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Id proteins in cell cycle control and cellular senescence   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Zebedee Z  Hara E 《Oncogene》2001,20(58):8317-8325

Shin MK  Pitot HC  Lambert PF 《Cancer research》2012,72(5):1280-1289
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) is a common cancer in humans long known to be caused by tobacco and alcohol use, but now an increasing percentage of HNSCC is recognized to be caused by the same human papillomaviruses (HPV) that cause cervical and other anogenital cancers. HPV-positive HNSCCs differ remarkably from HPV-negative HNSCCs in their clinical response and molecular properties. From studies in mice, we know that E7 is the dominant HPV oncoprotein in head and neck cancer. E7 is best known for its ability to inactivate pRb, the product of the retinoblastoma tumor susceptibility gene. However, loss of pRb function does not fully account for potency of E7 in causing head and neck cancer. In this study, we characterized the cancer susceptibility of mice deficient in the expression of pRb and either of two related "pocket" proteins, p107 and p130, that are also inactivated by E7. pRb/p107-deficient mice developed head and neck cancer as frequently as do HPV-16 E7 transgenic mice. The head and neck epithelia of the pRb/p107-deficient mice also displayed the same acute phenotypes and biomarker readouts as observed in the epithelia of E7 transgenic mice. Mice deficient for pRb and p130 in their head and neck epithelia showed intermediate acute and tumor phenotypes. We conclude that pRb and p107 act together to efficiently suppress head and neck cancer and are, therefore, highly relevant targets of HPV-16 E7 in its contribution to HPV-positive HNSCC.  相似文献   

The Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) gene is involved in lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia through chromosome translocations leading to fusion of MLL to partner genes, or through internal MLL rearrangements. MLL is the mammalian counterpart of the Drosophila trithorax (trx) gene, involved in maintaining active gene expression states. We have used transgenic Drosophila to assess the molecular targets and cellular processes affected by MLL and two of its leukemic fusion proteins. We find that whereas expression of normal human MLL in flies does not result in phenotypic alterations, overexpressing the human MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 proteins causes larval to pupal lethality, which interestingly resembles the phenotypes displayed by certain Drosophila trx mutant alleles. MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 transgenic flies exhibit antagonistic alterations in cell cycle progression. Additionally, flies expressing MLL-AF9 display impairment in higher order chromatin integrity, evidenced in decondensation of mitotic figures. The effects of MLL fusion proteins in Drosophila suggest that alteration of chromatin structure by MLL fusion proteins may contribute to the lethal phenotype. Our results indicate that the mode(s) of action of MLL-AF9 in Drosophila varies from that of MLL-AF4. Taken together, the expression of MLL fusion proteins in Drosophila provides a new and powerful system to reveal and characterize biological activities associated with MLL fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Ang XL  Wade Harper J 《Oncogene》2005,24(17):2860-2870
The regulatory step in ubiquitin (Ub)-mediated protein degradation involves recognition and selection of the target substrate by an E3 Ub-ligase. E3 Ub-ligases evoke sophisticated mechanisms to regulate their activity temporally and spatially, including multiple post-translational modifications, combinatorial E3 Ub-ligase pathways, and subcellular localization. The phosphodegrons of many substrates incorporate the activities of multiple kinases, and ubiquitination only occurs when all necessary phosphorylation signals have been incorporated. In this manner, the precise timing of degradation can be controlled. Another way that the Ub pathway tightly controls the timing of proteolysis is with multiple E3 Ub-ligases acting upon a single target. Lastly, subcellular localization can either promote or prevent degradation by regulating the accessibility of kinases and E3 Ub-ligases. This review highlights recent findings that exemplify these emerging themes in the regulation of E3 Ub-ligase substrate recognition.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the expression of cyclins, cyclin dependent kinase (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors by immunohistochemical analysis in 20 normal mucosa, 42 epithelial dysplasia (ED), and 117 oral squamous cell carcinoma. Neither Cyclin D1 nor CDK2 were detectable in normal tissue and ED. Their presence, however, was detectable in squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) (Cyclin D1, 35.9%; CDK2, 66.7%). Cyclin E was detectable in 57.1% of severe ED and 62.8% of SCCs. For the CDK inhibitors, these proteins were detectable in all normal mucosa and most of the mild and moderate ED. For severe ED, expression of these proteins was not observed in some cases (p12(DOC-1), 14.3%; p16(INK4A), 28.6%; p27(KIP1), 7.1%). For SCCs, the expression of p12(DOC-1) was lost in 71.8%, p16(INK4A) in 69.2% and p27(KIP1) in 35.9%. These results suggest that elevated expression of cyclin D1, cyclin E, CDK2 and loss of p12(DOC-1), p16(INK4A) and p27(KIP1) may contribute to the multistep nature of oral carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Cell cycle control genes and hematopoietic cell differentiation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

P27 in cell cycle control and cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to survive, cells need tight control of cell cycle progression. The control mechanisms are often lost in human cancer cells. The cell cycle is driven forward by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). The CDK inhibitors (CKIs) are important regulators of the CDKs. As the name implies, CKIs were initially shown to negatively regulate CDK activity. However, recent data indicates that the members of the Kip/Cip family of CKIs, including p27, exert both positive and negative regulation of CDK activity at the G1/S phase transition. Mutations of Kip/Cip genes are rare, but p27 knockout mice are tumor prone when challenged with carcinogenic stimuli. Numerous studies of various human non-hematological tumors have identified low expression of p27 as a predictor of poor prognosis. In non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), we and others have also shown the independent prognostic value of p27 expression. In distinct NHL entities however, shortened survival seems to correlate with high expression of p27. For definitive assessment of the role played by p27 in lymphomagenesis, and the prognostic value of p27 in these tumors, further studies of distinct NHL entities are needed. This review addresses the function of p27 and the other Kip/Cip proteins in G1/S phase transition and their possible role in tumorigenesis with emphasis on p27 and NHL.  相似文献   

Cell cycle proteins and the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins was evaluated in premalignant and malignant oral epithelial lesions, to test the hypothesis that protein regulation of the cell cycle may be altered in the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Archived paraffin-embedded specimens (n = 90) from 25 patients with recurrent or persistent lesions were evaluated in immunohistochemically stained sections for cell cycle regulatory proteins p53, Rb, Cyclin D1, p27, and p21. The cell cycle was also evaluated by expression of nuclear protein Ki 67. Sections were graded semiquantitatively using a 0-3 + scale to indicate the percentage of positively stained cells. The initial histologic diagnosis for 17/25 patients was either focal keratosis, mild dysplasia, or moderate dysplasia; the initial diagnosis for the remaining eight patients ranged from severe dysplasia to moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Thirty-three of 90 specimens showed positive p53 expression, 11 of which were dysplasias. Eighty-nine of 90 specimens, from all stages of disease, showed positive Rb expression. Twenty-three of 90 specimens showed positive Cyclin D1 expression, typically in the later stages (carcinoma) of a patient's disease. Eighty-four of 90 specimens showed positive p21 expression; while 55 of 90 specimens were positive for p27. In control mucosa, p27 was highly expressed, while Rb and p21 proteins were expressed at relatively low levels; p53 and Cyclin D1 proteins were largely absent. Generally, staining of p53, Rb, p21, and Ki 67 increased with time in serial biopsies, while p27 showed decreased staining with disease progression. These data show that cell cycle regulatory proteins are altered in both premalignant and malignant disease, and that protein phenotypes are heterogeneous. P53 expression is seen early, and Cyclin D1 expression is seen late in the development of oral premalignant and malignant disease. Expression of p53, Rb, p21 and Ki67 increased, while p27 decreased, with disease progression.  相似文献   

14-3-3 proteins in cell cycle regulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The capacitive-resistive electric transfer (CRet) therapy is a non-invasive technique that applies electrical currents of 0.4-0.6 MHz to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Although this therapy has proved effective in clinical studies, its interaction mechanisms at the cellular level still are insufficiently investigated. Results from previous studies have shown that the application of CRet currents at subthermal doses causes alterations in cell cycle progression and decreased proliferation in hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) and neuroblastoma (NB69) human cell lines. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antiproliferative response of HepG2 to CRet currents. The results showed that 24-h intermittent treatment with 50 μA/mm(2) current density induced in HepG2 statistically significant changes in expression and activation of cell cycle control proteins p27Kip1 and cyclins D1, A and B1. The chronology of these changes is coherent with that of the alterations reported in the cell cycle of HepG2 when exposed to the same electric treatment. We propose that the antiproliferative effect exerted by the electric stimulus would be primarily mediated by changes in the expression and activation of proteins intervening in cell cycle regulation, which are among the targets of emerging chemical therapies. The capability to arrest the cell cycle through electrically-induced changes in cell cycle control proteins might open new possibilities in the field of oncology.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although survival of encapsulated thymomas is usually good, some patients present a higher incidence rate of recurrence and a shorter long-term survival. Abnormalities in the components of cell cycle checkpoints are extremely common among virtually all neoplasms. In this study, three components of the cell cycle machinery (i.e., p21, p27 and p53) were examined in a series of well-characterized encapsulated thymoma specimens to analyze coregulation and influence on recurrence and survival. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Sixty-eight consecutive patients with thymoma were operated in our center from 1987 to 2000. Expression of p53, p21, and p27 was studied in specimens from 25 encapsulated thymomas using immunohistochemistry. Generic factors and gene expression influencing the probability of recurrence were studied. Positive expression was dichotomized defining positive when present in more than 5% of tumor cells. Mean follow up was 85.9 months; clinical data about recurrence were recorded. RESULTS: Univariate analysis suggests that positive p53 (P < 0.05), negative p21 (P = 0.01), and especially negative p27 expressions (P = 0.001) significantly correlate with poor prognosis for disease-free survival. Multivariate Cox regression analysis suggests that negative p27 immunohistology is the only significant variable for poor prognosis (P = 0.03; odds ratio, 0.08; 95% confidence interval, 0.01-0.88). CONCLUSIONS: These results show that loss of control of cell cycle checkpoints is a common occurrence in thymomas and support the idea that functional cooperation between different cell cycle inhibitor proteins constitutes another level of regulation in cell growth control and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Τhe expression of cell cycle (P53, Ki-67, P21, and P27) and apoptotic proteins (BCL-2 and BAX) was investigated by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissues of normal and pathologic liver. An increased frequency of expression of P21 in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (p=0.003 and p=0.001 respectively) was found; P27 protein expression was more frequent in hepatitis (p=0.001) and HCC (p=0.003) when compared with normal tissue. BCL-2 protein was markedly more frequent in steatohepatitis (p<0.05) as compared to normal liver, in hepatitis cases (p=0.002) and in metastases (p<0.033). The expression of BAX was more frequent in hepatitis (p=0.001) and cirrhosis (p<0.001). We demonstrated in our study the expression of these proteins at different levels in liver pathologies. These findings have implications for understanding the evolution from liver inflammation to cirrhosis and associated carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

One prominent activity of Interferons (IFNs) is their ability to induce cell cycle arrest, and this effect has furthermore been proposed to be of major importance in mediating the clinical antitumor activity of IFNs. In several IFN sensitive established cell lines, a rapid upregulation of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21 occurs following IFN-alpha treatment, and is thought to play a major role as an effector for this phenomenon by triggering further events. The aim of this study was to investigate how these previous findings in established cells lines correlate with clinical material. We therefore, analyzed how IFN-alpha influences the cell cycle distribution, by analysis of cellular DNA content, and the level of various cell cycle regulatory proteins by Western blot analysis, in primary leukemic cells. In 5 of 10 examined acute myeloid leukemia samples and in 1 of 6 chronic lymphocytic leukemia sample a clear increase in p21 protein levels was detected following treatment with IFN-alpha, while p21 protein levels were unaffected by IFN treatment in any of the examined acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples. In our total material consisting of 21 patient samples all other cell cycle regulatory proteins studied (p27, Cyclin E, Cdk2), were largely unaffected by IFN treatment. These results confirm that IFN-alpha can act as a potent regulator of Cdk-inhibitor expression, and that the induction of p21 seems to be a primary event in IFN-alpha mediated cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

We describe here two patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) who after a few years, developed to the diffuse large cell lymphoma (DLCL) (anaplastic centrocytic lymphoma) growing in a diffuse sheets without the classical MCL component. In both the initial and second biopsy specimens, in each case, tumor cells were positive for cyclin D1, sIgM, sIgD, and CD5, but were negative for CD10 and CD23. In a study of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene rearrangement, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, the products obtained from each paired biopsy tissue sample were the same size, and in one case had an identical sequence to the non-mutated VH gene. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of p53, p27Kip1 and cyclin E. Interestingly, there was clear overexpression of p53 protein in case 1 but not in case 2, compared with other typical MCL cases. The expression of p27Kip1 in the second biopsies of each case was decreased compared with those in the initial biopsies. In case 2, however, p27Kip1 was clearly expressed in the first and second biopsies, in contrast to other typical MCL cases. Thus these 2 cases demonstrate not only that the variant form of MCL may arise de novo, but also that MCL may transform to DLCL at the time of relapse. Although the mechanism of tumor progression/transformation is still poorly understood, the overexpression of p53 or p27Kip1 may be linked to a cellular mechanism involved in the development of the variant form of MCL.  相似文献   

Tso PH  Yung LY  Wang Y  Wong YH 《Cancer letters》2011,309(2):199-208
RGS19 is a regulator of G protein signaling which is upregulated in ovarian cancers and its overexpression promotes cell proliferation in several mammalian cell types. Here we showed that cyclin D1/3 and Cdk6 were upregulated in HEK293 cells overexpressing RGS19, while INK4A and INK4B were reduced. Moreover, RGS19 augmented serum-stimulated PTEN/PDK/Akt and Rb phosphorylations in 293/RGS19 and Caco2/RGS19 cells. These changes were reversed upon the knockdown of RGS19. Consistent with an elevated Akt activity, increased levels of phosphorylated Bad and c-Raf and a diminished expression of TSC2 were detected, thus demonstrating that RGS19 can deregulate cell proliferation via multiple pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The synthetic retinoid 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene (CD437) exhibits a wide spectrum antitumor activity through induction of cellular apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. We investigated the effects and mechanisms of CD437 on cell cycle arrest of gastric cancer cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The activities of CD437 on cell growth were analyzed by measuring total cellular DNA. The effects of CD437 on cell cycle phase distribution were analyzed using flow cytometry. The levels of cell cycle associated proteins were analyzed by Western blot. The activities of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) were analyzed by phosphorylation of the histone H1 protein. RESULTS: CD437 at concentrations between 0.1 and 10 microM profoundly suppressed the growth of all six gastric cancer cell lines. Growth suppression associated with induction of G0/G1 or G2/M arrest was cell-line-dependent. CD437 decreased levels of cdk inhibitor p21 in G2/M-arrested SC-M1 cells. However, CD437 increased p21 levels in G0/G1-arrested AGS cells. Total and activated cyclin-dependent kinases were differentially regulated by CD437 in AGS and SC-M1 cells. CD437 (1 microM) induced activity of cdk2- and p34cdc2-associated H1 kinase by 14.6- and 1.8-fold, respectively, in SC-M1 cells. In contrast, CD437 slightly increased (1.6-fold) the cdk2-associated H1 kinase activity in AGS cells. CONCLUSION: CD437 profoundly suppressed the growth of gastric cancer cells, which was associated with cell-dependent induction of G0/G1 or G2/M arrest. The differential regulation of p21 that leads to alteration in the activity of cdks may play a critical role in cell-line-dependent regulation of cell cycle arrest following treatment with CD437.  相似文献   

Analysis of tumor markers focuses on expression in primary tumors with the assumption that this is representative of metastatic tumor, against which treatment is targeted. Few studies have compared the expression of such markers in primary and secondary tumors. In this study, several key genes involved in cell cycle regulation were investigated in colorectal tumors and corresponding lymph node metastases. The cell cycle regulators p53, cyclin D1, p21, p27, retinoblastoma protein (Rb), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were examined in a series of 42 paired samples of primary colorectal and secondary lymph node tumors by immunohistochemistry. Expression of p53, p27, and Rb was similar in virtually all paired samples (p53, 38 of 42; p27, 39 of 42; Rb, 40 of 42), indicating that the pattern of these proteins in colorectal tumors may be used to predict that in lymph node tumors. It also suggests a lack of direct involvement in the metastatic process. A lower concordance for p21 and cyclin D1 staining was observed between primary and secondary tumors (p21, 19 of 42; cyclin D1, 22 of 42). p21 expression was more often observed in primary colorectal cancers, whereas cyclin D1 expression was more frequently seen in lymph node metastases, in keeping with the contrasting roles of these proteins as a cell cycle inhibitor (p21) and activator (cyclin D1). The PCNA-labeling index was found to vary considerably in a number of cases, thus limiting the ability to predict expression of this protein in lymph node metastases from the primary tumor. In addition, PCNA-labeling indices between paired samples were neither consistently higher nor lower, suggesting that the proliferative capacity of tumor cells is not directly related to their ability to metastasize.  相似文献   

Typical mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a distinct B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with over-expression of cyclin D1 related to translocation between the IgH and BCL-1 genes. Due to the important functional interaction between cyclin D1 and cyclin dependent kinases, cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors such as flavopiridol are under consideration for treatment of patients with MCL. The present study investigated the in vitro effects of flavopiridol on the MCL cell line (JeKo-1). Flavopiridol at a dose of 10nmol/L induced apoptosis by 6h of treatment as noted by flow cytometric analysis, morphologic examination and Western blotting. The cleavage of procaspase-3 and PARP and the decrease of flavopiridol-induced apoptosis by pan-caspase inhibition suggested that the caspase pathway serves an important role in the apoptotic process. Furthermore, MCL cells exposed to flavopiridol showed down regulation of key cell cycle proteins acting at the restriction point control between the G1 and S phases. The onset of flavopiridol-induced apoptosis also coincided with the down regulation of Mcl-1, anti-apoptotic protein. Collectively, our data indicates that flavopiridol may have significant therapeutic potential in the context of MCL.  相似文献   

Lilly MA  Duronio RJ 《Oncogene》2005,24(17):2765-2775
During metazoan development, the organization of the cell cycle is often modified in response to developmental signals. The endocycle provides a dramatic example of this phenomenon. In the endocycle, also referred to as the endoreplicative cycle, cells undergo successive rounds of DNA replication without an intervening mitosis. Often the endocycle is used to expand the genome of a group of specialized cells that are highly biosynthetically active. In these circumstances, large polyploid cells are produced in organisms that are primarily comprised of diploid cells. However, many organisms achieve growth by increasing cell size, rather than cell number. This strategy is more generally exploited in insects and plants. For instance, in the insect Drosophila melanogaster, the majority of the larval tissues, as well as many adult tissues, enter the endocycle and become polyploid. Therefore, Drosophila has been a rich source for studies on endocycle regulation. Recent work from Drosophila is beginning to reveal how developmental signals promote the transition from the mitotic cycle to the endocycle, as well as what drives endocycle progression. In addition, studies on the endocycle have provided insight into the regulatory principles underlying the once per cell cycle replication of the genome, as well as the relationship between S phase and mitosis.  相似文献   

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