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The discourse skills of mothers and their language-delayed children were examined to determine how participants opened and responded to each other in conversation. Four language-delayed children were matched to four normal children on mean length of utterance. Videotapes were made of the children and their mothers during 15 minutes of play. The types of utterances used to open and respond were similar; however, the flow of dialogue was different for the two groups in the use of invitations, initiations, sustaining, and non-sustaining responses. In the language-delayed child-mother dyads the flow of information through dialogue was interrupted by the necessity to clarify and the lack of definitive control of the turn-taking structure. Conclusions were that there was less shared context between mothers and their language-delayed children. These differences could be explained by the linguistic, semantic, and pragmatic ability of the children.  相似文献   

目的考察听障儿童语言运用特点。方法使用调查法,以1名7岁听障儿童为对象,采用在自然游戏情境下与其互动对话的方式取得语言样本,分析其语言运用特点。结果①个案大多数时间在会话中担任主动角色,能根据语境采用恰当的方式发起话题,并遵守会话原则保持话题;②个案所发起的话题主题及细节内容与自身实际生活密切相关;③个案能够较自如地将非言语行为和言语行为结合;④个案语音清晰度不高是影响其会话效果的主要障碍。结论个案有一定的语言运用能力,这对其顺畅地与他人进行口语沟通有很大帮助。个案语音清晰度和礼貌教育的缺乏会影响其语用能力的持续性发展。  相似文献   

This study investigated the topic manipulation skills and conversational participation of school-age language-impaired children (LI) in interactions with normal language peers. The subjects consisted of eight dyads of a normal language child and a language-impaired child balanced for approximate age and sex. They ranged in age from 5.11 to 7.11 years of age. The subjects participated in two conversations in order to explore the effects of familiarity on conversational participation. The subjects were unfamiliar with each other before the study began. Fifteen to twenty minutes of discourse were taped, transcribed, and analyzed for the number and proportion of topics maintained, topics introduced, topics reintroduced, topics shaded, and the number and proportion of back channel responses produced in Session 1 and Session 2. A behavioral measure was included to clarify whether conversational nonassertiveness was related to a behavioral style of interaction. No significant differences were found between the LI children and the normal children for the number and proportion of topics maintained, topics introduced, or topics shaded. However, the LI subjects did produce significantly more topic reintroductions than the normal subjects. The number and proportion of back channel responses was not found to differ significantly between the two groups. A familiarity effect was demonstrated by a reduction in the number of utterances produced in Session 2 as compared to Session 1 as the children interacted less in the second conversation. Several interpretations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The syntactic nonconversational features of monologue speech were investigated as a companion paper to Gallagher and Craig's (1978) study of the semantic and conversational aspects of monologues. The monologue-dialogue language samples collected by Gallagher and Craig from nine normal subjects, three at Brown's language stages I, II, and III, were analyzed syntactically. The original procedure consisted of the collection of a two-hour language sample from each child containing alternations of dialogue with the examiner and monologue produced during independent play. The results indicate that the syntactic categories that occurred in monologue speech were similar to those appearing in dialogue speech but the percentage frequencies differed. Monologue subsamples can be characterized syntactically as highly structured sequences of revision behavior reflecting a basic metalinguistic performative. The clinical implications of the naturally occurring analysis procedures observed are discussed.  相似文献   

Mothers' recasts and other contingent replies to their children's utterances were examined in two groups of mother-child dyads. In one group there were 14 dyads that contained language-impaired children; in the other there were 14 dyads that contained non-language-impaired children. Results indicated that mothers' overall use of recasts, as well as other contingent replies, was highly similar for the two groups, except that complex recasts were used more often by the mothers of non-language-impaired children. Differences in discourse functions were also observed. Mothers of language-impaired children used recasts less often than mothers of non-language-impaired children to respond to, or request clarification of, their children's utterances. Further, they more often used such replies to serve the functions of information requests, assertion, or direction. Recasts were also found to vary in relation to observed differences in children's intelligibility and in contrasting patterns of dialogue initiation for the two kinds of dyads.  相似文献   

In conventional audiological rehabilitation, the hearing therapist interacts with the hearing-impaired person and with significant others. In order to strengthen the personality and self-confidence of the hearing-impaired individual, a different strategy was designed and implemented whereby the pedagogic interaction was directed only towards the hearing-impaired individual, who in turn worked as a tutor/aid/counsellor to the communication partner. On the basis of an interactive communication model, new methods for rehabilitation of subjects with moderate hearing impairment were developed and evaluated in a pilot study on 13 men with noise-induced hearing loss. A course programme was developed with three main active components: (1) increased insight and knowledge; (2) education as counsellors with the ability to focus on the problems of the communication partner; and (3) motivation to change through group discussion and reflexive conversation. Increased insight and knowledge were obtained through test and training experiences in a sound environmental chamber, tutorials and discussions. The pedagogic training focused on helping the hearing-impaired subjects to become able communication counsellors in relation to their interlocutors. An act-react, offensive-defensive paradigm was used in conjunction with transactional analysis. Results of the pilot study were evaluated using questionnaires, interviews and a method of dialogue analysis. The results were evaluated for the hearing-impaired and the partner and in recordings of conversations in the home environment. There were clearly positive cognitive and emotional effects seen in the inquiries and interviews. The observations from the dialogue analysis indicated only small effects, with the exception of the two individuals with the most pronounced functional impairment, for whom dialogue was improved after the course. It was concluded that these new methods could contribute new possibilities in rehabilitation programmes, emphasizing the shared responsibility for communication and the unique competence and abilities of the hearing-impaired person.  相似文献   

Mother's discourse adjustments addressed to language-impaired children and non-language-impaired children were studied. Mother-child dyads with 14 language-impaired children and 14 MLU-matched non-language-impaired children served as subjects. The mothers' discourse was compared on the following measures: meaning illocutions, cohesion ilocutions, and dialogue participation. The children's participation in dialogue was also analyzed. Results indicated that the mothers' speech addressed to the two groups of children was highly similar, but the discourse performance of the language-impaired children was not like that of the non-language-impaired children. The clinical implications of these findings for the language-impaired population are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty mothers and their preschool-aged, developmentally delayed children participated in this parent-focused intervention study. Nine mother-child dyads received an 11-week training program that espoused a social-conversational approach, while 11 dyads served as controls. Pre- and posttest videotapes were transcribed and coded to yield measures of turn taking, as well as indexes of responsiveness, topic control, and uninvolvement. Following treatment, the mothers in the experimental group were more responsive to and less controlling of their children's behavior than the mothers in the comparison group. The children initiated more topics, were more responsive to their mother's preceding turns, and used more verbal turns and a more diverse vocabulary than the control group children. No differences in language development, as measured by a standardized test, were found. Individual maternal responses to intervention as well as implications for modifying parent training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Dialogue from 30-min samples each from Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood was described. Three aspects of language were measured: grammar, content, and discourse. The findings indicate that the dialogue of these programs is well suited to young viewers, with adjustments similar to those evident in adults' speech to young children. The mean length of utterance is comparable to that of adults in interactions with children, the ratio of different words to total words is the same as that of young children's language, sentence structure is simplified, and there is a heavy emphasis on the here and now (a majority of present tense verbs, a high proportion of utterances about immediately visible topics or referents, and a preponderance of narrative about shared immediate events). There are repeated instances of linguistic emphasis, with frequent repetition of key terms. Both programs avoid complex word forms. Overall, the dialogue of educational children's programs follows the constraints and adjustments evident in adults' child-directed language.  相似文献   

Although ataxic dysarthria has been studied with various methods in several languages, questions remain concerning which features of the disorder are most consistent, which speaking tasks are most sensitive to the disorder, and whether the different speech production subsystems are uniformly affected. Perceptual and acoustic data were obtained from 14 individuals (seven men, seven women) with ataxic dysarthria for several speaking tasks, including sustained vowel phonation, syllable repetition, sentence recitation, and conversation. Multidimensional acoustic analyses of sustained vowel phonation showed that the largest and most frequent abnormality for both men and women was a long-term variability of fundamental frequency. Other measures with a high frequency of abnormality were shimmer and peak amplitude variation (for both sexes) and jitter (for women). Syllable alternating motion rate (AMR) was typically slow and irregular in its temporal pattern. In addition, the energy maxima and minima often were highly variable across repeated syllables, and this variability is thought to reflect poorly coordinated respiratory function and inadequate articulatory/voicing control. Syllable rates tended to be slower for sentence recitation and conversation than for AMR, but the three rates were highly similar. Formant-frequency ranges during sentence production were essentially normal, showing that articulatory hypometria is not a pervasive problem. Conversational samples varied considerably across subjects in intelligibility and number of words/ morphemes in a breath group. Qualitative analyses of unintelligible episodes in conversation showed that these samples generally had a fairly well-defined syllable pattern but subjects differed in the degree to which the acoustic contrasts typical of consonant and vowel sequences were maintained. For some individuals, an intelligibility deficit occurred in the face of highly distinctive (and contrastive) acoustic patterns.  相似文献   

Five subtypes of directiveness were examined in the interactions of day care teachers with toddler and preschooler groups. The instructional context (book reading, play dough) yielded significant differences across all five subtypes of directiveness, indicating that these two activities elicited different types of teacher-child discourse. Book reading was characterized by significantly more behavior and response control and less conversation control in comparison with the play-dough activity. Correlations between teachers' directiveness and child language productivity indicated that behavior control and turn-taking control were associated with low levels of productivity, whereas conversation control was associated with the highest levels of productivity. The results of this study confirm that instructional context is an important mediator of teachers' directiveness and suggest that subtypes of directiveness have differential effects on child language output.  相似文献   

This investigation explored how African American mothers and their infants at the single-word stage of development structured their play and communicated with one another. Six mother-child dyads of low socioeconomic status (SES) and six of middle SES were observed at play. Few group differences were found, with the majority of the differences involving language behaviors. The middle-SES dyads included language goals more often in their play. Middle-SES infants initiated play verbally more frequently and produced over twice as many vocalizations as their low-SES peers. In addition, middle-SES mothers used a wider variety of words when playing with their children than their low-SES counterparts. A range of play styles was found within both groups. These were categorized into three general play styles: mothers and children actively involved in play; mothers' involvement varied; and children actively engaged and mothers attentive.  相似文献   

This investigation attempted to clarify the relationship between stuttering in young children and the language factors of length and grammatical complexity. Sentences containing stutterings within the first few words, as produced by 12 stutterers (4-6 years old) in spontaneous conversational dyads, were analyzed for length and grammatical complexity. Results indicated that sentences in which an episode of stuttering occurred within the first three words were significantly longer and more complex than sentences that were free of perceptible stuttering and all other forms of fluency failure. Implications of these findings for the clinician are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the language at age 5 of socioeconomically disadvantaged children who had been randomly assigned at birth to a language-enriched day care program with a parent education component, a parent education program without a language-enriched day care, or no treatment. The interventions were administered between the ages of 3 months to 5 years. Language measures, reflecting children's ability to manipulate topics, as well as their structural complexity, semantic diversity, and general talkativeness were examined. The results showed that the disadvantaged children who attended the language-enriched day care program with the parent education component used a significantly greater proportion of high quality topic manipulation skills and less low quality topic manipulation skills during conversation than did children in the other two groups. The day care effect on high quality topic manipulation was present even after adjusting for children's intelligence and for the amount of community day care experience of the children in the parent education alone and control groups. No significant treatment differences were found for structural, semantic, and talkativeness measures. Implications of the result for early language intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Mother and child speech rates as a variable in stuttering and disfluency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three questions were addressed in this study: (a) Do mothers of stuttering children talk faster than mothers of nonstuttering children, (b) do stuttering children talk faster than nonstuttering children, and (c) is there a relationship between child's rate of speech and mother's rate of speech in dyadic conversation? Twelve nonstuttering preschool boys and their mothers were matched with 12 stutterers and their mothers. Ten min of free-play interaction between alternated mother-child dyads were video recorded. Speech rates, defined as syllables per second in fluent utterances, were calculated. Results demonstrated that mothers of stutterers talked significantly faster to all children. Stutterers spoke slower than nonstutterers, and severe stutterers spoke slower than moderate stutterers. A correlational analysis revealed that the more the child stuttered, the slower he talked during fluent speech. Further, the slower the child talked during fluent speech, the faster the mother interacting with him talked. The results reveal an interactive and complex relationship between mother and child speech rates. The interpretation of results relating to child speech rates was complicated by post hoc analyses revealing a significant relationship between speech rates and utterance length.  相似文献   



(1) To report the auditory performance and speech intelligibility of 84 Mandarin-speaking prelingually deaf children after using cochlear implants (CIs) for one, two, three, four, and five years to understand how many years of implant use were needed for them to reach a plateau-level performance; (2) to investigate the relation between subjective rating scales and objective measurements (i.e., speech perception tests); (3) to understand the effect of age at implantation on auditory and speech development.


Eighty-four children with CIs participated in this study. Their auditory performance and speech intelligibility were rated using the Categorical Auditory Performance (CAP) and the Speech Intelligibility Rating (SIR) scales, respectively. The evaluations were made before implantation and six months, one, two, three, four, and five years after implantation. At the fifth year after implantation, monosyllabic-word, easy-sentence, and difficult-sentence perception tests were administered.


The median CAP score reached a plateau at category 6 after three years of implant use. The median SIR arrived at the highest level after five years of use. With five years of CI experiences, 86% of the subjects understood conversation without lip-reading, and 58% were fully intelligible to all listeners. The three speech perception tests had a moderate-to-strong correlation with the CAP and SIR scores. The children implanted before the age of three years had significantly better CAP and monosyllabic word perception test scores.


Five years of follow-up are needed for assessing the post-implantation development of communication ability of prelingually deafened children. It is recommended that hearing-impaired children receive cochlear implantation at a younger age to acquire better auditory ability for developing language skills. Constant postoperative aural–verbal rehabilitation and speech and language therapy are most likely required for the patients to reach the highest level on the CAP and SIR scales.  相似文献   

Generalization to conversational speech   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although changes in children's phonological systems due to treatment have been documented in single-word testing, changes in conversational speech are less well known. Single-word and conversation samples were analyzed for 10 phonologically disordered children, before and after treatment and 3 months later. Results suggest that for most of the children, there were system changes in both single words and in conversational speech. It appears that many phonologically disordered children are able to extend their correct production to conversation without direct treatment on spontaneous speech.  相似文献   

Three young adult males with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease have been followed up since childhood. This disease is thought to be a dysmyelinating disorder of the brain during the prenatal period caused by gene mutations. The patients manifested horizontal nystagmus and severe rigidity of the extremities. Although the patients showed only waves I and II in auditory brainstem responses, they had relatively good hearing ability at approximately equal to dB. They could not speak words at all but could hear well and enjoy listening to conversation and music. One of them had a normal hearing threshold in pure-tone audiometry and a normal speech discrimination rate in speech audiometry. This can be explained by a nerve conduction blockade through dysmyelinated axons or the desynchronization of neurons and nerves responsible for the waves following waves I and II. At present, all three patients are living with their families. We report their present hearing, speech and language abilities.  相似文献   

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