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全国妇产科急重症学术研讨会会议纪要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全国妇产科急重症学术研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 9月 5 9日在云南省昆明市召开 ,与会代表 5 0 0余人。本次会议就妇产科急重症及其相关问题进行了广泛交流 ,现总结如下。1 产科急症部分1 1 关于产后出血的防治  产后出血是造成我国孕产妇死亡的首位原因 ,以子宫收缩乏力性出血最为多见 ,为恢复和增强子宫的收缩和缩复功能 ,除使用缩宫素及麦角新碱等传统宫缩剂外 ,近年来前列腺素制剂也广泛应用于临床 ,并取得比缩宫素更强的缩宫效果。武汉汉阳铁路中心医院利用前列腺素E衍生物米索前列醇直肠给药预防产后出血 ,观察对象为具有产后出血高危因…  相似文献   

目的:探索"二孩政策"全面实施前后对产科重症患者转入重症医学科(ICU)的影响。方法:对2007年1月1日至2019年6月30日转入昆明医科大学第一附属医院ICU的产科重症患者进行回顾分析。研究对象包括本院转入ICU和外院直接转入ICU的产科患者。将其分为两组,第1组:2007年1月1日至2016年5月31日转入ICU的产科重症患者;第2组:2016年6月1日至2019年6月30日转入ICU的产科重症患者。收集患者的一般资料、转入ICU主要原因、疾病严重程度、ICU内主要干预等数据,比较两组患者转入ICU的主要原因(ICU第一诊断),一般资料、临床特征,主要妊娠并发症/合并症及母亲结局。按照世界卫生组织2012年孕产妇死亡疾病分类-10(ICD-10)将产妇死亡原因分为:直接产科死亡和间接产科死亡。结果:(1)研究期间,本院共计分娩63703人次。两组共计转入ICU患者540例,其中第1组376例(本院340例,外院36例),第2组164例(本院159例,外院5例)。本院孕产妇ICU转入率0.78%(499/63703)。(2)转入ICU主要原因中以产科因素为主,前五位原因依次是产后出血、妊娠期高血压疾病、心脏病、脓毒症和急性胰腺炎。其中,第2组患者产后出血(P=0.02)和妊娠合并急性胰腺炎(P0.01)的比例更高,但脓毒症患者的比例下降(P=0.04)。(3)一般资料和临床特征,第2组患者年龄更大,孕次、产次、流产次数更多,失血量更多,ICU住院天数和总住院天数均更长(P均0.05),通过介入栓塞动脉止血的比例更高,ICU内机械通气的比例也更高(P均0.05)。(4)主要妊娠并发症/合并症,第2组产后出血的比例较高,其中以胎盘因素导致产后出血的比例升高,宫缩乏力的因素下降(P均0.05)。妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠合并急性胰腺炎、妊娠合并肝内胆汁淤积症及甲状腺问题的比例均增加,但HELLP综合征、先心病的比例下降(P均0.05)。(5)研究期间,孕产妇死亡共13例(本院8例,外院5例);10例间接产科死亡,3例直接产科死亡。本院孕产妇死亡率为12.6/10万(8/63703),濒临死亡率为536.9/10万(342/63703)。结论:研究期内,重症孕产妇转入ICU的主要原因仍以产科因素为主,分别为产后出血、妊娠期高血压疾病、心脏病和脓毒症。"二孩政策"之后,短期内年分娩数量达到顶峰,转入ICU的重症孕产妇数量随之上升。产后出血的发生率增加,其中胎盘因素导致的产后出血比例增加而宫缩乏力所占的比例下降,失血量增加,住院时间延长,ICU内机械通气的比例增加;死亡原因主要以妊娠期的合并症/并发症为主。  相似文献   

        孕产妇死亡(maternal mortality,MM),2018年最新颁布的国际疾病分类第11 版(ICD-11)沿用了之前ICD-10的定义,是指处在妊娠期或妊娠终止后42 d 内死亡的妇女(但不包括由于意外或偶然原因导致的死亡)。全球每年孕产妇死亡约30万,大多发生于经济发展较为落后国家,是社会经济状况及妇幼保健工作极为敏感的指标,早已认为是保护妇女“人权”的指标之一[1-2]。新中国成立之初孕产妇死亡率为1500/10万,2018年全国孕产妇死亡率降至18.3/10万,优于中高收入国家平均水平,我国在围产医学领域中取得了巨大成就,也是中国政府保护妇女“人权”的具体体现[3]。虽然在降低孕产妇死亡率方面,我们取得了举世瞩目的成就,但从2014年全国孕产妇死亡率已经下降到21.7/10万来看[1],近年来我们的孕产妇死亡率的下降已然进入一个瓶颈期,如何进一步持续降低中国孕产妇死亡率,是我们每一位围产工作者面临的前所未有的挑战。  相似文献   

孕产妇死亡率与当地人民的经济、文化、医疗保健、服务水平有直接关系。为了提高围产期保健质量,为降低母婴死亡率提供科学依据,我们应掌握孕产妇死亡的原因及分布,以便制定行之有效的策略与措施。据统计,我省从2009年至2010年妇女保健状况统计资料表明共有160例孕产妇死亡,  相似文献   

早发型重度子痫前期对母儿的影响及围产结局   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对早发型重度子痫前期发病孕周、终止妊娠孕周、孕周延长时间、母亲严重并发症发生情况及小于孕龄儿发生情况等进行阐述.认为发病孕周是影响胎儿及新生儿病死率的主要因素,发病孕周早围生儿预后差.在终止妊娠前短期的保守治疗(期待疗法)是安全有效的,能明显降低围生儿死亡率及提高生存率.  相似文献   

<正>产科的临床事情千头万绪,但是最重要最棘手的总结起来就是5件"P"事,只要将这5件"P"事管好,80%以上的问题和风险就迎刃而解。这5件"P"事分别是:postpartum hemorrhage(产后出血),preterm birth(早产),preeclampsia(子痫前期),problems associated with birth(分娩并发症),prena-tal diagnosis and fetal therapy(产期诊断与胎儿宫内  相似文献   

中心内容:妊娠期高血压疾病如何降低子痫前期的发病率及危害程度妊娠期高血压疾病临床实践中的"对应性"问题转化医学与妊娠期高血压疾病子痫前期合并腹腔间隔室综合征的诊治妊娠期高血压疾病并发产后出血的防治妊娠期高血压疾病低蛋白血症的诊治  相似文献   

        孕产妇死亡是指任何妊娠或妊娠相关的原因导致孕产妇从开始妊娠至产后42d内出现死亡(意外死亡的孕产妇不包括在内)。孕产妇死亡率是反映一个区域政治、经济、文化和卫生状况的重要指标。随着医疗技术水平的提高,国家卫生健康委员会发布《中国妇幼健康事业发展报告(2019)》,提示2018年全国孕产妇死亡率下降至18.3/10万。据统计,全国孕产妇死亡率最高的前4种疾病是产科出血(4.7/10万)、羊水栓塞(2.2/10万)、心脏病(2.0/10万)、妊娠期高血压疾病(1.6/10万)。2008-2017年上海危重孕产妇死亡64例,前2位死因分别为妊娠合并心脏病17例(26.15%)、重度子痫前期/子痫9例(13.85%)[1],以上数据显示妊娠合并心脏病已成为孕产妇死亡的非产科因素首位因素。如何优化妊娠合并心脏病孕产妇的管理、降低孕产妇死亡率仍是需亟待完善的重要问题。  相似文献   

Objective  To document the frequency and causes of maternal mortality and severe (near-miss) morbidity in metropolitan La Paz, Bolivia.
Design  Facility-based cross-sectional study.
Setting  Four maternity hospitals in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, where free maternal health care is provided through a government-subsidised programme.
Population  All maternal deaths and women with near-miss morbidity.
Methods  Inclusion of near-miss using clinical and management-based criteria.
Main outcome measures  Maternal mortality ratio (MMR), severe morbidity ratio (SMR), mortality indices and proportion of near-miss cases at hospital admission.
Results  MMR was 187/100 000 live births and SMR was 50/1000 live births, with a relatively low mortality index of 3.6%. Severe haemorrhage and severe hypertensive disorders were the main causes of near-miss, with 26% of severe haemorrhages occurring in early pregnancy. Sepsis was the most common cause of death. The majority of near-miss cases (74%) were in critical condition at hospital admission and differed from those fulfilling the criteria after admission as to diagnostic categories and socio-demographic variables.
Conclusions  Pre-hospital barriers remain to be of great importance in a setting of this type, where there is wide availability of free maternal health care. Such barriers, together with haemorrhage in early pregnancy, pre-eclampsia detection and referral patterns, should be priority areas for future research and interventions to improve maternal health. Near-miss upon arrival and near-miss after arrival at hospital should be analysed separately as that provides additional information about factors that contribute to maternal ill-health.  相似文献   

《Seminars in perinatology》2017,41(5):266-272
Significant racial/ethnic disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality exist in the United States. Black women are 3–4 times more likely to die a pregnancy-related death as compared with white women. Growing research suggests that hospital quality may be a critical lever for improving outcomes and narrowing disparities. This overview reviews the evidence demonstrating that hospital quality is related to maternal mortality and morbidity, discusses the pathways through which these associations between quality and severe maternal morbidity generate disparities, and concludes with a discussion of possible levers for action to reduce disparities by improving hospital quality.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality has traditionally been the key element in the monitoring of maternal health and adequacy of obstetric services in Australia and around the world. In developed countries, the ability of maternal mortality to serve this purpose is reduced because of the rarity of maternal mortality, reflected in very low maternal mortality ratios. Internationally, there has been increasing interest in severe maternal morbidity as an indicator to monitor maternal health and maternity services. The aim of this paper is to critically examine the capacity to measure and monitor maternal morbidity in Australia. There is a paucity of reliable maternal morbidity data in Australia; Australia is lagging behind peer countries that are endeavouring to monitor severe maternal morbidity. Dedicated efforts and adequate resources are needed in order to monitor severe maternal morbidity in Australia.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the delivery indication (maternal or fetal) for patients with preterm preeclampsia and assess whether disease characteristics at presentation are predictive of delivery indication.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study at a tertiary hospital in Melbourne, Australia (Mercy Hospital for Women). We assessed indication for delivery for participants presenting with preeclampsia from 23+0 to 32+6 weeks gestation. We compared baseline disease characteristics, disease features at delivery and postnatal outcomes between those delivered for maternal or fetal indications, or for both maternal and fetal indications.

Results: Two hundred sixty six participants presented with preterm preeclampsia and 108 were eligible for inclusion in our study. More participants were delivered for maternal indications at 65.7% compared to those requiring delivery on fetal grounds at 19.4% or for both indications at 14.8% (p?<?0.0001). Maternal disease characteristics at presentation were similar between groups; however, there was a higher proportion of growth restriction and abnormal Dopplers among those delivered on fetal grounds. Participants delivered on maternal grounds gained less gestation, had higher blood pressure and higher incidence of abnormal liver function tests than those delivering for fetal indications at delivery.

Conclusion: Participants with preterm preeclampsia were predominantly delivered due to maternal disease progression compared to fetal compromise.  相似文献   

目的探讨低分子肝素治疗重度子痫前期的临床价值及对母婴结局的影响。方法将64例重度子痫前期患者随机分为研究组(32例)和对照组(32例),对照组采用解痉、镇静、降压及利尿治疗,研究组在对照组用药的基础上加用低分子肝素治疗,观察两组的血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、血浆D二聚体(DD)、红细胞压积(HCT)、血压、尿量及尿蛋白的变化及分娩结局情况。结果两组患者治疗后收缩压、舒张压、24h尿量、24h尿蛋白、PT、APTT、HCT和DD均较治疗前明显改善,与治疗前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组产后出血量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。研究组孕周延长时间(15.21±3.98)d长于对照组(5.67±2.66)d,研究组新生儿1分钟Apgar评分4~7分者发生率(18.75%)与对照组(53.13%)比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组均无不良反应发生。结论抗凝药物低分子肝素可明显改善重度子痫前期患者的血压、尿量、凝血功能,降低新生儿新生儿窒息发生率,不影响产后出血量,使用安全。  相似文献   

Objective: Intention to use modern contraception in women with severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM) presents a window of opportunity to scale up postpartum family planning to prevent future complications. The aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect the contraceptive intentions of women who survive SAMM in Kaduna State, northern Nigeria.

Methods: SAMM survivors aged 15–49 years were recruited after recovery and interviewed before discharge from hospital.

Results: Of the 330 women studied, 246 (74.5%) had wanted the index pregnancy. Although their knowledge of modern contraception was good (89.1%), only 44.5% had ever used modern contraception. The main reason given for not wanting to use modern contraception was that God should decide on the number of children. Injectables, pills, implants and male condoms were the commonest contraceptive methods used. Of the women who gave reasons for stopping these contraceptives, the main reasons in 61% were desire to conceive and fear of side effects. The majority (72.4%) of the women wished to have more children and 69.1% intended to use contraception in the future. The husband’s permission was needed by 78.2% of respondents before using contraception. The commonest reason given for not wanting to get pregnant again was to avoid complications (30.4%) and that family size had been completed (28.6%).

Conclusion: Male partner involvement and counselling to address religious views and fear of side effects are critical to the acceptance of postpartum family planning in SAMM survivors.  相似文献   

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