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A rare variety of malignant melanoma in the maxilla was studied by electron microscopic observation and an immunohistochemical investigation of the transferrin receptor (TfR). A number of low-stage melanosomes were seen, and the TfR was found in both the cell membrane and the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Pulmonary carcinosarcoma: immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A case of pulmonary carcinosarcoma in a 68-year-old male patient is reported. The tumor in the resected left upper lobe extended mainly endobronchially, invading the normal bronchial lumina and mucosa. The carcinomatous component consisted of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and was mainly located in the periphery of the tumor nests. The sarcomatous component consisted of chondrosarcoma and was mainly located in the center of the tumor nests. Tumor cells in the sarcomatous component reacted with anti-S-100 protein antibody and were surrounded with abundant homogeneous extracellular matrix staining positively with Alcian blue. The transition from the carcinomatous component to the sarcomatous component appeared to be very smooth. The tumor cells in both the carcinomatous and sarcomatous components reacted with anti-epithelial membrane antigen antibody. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells with tonofibrils in the carcinomatous component were apposed and connected to each other by desmosomes. By contrast, in the sarcomatous component, the tumor cells had well-developed and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum and were arranged loosely in a myxomatous matrix. Some tumor cells in the sarcomatous component had occasional tonofibrils, and were apposed and connected to each other by desmosome-like structures. It is shown for the first time, ultrastructurally and immunohistochemically, that the tumor cells in the sarcomatous component of pulmonary carcinosarcomas have features of both epithelial and mesenchymal cells. It is suggested that the sarcomatous component in the present case is derived from the carcinomatous component.  相似文献   

AIM: To document the clinical, histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of three malignant melanomas showing neuroendocrine differentiation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three patients, two with primary cutaneous melanoma and one with nasal mucosal melanoma, subsequently developing or simultaneously presenting with metastatic malignant melanoma, were studied by conventional histological technique, immunohistochemistry of formalin-fixed paraffin-wax embedded tissues, and electron microscopy of epoxy-resin-embedded tumour tissue. Tumours showed either small cell or conventional malignant melanoma cell morphology. One of the three primary melanocytic lesions (the nasal melanoma) exhibited neuroendocrine differentiation immunohistochemically. All three metastatic malignant melanomas showed, in varying combinations, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural evidence for neuroendocrine differentiation: they were positive for the melanocytic markers, S100 protein, HMB-45, Melan-A and tyrosinase, and the neuroendocrine markers chromogranin, synaptophysin and neurofilament protein. Ultrastructural study in two of the metastases revealed neuroendocrine granules but no lattice-bearing melanosomes. CONCLUSIONS: The cases described are the most comprehensively investigated malignant melanomas showing neuroendocrine differentiation to date, and the first to document neuroendocrine differentiation ultrastructurally in these tumours. Malignant melanoma with neuroendocrine differentiation therefore needs to be recognized among the other, better known variants of malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Malignant myoepithelioma arising in the palatal gland is extremely rare. The present study demonstrated ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features of malignant myoepithelioma transformed from long-standing benign myoepithelioma occurring in the palatal gland. Microscopically, the tumor mass was composed of plasmacytoid cells and epitheloid cells. The malignant feature was seen only at the area adjacent to the bone. Immunohistochemically, most of the cells were S-100 positive, whereas vimentin and keratin were only partially positive. Glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) was positive at the peripheral cells of the solid nests and epitheloid cells with myxoid stroma. Ultrastructurally, filament-rich cells, tonofilament-rich cells, and filament-poor cells were observed. At the area adjacent to the bone, the cells implying malignancy were filament-poor cells in which the luminal structures could be detected. From these findings, a scarcity of filaments in myoepitheliomatous components may imply a malignancy.  相似文献   

Summary Malignant rhabdoid tumours (MRTs) are highly aggressive neoplasms which most frequently occur in the kidney of young children. Several cases of primary MRT occurring in extra-renal sites have been reported, particularly in the soft tissues. We report a case of primary MRT of the uterus, a very rare site for this neoplasm, with morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features corresponding to restrictive morphological criteria for MRT. The possible differential diagnoses were considered.  相似文献   

Phyllodes tumor of the prostate is a rare neoplasm with cellular or sarcomatoid stroma and hyperplastic glands. This lesion shares many histologic features with cystosarcoma phyllodes of the breast. Although a malignant variant of phyllodes tumor of the prostate has been described, the majority of cases have been clinically benign. We report an unusual case of phyllodes tumor of the prostate in which the stromal component underwent malignant degeneration, a finding not previously described (to our knowledge). Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies demonstrated smooth-muscle differentiation of the stromal cells.  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma is known to display tremendous histologic diversity. One rare variant is the rhabdoid phenotype, so called because of the appearance of cells resembling rhabdomyoblasts seen in malignant rhabdoid tumors of the kidney. We present the histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features of a malignant melanoma composed entirely of rhabdoid cells. A 62-year-old man presented with a 6.5-cm lung mass. Although presumed to be a metastatic lesion, extensive workup failed to reveal a primary tumor site. Histologic sections showed a mass composed entirely of polygonal neoplastic cells with prominent nucleoli and large hyaline cytoplasmic inclusions. The tumor cells were strongly immunoreactive with S100 protein, vimentin, and CD56, and were focally reactive with Mart-1. Tumor cells were negative for Melan-A, tyrosinase, HMB-45, AE1/AE3, cytokeratin (CK) 7, CK8/ 18, CK20, CK903, CAM 5.2, epithelial membrane antigen, smooth muscle actin, desmin, leukocyte common antigen, Bcl-2, CD3, CD20, CD30, CD138, kappa and lambda light chains, CD68, CD34, factor VIII, synaptophysin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Electron microscopy showed cytoplasmic whorls of intermediate filaments containing entrapped rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and lipid. Recognition of this rare variant of malignant melanoma is important in the evaluation of tumors with rhabdoid morphology.  相似文献   

Elastosis is the pathological finding of focal deposits of elastic fibers in abnormal amounts within tissue. It is well described in the case of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast, but elastosis in lung carcinoma has not been previously documented in detail. We investigated the characteristics of elastosis in lung carcinoma with light and electron microscopies, and immunohistochemistry for alpha-1-antitrypsin. A total of 184 surgically resected primary lung carcinomas were studied. Elastosis was detected in adenocarcinomas (85/106), squamous cell carcinomas (11/60) and adenosquamous carcinomas (5/7), but not in small-cell carcinomas (n = 4) or large-cell carcinomas (n = 5). The degree of elastosis in each case was divided into one of five grades, graded as 3+ to 1-. The score of elastosis was significantly higher in adenocarcinoma than that in squamous-cell carcinoma (P<0.01). In the cases of adenocarcinoma, the mean score of elastosis in the well-differentiated type (WD n = 43) was higher than that in the moderately differentiated (MD) (n = 39; P = 0.012) and poorly differentiated (PD) types (n = 24; P<0.01). The mean score of elastosis in MD adenocarcinoma was also higher than that in the PD type (P<0.01). Light- and electron-microscopic analyses revealed that these elastic fibers in elastosis were composed of aggregates of thick mature and fine immature elastic fibers, and were positive for alpha-1-antitrypsin. It is suggested that both degraded elastic fibers and newly synthesized fibers are contained in the elastosis of lung carcinoma. Although no significant evidence was detected to suggest any correlation between elastosis and the degree of tumor invasion, the survival curves of adenocarcinomas with elastosis showed a significantly improved prognosis than of those without elastosis in the cases of stages IA and IB (n = 52; P = 0.026).  相似文献   

A subcutaneous myopericytoma-type perivascular myoma arising in the elbow of a 61-year-old woman is described. The tumor was well demarcated and consisted microscopically of small ovoid and spindle cells arranged in a concentric fashion, surrounding small to medium-sized vessels and imparting a superficial resemblance to hemangiopericytoma. In some areas, the cellular whorls were separated by myxoid stroma. Cells located between cellular whorls appeared immature with scant cytoplasm but did not show distinct nuclear anaplasia, increased mitoses or foci of necrosis. Immunohistochemistry showed that constituent cells were positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin and desmin. Electron microscopy disclosed that the immature-looking cells, as well as the ovoid and spindle-shaped cells, possessed focal densities along with thin filaments, subplasmalemmal densities, pinocytotic vesicles and an external lamina. These ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features indicate a myoid nature of pericytic cells and justify this type of neoplasm being categorized as perivascular myoid tumor.  相似文献   

An extremely rare case of malignant glomus tumor originating in the superior mediastinum was evaluated immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. A 78-year-old woman who had been suffering from dysphagia and dyspnea had poorly-defined soft tissue mass, 4.5 x 2.5cm, in the superior mediastinum with direct invasion into the esophagus, trachea, and bilateral thyroid glands. This case is believed to be unique in several respects. There were neither recognizable findings of benign glomus tumor nor sarcomatous areas, in contrast to the previously reported cases. A definite direct invasion into the surrounding organs was identified. We therefore interpreted this case as primary malignant glomus tumor, not as glomangiosarcoma arising in a benign glomus tumor.  相似文献   

The differential diagnoses of malignant mesothelioma in serous effusions include adenocarcinoma and reactive mesothelial cells. While several cytologic features are of predictive value in separating these entities, immunostaining and ultrastructural examination are important adjuncts that increase the diagnostic yield. Many of the cytomorphologic features can be correlated with immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings. Most important among these is the ultrastructural demonstration of long, often branching microvillous processes in malignant mesothelial cells. Corresponding microvilli can be visualized by immunostaining for epithelial membrane antigen in both cell block preparations from effusions and biopsy specimens, allowing the identification of malignant mesothelioma. In addition, the circumferential distribution of these immunostained microvilli in cells dispersed in stromal connective tissue identifies them as malignant mesothelial cells, corresponding to the ultrastructural appearance of aberrant microvilli, which project through deficiencies in the basal lamina. These microvilli show interdigitation with stromal collagen fibers, a phenomena not observed in adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Balloon cell melanoma, a variant of malignant melanoma, has been reported on rare occasions in animals and is uncommon in man. Such tumours have variable numbers of large, round to polygonal cells with abundant, clear, often vacuolated cytoplasm containing fine melanin granules and variable amounts of lipid. This report describes balloon cell melanomas in three dogs. Immunohistochemically, these tumours showed reactions similar to those of human melanomas when tested with antibodies against S-100 protein, neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and vimentin. Electron microscopically, numerous heterogeneous melanosomes were demonstrated in the balloon cell cytoplasm of one tumour. Although balloon cell melanoma apparently occurs infrequently in dogs, it should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of neoplasms containing clear cells.  相似文献   

Malignant melanomas of soft parts from 4 patients were studied by light microscopy, immunocytochemistry for S-100 protein, and electron microscopy. Each patient presented with a deep soft tissue mass in an extremity. Histologically, the tumors were composed of epithelioid and spindle cells, and in one, neoplastic giant cells were present. The tumors did not stain for melanin but were all positive for S-100 protein. Ultrastructurally, premelanosomes were identified in every tumor and in a cell line established from one tumor. Schwann cell features were present in one of the tumors. Although the clinical presentation of malignant melanoma of soft parts is similar to that of epithelioid sarcoma and synovial sarcoma, the combined light microscopic, immunocytochemical, and ultrastructural features should serve to distinguish it from other soft tissue sarcomas.  相似文献   

A case of ectopic hamartomatous thymoma (EHT) arising in the supraclavicular region of a 52-year-old male is presented. The well-defined tumor measuring 1.7x1.5x0.7 cm consisted of three components: spindle cell (70%), epithelial (25%), and adipose (5%). The spindle cell component was characterized by sheet-like, haphazard and short fascicular arrangements of bland spindle cells. Neither mitotic figures nor cellular pleomorphism were found. Admixed with, and adjacent to, the spindle cell areas was an obviously epithelial component of variable appearance, ranging from glandular spaces lined by mainly cuboidal clear cells, irregularly anastomosing cords, and strands of epithelial cells to irregular solid nests of squamous epithelium with dark and clear cytoplasm. Myoepithelial cells were also observed. Immunohistochemically, the spindle cells were strongly and diffusely positive for cytokeratins and some of them were positive for BRST2, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and CD10. The tumor was negative for S-100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and CD34. Ultrastructurally, tonofilaments and desmosomes were observed in the spindle cells. The findings indicate an epithelial origin. The patient was well without recurrence or metastasis 8 months after excision. Pathologists and clinicians should be aware of the existence of ectopic hamartomatous thymoma in the supraclavicular or suprasternal region and should differentiate it from a high-grade sarcoma, such as biphasic synovial sarcoma or glandular malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and both light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical tests for elastin were employed to study the morphogenesis of the unique elastinophilic fibers of an elastofibroma removed from the subscapular region of a 62-year-old woman. Ultrastructurally, as shown by tannic acid stain, elastinophilic fibers of the elastofibroma consisted of central cores and outer zones. The latter were composed of various sizes of vaguely demarcated, irregularly shaped amorphous components and compactly and randomly arranged large amounts of microfibrils. The electron microscopic immunohistochemical results showed that the small-sized amorphous components and microfibrils in the outer zones of the elastinophilic fibers were stained evenly and of granular texture, but the vaguely outlined large amorphous components were not stained. These findings were interpreted as indicating that the amorphous components of the outer zones of elastinophilic fibers were less compact and allowed the penetration of antielastin antibody. The unique elastinophilic fibers of elastofibromas appear not to be formed by the degeneration of the fibers but by abnormal elastogenesis, including an abnormal arrangement of microfibrils.  相似文献   

In the present study of the notochord, the specimens were 54 externally normal human embryos ranging between Carnegie stages 13 and 23. The following staining procedures were used: periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), modified method of PAS, alcian blue, colloidal iron, and toluidine blue. Routine electron microscopic techniques were used. Immunoreactivity of the notochord to alpha-enolase was also examined. The notochord cells were undifferentiated in stage 13 with few intracellular organelles. The microfibrils and deposition of acid mucopolysaccharides appeared in the notochordal sheath in stage 14. The characteristic relation of mitochondria with rough endoplasmic reticulum was observed. Golgi complexes increased in the perinuclear region in stage 15. The layer of microfibrils in the notochordal sheath initially separated from the notochord in stage 16. Glycogen, mucoprotein, neutral mucopolysaccharides, and glycolipids began to increase in the mesenchymal cells around the notochord, starting at stage 16. Acid mucopolysaccharides increased in the notochordal sheath and in the matrix of the precartilage area around the notochord as this embryonic stage advanced. It was also revealed that the immunoreactivity of the notochord to alpha-enolase remained constant during the embryonic period. The results show that the notochord is transformed from an apparently undifferentiated organ into an organ with secretory activity in stage 14, producing microfibrils and depositing acid mucoplysaccharides in the notochordal sheath. The immunoreactivity of the notochord to alpha- and gamma-enolase isoenzymes and the development of the notochord are discussed. This study was undertaken to provide additional information on the development of tumors of notochordal origin.  相似文献   

A malignant rhabdoid tumour of the bladder is reported from a girl aged 6. Detailed immunohistochemical and ultrastructural investigations provide evidence which suggests a histiocytic origin for this controversial neoplasm.  相似文献   

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