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The forensic application of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) typing requires large and regionally well-defined databases. To expand the database for forensic identification purposes in Slovenia, the mtDNA control region sequences of the hypervariable regions HVI and HVII were determined in a population of 129 maternally unrelated Slovenians, using a fluorescent-based capillary electrophoresis sequencing method. A total of 111 different haplotypes resulting from 124 polymorphic positions (80 polymorphic positions in HVI and 44 in HVII) were found. Of these, 101 mtDNA types were unique, 6 haplotypes were shared by 2 individuals, 1 haplotype by 3 individuals, 2 haplotypes by 4 individuals, and the most common haplotype was found in 5 individuals. The most frequent haplotypes in the Slovenian population ,263(G), 315.1(C) and 263(G), 309.1(C), 315.1(C) are also the most common in other European populations. The data support the concept that these haplotypes may represent a common European mtDNA sequence types. The sequence poymorphisms were compared to the databases of west Austria and central Italy and the HVI and HVII sequence matching probabilities within and between populations were calculated. It is 1.1–4.5 times more likely to find a sequence match in a random pair of Slovenians than in a random Slovenian-Italian pair and in a random Slovenian-Austrian pair. The length heteroplasmy in the homopolymeric C-stretch regions located at nucleotide positions 16184–16193 in HVI and at positions 303–315 in HVII was observed in 17% and 8% of individuals, respectively. A statistical estimate of the results for this population showed the random match probability and the genetic diversity of 1.16% and 0.996, respectively.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00414-003-0394-3  相似文献   

Seventeen short tandem repeats on the Y chromosome were analyzed in the sample of 200 males of Rusyn origin from the Vojvodina Province, Serbia. We observed 180 different haplotypes; 163 of which were unique and 17 occurred between two and four times. The haplotype diversity was 0.9988, and the discrimination capacity was 0.9. Data are available in the Y chromosome haplotype reference database under accession number YA003631. The obtained results were compared to haplotypes from geographically and linguistically close populations.  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms of the hypervariable mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions HVI and HVII, and coding region polymorphisms were investigated in 211 unrelated individuals from the Japanese population. Sequence comparison of the HVI and HVII regions led to the identification of 169 mitochondrial haplotypes defined by 147 variable positions. Among them 145 types were observed in only 1 individual; the other 24 types were shared by 2 or more individuals. The gene diversity was estimated at 0.9961, and the probability of two randomly selected individuals from the population having identical mtDNA types was 0.86%. We also established phylogenetic haplogroups in the Japanese population based on the coding and control region polymorphisms and compared the haplotypes with those in other Japanese, Korean and Chinese populations. As a result, three new subhaplogroups, G4a, G4b, and N9b, and several haplotypes specific for the Japanese and Korean populations were identified. The present database can be used not only for personal identification but also as an aid for geographic or phenotype (race) estimation in forensic casework in Japan.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the hypervariable regions HVI and HVII were analysed in 83 Caucasians living in central Italy to expand the database for forensic identification purposes, and 75 different haplotypes resulting from 62 polymorphic positions in HVI and 44 in HVII were observed. The most frequent haplotype (263G, 309.1C, 315.1C) was shared by 7 individuals, 2 haplotypes were shared by 2 individuals, and 72 were unique. The genetic diversity was found to be 0.99 and the random match probability 1.9%. A condition of sequence heteroplasmy was found in only one case at nt 16311, whereas a length heteroplasmy was found in the homopolymeric stretch of cytosines 303–315. Our results indicate that in direct sequencing beyond the poly-cytosine stretch, the overlap is due to length heteroplasmy, whereas the blurred signal occurs when the stretch is composed of more than 10 cytosines. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 23 May 2000  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms of the hypervariable region HV1 in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were analyzed in a sample of 137 unrelated Japanese individuals living in Gifu Prefecture (central region of Japan) using polymerase chain reaction amplification and direct sequencing. Eighty-two different haplotypes resulting from 81 variable sites were found in the mtDNA HV1 region between positions 16061 and 16450. The most frequent haplotype (16223T, 16362C) was shared by ten individuals. The genetic diversity and the genetic identity were 0.985 and 0.022, respectively. The C-stretch region located around position 16189 was observed in 23.4% of this population sample. Sequence heteroplasmy at the position 16103 (A/G) was found in one individual.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis of hypervariable region I (HVRI) in human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was investigated in 100 unrelated Thai individuals. A total of 85 variable sites and 423 base substitutions, which consisted of 390 nucleotide transitions and 33 nucleotide transversions were found. The following nucleotide substitutions were found: 48% at 16,223, 31% at 16,304, 30% at 16,332, and 26% at 16,129, respectively. Transition from T to C (43.7%) was the most frequent substitution. The nucleotide insertions were found at two sites with T at position 16,188 and C at position 16,194. Eighty-two haplotypes were investigated of which 72 haplotypes were unique. The most frequent haplotypes (16,108T-16,129A-16,162G-16,172C-16,304C and 16,260T-16,298C-16,355T-16,362C) were observed. From position 16,180 to 16,193, thirteen patterns of polycytosine or C-stretch were observed, whereas 68 Thai individuals were found to be similar to the references. The genetic diversity, random match probability, and discrimination power were estimated to be 0.9943, 0.0156, and 0.9844, respectively.  相似文献   

We present allelic data for three known and one new C-tract in the human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, and we measure intergenerational mutation rates at such C-tracts. In detail, in a sample of 1,172 mtDNA sequences, we demonstrate the existence of an instability threshold of eight consecutive cytosines, at and above which the phenomenon of length heteroplasmy arises. To determine mutation rates, we draw on mtDNA sequences in up to four generations of 248 pedigrees for families living in high or low-radiation environmental conditions. The high-radiation sample gives the most conservative (fastest) mutation rate likely to be encountered in any forensic context. We find that the C-tract mutation rate is up to 6% per generation, and we observe an excess of cytosine gains over losses. Case studies and guidelines for evaluating mtDNA heteroplasmy are provided.  相似文献   

To evaluate the utility of mtDNA control region data for the purposes of forensic DNA testing in Iraq, a sample of 182 subjects (128 Arab Muslims, 15 Kurd Muslims, 22 Assyrian Christians and 17 Mandaean Arabs) was tested. High numbers of singleton haplotypes were observed among Arabs, Kurds and Assyrians, but fewer were found in Mandaeans. High molecular diversity and low random match probabilities confirmed the value of control region data in the investigation of maternal genetic lineages among the Iraqi population.  相似文献   

Sequence polymorphisms of hypervariable region 1 were analyzed in 100 unrelated Singaporean Chinese. Ninety-five different haplotypes resulting from 113 variable sites were found between nucleotide positions 16045 and 16364. Single nucleotide polymorphism at nucleotide positions 16223, 16045, 16129, 16362 and 16189 was amongst the five highest frequencies observed in the sequences, whilst the most frequent haplotype was 16045-16223. Based on polymorphic sites observed at HV1, haplogroups A, F1a, M7b1, B5a and D4b were the most commonly observed clusters. The haplotype, nucleotide diversity and the average number of nucleotide differences were found to be 0.999, 0.028 and 9.082, respectively. The cytosine-stretch region located around nucleotide position 16189 was observed in 22% of this population sample. Transitions were found to be more predominant than transversions.  相似文献   

Suicides using hand grenades are very rare. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the cases of nonterrorist suicides using hand grenades according to the number of cases per year, sex, age categories, season of the year, day of the week, ethanol blood level, type of hand grenade, pattern of injuries, risk factors, and suicide place over a 20-year period, from 1990 to 2009 in Vojvodina, Serbia. The total number of the cases in this period was 81, with the highest number of cases in 1997 and 2002. Twelwe victims were part of six double suicides, where one grenade was used to commit suicide to both victims. The results highlighted male predominance of the victims, sober state, the use of military hand grenades (M75 and M52 type), posttraumatic stress disorder due to participation in military clashes as the main risk factor, and countryside as the place of suicide.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the hypervariable regions HV1 and HV2 were analyzed in 205 unrelated ethnic Malays residing in Singapore as an initial effort to generate a database for forensic identification purposes. Sequence polymorphism was detected using PCR and direct sequencing analysis. A total of 152 haplotypes was found containing 152 polymorphisms. Out of the 152 haplotypes, 115 were observed only once and 37 types were seen in multiple individuals. The most common haplotype (16223T, 16295T, 16362C, 73G, 146C, 199C, 263G, and 315.1C) was shared by 7 (3.41%) individuals, two haplotypes were shared by 4 individuals, seven haplotypes were shared by 3 individuals, and 27 haplotypes by 2 individuals. Haplotype diversity and random match probability were estimated to be 0.9961% and 0.87%, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to promote mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing in Sweden we have typed 296 Swedish males, which will serve as a Swedish mtDNA frequency database. The tested males were taken from seven geographically different regions representing the contemporary Swedish population. The complete mtDNA control region was typed and the Swedish population was shown to have high haplotype diversity with a random match probability of 0.5%. Almost 47% of the tested samples belonged to haplogroup H and further haplogroup comparison with worldwide populations clustered the Swedish mtDNA data together with other European populations. AMOVA analysis of the seven Swedish subregions displayed no significant maternal substructure in Sweden (F ST = 0.002). Our conclusion from this study is that the typed Swedish individuals serve as good representatives for a Swedish forensic mtDNA database. Some caution should, however, be taken for individuals from the northernmost part of Sweden (provinces of Norrbotten and Lapland) due to specific demographic conditions. Furthermore, our analysis of a small sample set of a Swedish Saami population confirmed earlier findings that the Swedish Saami population is an outlier among European populations.  相似文献   

We generated complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences from 704 unrelated individuals residing in six major provinces in Korea. In addition to our earlier survey of the distribution of mtDNA haplogroup variation, a total of 560 different haplotypes characterized by 271 polymorphic sites were identified, of which 473 haplotypes were unique. The gene diversity and random match probability were 0.9989 and 0.0025, respectively. According to the pairwise comparison of the 704 control region sequences, the mean number of pairwise differences between individuals was 13.47 ± 6.06. Based on the result of mtDNA control region sequences, pairwise FST genetic distances revealed genetic homogeneity of the Korean provinces on a peninsular level, except in samples from Jeju Island. This result indicates there may be a need to formulate a local mtDNA database for Jeju Island, to avoid bias in forensic parameter estimates caused by genetic heterogeneity of the population. Thus, the present data may help not only in personal identification but also in determining maternal lineages to provide an expanded and reliable Korean mtDNA database. These data will be available on the EMPOP database via accession number EMP00661.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the entire control region were analyzed in 200 unrelated individuals from Macedonia. A total of 163 different haplotypes were found as determined by 177 polymorphic sites. The probability of a random match was calculated as 1:121 (0.83%). The basic phylogenetic structure of the Macedonian population as derived from its haplogroup distribution is in agreement with other West-Eurasian populations. Upon publication, the population data are going to be available in the EMPOP database (www.empop.org) [W. Parson, A. Dür, EMPOP—a forensic mtDNA database, FSI:Genetics 1 (2) (2007) 88–92; W. Parson, A. Brandstätter, A. Alonso, N. Brandt, B. Brinkmann, A. Carracedo, et al., The EDNAP mitochondrial DNA population database (EMPOP) collaborative exercises: organisation, results and perspectives, Forensic Sci. Int. 139 (2–3) (2004) 215–226.].  相似文献   

Brazilian population derives from Native Amerindians, Europeans, and Africans. Southeastern Brazil is the most populous region of the country. The present study intended to characterize the maternal genetic ancestry of 290 individuals from southeastern (Brazil) population. Thus, we made the sequencing of the three hypervariable regions (HV1, HV2, and HV3) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The statistical analyses were made using Arlequin software, and the median-joining haplotype networks were generated using Network software. The analysis of three hypervariable regios showed 230 (79.3 %) unique haplotypes and the most common haplotype was “263G” carried by 12 (4.1 %) individuals. The strikingly high variability generated by intense gene flow is mirrored in a high sequence diversity (0.9966?±?0.0010), and the probability of two random individuals showing identical mtDNA haplotypes were 0.0068. The analysis of haplogroup distribution revealed that 36.9 % (n?=?107) presented Amerindian haplogroups, 35.2 % (n?=?102) presented African haplogroups, 27.6 % (n?=?80) presented European haplogroups, and one (0.3 %) individual presented East Asian haplogroup, evidencing that the southeastern population is extremely heterogeneous and the coexistence of matrilineal lineages with three different phylogeographic origins. The genetic diversity found in the mtDNA control region in the southeastern Brazilian population reinforces the importance of increased national database in order to be important and informative in forensic cases.  相似文献   

The 15 AmpFlSTR Identifiler loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, VWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were analyzed in the sample of 100 unrelated, autochthonous healthy adult Serbians from Novi Sad (Vojvodina Province, Serbia and Montenegro). The agreement with HWE was confirmed for all loci with the exception of D7S820 (based on the 2-test only). The combined power of discrimination (PD) and the combined power of exclusion (PE) for the 15 tested STR loci were 0.99999999999999995 and 0.9999990, respectively. According to the presented data, D2S1338 and D18S51 are the most informative markers. Based on allelic frequencies and statistical parameters for forensic testing, it may be suggested that the AmpFlSTR Identifiler detection system represents a powerful strategy for individual identification and parentage analysis in the Serbian population.  相似文献   

The sequences of the two hypervariable regions of the mitochondrial DNA control region (HV1 and HV2) from close maternal relatives (mother-child pairs) were compared to determine the frequency of mutations between two generations. A total of 68 blood samples were sequenced only in HV1 and 86 were analysed for HV1 and HV2. The intergenerational comparison led to the identification of six heteroplasmic point mutations affecting the children only. In one case a heteroplasmy of the maternal sequence was resolved to homoplasmy in the corresponding sequence of the child. Received: 22 January 1998 / Received in revised form: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Mitochondrial control region (16024-576) sequences were generated from 381 Kuwaiti samples. Previously, these samples were typed with the AmpF?STR(?) Identifiler(?) kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California). Automated high throughput lab processing combined with a redundant sequencing strategy and multiple reviews of the raw electropherograms ensure the high quality of these sequences and their utility as reference population data for Kuwait.  相似文献   

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