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目的探讨肾移植术后移植肾功能延迟恢复(DGF)的原因及处理措施。方法通过对发生DGF的14例患者临床表现、血肌酐、环孢素A(CsA)血浓度、彩色多普勒超声、移植肾细针穿刺吸抽细胞学检查(FNAB)等分析,诊断移植肾静脉栓塞1例,CsA中毒性肾损害2例,急性肾小管坏死(ATN)6例,急性排斥反应(AR)5例。分别予血液透析、手术探查、调整免疫抑制剂种类或剂量等处理。结果1例移植肾静脉栓塞患者行移植肾切除术;13例患者9—27d尿量增多,术后1个月复查肾功能良好。结论DGF原因包括技术性并发症、CsA中毒性肾损害、ATN、排斥反应等,应结合临床表现及辅助检查,早期诊断,及早采取血液透析、手术探查、调整免疫抑制剂种类或剂量等措施,可取得良好效果。  相似文献   

Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication of deceased donor kidney transplantation with negative impact on clinical outcomes. In a single‐center retrospective analysis, we compared patient and kidney survival, early renal function, and the incidence of acute rejection during the first year among all adult deceased donor kidney transplant patients without DGF, with DGF requiring one‐time and/or more than one‐time dialysis treatment between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2008. Of 831 adult kidney transplant patients, 74 (8.9%) required one‐time and 134 (16.1%) more than one‐time dialysis treatment post‐transplantation, respectively. While DGF patients with one‐time dialysis treatment had comparable clinical outcomes to that of patients without DGF, patients with DGF requiring more than one‐time dialysis treatment had a 45% increased risk for death (HR 1.45, 95% CI 1.02, 2.05, p = 0.04) after adjustment for the differences in demographic and baseline characteristics. Furthermore, DGF patients with more than one‐time dialysis requirement displayed significantly lower renal function after recovery (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.21, 0.49, p < 0.001, for eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min) and higher incidence of acute rejection during the first year (OR 1.66, 95% CI 1.11, 2.49, p = 0.015). Additional studies of therapeutic approaches to manage patients with prolonged DGF are needed.  相似文献   

Increased utilization of suboptimal organs in response to organ shortage has resulted in increased incidence of delayed graft function (DGF) after transplantation. Although presumed increased costs associated with DGF are a deterrent to the utilization of these organs, the financial burden of DGF has not been established. We used the Premier Healthcare Database to conduct a retrospective analysis of healthcare resource utilization and costs in kidney transplant patients (n = 12 097) between 1/1/2014 and 12/31/2018. We compared cost and hospital resource utilization for transplants in high-volume (n = 8715) vs low-volume hospitals (n = 3382), DGF (n = 3087) vs non-DGF (n = 9010), and recipients receiving 1 dialysis (n = 1485) vs multiple dialysis (n = 1602). High-volume hospitals costs were lower than low-volume hospitals ($103 946 vs $123 571, P < .0001). DGF was associated with approximately $18 000 (10%) increase in mean costs ($130 492 vs $112 598, P < .0001), 6 additional days of hospitalization (14.7 vs 8.7, P < .0001), and 2 additional ICU days (4.3 vs 2.1, P < .0001). Multiple dialysis sessions were associated with an additional $10 000 compared to those with only 1. In conclusion, DGF is associated with increased costs and length of stay for index kidney transplant hospitalizations and payment schemes taking this into account may reduce clinicians’ reluctance to utilize less-than-ideal kidneys.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication in cadaveric kidney transplants affecting graft outcome. However, the incidence of DGF differs widely between centres as its definition is very variable. The purpose of this study was to define a parameter for DGF and immediate graft function (IGF) and to compare the graft outcome between these groups at our centre. METHODS: The renal allograft function of 972 first cadaveric transplants performed between 1990 and 2001 in the Republic of Ireland was examined. The DGF and IGF were defined by a creatinine reduction ratio (CRR) between time 0 of transplantation and day 7 post-transplantation of <70 and >70%, respectively. Recipients with reduced graft function (DGF) not requiring dialysis were defined as slow graft function (SGF) patients. The serum creatinine at 3 months, 6 months, 1, 2 and 5 years after transplantation was compared between these groups of recipients. The graft survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years and the graft half-life for DGF, SGF and IGF recipients were also assessed. RESULTS: Of the 972 renal transplant recipients, DGF was seen in 102 (10.5%) patients, SGF in 202 (20.8%) recipients and IGF in 668 (68.7%) patients. Serum creatinine levels were significantly different between the three groups at 3 and 6 months, 1, 2 and 5 years. Graft survival at 5 years for the DGF patients was 48.5%, 60.5% for SGF recipients and 75% for IGF patients with graft half-life of 4.9, 8.7 and 10.5 years, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study has shown that the CRR at day 7 correlates with renal function up to 5 years post-transplantation and with long-term graft survival. We have also demonstrated that amongst patients with reduced graft function after transplantation, two groups with significantly different outcomes exist.  相似文献   

目的 探讨持续低效每日透析(sustained low-efficiency dai1y dialysis,SLEDD)治疗肾移植术后移植肾功能延迟恢复(delayed graft function,DGF)的疗效.方法 选择2011年6月至2016年3月西安交通大学第一附属医院肾移植科78例同种异体尸体肾移植术后发生DGF且需行肾脏替代治疗的患者.其中采用间断性血液透析(intermittent hemodialysis,IHD)治疗22例,采用SLEDD治疗32例,采用持续静脉-静液滤过(continuous veno-venous hemofiltration,CVVH)治疗24例,三组治疗前临床资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).回顾性分析三种血液净化治疗模式对DGF患者尿毒症毒素浓度变化、血流动力学、水-电解质和酸碱平衡、疾病转归指标及所需血液净化时间、费用的影响.结果 三组患者每次治疗后尿毒症毒素平均浓度变化IHD组高于SLEDD及CVVH组(P<0.01),血流动力学不稳定的发生率IHD组高于SLEDD及CVVH组(P<0.05),每日液体出入量、超滤量SLEDD及CVVH组均较IHD组增多(P<0.05),肾功能恢复率SLEDD及CVVH组优于IHD组(P<0.05),移植肾功能恢复时间SLEDD及CVVH组明显短于IHD组(P<0.05),SLEDD与CVVH组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).电解质及酸碱平衡指标三组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);血液净化治疗费用CVVH组明显高于IHD及SLEDD组(P<0.05),IHD组与SLEDD组无明显差别(P>0.05).结论 SLEDD在DGF治疗中,与IHD比较,患者血流动力学相对稳定,移植肾功能恢复率高、恢复时间短,并有相对较大的液体摄入空间;与CVVH比较,尿毒症毒素浓度变化、血流动力学、移植肾功能恢复率及恢复时间无明显差异,但血液净化治疗所需时间及费用相对较少.  相似文献   

The influence of delayed kidney graft function on allograft outcome is described controversially in the literature. The aim of the study was to evaluate possible risk factors for delayed graft function (DGF) and investigate the impact of DGF on short- and long-term renal allograft function. Two groups were formed: the first one consisted of patients who gained immediate graft function (IGF) (n = 64) after transplantation and the second group included patients with DGF (n = 31; with at least one dialysis needed in first week after transplantation). The DGF group had a statistically significant longer duration on dialyses prior to transplantation (DGF 54 vs. IGF 33 months; p < 0.05), on average more frequently a re-transplantation (DGF 1.7 vs. IGF 1.3; p < 0.01), a longer re-anastomosis time (DGF 52.9 vs. 44.2 min; p < 0.01), a lower systolic (DGF 136 +/-24 mmHg vs. IGF 158 +/- 25; p < 0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (DGF 78 +/- 14 vs. IGF 89 +/- 16 mmHg; p < 0.01) at admission to the hospital and a higher serum (S)-creatinine at discharge (DGF 2.5 +/- 1.6 vs. IGF 1.6 +/- 0.4 mg/dL; p < 0.01). Prior to transplantation the DGF group had more often advanced vascular diseases (DGF 29.0 vs. IGF 12.5%; p < 0.01) and these patients incurred more frequently new ones during the next 3 yr after transplantation (DGF 22.6 vs. IGF 6.3%; p < 0.001). After 3 yr the graft survival tended to be lower in the DGF group (DGF 74.2 vs. IGF 84.4%; NS), but this difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Acute rejection (AR) superimposed upon delayed graft function (DGF) following renal transplantation worsens graft outcomes. However, risk factors for AR in patients displaying DGF remain unclear. In this study, 71 patients displaying DGF >/= 5 d were investigated. All received cyclosporine, adjunctive azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), and corticosteroids, with 43 receiving anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody induction. AR episodes were seen in 20 of 71 (28%) patients. Higher C2 levels at days 3 and 5 and the use of MMF were associated with a reduced incidence of AR, with increased HLA-DR mismatch associated with an increased risk for AR. C2 levels at days 3 and 5 below 885 and 1096 ng/mL, respectively, showed best discriminatory values for AR. C2 levels showed no correlation with DGF duration. This study suggests that optimizing immunosuppression in patients with DGF (by ensuring adequate calcineurin inhibitor exposure and the use of potent adjunctive immunosuppression) may reduce the incidence of AR without prolonging the duration of dialysis requirement.  相似文献   

Delayed graft function (DGF) occurs in approximately 30% of renal transplant patients, and significantly increases risk of long-term graft loss. This article reviews the potential for use of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) antagonists to reduce the burden of DGF. IL-2R antagonists decrease incidence of acute rejection without increasing risk of cytomegalovirus infection or malignancy, and show equivalent efficacy to lymphocyte-depleting antibody agents in standard risk patients with immediate graft function. The nephrotoxicity associated with calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) has led to use of delayed or low-dose CNI regimens with induction therapy in patients with DGF. In this setting, use of an IL-2R antagonist with mycophenolate mofetil and steroids with delayed cyclosporine appears to be associated with a low incidence of biopsy-proven rejection and comparable renal function to patients with immediate function. Additionally, there is intriguing evidence to suggests that IL-2R antagonists may reduce risk of DGF occurring. A number of large-scale and smaller studies have reported a trend to reduced incidence of DGF or improved early renal function using IL-2R antagonists compared with placebo, although data are not entirely consistent. In conclusion, the ability of IL-2R antagonists to reduce acute rejection with no additional safety concerns makes them an attractive option for patients with DGF.  相似文献   

Delayed graft function (DGF) following deceased donor kidney transplantation is associated with inferior outcomes. Delayed graft function following living‐donor kidney transplantation is less common, but its impact on graft survival unknown. We therefore sought to determine risk factors for DGF following living‐donor kidney transplantation and DGF's effect on living‐donor kidney graft survival. We analyzed living‐donor kidney transplants performed between 2000 and 2014 in the UNOS dataset. A total of 64 024 living‐donor kidney transplant recipients were identified, 3.6% developed DGF. Cold ischemic time, human leukocyte antigen mismatch, donor age, panel reactive antibody, recipient diabetes, donor and recipient body mass index, recipient race and gender, right nephrectomy, open nephrectomy, dialysis status, ABO incompatibility, and previous transplants were independent predictors of DGF in living‐donor kidney transplants. Five‐year graft survival among living‐donor kidney transplant recipients with DGF was significantly lower compared with graft survival in those without DGF (65% and 85%, respectively, P < 0.001). DGF more than doubled the risk of subsequent graft failure (hazard ratio = 2.3, 95% confidence interval: 2.1–2.6; P < 0.001). DGF after living‐donor kidney transplantation is associated with inferior allograft outcomes. Minimizing modifiable risk factors may improve outcomes in living‐donor kidney transplantation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This exploratory, multicenter, open-label study evaluated the efficacy and safety of FTY720, as a part of an immunosuppressive regimen, in combination with everolimus and steroids in de novo renal transplant recipients at increased risk of delayed graft function (DGF). Patients received FTY720 (5 mg) and everolimus (4 mg) 2–12 h pre-transplantation, followed by 2.5 mg/d FTY720 and concentration-controlled everolimus (4–8 ng/mL) post-transplant for 12 months. Induction therapy was prohibited. After enrollment of 56 of the planned 200 patients between 2000 and 2002, the recruitment was terminated. The primary endpoint, rate of graft loss, or death at three months was 15.4% and the biopsy-confirmed acute rejection was 42.3%. Death or graft loss at 12 months in the DGF and non-DGF arms was 36.0% and 25.9%, respectively. The mean estimated creatinine clearance at three months was 63 and 55 mL/min in the non-DGF and DGF groups, respectively, while at 12 months it was 56 mL/min in both the groups. Although there was no comparator arm, the results from this exploratory study (compared with data from other phases II and III trials) indicated no apparent benefits of FTY720-based regimens for prevention of acute rejection and preservation of renal function in renal transplant recipients at high risk of DGF.  相似文献   

无透析肾移植与透析后肾移植临床效果的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较透析后肾移植与无透析肾移植的临床效果 ,探讨无透析肾移植的安全性与优越性。 方法 回顾分析 1999年 1月到 2 0 0 3年 1月接受无透析肾移植并定期随访的病例 5 0例 ,选择透析后行肾移植病例 5 0例作为对照 ,2组病例年龄、性别、血型、冷 (热 )缺血时间、人类白细胞抗原 (HLA)配型、原发病、免疫抑制治疗方案等条件相匹配 ,比较 2组病例肾移植术后急、慢性排斥反应和移植肾功能延迟恢复的发生率以及人 /肾存活率。 结果 无透析组中术前曾接受输血者 14例( 2 8% ) ,透析组术前接受输血者 32例 ( 6 4 % ) ,2组比较差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 0 1)。无透析组 1年、3年人 /肾存活率均为 10 0 % ,透析组术后 1年、3年人 /肾存活率分别为 10 0 % / 98% ( 5 0 / 4 9)、96 % / 94 % ( 4 8/ 4 7) ,2组比较差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。无透析组术后发生急性排斥反应 3例 ,透析组 5例 ,2组比较差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 2 5 ) ;术后发生移植肾功能延迟恢复无透析组为 6例 ,透析组为 12例 ,2组比较差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 无透析肾移植可以减少患者术前透析及输血带来的潜在危险 ,同时能降低术后排斥反应发生率 ,有助于术后移植肾功能的恢复 ,提高移植肾长期存活  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is mounting evidence from experimental and clinical studies that the quality of organs from cadaver donors may be influenced by events occurring around the time of brain death, and that these may affect transplant outcome. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of donor factors on renal allograft outcome in a homogeneous cohort of 518 patients transplanted in a single centre over a 9 year period. METHODS: Endpoints of the study were delayed graft function (DGF), acute rejection (AR), 1 year graft survival and long-term survival of those grafts that reached 1 year. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine factors that may have influenced the graft outcome indicators. RESULTS: DGF was the major predictor of graft failure overall with cold ischaemia time (CIT) as an important independent factor. The level of histocompatibility did not influence graft survival. DGF was the major factor affecting 1 year graft survival (P<0.0005) with effects persisting beyond 1 year. DGF was significantly influenced by CIT, donor age, female kidney into male recipient and donor creatinine (P<0.05). Other donor factors and factors associated with donor management were not risk factors for DGF, rejection episodes or graft survival. The risk factors for a number of AR episodes were HLA-DR mismatch and DGF (P<0.005). When grafts surviving for 1 year were considered, only CIT, recipient age and creatinine at 1 year (P<0.05) were found to affect graft survival significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this analysis of well-matched transplant recipients show that CIT and DGF are the most important predictors of poor short and long-term graft survival. Therefore, in order to improve the long-term survival of renal allografts efforts should focus on limiting CIT and the damage that occurs during this period and on improving our understanding of DGF.  相似文献   

The use of polyclonal antibodies for delayed graft function (DGF) was tested in 83 renal allograft recipients. Conventional immunosuppression (CI) was given to 52 patients with immediate graft function (IGF) while 31 patients with DGF received the polyclonal antibody ATG. Administration of OKT3 was restricted to steroid-resistant acute rejections in both groups. The incidence and severity of acute rejections, graft survival rate, CMV infections, and lymphocyte subsets were examined. ATG patients experienced a total of 0.6 acute rejections per patient, whereas CI patients had 0.9 on the average (P < 0.05). Second and third acute rejections occurred less frequently and later in the ATG group than in the CI group (P < 0.01). Steroid-resistant acute rejections occurred in 20 of the CI patients (38 %) but in only 7 of ATG patients (23 %). One-year graft survival in the CI and ATG groups was 98.1 % and 93.2 %, respectively. A decreased CD4 + to CD8 + T-lymphocyte ratio of about 0.5 was still detectable 5 years after the initial ATG administration. Hence, patients with DGF appear to benefit from induction therapy with ATG. Received: 3 March 1998 Received after revision: 20 July 1998 Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

Ischemia‐reperfusion injury (IRI) in kidney transplantation is the major cause of delayed graft function (DGF), an event associated with an increased risk of acute rejection. The aim of this study was to evaluate T helper (Th) cell phenotype in renal transplants with DGF. T‐bet (Th1), GATA‐3 (Th2) and IL‐17 (Th17) protein expression was investigated in pretransplant biopsies, DGF and acute tubular damage (ATD) caused by calcineurin‐inhibitor toxicity. Intracytofluorimetric analysis of IFN‐γ, IL‐4 and IL‐17 was performed to analyze Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of recipients with early graft function (EGF) and DGF, before (T0) and 24 h after transplantation (T24). In pretransplant biopsies, T‐bet+, GATA‐3+ and IL‐17+ cells were barely detectable. In DGF, T‐bet+ and IL‐17+ cells were significantly increased compared with pretransplant and ATD. More than 90% of T‐bet+ and less then 5% of IL‐17+ cells were CD4+. GATA‐3+ cells were increased to a lower extent. T‐bet+/GATA‐3+ cell ratio was significantly higher in DGF. Peripheral CD4+ IFN‐γ/IL‐4 ratio was significantly decreased in DGF, while CD4+/IL‐17+ cells did not differ between T0 and T24 in DGF. Our data suggest that DGF is characterized by a prevalent Th1 phenotype within the graft. This event might represent a link between DGF and acute rejection.  相似文献   

Abstract: Introduction:  Delayed graft function (DGF) as a consequence of ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is associated with a decrease in long-term allograft survival. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a stress responsive gene that is highly expressed in multiple pathological processes. The aim of our study was to analyze whether HO-1 protein levels in human kidney transplants during IRI correlate with the incidence of DGF.
Methods:  Kidney biopsies were obtained from 27 kidney allografts at two time points: at the end of cold storage and shortly after reperfusion. Samples were analyzed for HO-1 protein levels by Western blot.
Results:  Heme oxygenase-1 protein levels were significantly higher in post-reperfusion biopsies (39.4 vs. 13.7 arbitrary units, p = 0.001). In pre-reperfusion biopsies no association was observed between HO-1 protein levels and DGF. In post-reperfusion biopsies, higher levels of HO-1 protein were measured in kidneys with DGF (53.7 vs. 36.2 arbitrary units, p = 0.064). DGF kidneys showed a significantly higher increase from pre- to post-reperfusion in HO-1 protein (42.0 vs. 18.7 arbitrary units, p = 0.025).
Conclusion:  Heme oxygenase-1 protein levels shortly after allograft reperfusion are closely related with initial graft function. Assessment thereof may be considered a valuable tool to predict DGF.  相似文献   

目的 总结移植物(肾)功能延迟恢复(DGF)期间并发重症肺部感染的治疗经验。 方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2014年11月在成都军区总医院行肾移植术, 术后出现DGF期间并发重症肺部感染的15例患者的临床资料, 了解其治疗经过及预后。 结果 采用连续性肾脏替代疗法及根据连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过药物调整剂量表来调整给药方案, 采用降阶梯抗生素治疗策略, 调整免疫抑制剂并使用小剂量肾上腺皮质激素, 辅以其它综合治疗措施。15例患者中, 8例行气管插管、2例行气管切开后给予呼吸机机械通气治疗, 5例行无创呼吸机辅助呼吸治疗。经积极抢救治愈11例, 治愈率为73%;死亡4例, 病死率为27%, 均为并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征的患者。 结论 移植肾DGF并发重症肺部感染具有病情严重、发展快的特点。一旦确诊, 应"尽早"和"充分"地应用连续性肾脏替代疗法, 根据连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过药物调整剂量表来调整给药方案, 结合其他综合治疗, 以提高治愈率。  相似文献   

Donation after circulatory death (DCD) kidneys are exposed to warm ischemia, which, coupled with cold ischemia time (CIT) exacerbates delayed graft function (DGF) and is possibly associated with worse graft survival. To analyze the risk of CIT-induced DGF on DCD kidney outcomes, we evaluated national data between 2008 and 2018 of adult kidney-only recipients of paired DCD kidneys where one kidney recipient experienced DGF and the other did not. Of 5602 paired DCD kidney recipients, multivariate analysis between recipients with higher CIT relative to lower CIT showed that increasing CIT differences had a significant dose-dependent effect on overall graft survival. The graft survival risk was minimal with CIT differences of ≥1-h (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1.07, 95% CI .95– 1.20, n = 5602) and ≥5-h (aHR 1.09, 95% CI .93–1.29, n = 2710) and became significant at CIT differences of ≥10-h (aHR 1.37, 95% CI 1.05–1.78, n = 1086) and ≥15-h (aHR 1.78, 95% CI 1.15–2.77, n = 1086). Between each of the four delta-CIT levels of shorter and longer CIT, there were no statistically significant differences in the proportion of acute rejection. These results suggest that in the setting of DCD kidney transplantation (KTX), DGF, specifically mediated by prolonged CIT, impacts long-term graft outcomes.  相似文献   

Kidney transplantation (KT) outcomes in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)‐infected recipients are under continuous research. High incidence of early post‐transplant complications such as acute rejection has been observed. A multicenter study including HIV‐infected patients who underwent KT in Spain, from 2001 to 2011, was performed. The study population included 108 recipients, 36 HIV‐infected, and 72 matched HIV‐negative KT recipients. HIV‐infected recipients developed more delayed graft function (DGF) (52% vs. 21%, P < 0.001). One‐ and 3‐year graft survival was 91.6% and 86.2% in HIV‐infected patients, and 97.1% and 94.7% in HIV‐negative patients (= 0.052). In two‐variate Cox analysis, HIV infection was not a predictor of graft loss after adjusting for time on dialysis, acute rejection, and DGF. Multivariate analysis for DGF revealed HIV‐positive status as independent risk factor. We analyzed the evolution of immunosuppressive and antiretroviral therapy (ART). In HIV‐infected patients tacrolimus trough levels were very high in the first week and significantly lower in the second week post‐transplant (= 0.042). Post‐transplant ART was significantly changed: protease inhibitors use decreased (= 0.034) and integrase inhibitor use increased (< 0.001). DGF is another frequent early complication in HIV‐infected recipients that can affect graft survival. Strategies to prevent DGF and antiretroviral regimes with less drug interactions could improve outcomes.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eight cadaveric renal transplants were analysed to establish the effects of acute rejection in the first 90 days and delayed graft function (DGF) on graft outcome. There were 120 patients (39%) with no DGF and no rejection (group 1), 101 patients (33%) with rejection but no DGF (group 2), 41 patients (13%) with DGF but no rejection (group 3) and 46 patients (15%) with both rejection and DGF (group 4). The actuarial 4-year graft survival rates for groups 1,2,3 and 40.4%, respectively. The acute rejection rate was 101/221 (46%) in patients with initial graft function compared with 46/87 (53%) for those with DGF (2=1.02, P=0.31). Cox stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated that DGF was a more powerful predictive factor for poor graft survival (P=0.001) than acute rejection occurring in the first 90 days post-transplant (P=0.034). Further efforts at improving graft outcome should concentrate on reducing the incidence of DGF.  相似文献   

移植肾功能延迟恢复的临床诊治体会   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的.探讨肾移植术后移植肾功能延迟恢复(DGF)的病因及治疗方法。方法分析本组发生的43例肾移植术后DGF患者的临床资料,主要原因:急性排斥(AR)17例(39.5%),急性肾小管坏死(ATN)16例(37.2%),输尿管梗阻4例(9.3%),免疫抑制剂肾毒性4例(9.3%),动脉吻合口狭窄2例(4.6%)。经血液透析治疗16例,ATG/ALG或OKT3治疗12例,外科手术6例。结果36例肾移植术后8—113d(平均23.8d)肾功能恢复正常,2例肌酐在176—300μmol/L之间,4例恢复血透,1例死于肺部感染。结论AR和ATN是引起肾移植术后DGF的主要因素,术前严格配型、合理筛选受者及保证供肾质量等是成功的关键。  相似文献   

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