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周一海 《健康生活》2013,(11):27-27
在前几年,网络成瘾只在青少年中才会出现,如今“手机成瘾”几乎已是全民化,老的少的,可谓人人皆为手机狂。从“微博控”、“微信控”,再到时下最热的“打飞机”等手机游戏,很多人因为玩手机患上了“手机手”、视力下降、幻听症和强迫症等。如何摆脱各种手机病,不妨一起来听听医生的建议。  相似文献   

撞钟 《家庭医生》2012,(4):64-65
2011年11月11日,在被誉为世纪一遇的“神棍节”面前。万众瞩目的苹果手机iPhone4S在香港、韩国及其他13个国家和地区开售,吸引了大批“果粉”疯狂抢购。当手机系统越来越智能,功能越来越齐全,手机俨如当初电视一样成为普罗大众的新宠。然而,对手机过分依赖,却有可能导致“手机综合征”。  相似文献   

“手机综合征”主要表现为对手机产生很强的依赖心理,又称为“手机依赖症”或是“手机焦虑症”。现代人睡觉前总是忍不住刷电脑、刷手机上瘾,这实际上是一种自控能力的丧失。不能控制自己的行为,会对自己失望、自责,处在一种“应该睡觉”和“不能放下手机、电脑”的;中突矛盾中,会造成内心的搅动。时间长了会形成一定的情绪影响,易导致抑郁。  相似文献   

手机是现代人不可或缺的生活用品,但手机在给人们带来愉悦、方便、效率之时,也暴露了人们对它的无时无处存在的无奈。特别是在特殊的环境中,手机的不当使用日益为人所关注。  相似文献   

“你还没给孩子买手机呢?太落伍了吧。”以前手机是奢侈品,现在却几乎人手一部,像小学生带手机上学都是平常事儿,如果没有反倒显得落伍和另类,“手机族”逐渐呈现低龄化趋势。但是,家长可能没注意到手机在方便与孩子联系、防止不安全因素的同时,  相似文献   

于春艳 《健康必读》2008,7(3):42-43
美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)发布了全球手机辐射排行榜,手机的辐射到底有多厉害?俄罗斯KP网站做了一个“手机煮鸡蛋”实验,他们通过手机的通话来煮熟鸡蛋,首先选择了一个鸡蛋放置在杯子里,之后在鸡蛋的两侧分别放置了两个手机,接着便进行了通话,在开始的15分钟里,鸡蛋似乎没有发生什么明显的变化,当通话进行到25分钟的时候,鸡蛋壳开始发烫,继续通话到65分钟,鸡蛋已经完全熟透。  相似文献   

我们无法弄清那部名为《手机》的贺岁片的热播.在多少夫妻、情侣间引起了共鸣,但可以肯定,作为通讯工具的手机在影片中变成了“杀伤力”很强的“手雷”,在令人爆笑之余足以引发不少男士的警觉或恐慌,难怪有人警告“千万别带老婆或女友去看《手机》”,剧中的那句“这哪是手机啊,  相似文献   

新闻显示 放大假归来。很多朋友都感觉并不轻松,原因就是小小的手机!忘带手机便会心烦意乱;常将其他声音幻想为手机铃声;整天抱着手机发短信,懒得通过其他方式和外界交流;害怕辐射,手机不敢放在胸前、腰间等贴身部位……在九成都市人拥有手机的前提下.有专家称.手机产生的非正常影响,学名称为“手机综合征”,请注意:莫让手机“骚扰”你的生活。[编者按]  相似文献   

牙科手机是口腔科医生对牙科类疾病诊断治疗的重要工具,其使用前的无菌且功能完好直接影响临床应用与治疗效果。本文整合了有关牙科手机的处理经验,结合我院的实际情况,对牙科手机预处理、机械热力清洗和消毒、保养及灭菌环节的使用条件、流程进行说明,并分别提出了新的建议和方法。运用新方法对牙科手机进行清洗消毒,既能提高清洗质量确保灭菌效果,又能预防医院感染的发生。  相似文献   

柯大夫: 半年多时间以来,由于业务原因,我很多时候都是长时间举着手机讲电话,有时还用手机看小说、打游戏。最近,我常感手部麻木、隐痛。看了医生后,被告知患了“手机肘”。请问,这是怎么回事,应如何防范呢?  相似文献   

目的 使用2009年、2012年、2015年3个年份的样本量来分析重庆地区在2009—2015年间的肥胖检出情况、肥胖对学生的身体机能和常见疾病的影响情况,为改善学生生理机能、降低相关疾病寻找依据和方法。方法 通过分析2009年、2012年、2015年重庆市学生体质健康监测的累加数据,观察肥胖对学生血压、肺活量、肺活量指数、视力等身体机能的影响以及对近视、龋齿等常见疾病的影响。结果 2009年、2012年、2015年学生累计样本数为202 235人,体质量指数为肥胖的学生9 529人,肥胖率为4.71%,其中男生肥胖率为5.79%,女生肥胖率为3.73%,男生肥胖率高于女生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=473.66,P<0.01);城市学生肥胖率为5.88%,乡村学生肥胖率为3.66%,城市学生肥胖率高于乡村学生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=551.30,P<0.01)。在生理功能方面,非肥胖组学生右眼视力、左眼视力、收缩压、舒张压、肺活量、肺活量指数均优于肥胖组学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。肥胖组学生龋失补总牙数均值与非肥胖组学生比较,差值为-0.22颗/人,差异有统计学意义(t=-16.31,P<0.01);肥胖组与非肥胖组的龋齿检出率分别为13.43%和20.54%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=113.34,P<0.01);肥胖组近视检出率右眼左眼分别为57.45%、 57.00%,非肥胖组近视检出率右眼左眼分别为51.86%、51.47%,肥胖组近视检出率与非肥胖组近视检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2右眼=113.34,P<0.01;χ2左眼=109.11,P<0.01)。结论 2009年、2012年、2015年重庆市中小学生肥胖检出率均处于一个较低水平,肥胖表现出了显著的性别间、城乡间差异;肥胖易使学生视力降低、血压升高、肺功能储备降低。  相似文献   

This article presents the results from a study of the comparison of 2 lowland rivers: the Olobok and the Pilawa in southwest Poland polluted by urban, agricultural, and textile industry sewages. pH and concentrations of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, and sulfate were measured in water samples and concentrations of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, N, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, and Zn were measured in stream bottom sediments and in the aquatic macrophytes Elodea canadensis, Callitriche verna, Potamogeton crispus, Potamogeton natans, and Ceratophyllum demersum from the river Olobok and Elodea canadensis, Polygonum amphibium, Potamogeton crispus, and Veronica beccabunga from the river Pilawa. The matrix of concentrations of 16 elements in 27 plant samples of 7 species from 15 sampling sites of 2 rivers and concentrations of 15 elements and pH in water samples and 16 elements and pH in bottom sediment samples of these sites was submitted to numerical classification, which revealed that sampling sites from the rivers were differentiated by the value of factor 1 of principal component analysis (PCA), which was related to the pH of water, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, and Ni in water and Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Ni, P, and S in bottom sediments. More polluted parts of both rivers were differentiated from less polluted parts by the value of factor 2 of PCA, which was related to Pb, Zn, and sulfates in water and Ca and Zn in bottom sediments. Macrophytes from the Olobok and Pilawa rivers were differentiated by the value of factor 1, which was related to Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, N, Na, Pb, and S. Groups of macrophytes of more and less polluted parts of both rivers differed by the value of factor 2, which was related to P, K, and Mn. Downstream of the sewage outputs in both rivers, a significantly increased level of pollution occurs with elements correlated with factor 1: Among others were Cu and Cr, typical for the textile industry along the river Pilawa, and among others were Mn and Ni, typical for the urban and agricultural activities in the river Olobok.  相似文献   

Using the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (L.A.FANS-2; n = 1610), we explore the link between Mexican immigrant acculturation, diet, exercise and obesity. We distinguish Mexican immigrants and 2nd generation Mexicans from 3rd+ generation whites, blacks and Mexicans. First, we examine variation in social and linguistic measures by race/ethnicity, duration of residence and immigrant generation. Second, we consider the association between acculturation, diet and exercise. Third, we evaluate the degree to which acculturation, diet, exercise, and socioeconomic status explain the association between race/ethnicity, immigrant exposure to the US (duration since immigration/generation), and adult obesity. Among immigrants, we find a clear relationship between acculturation measures, exposure to the US, and obesity-related behaviors (diet and exercise). However, the acculturation measures do not clearly account for the link between adult obesity, immigrant duration and generation, and race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

Researchers determining the prevalence of homosexuality in nationally representative samples have focused upon determining the prevalence of homosexual behavior, ignoring those individuals whose sexual attraction to the same sex had not resulted in sexual behavior. We examine the use of sexual attraction as well as sexual behavior to estimate the prevalence of homosexuality in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France using the Project HOPE International Survey of AIDS-Risk Behaviors. We find that 8.7, 7.9, and 8.5% of males and 11.1, 8.6, and 11.7% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, respectively, report some homosexual attraction but no homosexual behavior since age 15. Further, considering homosexual behavior and homosexual attraction as different but overlapping dimensions of homosexuality, we find 20.8, 16.3, and 18.5% of males, and 17.8, 18.6, and 18.5% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France report either homosexual behavior or homosexual attraction since age 15. Examination of homosexual behavior separately finds that 6.2, 4.5, and 10.7% of males and 3.6, 2.1, and 3.3% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, respectively, report having had sexual contact with someone of the same sex in the previous 5 years. Our findings highlight the importance of using more than just homosexual behavior to examine the prevalence of homosexuality.  相似文献   

目的 分析1985 - 2014年30年间中国白族儿童青少年体格生长发育和营养改善情况,评价并提出改善白族儿童青少年目前生长发育和营养现状的建议。方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,在云南省大理州随机抽取2个县12所中小学7~18岁白族学生作为研究对象。采用WHO - 2006标准,对1985 - 2014年间历次参加全国学生体质健康调研的学生进行生长迟缓和消瘦检出率的变化情况的比较,并分析2000 - 2014年间学生体格生长发育的变化趋势。结果 白族7~18岁学生营养不良率全面下降。1985年、2000年、2010年和2014年7~18岁男生生长迟滞率分别为20.0%、16.2%、7.9%和4.3%,消瘦率分别为12.6%、8.1%、11.7%和8.6%,营养不良率分别为32.6%、24.3%、19.6%和12.9%;7~18岁女生生长迟滞率分别为21.3%、14.7%、8.9%和4.0%,消瘦率分别为8.4%、5.7%、8.9%和6.5%,营养不良率分别为29.8%、20.4%、17.8%和10.5%。2000 - 2014年15年间白族男、女生身高发育的突增期为12~14岁和10~12岁,女生比男生提前2年进入突增高峰年龄。2000年、2005年、2010年和2014年白族18岁身高性差分别为10.04cm、12.27 cm、12.30 cm和12.82 cm男女生身高突增值和突增幅度全距均呈现逐年递减的趋势。学生体重指数(BMI)的变化较为平稳。结论 白族儿童青少年营养状况显著持续改善,体格发育和营养状况处于旺盛的正向生长。  相似文献   

Children are exposed to animated cartoons at an early age, and the gender, class, and race-related messages are likely to be influential in the development of children’s beliefs and attitudes about gender roles, class, and racial groups. Although representations of females and minority children in animated cartoons have improved over the years, stereotypical and racially biased portrayals of females and racial minority groups remain. Using an intersectionality theoretical lens, a textual analysis was conducted to examine the representation of the two current leading, minority female characters in children’s animated cartoons: Doc McStuffins and Dora the Explorer. Character portrayals, stereotypes, challenges to traditional stereotypes, and the intersecting role of race, gender, and class on the representations of the characters are explored in this analysis.  相似文献   

Medical journals and other sources do not show evidence that cholera occurred in Haiti before 2010, despite the devastating effect of this disease in the Caribbean region in the 19th century. Cholera occurred in Cuba in 1833-1834; in Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Nevis, Trinidad, the Bahamas, St. Vincent, Granada, Anguilla, St. John, Tortola, the Turks and Caicos, the Grenadines (Carriacou and Petite Martinique), and possibly Antigua in 1850-1856; and in Guadeloupe, Cuba, St. Thomas, the Dominican Republic, Dominica, Martinique, and Marie Galante in 1865-1872. Conditions associated with slavery and colonial military control were absent in independent Haiti. Clustered populations, regular influx of new persons, and close quarters of barracks living contributed to spread of cholera in other Caribbean locations. We provide historical accounts of the presence and spread of cholera epidemics in Caribbean islands.  相似文献   

窦鏐琰  桂立辉 《中国校医》2018,32(7):488-490
目的 了解新乡市某高校大学生肥胖相关健康知识态度行为的情况,为提高大学生健康状况水平、养成良好的饮食生活方式提供科学依据。方法 参考相关资料的基础上自行设计调查问卷,在全校新生入学体检中随机抽取402名大学生进行调查研究。结果 新乡市某高校大一新生健康知识较为缺乏,平均得分为(3.71±1.55)分,体质量超标及肥胖组与对照组得分差异无统计学意义。但体质量超标及肥胖组体型自我评价与BMI一致性的正确率为56.7%,对照组体型自我评价与BMI一致性的正确率为67.2%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.03)。健康相关态度方面,体质量超标及肥胖组与对照组差异无统计学意义。健康相关行为方面,体质量超标肥胖组吃油炸食品的频率、吃饭速度、运动强度、运动量与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 某高校新生总体健康知识知晓率普遍偏低,存在较多不良饮食行为习惯。对体质量超标肥胖大学生加强健康知识宣教的同时注重体质正常大学生的健康教育,增设健康教育课程积极开展各项课外活动,督促体质量超标肥胖大学生养成良好的生活习惯,降低体质量超标肥胖的发生。  相似文献   

Occupation and industry codes on death certificates from 23 states for 1984–1988 were used to evaluate mortality risks among white and nonwhite, male and female farmers. Proportionate mortality and proportionate cancer mortality ratios were calculated using deaths among nonfarmers from the same states to generate expected numbers. Among farmers there were 119,648 deaths among white men, 2,400 among white women, 11,446 among nonwhite men, and 2,066 among nonwhite women. Deficits occurred in all race-sex groups for infective and parasitic diseases, all cancer combined, lung cancer, liver cancer, diseases of the nervous system, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and emphysema. As reported in other studies, white male farmers had excesses of cancer of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system, lip, eye, brain, and prostate. Excesses of cancers of the pancreas, kidney, bone, and thyroid were new findings. Regional patterns were evident, particularly among white men. Significant excesses for accidents, vascular lesions of the central nervous system (CNS), and cancers of the prostate tended to occur in most geographic regions, while excesses for mechanical suffocation, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and cancers of the lip, brain, and the lymphatic and hematopoietic system were limited to the Central states. Increases among nonwhite men were similar to those in white men for some causes of death (vascular lesions of the CNS and cancers of the pancreas and prostate), but were absent for others (lymphatic and hematopoietic system, lip, eye, kidney, and brain). Women (white and nonwhite) had excesses for vascular lesions of the CNS, disease of the genitourinary system (white women only), and cancers of the stomach and cervix (nonwhite women only). Cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx was slightly elevated among women, and white women had nonsignificant excesses of multiple myeloma and leukemia. Excesses for leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma occurred among white men and women, but not among nonwhites. Excesses for several types of accidental deaths were seen among all race-sex groups. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不同基质金属蛋白酶在动脉硬化兔模型的动态变化及阿托伐他汀与辛伐他汀治疗的作用的比较。[方法]高脂喂食加球囊拉伤股动脉建立动脉硬化兔模型75个,分别为高脂组、辛伐他汀组和阿托伐他汀组,后两个他汀组除高脂饮食同时分别服用辛伐他汀2 mg/kg和阿托伐他汀2 mg/kg,3组均于拉伤后1、7、14、21、28 d采血,ELISA法检测MMP-1、9,TIMP-1,绘制各MMPs动态变化曲线,并取血管行病理检查。[结果]MMP-1、9在拉伤后1 d均达到峰值,延续至拉伤后7 d;TIMP-1在1 d达到峰值,并进行性降低;两个他汀组在7、14、21、28 d明显抑制MMP-1水平,辛伐他汀及阿托伐他汀组无明显区别;在21、28 d明显抑制MMP-9水平,两种他汀的作用无明显差异;而两个他汀组在1、7、14、21、28均对TIMP-1均有明显抑制,而且辛伐他汀与阿托伐他汀组之间个时间段有明显差异。[结论动脉硬化兔模型的MMPs和TIMP有不同变化规律,而相同剂量的辛伐他汀与阿托伐他汀抑制MMPs/TIMP分泌的抑制作用也不同。  相似文献   

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