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MR tracking of a vascular guidewire sized for a .035-inch (.89-mm) catheter lumen was performed. The guidewire was actively tracked by incorporation of a miniature radiofrequency (RF) receive coil built into its tip. After in vitro validation, simultaneous tracking of the guidewire and a catheter was performed in the aortic and abdominal vessels of a swine at 1.5 T. The ability to track such a small device and the ability to simultaneously track multiple devices are significant steps towards vascular interventions under MR guidance.  相似文献   

Our purpose in this study was to evaluate the steerability of a combined catheter guide-wire system with MR tracking in an open-configuration .5T MR system and compare it with fluoroscopic guidance. Experiments were performed with an aorta-shaped glass phantom with different-size branches connected to a roller flow pump to simulate pulsatile flow. A .035″ guidewire was used in conjunction with a 5F Cobra 2-shaped catheter. For active MR guidance, a small RF coil was incorporated into the tips of all devices. In addition to fluoroscopic guidance, we used MR tracking devices to selectively catheterize all branches in the .5T open magnet (Signa SP, GEMS). Time requirements for the latter were compared with those needed under conventional angiographic conditions using standard catheters and guidewires. Active MR tracking permitted the simultaneous real time (4 updates/sec) guidance of both guide-wire and catheter. Under MR guidance, all branch vessels were successfully catheterized. We found no significant differences in time requirements between guidance with the MR tracking device and fluoroscopic guidance. However, cannulation under fluoroscopic guidance with standard angiography devices required significantly less time (P < .05). Selective catheterization of small branch vessels is possible with active MR tracking of a combined cath-eter/guidewire system. Limitations of MR tracking device material and design result in a considerable lengthening of the cannulation procedures.  相似文献   

Three strategies for visualisation of MR-dedicated guidewires and catheters have been proposed, namely active tracking, the technique of locally induced field inhomogeneity and passive susceptibility-based tracking. In this article the pros and cons of these techniques are discussed, including the development of MR-dedicated guidewires and catheters, scan techniques, post-processing tools, and display facilities for MR tracking. Finally, some of the results obtained with MR tracking are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a novel endovascular heating source using a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging guidewire (MRIG) to deliver controlled microwave energy into the target vessel for thermal enhancement of vascular gene transfection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 0.032-inch MRIG was connected to a 2.45-GHz microwave generator. We 1) calculated the microwave power loss along the MRIG, 2) simulated the power distribution around the MRIG, 3) measured the temperature increase vs. input power with the MRIG, and 4) evaluated the thermal effect on the balloon-compressed/microwave-heated aorta of six living rabbits. In addition, during balloon inflation, we also simultaneously generated high-resolution MR images of the aortic wall. RESULTS: The power loss was calculated to be 3.9 dB along the MRIG. The simulation-predicted power distribution pattern was cylindrically symmetric, analogous to the geometry of vessels. Under balloon compression, the vessel wall could be locally heated at 41 degrees C with no thermal damage apparent on histology. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the possibility of using the MRIG as a multifunctional device, not only as a receiver antenna to generate intravascular high-resolution MR images of atherosclerotic plaques and as a conventional guidewire to guide endovascular interventions during MR imaging, but also as a potential intravascular heating source to produce local heat for thermal enhancement of vascular gene transfection.  相似文献   

A new technique for visualization of interventional devices using MR is presented. A prototype catheter was equipped with a thin copper wire loop, leading from the proximal end to the tip and back. A small current (10-150 mA) through these two parts of a wire induces a local magnetic field along the catheter. Introduction of this catheter into the main magnetic field of the MR imager locally disturbs the homogeneity of the magnetic field. Image locations within the locally induced fields appear dark due to signal loss, and the extent of this effect can be varied during the procedure by simply adjusting the current. Different dedicated wire configurations allow visualization of the catheter in its whole length or in parts, i.e., with markers for balloons. Fast gradient echo sequences that provide a bright signal from inflowing blood are used for rapid imaging.  相似文献   

The use of MRI to guide and monitor interventional procedures requires the merging of surgical and MRI environments. The ideal magnet shape for homogeneity and efficiency is spherical, but this design provides no access. Opening the sphere to provide both patient and surgeon access suggests cylindrical or biplanar magnets. Cylindrical magnets have poor surgical access but provide good imaging capabilities, which can be used in conjunction with a neighboring but distinct surgical environment. Biplanar magnets provide more and better approaches to the patient, but generally with lower field strength. Vertical biplanar systems allows surgical approaches from above but reduce the access of support staff to the patient. A hybrid magnet design, which combines the benefits of both cylindrical and biplanar magnets, can provide increased access with simultaneous approach from two sides of the patient. Application-specific magnets can target a smaller region, leading to compact magnet designs that greatly expand access for both surgical intervention as well as patient support. As the field of interventional MRI matures, the suitability of each design to specific applications will be better understood, leading to more integrated system designs tailored to the needs of imageguided therapy.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: In view of the increasing use of breast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to supplement x-ray mammography. the authors developed a method for fast and efficient analysis of dynamic MR images of the female breast. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MR image data sets were acquired with a saturation-recovery turbo fast low-angle shot sequence to detect the kinetics of the contrast agent concentration in the whole breast at a high temporal and spatial resolution. A morphologic three-dimensional fast low-angle shot data set was also acquired. The dynamic image data sets were analyzed with tracer kinetic modeling to describe the physiologic processes underlying the contrast enhancement in mathematical terms and enable the estimation of functional tissue-specific parameters, which reflect the status of microcirculation. To display morphologic and functional tissue information simultaneously, the authors developed a multidimensional real-time visualization system (with three-dimensional texture mapping), which enables a practical and intuitive human computer interface in virtual reality. RESULTS: The spatially differentiated representation of the computed functional tissue parameters superimposed on the anatomic information offers several possibilities: (a) more discernible contrast enhancement, (b) inspection of the data volume in three-dimensional space by means of rotation and transparency variation, (c) location of lesions in space and thus faster and more natural recognition of topologic coherencies, and (d) fast and efficient overview in compressed form. CONCLUSION: A feasibility study demonstrated that multidimensional visualization of contrast enhancement in virtual reality is a practicable idea. Detection and location of multiple breast lesions may be an important application.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of MR thermometry based on the thermal dose (TD) concept for monitoring radiofrequency (RF) ablations, 13 RF ablations in pig livers were performed under continuous MR thermometry at 1.5 T with a filtered clinical RF device. Respiratory gated fast gradient echo images were acquired simultaneously to RF deposition for providing MR temperature maps with the proton resonant frequency technique. Residual motion, signal to noise ratio (SNR) and standard deviation (SD) of MR temperature images were quantitatively analyzed to detect and reject artifacted images in the time series. SD of temperature measurement remained under 2°C. Macroscopic analysis of liver ablations showed a white zone (Wz) surrounded by a red zone (Rz). A detailed histological analysis confirmed the ongoing nature of the coagulation necrosis in both Wz and Rz. Average differences (±SD) between macroscopic size measurements of Wz and Rz and TD predictions of ablation zones were 4.1 (±1.93) mm and −0.71 (±2.47) mm, respectively. Correlation values between TD and Wz and TD and Rz were 0.97 and 0.99, respectively. MR thermometry monitoring based on TD is an accurate method to delineate the size of the ablation zone during the RF procedure and provides a clinical endpoint.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of MR guidance of invasive diagnostic and minimally invasive therapeutic procedures is based on the excellent morphologic and functional properties of MR imaging. Prerequisites are adequate patient monitoring and adherence to safety guidelines. Fast and ultrafast sequences, temperature quantification, visualization of intravascular devices, thermal stability of contrast media and thermosensitive contrast media are discussed. The spectrum of clinical applications includes biopsies, thermal ablation modalities, vascular applications, MR endoscopy and intraoperative MR imaging. The development of interventional MR imaging is still in its infancy. In the future, MR imaging may play an important role in interventional radiology and minimally invasive therapy.   相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the potential utility of magnetic resonance (MR)-visible coatings for passive visualization of therapeutic endovascular devices such as catheters and guidewires. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using a multistep coating process, gadolinium-based coatings were applied to commercially available off-the-shelf catheters and guidewires. These coated devices were imaged in phantoms made of fat-free yogurt, saline, and whole blood and also in live canine aorta on a 1.5-T cardiovascular MR scanner using T1-weighted two-dimensional radiofrequency (RF)-spoiled gradient-recalled echo, two-dimensional spin echo, and three-dimensional RF-spoiled gradient-recalled echo techniques. RESULTS: Commercially available off-the shelf catheters (4, 5, and 6 French) and guidewires (0.038 inch) were clearly visualized in all phantoms and canine aorta and the coatings proved to be durable and imageable without degradation in signal intensity up to 24 hours. MR-visible coatings address some of the shortcomings that have previously limited the role of MR as a guidance tool. CONCLUSION: Both in vitro and in vivo visualization of therapeutic endovascular devices coated with MR-visible coatings are found to be clinically viable.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the quality of MR angiograms has risen substantially and their clinical utility has been demonstrated progressively. This acceptance has created a need for tools with which to summarize and display the information available. We have used a model-based segmentation technique to extract vascular morphology and local flow parameters from phase contrast MR angiograms. A multiresolution data structure is used as the basis of recursive decision-making to identify regions of blood flow. The resulting data representation allows more efficient data handling in subsequent processing and visualization and is directly applicable to the creation of a connected graph model of vascular regions. We describe this flow feature extraction algorithm and demonstrate the utility of the results.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was (a) to demonstrate the feasibility of computing T1rho maps of, and T1rho dispersion in, human wrist cartilage at MR imaging in vivo and (b) to compare T1rho and T2 weighting in terms of magnitude of relaxation times and signal intensity contrast. MATERIALS AND METHODS: T2 and T1rho magnetic resonance images of wrist joints in healthy volunteers (n = 5) were obtained with a spin-echo sequence and a fast spin-echo sequence pre-encoded with a spin-lock pulse cluster. A 1.5-T clinical imager was used (Signa; GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis) with a 9.5-cm-diameter transmit-receive quadrature birdcage coil tuned to 63.75 MHz. RESULTS: T1rho relaxation times at a spin-lock frequency of 500 Hz vary from 40.5 msec +/- 0.85 to 56.6 msec +/- 4.83, and T2 relaxation times vary from 28.1 msec +/- 1.88 to 34.5 msec +/- 2.63 (mean +/- standard error of the mean, n = 5, P < .016) in various regions of the wrist. T1rho dispersion was observed in the range of spin-lock frequencies studied. T1rho-weighted images not only have higher signal-to-noise ratios but also show better fluid and fat signal suppression than T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION: It was possible to perform T2- and T1rho-weighted MR imaging of human wrist cartilage in vivo with standard clinical imagers. The higher signal-to-noise ratio and improved contrast between cartilage and surrounding fat achieved with T1rho imaging may provide better definition of lesions and accurate quantitation of small changes in cartilage degeneration.  相似文献   

A spectrum of embolic agents including PVA, avitene, gelfoam, ethanol, IBCA, silicone microspheres, metal and platinum coils, and balloons containing contrast of HEMA were imaged in vitro at 0,3 Tesla using spin echo, gradient echo, and inversion recovery sequences. Signal intensities associated with these agents and changes created by addition of blood are presented. The in vitro model is also correlated with clinical MR material. Recognition of embolic materials is important to avoid confusion with persistent flow void, hemorrhage, or thrombus.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a preprocessing technique of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images, applied before maximum-intensity-projection (MIP). The purpose was to recover small low-intensity vessels, visible in individual slices, but lost in MIP images that usually have higher background level than the individual slices. The authors have developed a nonlinear three-dimensional spatial filtering technique (called HD filter) based on anisotropic smoothing. The filter first searches for the local orientation of the vessel. It then performs a nonlinear smoothing in the vessel's local direction so as to avoid blurring its boundaries. Noise level reduction, contrast enhancement, and improved small vessel visibility achieved by this filter are illustrated on dynamic contrast-enhanced subtraction MRA images of the lower limbs.  相似文献   

目的:利用氢质子磁共振波谱(1H MRS)技术检测活体乳腺癌病灶与对侧正常乳腺组织内的物质代谢和物质生化含量的差异及其反映在分子水平上的病理改变。方法:对30例经乳腺钼靶摄影疑为一侧乳腺癌的患者行1H MRS检查,比较其病侧与对侧相应部位正常腺体组织的胆碱(Choline,Cho)、乳酸(Lactine,Lac)含量有无显著性差异。结果:正常乳腺组织1H MRS在1.32ppm处显示一独立清晰的乳酸峰,胆碱峰显示低平,Cho峰顶与Lac峰顶的连线呈上升趋势。30例病侧组在3.2ppm处Cho峰显著增高,Lac峰明显降低,Cho峰顶与Lac峰顶的连线呈下降趋势;两组间行秩和检验,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:氢质子磁共振波谱(1H MRS)对于乳腺癌的定性诊断可提供有价值的辅助信息。  相似文献   

Stiffness is always one of two factors that determine frictional resistance. The other factor, the coefficient of friction, depends on the surface characteristics. Teflon coating reduces the sliding friction to one-half, and a hydrophilic plastic coat to about one-sixth compared with steel.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低流量型软组织血管畸形的MR诊断及鉴别诊断价值。方法:收集我院术前行MR检查且经手术、病理或临床随访证实的19例肌肉间低流量型软组织血管畸形。结果:肌肉间低流量型血管畸形表现为所有序列信号不均匀的肿块(T1WI等信号,T2WI高或稍高信号),其中14例边缘或/(和)内部见脂肪;10例见静脉石;11例病灶内示多个液液平面。7例增强扫描示病灶不均匀强化。结论:低流量型软组织血管畸形特征性MR表现对其诊断及鉴别诊断有重要的意义,是此病首选的检查方法。  相似文献   

The stiffness of guidewires varies in accordance with the fourth power of the core diameter. Titanium wires with the same core diameters have one-quarter the stiffness of steel wires. The torsional strength shows the same correlation with the 4th power of the diameter of the core in solid wires. With a few exceptions, spring wires do not have a usable torsional strength. The differences in the stiffness of the wire tips, and the different kinds of transition to the stiff shaft can be explained by differences in the construction of the wires and their tips.  相似文献   

In this study, the problem of small vessel visualization in magnetic resonance angiography is addressed. The loss of vessel contrast due to slow flow-related signal saturation can be compensated by the T1 reduction obtained from the use of an MR contrast agent, such as Gd-DTPA. The vesselfbackground signal-difference-to-noise ratio (SDNR) is shown to strongly depend on the imaging parameters, as well as on the time course of the blood T1 values obtained from the contrast injection. Specifically, it was found that vessel SDNR increases almost linearly with TR, if the sampling bandwidth is reduced proportionately.  相似文献   

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