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某舰护航官兵口腔健康状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解我护航官兵口腔疾病发生状况,为我海军官兵搪行远海非战争军事任务期间牙病预防提供依据.方法 对2010年亚丁湾护航3个月的某舰330名官兵进行口腔检查,包括龋齿、牙周疾病、第三磨牙阻生及口腔疾病.结果 330名官兵中,患龋人数为75人,患龋率为22.7%,龋齿总数为102颗,其中需治疗的龋齿数28颗且皆为浅龋;牙龈炎的人数为11人,占35.5%;牙结石检出人数为239人,占72.4%;第三磨牙阻生为110人,占33.3%,所有阻生齿均需进行拔除:曾有口腔溃疡和智齿冠周炎病史检出人数分别为83人和66人,分别占25.2%和20.0%;现有症状人数分别为5人和7人,分别占1.5%和2.1%.结论 舰艇官兵生活条件相对较为恶劣,狭小的生活空间对人的心理和生理都会产生影响;长期的航行、海上枯燥的生活会产生压抑感,身体免疫机能下降,口腔内菌群失调;长航舰艇后期的食物供给相对较为单调,蔬菜水果的保障缺乏,会引起维生索缺乏;这些原因会导敛智齿冠周炎以及口腔溃疡的发生.建议加强口腔病预防,加强健康宣教,采取必要的口腔卫生干预措施.  相似文献   

目的通过分析突发公共卫生事件情况下护航行动期间官兵口腔疾病的诊治需求, 了解海上口腔疾病处置特点, 并分析应对措施, 为后续护航口腔医疗保障人员提供参考、为提高海上口腔卫生保障能力提供依据。方法记录并分类统计护航期间舰员的不同口腔疾病及处置措施。结果护航期间就诊率最高的口腔疾病为牙结石阳性、龋病、溃疡、智齿冠周炎、楔状缺损、残根残冠;最多的海上口腔诊疗处置手段为牙体充填术、超声洁治术;引起海上口腔急诊的疾病主要是智齿冠周炎、急性牙髓炎、急性根尖周炎。结论突发公共卫生事件情况下护航期间官兵口腔诊疗需求大, 以龋病、牙周疾病、智齿冠周炎为主, 需加强任务期与非任务期口腔卫生保障力度。  相似文献   

2009年12月至2010年8月,某舰奉命赴索马里海域执行护航任务,在历时9个月的护航中,舰艇官兵承受着精神、心理、体力、生活及环境等多种压力,多次完成了打击海盗的任务.本研究探讨长期海上临战应激状态下舰艇官兵血液流变学的变化,为科学制定卫勤保障及卫生预防措施、确保护航官兵身心健康提供依据.  相似文献   

某舰连续两次执行护航任务期间舰员就诊疾病谱分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解某舰连续2次执行护航任务期间舰员就诊疾病谱,并查找原因.方法 对该舰舰员护航期间在编队救护所的所有就诊记录进行调查,统计2批护航舰员护航期间的总发病率、疾病谱及其构成、男女舰员及不同年龄段男舰员的发病情况,并作统计学处理.结果 前后2批护航人员的昼夜发病率分别为18.6‰和13.9‰,不同年龄段男舰员的昼夜发病率分别为20.2‰和11.9‰,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).同年龄段男女舰员昼夜发病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).2批护航人员总疾病谱前5位是呼吸系统疾病、外伤、皮肤疾病、消化系统疾病和口腔疾病,发病最多的5种疾病是上呼吸道感染、四肢外伤、腰腿痛、咽炎和癣.结论 随着护航时间的延长,舰员的疾病谱会有所变化,但总发病率下降;女舰员可以与男舰员一样执行长远航任务.  相似文献   

为探索部队牙周疾病发病规律和医疗保健现状,建立开展部队口腔卫生勤务,从而改善部队官兵口腔健康状况,减少非战斗减员,提高整体战斗力.笔者于2006年对某部进行了第一次口腔健康状况调查.为使这项工作具有长远意义,在未做健康教育等干预措施情况下,于2008年对同一批官兵进行了第二次口腔健康状况调查.现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 对远海长航舰艇人员阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)情况进行问卷调查,为进一步进行相关研究提供参考.方法 在"和谐使命-2010"卫勤演练期间,对参与亚丁湾护航的2艘舰艇部分官兵进行OSAHS问卷调查.其中A组某舰官兵114名.出航时间3个月;B组为某舰官兵139名.出航时间6个月.对A、B组出航前后睡眠情况进行统计,并对2组的睡眠时间和OSAHS情况进行比较.结果 B组每日的睡眠时间较A组缩短.A组有OSAHS倾向的19人,发生率16.7%;B组有34人,发生率24.5%,B组高于A组.2组中共有155人(61.3%)认为出航后睡眠情况较出航前差.结论 远海长航舰艇人员OSAHS倾向的发生率较高,随着出航时间的延长睡眠情况逐渐变差,OSAHS倾向的发生率增高.提示远海长航舰艇人员OSAHS情况值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

目的了解赴亚丁湾索马里海域执行护航任务期间官兵口腔医疗需求现况,探索长时间远航口腔疾病发病规律和开展口腔医疗保健对策。方法以WHO口腔健康调查基本方法为标准,采用整群抽样调查方法,将口腔医疗需求情况按需要医疗的程度分为4类,分别进行口腔健康问卷和检查。结果完成共827人的口腔健康调查,共有512人(61.9%)需要定期进行口腔医疗,175人(21.1%)需要及早口腔医疗,33人(4.0%)需要口腔医疗急诊。结论执行护航任务期间的口腔医疗需求十分普遍,口腔医疗任务也十分艰巨,应该重视护航官兵口腔健康问题,加强口腔疾病预防控制工作。  相似文献   

口腔疾病是影响军人健康与战斗力的常见病、多发病[1].为了解进藏武警新兵口腔疾病健康状况及口腔疾病发病基本情况,为卫生勤务部门采取口腔防治措施提供依据.笔者于2009-12对武警某部进藏新兵口腔健康的基本情况,包括龋齿、牙周疾病、牙齿缺失、第3 磨牙阻生等情况进行了调查分析.  相似文献   

目的 分析南苏丹中国维和二级医院口腔门诊患者的疾病特点,探讨目前口腔科开展疾病诊治情况,提出合理化建议,为维和人员提供更优质的保障。方法 查阅二级医院口腔门诊患者的病例资料,进行分类统计。结果 在16个月的维和任务期间,接诊460人次,累计口腔疾病5类。其中牙体牙髓疾病占81.96%;牙周疾病占10.65%;冠周炎占3.48%;黏膜病占2.83%,外伤牙折占1.09%。结论 维和医疗应配备技术全面的口腔医生,选购优质的设备及耗材,为维和官兵的口腔健康保驾护航。  相似文献   

目的 调查海军特勤人员的口腔健康状况并明确口腔准备状态。方法 于2022年6—10月随机整群抽取600余名官兵进行口腔健康问卷调查和口腔临床检查。根据12个月内是否发生过口腔急诊,将官兵分为口腔急诊组(n=156)与无口腔急诊组(n=460)。分析海军特勤人员口腔疾病检出情况,患龋、牙体牙髓疾病患病情况,牙周黏膜疾病患病情况,颞下颌关节紊乱综合征患病情况,第三磨牙阻生齿患病情况,以及口腔准备状态分类情况。结果 口腔疾病检出率为73.7%(454/616),发病率前3位的疾病分别是牙周黏膜疾病、牙体牙髓疾病和第三磨牙阻生齿。口腔急诊组患龋率、龋均、牙髓炎及根尖周炎均数高于无口腔急诊组,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组牙周健康、牙龈出血、牙结石、浅牙周袋、黏膜异常发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组咀嚼肌疼痛、关节弹响、关节疼痛、开口受限比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。口腔急诊组第三磨牙阻生齿检出率、阻生齿均数均高于无口腔急诊组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。口腔准备总就绪率(Cat1+Cat2)为54.7%(337/616...  相似文献   

目的 初步调查海军护航人员口腔医疗需要,并了解亚非等欠发达国家的华侨和当地民众的口腔健康概况.方法 根据临床检查结果分类记录,并进行统计和分析.结果 阻生智齿和可能由此引起的智齿冠周炎是我海军护航人员最常见的口腔疾病,其次是龋病及其继发病和牙体硬组织缺损.华人华侨的口腔健康状况好于当地民众,当地民众的口腔健康状况相对较差,可以见到罕见病例和常见病中的少见类型.结论 海军护航任务人员需要进行专门的口腔卫生勤务服务,做到执行任务前普查普治.与当地民众相比,华人华侨文化背景和经济收入是其口腔健康状况相对较好的重要因素.不同国家的人均经济收入水平、国家医疗保障制度对当地民众的口腔健康状况有重要影响.
Objective To investigate the medical demands of oral health care for naval escort personnel and find out the oral health status of the Chinese, overseas Chinese and local people in the Asian -African underdeveloped countries. Methods Based on the results obtained from clinical examinations, data were recorded, sorted, and analyzed by using Excel. Results Impacted wisdom tooth and resulting pericoronitis was the most prevalent oral disease that prevailed among the naval escort personnel. The less prevalent disease was dental caries and secondary pulpitis and apical periodontitis. Dental hard tissue defect was the last most popular disease. The oral health status of Chinese and overseas Chinese was better than that of the local people. Unusual cases or hardly observed categories of unusual cases were seen among the local people. Conclusions Specialized oral medical service was required for the naval escort personnel, who should have medical screening and receive dental treatment before deployment. When compared with the local people, the cultural background and economic income of the Chinese and overseas Chinese were 2 most influential factors for their better oral health status. Per capita income levels and national heath care system in different countries had great effect on the oral health status of the local people.  相似文献   

目的 初步调查海军护航人员口腔医疗需要,并了解亚非等欠发达国家的华侨和当地民众的口腔健康概况.方法 根据临床检查结果分类记录,并进行统计和分析.结果 阻生智齿和可能由此引起的智齿冠周炎是我海军护航人员最常见的口腔疾病,其次是龋病及其继发病和牙体硬组织缺损.华人华侨的口腔健康状况好于当地民众,当地民众的口腔健康状况相对较差,可以见到罕见病例和常见病中的少见类型.结论 海军护航任务人员需要进行专门的口腔卫生勤务服务,做到执行任务前普查普治.与当地民众相比,华人华侨文化背景和经济收入是其口腔健康状况相对较好的重要因素.不同国家的人均经济收入水平、国家医疗保障制度对当地民众的口腔健康状况有重要影响.  相似文献   

Dunn WJ 《Military medicine》2004,169(5):349-353
The purpose of this study was to report the dental emergency rate and the distribution of cause of dental emergencies at an Expeditionary Medical Support +25 medical facility during a 6-month deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. A retrospective cohort analysis of 1,972 soldiers stationed at Seeb Air Base, Sultanate of Oman, was accomplished from a phased deployment from March to September 2002. Procedures were divided into 11 categories: endodontic, extraction of teeth other than third molars, extraction of third molar teeth, restoration of teeth (caries), restoration of broken teeth (not caries), orthodontic bracket/wire problem, sensitive teeth, temperomandibular pain, periodontal, oral pathology, and prosthodontic. One hundred thirty-five dental emergency visits were recorded, corresponding to a rate of 137 dental emergencies per 1,000 soldiers per year. Most of the emergencies (34.8%) were due to caries. Pain from third molars was the second most common reason for visiting the dental clinic (19.3%).  相似文献   

This study reports dental emergency rates and distribution of causes of dental emergencies at two expeditionary medical support facilities supporting operations Enduring Freedom/ Iraqi Freedom. A retrospective cohort analysis of 9948 soldiers deployed to Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and 1467 soldiers at Baghdad International Airport, Iraq, was accomplished from a phased deployment from January 2003 to September 2003. Procedures were divided into 11 categories: endodontic, extraction of teeth other than third molars, extraction of third molar teeth, restoration of teeth (caries), restoration of broken teeth (not caries), orthodontic bracket/wire problem, sensitive teeth, temperomandibular pain, periodontal, oral pathology, and prosthodontic. The dental emergency rates for Prince Sultan Air Base and Baghdad International Airport were 153 and 145 dental emergencies per 1000 soldiers per year, respectively. Most of the emergencies were because of dental caries. Pain from third molars was the second most common reason for visiting the dental clinic.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine dental caries prevalence and treatment among 1,095 25- to 44-year-old permanent force Israeli military personnel. Caries experience, by decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth (DMFT), was 11.66, with an average of 1.37 untreated caries, 2.40 extracted teeth, and 7.90 treated teeth. Caries was positively associated with age (p < 0.001). Females demonstrated statistically higher DMFT levels than males (p = 0.009). Negative associations were detected for education levels and untreated and extracted components (p < 0.001), and a positive association was detected for the treated caries component (p < 0.001). Permanent military personnel treated by private dentists exhibited 17.6% untreated caries, compared with 9.4% among personnel treated in the army. Officers had lower levels of untreated caries (8.6%) than others (13.3%). Among the present population, 77% had attended a dental clinic in the preceding 2 years. Permanent force personnel are offered free, comprehensive, and accessible dental treatment. The data emphasize a need for further dental health education.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省5岁儿童口腔健康状况,监测龋病的患病趋势,为儿童龋病防治提供科学依据。方法按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查的要求,对陕西省城乡6个地区的786名5岁儿童进行了口腔健康状况调查。采用SPSS13.0软件包对数据进行分析。结果5岁儿童的患龋率和龋均分别为58.78%和2.23。农村和城市地区的患龋率分别为59.42%和58.06%。患龋率在农村和城市、男性和女性之间的差异经统计学检验均无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。5岁儿童有96.9%的龋齿未经治疗。结论陕西省学龄前儿童的口腔健康状况不容忽视,应采取各种有效预防措施,控制龋病的发生。提高充填率,改善口腔健康状况。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Good oral health of soldiers would decrease the number of urgent dental interventions and absences from training and the battlefield and would improve the security of the whole formation. This study shows the habits for maintaining oral health and the oral status of the examined population in the Croatian Army. METHODS: The data were obtained from examinations and questionnaires of 912 Croatian soldiers, 650 of whom were recruits and 262 professional soldiers of the Croatian Army land forces. RESULTS: The results showed that the oral health of the examined population was mostly bad, as a consequence of inadequate prevention of illnesses of the oral cavity associated with insufficient oral hygiene. The most common disease was dental caries (5.84 carious teeth per recruit and 2.71 per professional). Only 14 (1.53%) of 912 examinees had completely healthy teeth. Only one-third of the examinees had no bleeding when tested with a periodontal probe. Acute pain of odontogenic origin was present for 23.5% of examinees. Such oral health makes most of the soldiers unreliable for peace operations that would last >6 months, because it lowers their combat readiness. CONCLUSION: Oral hygiene and oral health are poor. Consequently, combat readiness is low because of the need for frequent dental interventions, which could further lead to absence from the field and appointed tasks. The results emphasize the need for obligatory regular check-ups to improve oral health in the Croatian Army.  相似文献   

目的了解部队老干部恒牙龋病的发生情况,为进一步搞好老干部龋病的预防保健工作提供依据。方法按照1997年WHO《口腔健康调查基本方法》,对某部568名老干部的口腔健康状况进行现况调查,主要通过问诊、视诊、探诊`等方法做检查,并进行统计学分析。结果老干部患龋率为52.46%,龋齿充填率为25.93%,女性老干部龋齿充填率高于男性老干部;部队老干部患龋率低于地方同龄组,龋齿充填率高于地方同龄组。结论部队老干部患龋率高,充填率较低,需加强口腔疾病和卫生保健知识的宣传,整体提高部队老干部的口腔健康状况水平。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This project assessed the clinical oral health status of Veterans Administration (VA) patients and examined the relationship between oral health and both sociodemographic factors and dental care utilization. METHODS: Data were collected on 538 users of VA ambulatory medical care. Oral health was assessed by clinical examinations, and dental use and sociodemographic information are based on self-report. RESULTS: Younger, more educated VA patients with higher incomes had more teeth, fewer untreated and treated root caries, and were less likely to be edentulous or to have dentures. Dental utilization emerged as the most important aspect of veterans' oral health status, even after sociodemographic factors were controlled. Compared with the general population, veterans have poorer oral health with the exception of coronal caries. CONCLUSION: Compared with national studies, VA patients appear to have worse oral health. The importance of sociodemographic factors and dental utilization that has been found in other studies applies to veterans' oral health as well.  相似文献   

Some studies have demonstrated a relationship between occupational status and position in the workplace to use of dental services and oral health status. Ranks symbolize social status in the military hierarchy, which is different from that accepted in civilian workplace. OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at analyzing differences between officers and noncommissioned personnel in regard to dental treatment needs and use of dental services. METHODS: One-thousand, one-hundred thirty-nine personnel of the Israel Defense Force were examined, using DMFT (decayed, missing, filled permanent teeth and CPITN (community periodontal index of treatment needs indices to define oral health status. A questionnaire was used to calculate utilization rates. RESULTS: Noncommissioned personnel had on average 50% more unmet caries treatment needs, and 19.1% of them suffered from deep periodontal pockets. No differences were demonstrated in utilization rates CONCLUSIONS: Military rank influences oral treatment needs the way civilian organizational structure does with the exception of utilization rates of dental services.  相似文献   

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