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OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale (Swe-DES-23). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A convenience sample of 195 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes completed the Swe-DES-23 questionnaire. To establish discriminant validity, Swe-DES subscales were compared with the Semantic Differential in Diabetes scale (SDD) and a general health scale (EVGFP). Construct validity was tested using factor analyses. To determine unidimensionality of the subscales, inter-item correlations were calculated. Internal consistency was tested by the use of the Crohnbach-alpha coefficient. RESULTS: The factor analysis resulted in four factors (empowerment subscales) with eigenvalues >1.0, explaining 60% of the variance. The four empowerment subscales: goal achievement, self-awareness, stress management and readiness to change showed Crohnbach-alpha values ranging from 0.68 to 0.91. Patients with good self-reported health and low burden of diabetes scored significantly higher on almost all empowerment subscales. Only weak correlations were found between metabolic control and the empowerment subscales. CONCLUSIONS: The SWE-DES-23 scale had acceptable validity and reliability and, thus, could be a suitable tool in evaluating empowerment-based education programmes. Further testing is needed to shorten the questionnaire. 相似文献
The Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) was developed to measure family needs of patients with critical illness. However, testing of the CCFNI has not been undertaken for a Chinese-speaking population. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of a Chinese version of the CCFNI in a sample of Chinese family members of critically ill patients. Translation into Chinese and reverse translation were completed before administering the questionnaire. The findings show that the Chinese version addressed adequately the original concepts and dimensions, and demonstrated a high level of equivalence with the original version. High internal consistencies (alpha = .80-.92) of the scale and its subscales were found. Principal components factor analysis supported the existence of a five-factor structure. The Chinese version also demonstrated high sensitivity to family needs in terms of severity of illness and satisfactory correlations with theoretically related constructs. These findings support the potential of the Chinese version to be used as a diagnostic tool in assessment of family needs of Chinese patients. 相似文献
The psychometric properties of the Thai version of the Self-Control Schedule (SCS), a measure of learned resourcefulness, were examined. Data were collected from 77 pregnant women who were HIV positive and 103 pregnant women who were HIV negative. Back-translation was completed, and agreement between the two content experts as determined by the Content Validity Index was 86%. To assure the equivalence of the translated SCS, English and Thai versions were completed by 16 bilinguals, and the two versions were found to correlate highly (r=.95; p<.01). Internal consistency reliability for the Thai version of the SCS was.81. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to establish construct validity. The results suggest that the Thai version of the SCS has promise for use with pregnant Thai women; however, modification of some items would improve its understandability and cross-cultural applicability. Further psychometric testing in larger and more diverse samples is recommended. 相似文献
Background: The brief screening version of the Multidimensional Pain inventory (MPI) is a shorter version of the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory that measures pain in a multidimensional way and is theoretically linked to a cognitive-behavioural perspective on chronic pain. Objectives: The aim of this study was to psychometrically evaluate the 'brief screening version' of the Multidimensional Pain inventory Swedish version (MPI-S). Methods: An age-stratified cross-sectional study, comprising 384 people aged 18–102 years, was carried out in southern Sweden in 2005. Factor analyses were performed to investigate the factor structure of the instrument and inter-correlation between the sub-scales as well as external measures were used to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Reliability was assessed by internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha). Results: Mean scores and standard deviations are presented for the total sample as well as for each stratum. The inter-correlations revealed that discriminant validity was not satisfactory in the total sample, although the correlation analysis in each stratum showed acceptable discriminant validity in most age groups. The factor structure was the same as in the MPI-S in all age groups, except for those aged ≥90 years. Reliability tests (Cronbach's alpha) showed alpha values ranging between 0.68 and 0.93. Conclusion: The result showed that the instrument had acceptable validity and reliability in all age groups except for those aged ≥90 years. Thus, the instrument can be seen as a useful (multidimensional) form of screening for chronic pain. 相似文献
The Care Process Self-Evaluation Tool (CPSET) assesses key characteristics of well-organised care processes in hospitals from an interprofessional team perspective. The present study investigated the psychometric properties of the CPSET in terms of factor structure, convergent and discriminant validity, and reliability in Norwegian language and context. After a pilot test, the Norwegian version of the questionnaire was administered as a web form to 501 health professionals in public general hospitals and mental health specialist services; 301 completed forms (response rate 60%) were returned, and 268 (54%) forms representing 27 care processes (19 from somatic care and 8 from mental healthcare) were included in the valid sample. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the original five-factor structure. All model fit indices, including the standardised root mean square residual (SRMR), which is independent of the χ 2-test, met the criteria for an acceptable model fit. Internal consistencies within sub-scales as measured by Cronbach’s alpha were high (range 0.83–0.94). As expected, some redundancy between factors existed (in particular among the PO ( Patient-focused organisation), COR ( Coordination of the care process), COM ( Communication with patient and family), and PO ( Follow-up of the care process) factors). In conclusion, the Norwegian CPSET scale showed acceptable psychometric properties in terms of convergent validity and reliability, and fit indices from the CFA confirmed the original factor structure. Based on these findings, we recommend the Norwegian version of the CPSET for use in the assessment of interprofessional teamwork in care processes in specialist healthcare. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to investigate resilience in relation to age and gender, and to elucidate the underlying structure of the Swedish version of the Resilience Scale (RS). The RS, originally created by Wagnild and Young is a 25 items scale of Lickert type with possible scores ranges from 25 to 175, the higher the score, the stronger resilience. A standardized procedure was used for translation. The analysis was based on 1719 participants, 1248 women and 471 men, from eight different samples, aged from 19 to 103 years. We found that the participants estimated their resilience as relatively high. There was a significant relationship between age and resilience, for every year RS score increased with 0.134 units. There was no relation between gender and resilience. From a factor analyses five factors emerged, equanimity, meaningfulness, perseverance, existential aloneness and self-reliance reflecting the five dimensions described by Wagnild and Young. We concluded that the resilience is related to age, the older, the stronger resilience. Five underlying dimensions was identified, which can be seen as reflection of the theoretical assumptions behind the RS scale. The RS scale seems applicable to a Swedish population. 相似文献
AbstractPurpose: Investigate the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I). Method: Cross-sectional study. Community-dwelling older adults with self-reported balance deficits and fear of falling were recruited from an ongoing randomised controlled study to evaluate the psychometric properties of the FES-I using Rasch model analysis. Results: The Rasch model analysis revealed good category function, the questionnaire measured one dimension with an explained variance of 68.6% and item goodness-of-fit with mean square values ( MnSq) 0.7–1.44. The item map showed that all items are spread over the scale, which indicates different difficulties in the items. Non-satisfactory person goodness-of-fit was shown with seven persons and showed person misfit according to both the MnSq-value and the z-value, 38 persons (40%) showed a person misfit when only following the threshold for MnSq.Conclusions: The Swedish version of FES-I shows good psychometric properties with unidimensionality and item goodness-of-fit. Lower person goodness-of-fit was shown probably because of confounding factors that may influence the answers. The transformed values of the FES-I make it possible to use parametric statistics preferable for this population in future research. - Implications for rehabilitation
The Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) shows good psychometric properties with unidimensionality, item goodness-of-fit and good item reliability, which means that FES-I is a valuable tool when measuring concerns about falling in an older population with osteoporosis and could be useful in clinical settings. Confounding factors such as pain, high number of falls, low fall self-efficacy, experience of previous falls, and vertigo may influence the answers and result in low person goodness-of-fit. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Perception of Aggression Scale. Cross-sectional data were collected by the completion of questionnaires by 350 nursing students from two nursing schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the scale were analysed by using factor analysis (principal component analysis), assessment of internal consistency and reliability, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. The two-factor structure was confirmed by principal component analysis: the first factor treated aggression as functional and the second as dysfunctional. The correlation between the means of the items and dimensions was moderate (r for factor 1: 0.47-0.73; r for factor 2: 0.29-0.70). The coefficient of internal consistency of the scale was 0.85 for factor 1 and 0.81 for factor 2. Thus, Turkish version of Perception of Aggression Scale is a valid and reliable tool. It is essential to understand perceptions of aggressive behaviour in order to establish effective management strategies to tackle untoward events in clinical settings. 相似文献
Purpose: To investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS) in caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. After a forward–backward translation, the CBS was administered to 110 caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury (men?=?60, women?=?50). Factor structure was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis. The Internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the CBS were examined using Cronbach’s α and the intraclass correlation coefficient, respectively. Construct validity was assessed by examining the relationship among CBS and the World Health Organization Quality of Life, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for a five-factor model of CBS. All subscales of CBS revealed acceptable internal consistency (0.698–0.755), except for environment subscale (0.559). The CBS showed adequate test–retest reliability for its subscales (0.745–0.900). All subscales of CBS significantly correlated with both Beck Depression Inventory and World Health Organization Quality of Life, confirming construct validity. Conclusions: The Persian version of the CBS is a valid and reliable measure for assessing burden of care in caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury. - Implications for Rehabilitation
Spinal cord injury leads to depression, high levels of stress and diminished quality of life due to the high physical, emotional, and social burdens in caregivers. Persian version of the Caregiver Burden Scale is a valid and reliable tool for assessing burden in Iranian caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury. 相似文献
Title. Psychometric properties of MacNew Heart Disease Health‐related Quality of Life Questionnaire: Brazilian version. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to test the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Version of the MacNew Heart Disease Health‐related Quality of Life Questionnaire. Background. Evidence of acceptable psychometric properties of the original MacNew questionnaire has been reported. However, the psychometric performance of the Brazilian version has not been extensively studied. Method. Between November 2004 and June 2005, 159 patients with myocardial infarction completed the Brazilian version of the instrument. Reliability was determined with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient; convergent validity with Pearson’s correlation between the Brazilian MacNew questionnaire and the SF‐36; and the ‘known‐group’ approach was used to test discriminant validity. Ceiling and floor effects and practicality were analyzed. Findings. It took an average of 8·9 minutes to complete the instrument. A ceiling effect was detected in the subscales and global scores, with no floor effect. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ranged from 0·87 to 0·92. Scores on similar domains of the SF‐36 and the MacNew questionnaire were correlated ( r = 0·66; 0·78 and 0·53 for the physical, emotional, and social domains). Correlation between the dissimilar SF‐36 mental health and MacNew physical domains was lower at 0·45; correlation between the dissimilar SF‐36 physical functioning and MacNew emotional domain was 0·64. Individuals without regional ventricular dysfunction or symptoms had statistically significantly higher scores than those with regional ventricular dysfunction or symptoms. Conclusion. The Brazilian version of the MacNew questionnaire has acceptable levels of validity, reliability and practicality. Further studies are advisable to confirm its divergent validity and to test its responsiveness. 相似文献
Scand J Caring Sci; 2010; 24; 41–48 Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Purpose in Life scale The aim of this study was to test the theoretical assumptions beyond the Purpose in Life (PIL) scale, and to elucidate the underlying structure of the Swedish version of the PIL. The PIL, originally created by Crumbaugh and Maholick, is a 20-item scale of the Lickert type with possible scores ranges from 20 to 140, the higher score, the stronger PIL. The analysis was based on 449 participants, 62% of whom were women, from five different samples, ranging from 19 to 103 years old. An exploratory factor analysis restricted to three factors was performed. The factors were labelled meaning in existence, freedom to create meaning in daily life, and will to find meaning in future challenges. These factors reflected the three dimensions described by Frankl. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale was 0.83 and varied between 0.54 and 0.83 in the three factors. We concluded that the Swedish version of the PIL scale seems to have construct validity and reliability. Our results give support to the fact that the PIL scale captures and confirms the theoretical assumptions of Frankl's existential theory. We consider the PIL scale to be both feasible and appropriate for use in nursing research. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Valid assessments of health-related Quality of Life (HRQL) are increasingly important in chronic, incurable conditions, such as chronic heart failure (CHF). AIMS: To evaluate the psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) in hospitalized patients with decompensated CHF. METHOD AND RESULTS: The KCCQ and SF-36 were administered to patients (n=118) with CHF at baseline and then 1 (n=51) and 4 months (n=83) after admission. The Swedish version of the KCCQ appears to have acceptable convergent and discriminant validity for all suggested health domains. Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability met for most of the scales the minimum of 0.70. Known-groups comparison indicated that the KCCQ discriminated between patients differing in the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification (criterion validity). The KCCQ was also more responsive to changes in the NYHA classification as compared with the SF-36. However, KCCQ has some weakness in the response distributions for two questions and the convergent validity in one question. CONCLUSION: Overall, the KCCQ is a valid and reliable instrument in a Swedish CHF population. It yields reliable and valid scores and is quite responsive to clinical change. 相似文献
This study explores the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Portuguese version of the Infertility Self‐Efficacy Scale (ISE‐P), using translation and back‐translation of the original version; principal component analysis; confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and internal consistency, and test–retest reliability analyses. A total of 287 participants (156 women and 131 men) seeking medical treatment were recruited from public and private fertility centers. CFA revealed that the single‐component model fit the data well. The instrument showed excellent internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, and correlations with other mental health measures suggesting good convergent and discriminant validity. In conclusion, The ISE‐P is a valid and reliable Portuguese‐language measure of perceived self‐efficacy to cope with infertility. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Res Nurs Health 36:65–74, 2013 相似文献
This study examined psychometric characteristics and the factorial structure of the Wolpe-Lazarus Assertiveness Questionnaire (WLAS) in 199 visually impaired older adults receiving services at four separate rehabilitation facilities. In this study, we also examined the relationship of assertiveness, depression, and social support. The WLAS has good internal reliability, and a three-factor solution accounted for 25.2% of the total variance. We found a significant negative correlation between depression and assertiveness. Further, there was a moderate positive correlation ( r=.39) between Factor II of the WLAS (general inhibition) and depression and a moderate negative correlation ( r=–.31) between general inhibition and social support. We discuss implications of these data for the rehabilitation of older visually impaired adults. 相似文献
Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties “validity” and “reliability” of the Iranian version of Kogan's Attitudes Toward Older People Scale (KAOPS). Methods: The participants consisted of 350 nurses working in five teaching hospitals in Tehran, Iran. The scale was translated using the forward–backward translation technique. A two‐phase data collection design was used in 2 weeks following the first completion. Exploratory factor analysis, content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and stability–reliability was employed to check the scale's psychometric properties. Results: The scale total scores were between 42 and 188. All of the 34 items were found to have significant item‐to‐total correlations ( P < 0.05). Two factors were extracted –“prejudice' and “appreciation”– which contributed to the scale variance of 32.83% and 25.93%, respectively. Cronbach's alpha was 0.83 for the total scale as 0.83 for “prejudice” and 0.86 for “appreciation”. In addition, the scale stability was reported to be 0.90 and 0.83 for “prejudice” and “appreciation”, respectively. The average content validity was 0.95, and construct validity was in an acceptable range. Conclusion: The Iranian version of the KAOPS was shown to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring nurses' knowledge about elders. This scale can be used in future studies to gather high‐quality data for improving elder care. 相似文献
In this study, we developed and tested the psychometric properties of the Chinese‐version Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale along seven subscales: supportive milieu with security and professional recognition, work arrangement and workload, work/home life balance, head nurse's/supervisor's management style, teamwork and communication, nursing staffing and patient care, and milieu of respect and autonomy. An instrument‐development procedure with three phases was conducted in seven hospitals in 2010–2011. Phase I comprised translation and the cultural‐adaptation process, phase II comprised a pilot study, and phase III comprised a field‐testing process. Purposive sampling was used in the pilot study ( n = 150) and the large field study ( n = 1254). Five new items were added, and 85.7% of the original items were retained in the 41 item Chinese version. Principal component analysis revealed that a model accounted for 56.6% of the variance with acceptable internal consistency, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity. This study gave evidence of reliability and validity of the 41 item Chinese‐version Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale. 相似文献
Rationale Patient‐reported outcomes such as health‐related quality of life (HRQL) describe or characterize what patients have experienced as a result of their health care. However, treatment outcome comparisons among different pure or mixed populations of patients with myocardial infarction, angina or heart failure cannot be made using existing coronary heart disease (CHD)‐specific HRQL instruments. Aims and objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the MacNew in a cohort of Hong Kong patients diagnosed with CHD. Methods Chinese translations of a CHD‐specific HRQL instrument, the MacNew Heart Disease HRQL questionnaire (MacNew), the Short‐form 36 Health Survey and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were administered to 365 Chinese‐speaking patients with CHD at baseline and again 3 months later ( n = 363). The Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific Advisory Committee criteria were used to examine the psychometric properties of the Chinese MacNew Heart Disease HRQL questionnaire. Results The results warrant recommending the use of the MacNew as an outcome measure to enhance treatment evaluation in Chinese patients with CHD and a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, angina or heart failure, substantiating previous psychometric data on the MacNew in a number of different studies in patients speaking seven different languages. Conclusion The MacNew questionnaire may have value as a core CHD questionnaire for treatment outcome comparisons among pure or mixed populations of patients with myocardial infarction, angina or heart failure. 相似文献