46.75 mg/g. The overall results showed that the phytate absorption was relatively higher in groups fed fortified diets. Iron absorption almost followed the pattern of phytate absorption. Correlation co-efficient analysis showed insignificant relationship between iron and phytate absorption indicating little effect of dietary phytate on the biovailability of iron.  相似文献   

1. The effects of phosphorus deprivation on phytate digestibility, phosphorus utilization and intestinal phytase (EC and alkaline phosphatase (EC in rats were investigated. 2. P deprivation was achieved by giving rats a diet containing 3 g P/kg and resulted in hypophosphataemia, hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria, and lower levels of P absorbed and retained, and calcium retained. 3. Rats adapted to P deprivation by increasing the digestion of total dietary-P and phytate-P. 4. Levels of intestinal alkaline phosphatase and alkaline phytase were not different between the two treatment groups. 5. P deprivation in the rats given the marginal-P diet may be a result of a lower absorption of total dietary-P or increased absorption of inositol phosphates formed during the enzymatic hydrolysis of phytate which are not readily utilized by the rat. 6. These results suggest that intestinal phytase and alkaline phosphatase do not play a role in the adaptive increase in phytate digestibility by rats given marginal-P diets. The adaptation may result from enhanced phytase or alkaline phosphatase synthesis by the gastrointestinal microflora stimulated by a lower level of P in the digesta.  相似文献   

Food composition data are important for estimating energy and nutrient intakes. The objectives of this study were, first, to evaluate the proximate and inorganic composition of foods eaten in northern Benin and second, to estimate the potentially inhibiting effect of phytate on iron and zinc bioavailability. Chemical analyses were performed in 23 samples of most frequently consumed foodstuffs collected from retailers in local markets. Proximate composition was analysed by routine methods. Inorganic constituents and phytate were analysed using ICP-AES and HPLC. Protein contents were in agreement with those in FAO food composition database. Fat and fibre were in general higher whereas carbohydrate and energy were lower. Differences were mainly due to analytical or calculation methods. The most important sources of iron and zinc in children's diets were maize, sorghum and millet. In these cereals, iron and zinc ranged from 2.6 to 8.4 and 2.2 to 3.4 mg/100 g, respectively. Phytate ranged from 104 to 503 mg/100 g. Phytate/iron and phytate/zinc molar ratios ranged from 1 to 11 and 3 to 22, respectively. They suggest poor iron and zinc bioavailability. Reducing phytate and polyphenol contents in order to improve iron and zinc bioavailability from the most frequently consumed cereal food needs to be studied.  相似文献   

1. Differences in the extent of breakdown of phytate in wholemeal and white flours prepared from three wheats when the flours were made into bread using the three main UK commercial breadmaking processes were investigated. 2. The extent of breakdown (31-46% for wholemeal breads, 88-99% for white breads) was not proportional to the relative processing times involved (1-4 h). The importance of destruction of phytate in the oven is stressed. 3. The phytase (myo-inositol hexaphosphate phosphohydrolase, EC 3. 1. 3.8) activities of the wholemeal flours and the yeast were determined. Re-examination of some information in the literature enabled the relative importance of these activities, and of the various stages of breadmaking, in determining the extent of hydrolysis of phytate to be assessed. 4. Average values for the molar ratio, phytate: zinc, of 22:1 and 0.8:1 were calculated for wholemeal and white breads respectively. The nutritional significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Representative samples of 30 staple Malawian foods, raw and prepared “as eaten,” were analyzed for phytate using an anion-exchange method, and for calcium and zinc by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Phytic acid contents expressed on a fresh weight (FW) basis ranged from 211–1089 mg/100 g for cereals and 166–1297 mg/100 g for legumes, to 4–97 mg/100 g for leaves, 10–59 mg/100 g for roots, and 11–25 mg/100 g for fruits. In general, leaves had the highest calcium content (81–514 mg/100 g FW), followed by kidney beans (90 mg/100 g FW), and dry pigeon peas (112 mg/100 g FW). The calcium content of other foods analyzed was relatively low. The zinc content of wild blight, cassava leaves, and okra leaves was comparable to that for the less refined cereals and legumes (i.e., > 1.0 mg/100 g FW), but higher than that of highly refined cereals, pumpkin leaves, chinese cabbage, and other foods analysed (i.e., < 1.0 mg/100 g FW). Cooking had no effect on the phytate content of cereals, but milling and fermentation reduced both the phytate and zinc contents of maize flour. The phytate:Zn molar ratios calculated for all cereals and most legumes analyzed were greater than 20:1. Corresponding Ca:phytate molar ratios were low. Fruits, except for mangoes, vegetables, and roots, had low phytate: Zn molar ratios, but their Ca:phytate and [Ca][phytate]/[Zn] molar ratios were high. Mangoes had high phytate:Zn, Ca:phytate, and [Ca][phytate]/[Zn] molar ratios. These analytical results suggest that the bioavailability of zinc in the Malawian diet is probably low, due to the high phytic acid content of the staple foods.  相似文献   

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