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新形势下口腔专业英语的重要性日益显著。原先的口腔专业英语课存在诸如偏向词汇、文献教授、实用性不强的缺点。我院在口腔医学七年制学生研究生阶段尝试开设口腔职业英语课程,以期作为口腔专业英语课的补充,提升学生专业英语的实际应用能力。本文就口腔职业英语课程的教学内容与方式的设置、教材设置、学生对课程的反馈意见等进行讨论与分析,为进一步提高教学质量提供参考。  相似文献   

由中华口腔医学会、中华口腔医学会口腔修复工艺学专业委员会、中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会主办,宁波天一职业技术学院承办,日进齿科材料有限公司协办的2009年“日进杯”口腔工艺技术展评,以及中华口腔医学会口腔医学教育专业委员会主办的全国口腔职业教育论坛,  相似文献   

口腔专业人员由于其职业的特殊性,在给病人的治疗过程中,不可避免会给身体带来各种危害,影响医护人员的身心健康。因此,医疗主管部门对口腔从业人员进行职业健康管理,能提高医护人员的健康水平,使员工在有限时间内创造出更高的社会价值。疾病和健康在不同职业人群中分布不尽相同,往往与所处的职业环境有关,为降低和消除口腔专业人员职业健康危害及风险,在实施相应控制措施之前,应该对危害其职业健康的因素进行识别和评估。  相似文献   

口腔专业人员职业健康管理分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔专业人员由于其职业的特殊性,在给病人的治疗过程中,不可避免会给身体带来各种危害,影响医护人员的身心健康。因此,医疗主管部门对口腔从业人员进行职业健康管理,能提高医护人员的健康水平,使员工在有限时间内创造出更高的社会价值。疾病和健康在不同职业人群中分布不尽相同,往往与所处的职业环境有关,为降低和消除口腔专业人员职业健康危害及风险,在实施相应控制措施之前,应该对危害其职业健康的因素进行识别和评估。  相似文献   

荆门职业技术学院口腔医学院组建于口腔临床学院基础之上。下设办公室、医教科、学生科、实训中心,并有口腔义齿加工中心和口腔医疗中心,现有在校学生1372人。  相似文献   

艾滋病(AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一类传染性极强、蔓延速度快、病死率高的传染性疾病,是我国公众健康及传染病防治中的一个难题。口腔诊疗工作的特征,使口腔医疗机构/口腔科成为HIV/AIDS职业暴露的重点部门,医务人员面临较高的HIV/AIDS职业暴露风险。本研究对HIV/AIDS的流行状况及传播途径、HIV/AIDS患者口腔病变、口腔医疗机构HIV/AIDS职业暴露及职业防护的现状进行综述。  相似文献   

艾滋病(AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一类传染性极强、蔓延速度快、病死率高的传染性疾病,是我国公众健康及传染病防治中的一个难题。口腔诊疗工作的特征,使口腔医疗机构/口腔科成为HIV/AIDS职业暴露的重点部门,医务人员面临较高的HIV/AIDS职业暴露风险。本研究对HIV/AIDS的流行状况及传播途径、HIV/AIDS患者口腔病变、口腔医疗机构HIV/AIDS职业暴露及职业防护的现状进行综述。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗改革的发展,农村乡镇卫生院和城市社区卫生服务中心将成为我国人口医疗和保健的基层服务机构。最近国家卫生部计划拨出专款为我国农村乡镇卫生院和城市口腔卫生服务中心配备牙科设备,我国社区口腔卫生服务面临着发展机遇。我国各地职业技术院校和卫生学校中的大部分均设有牙科护理、口腔技工工艺、口腔设备管理、口腔医学等口腔医学专业,为我国培养了大量的口腔医疗和保健的初级人才。如何培养口腔医学初级人才社区口腔卫生服务能力,如何使口腔医学专业初级人员服务于基层,这些问题都是我国在培养和管理口腔医疗和保健初级人才方面急需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

目的:研究口腔医生对职业防护措施的认知情况,为保障其职业安全提供决策信息。方法对52家非营利性医疗机构(50家综合医院、2家口腔专科医院)和75家营利性医疗机构(7家综合门诊部、68家口腔诊所)的127名口腔医生进行横断面问卷调查,运用模糊综合评判法从医疗安全的角度对职业防护进行定量分析。结果非营利性医疗机构医生职业防护评价优、良、中、差的隶属度分别为0.35、0.35、0.30、0.17,按最大隶属度原则进行评判,综合评价结果介于“优”和“良”之间。营利性医疗机构医生职业防护评价优、良、中、差的隶属度分别为0.15、0.35、0.32、0.30,按最大隶属度原则,综合评价结果为“良”。结论营利性医疗机构的口腔医生比非营利性医疗机构的口腔医生职业防护略显薄弱,有必要针对诊疗过程完善前瞻性的干预措施。  相似文献   

口腔设备器材与职业卫生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔医学与卫生学有着极其密切的关系。口腔医师在治疗病人的过程中,必须使用口腔设备和材料,其操作基本上在病人口腔内进行,常会触及血液和唾液:高新技术设备和材料的使用可形成特定的职业环境,这个职业环境由许多职业性因素组成。作为从事口腔职业的人员(包括口腔医师、护士、技工、设备维修人员等)每天有近1/3时间在这种环境中工作。值得研究的是口腔设备与器材的使用是否造成口腔职业因素危害?有哪些危害因素?应如何防治?本文就此进行初步探讨,供同行磋商。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate dental students' perception as to whether PBL can facilitate the development of professional attributes. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey of second year dental undergraduates in a UK dental school. METHOD: At the end of a PBL module, all students were asked to complete a fully structured questionnaire. Data were collected on socio-demographics, aspects of the PBL experience and the extent to which students perceived that PBL had facilitated the development of professional attributes. RESULTS: The response rate was 96%. The frequency distributions of the PBL experience and development of professional attributes were skewed to the positive. Non-white students, compared to white students, rated significantly more highly the extent to which they thought PBL had facilitated the development of professional attributes. Differences between male and female students, and mature and less mature students were not significant. Students who rated the PBL experience positively were significantly more likely to rate highly the extent to which they thought PBL had facilitated the development of professional attributes. CONCLUSIONS: The factors that affect the relationship between ethnicity and development of professional attributes need further research. To enhance the development of professional attributes, teachers of PBL need to ensure that students find the learning experience worthwhile and stimulating.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the feedback from general dental practitioners (GDPs) and dental undergraduates who participated in a general dental practice placement scheme. METHODS: Subjects All 61 students in a year made 2 to 3 full day visits, individually or in pairs, to 44 general dental practices allocated to them. Thirty four GDPs completed and returned the questionnaire, representing a response rate of 77%. Data collection Formal feedback from the students and GDPs were obtained through 6 structured seminar sessions and a postal questionnaire respectively. Analysis Sifting, indexing and charting the data according to key issues and themes. RESULTS: All 61 students attended the feedback sessions, 34 GDPs (response rate 77%) returned the questionnaire. The two most common themes that students reported having gained insight into were personal/professional development and practice management. The common positive aspects reported by the GDPs included exposure to the General Dental Service (GDS), motivation for undergraduate training and benefits for GDPs. These benefits included encouragement for the GDPs to reflect critically on their clinical practice, focus on their practice facilities and management, and stay in touch with developments in dental education. Through their visits and assignments, students gained skills in observation, interviewing, communication, relation-building and report writing. CONCLUSIONS: Placements of dental undergraduates in general dental practices enable students to gain insight into the GDS, develop key transferable skills and undergo professional socialisation. They are also beneficial and enjoyable for the GDPs who participated.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence to support the contention that interprofessional education (IPE) at both pre and post-qualification levels will improve professionals' abilities to work more effectively in a team and to communicate more effectively with colleagues and patients. This body of evidence, however, is primarily concerned with nursing, medical and associated professionals and students, and there are few studies that include dental students and particularly where learning occurs with the dental care professions (DCP). The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of dental and DCP students to IPE and to highlight some of the barriers to developing programmes for these students. It was also intended to examine the students' awareness of dental and DCP roles and responsibilities. Two questionnaires, the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) and a dental roles and responsibilities questionnaire, were distributed to all 5 years of dental students (n = 189) based at Queen's University Belfast (QUB), both years of the dental hygiene students (n = 8) also based at QUB, as well as to final year dental nursing students based at Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education (BIFHE) (n = 64). The results indicated that dental and DCP students had a positive attitude to IPE as a means to improve teamwork and communication skills but there are potential obstacles as demonstrated by the differing perceptions of each of the three groups about the roles of the other. Some aspects of practice, involving personal care and advice to patients, were regarded by all groups as a shared role but the dental hygiene students regarded themselves as having a shared role in several tasks identified by dental and dental nurse students as the sole role of the dentist. Dental hygiene students in this study did not see their role as primarily to support the dentist but more as a partner in care. Professional identity and its development are issues that must be considered by dental and DCP educators developing IPE initiatives.  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) should help to promote a team-based approach to professional practice but there are barriers to its implementation including professional identity. The aim of this study was to use a qualitative research methodology to explore dental and dental care professional (DCP) students' perceptions of professional roles and identities in the dental team. Data were collected by means of focus groups from a purposive sample of dental and DCP students and were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed using an explanatory framework. Five common themes emerged around the issue of professional roles and identity in the dental team. The results indicate that professional identity was an important factor in team development and was determined by direct responsibility for patient care and by the amount of clinical experience acquired. Professional identity within a team context was perceived as different from professional identity per se. Dental students were found to lack confidence in their role as team leaders which was related to their lack of knowledge of team roles, responsibilities and experience. The role of the dental technician was perceived as 'outside' the dental team due to lack of patient interaction.  相似文献   

Smoking kills 900,000 people every year in India. Many studies have shown that counseling from a health professional is an effective method of helping patients quit. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of dental students in Karnataka, India, towards smoking cessation counseling. A questionnaire study was conducted among a convenience sample of 329 dental students comprised of III year and IV year students and interns in three dental colleges in Karnataka, India. Of the 329 students who completed the questionnaire, twenty-two (7 percent) were current smokers, and fifteen (5 percent) were ex-smokers. Although 94 percent responded they were giving antismoking advice to their patients, only 47 percent said they had been taught antismoking advice suitable for patients. While a majority (95 percent) planned to advise patients about tobacco use in their professional careers, significantly fewer (66 percent) indicated that such counseling would help patients to quit. This study of dental students and interns found that a majority intended to provide smoking cessation counseling in their professional career and agreed it is part of their professional role.  相似文献   

Background: Given the changing nature of the dental workforce, and the need to retain the services of future members, it is important to understand why current dental students perceive that they were motivated to study dentistry. Qualitative research provides the opportunity to explore the underlying issues in addition to informing subsequent quantitative research. The objectives of this research were to investigate final‐year dental students’ motivation for studying dentistry and how they perceive this has been modified during their undergraduate degree programme. Methods: Purposive sampling of a representative group of 35 final‐year dental students at King’s College London Dental Institute to participate in audio‐taped focus groups. Qualitative data were analysed using Framework Methodology. Results: The findings suggest a strong emphasis on having a career, providing ‘professional status’, ‘financial benefits’, ‘job security, flexibility and independence’ and ‘good quality of life’. Students reported being attracted by features of the job, supported to a greater or lesser extent by personal experience, family and friends. It appears however that students’ initial motivation is being tempered by their experiences during their undergraduate degree programme, in particular, the ‘responsibilities of an intensive professional education’, their ‘mounting student debt’ and the perception of ‘feeling undervalued’. This perception related to dentistry in general and National Health Service dentistry in particular, being undervalued, by government, patients, the public and members of the dental profession. Conclusions: Students’ vision of a ‘contained professional career’ within health care, providing status and financial benefits, appears to have influenced their choice of dentistry. Pressures relating to student life and policy changes are perceived as impacting on key components of professional life, particularly status in the social and economic order. The implications for educators, professional leaders and policy makers are explored.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a content analysis of a reflective learning activity named "A Learning Experience". The study aimed to elucidate the reflections of dental undergraduates and dental therapy students with the purpose of analysing the meaning they attribute to their experiences in training. Thirty-one student-completed worksheets were analysed by drawing themes and patterns from the text. In addition, responses were categorised according to patterns of knowing: empirical, aesthetic, personal and ethical. Findings show that students focused mainly on negative experiences and problem situations. Student reflections showed all 4 patterns of knowing and highlighted emerging professional characteristics and students' own professional self-concepts. Findings are discussed in the light of a growing trend in higher and professional education to encourage reflection on learning and practice.  相似文献   

Examining dental students' profiles and perspectives contributes to discussions concerning dental education and practice. This study aimed, first, to investigate Brazilian dental students' reasons for pursuing dentistry as an occupation and, secondly, to consider the professional expectations of freshman students at a Brazilian public university over a fifteen-year period. A cross-sectional study was performed using data from a self-administered questionnaire to all first-year students enrolled in the 1993-95 and 2006-08 periods at the Federal University of Goias, Brazil (n=376). A total of 296 students responded (response rate=78.7 percent). Frequency analysis and chi-square tests were used to compare frequencies between the two time periods. Job conception was cited as the primary reason for pursuing dentistry, and the students considered oral health promotion and oral disease prevention as the primary purposes of dentistry. Most students intended to serve both high and low socioeconomic populations and both private and public practices after graduation. The majority cited an interest in specializing in clinical fields, orthodontics being the most frequent option. Significant trends included a greater interest in health promotion and public services and specializing in aesthetic dentistry and implantology in the 2006-08 period. This study revealed significant differences in the freshman students' motivations and professional perspectives over time. Personal views and concepts about profession are major influencing factors for choosing dentistry as a career.  相似文献   

To evaluate time and cohort changes in preventive practice of dental students in Mongolia, a questionnaire was distributed to all clinical-year students in 2000 (n = 79) and in 2002 (n = 73) of the Dental School of the Mongolian National Medical University (MNMU). The questionnaire eliciting information on students' preventive care-related practice and knowledge, oral self-care (OSC) behaviour, and self-perceived competency, was administered to the students. Further, cross-sectional (between cohorts) comparisons to study changes over time and longitudinal (within-cohort) comparisons to reveal changes resulting from professional dental education were carried out. Statistical evaluations included chi-square test and linear regression model. Preventive practice of the students in 2002 tended to be better than that of their counterparts in the same study-year in 2000. Preventive practice among the fifth-year students improved significantly compared to that in their third year, except for counselling on nutrition. Survey-year, study-year, and knowledge of and self-reported competency in preventive care explained 38% of the variation in reported preventive practice. Besides the positive changes revealed, preventive practice among the students could still be improved. Regarding these tasks, professional education should provide meaningful learning experience on modern caries-preventive methods and dental community should support practice of preventive dentistry. A special programme could help to motivate the students to improve their own OSC.  相似文献   

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