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Chimeric analogs of cecropin P1 and melittin with normal and retro sequences were synthesized to explore the effect of sequence, amide bond direction (helical dipole), charge, amphipathicity and hydrophobicity on their antibacterial activity and channel-forming ability. When viewed from the opposite end by rotation in the plane 180° retro analogs have the same sequence as the parent with reversed amide bond and helical dipole directions. The expected activities were related to the important structural features and a series of assumptions were made. Retro analogs are expected to be inactive if both sequence and amide bond direction make critical contributions to the activity. CP1(1–10)M(2–9) amide, (SWLSKTAKKLIGAVLKVL), showed a broad antibacterial spectrum with high activity against the two Gram-negative and three Gram-positive bacteria tested. Retro-CP1(1–10)M(2–9) was less active compared to its normal peptide. CP1(1–9)M(1–8) and CP1(1–9)M(2–8) amides were found to be active against Gram-negative Escherichia coli and also Gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes, but inactive against the other test organisms. The corresponding retro analogs were inactive against all the five bacteria tested. These results suggest that both sequence and amide bond direction (helix dipole) are important structural requirements for the activity of CP1-M hybrids. Acetylation of the N-terminal amine in both normal and retro analogs lowered their activity, indicating the contribution of free amine to the activity. These analogs form ion-conducting channels in lipid bilayers. The action of the peptides may be explained by self-aggregation and formation of ion-conducting pores across bacterial membranes. Conformational analysis obtained from CD measurements showed that all analogs form amphipathic α-helices in presence of 12–20% hexafluoro isopropanol. The retro CP1(1–10)M(2–9) amide showed higher helicity and is more potent compared to other retro analogs synthesized. These studies show the effect of small sequence modifications on the biological activity of the peptides and on their α-helical conformation in HFIP, the structure-inducing organic solvent.  相似文献   

Dedicated to Professor Koji Nakanishi on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Two antimicrobial peptides, cecropin P1 (CPl), with a C-terminal carboxyl group, and PR-39, with an amidated C-terminus, are found in the small intestine of the pig. Each is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. We have synthesized these peptides and several analogs, including the d -enantiomers and the retro sequences, each with a free or acetylated amino terminus. The CPI amide was also prepared. The retro CP1 peptides were much less active than the parent CPl peptide, confirming the importance of sequence or the amide bond and helix dipole direction, and the Nα-acetyl peptides were also less active, indicating that a free amino terminus is essential for high activity. The ratio of the lethal concentration of L/D isomers of CP1 is less than 1 for Gram-negative, but greater than 1 for Gram-positive bacteria. PR-39 showed no significant chiral selectivity toward Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pyogenes, but the l /d ratio was high for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (66), and very high for Staphylococcus aureus (>1000). In the latter case the lethal concentration for the d -isomer was 0.57 μ whereas this organism was quite resistant to the l -isomer (>600μ). Thus the enantiomers of CP1 and PR-39 are not equally active for all species. In a plate assay with a very small log-phase inoculum of Staph. aureus, D-PR-39 produced a clear zone of killing surrounded by a zone of stimulated growth. After prolonged incubation the two zones became one clear zone. Addition of D-PR-39 to the wells of a dense turbid plate of growing cells showed a cleared zone for each of the test organisms, indicating that PR-39 lyses the bacteria rather than simply inhibiting their multiplication. © Munksgaard 1997.  相似文献   

Two related homodetic bicyclic nonapeptides (cyclo Glu-X-Pro-Gly-Lys-X-Pro-Gly)-cyclo (lγ→ 5?), X = Ala(BCP2), X = Leu(BCP3) have been synthesized using conventional solution phase methods involving mixed anhydride coupling reactions starting with appropriately protected naturally occurring amino acids. The conformation and ion binding properties of BCP2 have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance and circular dichroism techniques. The results of these studies have been compared to those of BCP3. The presence of Ala caused both Ala-Pro bonds to be trans in free BCP2. This characteristic imparted subtle differences to the ion-binding properties of BCP2 as compared to free BCP3 which has one cis Leu-Pro bond and one trans Leu-Pro bond.  相似文献   

Summary The comparative enzyme inducing effects of rifabutin and the chemically related drug rifampicin have been investigated in 8 normal subjects. Rifampicin 600 mg daily for 7 days caused considerable shortening of the antipyrine half-life and a marked increase in antipyrine clearance, associated with an increased rate of conversion to norantipyrine and, to a lesser extent, 4-hydroxyantipyrine and 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine. The urinary excretion of 6--hydroxycortisol was also markedly increased, while plasma GGT activity showed only a slight albeit statistically significant elevation. In the same subjects, rifabutin in the proposed therapeutic dosage (300 mg daily) for 7 days also enhanced the metabolic elimination of antipyrine, with preferential stimulation of the demethylation pathway, and increased the excretion of 6--hydroxycortisol, but the magnitude of the effects was signifiantly less than after rifampicin. No significant change in plasma GGT was seen. The results indicate that, contrary to the findings in animals, rifabutin does have enzyme inducing properties in man, although at the dosages assessed they were considerably less than those of rifampicin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Indolizidin‐2‐one amino acids (I2aas, 6S‐ and 6R‐ 1 ) possessing 6S‐ and 6R‐ring‐fusion stereochemistry were introduced into the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) to explore the relationships between configuration, peptide conformation and biological activity. Solution‐phase and solid‐phase techniques were used to synthesize three analogs with I2aa residues in place of the d ‐Phe‐Pro residues at the turn regions of GS: [(6S)‐I2aa4?5,4′?5′]GS ( 2 ), [Lys2,2′,(6S)‐I2aa4?5,4′?5′]GS ( 3 ) and [(6R)‐I2aa4?5,4′?5′]GS ( 4 ). Although conformational analysis of [I2aa4?5,4′?5′]GS analogs 2?4 indicated that both ring‐fusion stereoisomers of I2aa gave peptides with CD and NMR spectral data characteristic of GS, the (6S)‐I2aa analogs 2 and 3 exhibited more intense CD curve shapes, as well as greater numbers of nonsequential NOE between opposing Val and Leu residues, relative to the (6R)‐I2aa analog 4 , suggesting a greater propensity for the (6S)‐diastereomer to adopt the β‐turn/antiparallel β‐pleated sheet conformation. In measurements of antibacterial and antifungal activity, the (6S)‐I2aa analog 2 exhibited significantly better potency than the (6R)‐I2aa diastereomer 4 . Relative to GS, [(6S)‐I2aa4?5,4′?5′]GS ( 2 ) exhibited usually 1/2 to 1/4 antimicrobial activity as well as 1/4 hemolytic activity. In certain cases, antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of GS were shown to be dissociated through modification at the peptide turn regions with the (6S)‐I2aa diastereomer. The synthesis and evaluation of GS analogs 2?4 has furnished new insight into the importance of ring‐fusion stereochemistry for turn mimicry by indolizidin‐2‐one amino acids as well as novel antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

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