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  方法:系统检索万方数据库、中国(CNKI)学术文献总库和PubMed 数据库相关文献,检索时间截止2013年12月31日;两名评阅者提取纳入文献的相关信息,Meta 分析采用Meta-Analyst 3.13软件。
  结果:共纳入符合条件发表于1980/2013年间的文献37篇,总调查人数245248人。纳入人群的近视眼患病率为26.5%(95% CI:21.8%~31.7%);近视眼患病率随年龄增长而上升(6~8岁8.4%到12~14岁57.4%)。
  结论:中国大陆地区小学生近视眼患病率明显高于西方国家和地区,年龄增加近视眼患病率上升。该研究可能对大陆地区小学生近视眼防治具有参考价值。  相似文献   





结论:北京市小学生近视率已经达到较高的水平,在家庭、日常生活及学生自身上均存在较多的问题,需针对相关因素进行防控,预防及延缓近视的发生,促进小学生的视力健康。  相似文献   



方法:采用横断面随机整群抽样的方法于2015-01/12对山东省龙口市7~18岁在校学生以学校为抽样单位进行近视情况的调查,共抽取学校58所,有效抽样61 036人。按地域分为城市、城乡结合部及农村3类地区。由相关工作人员在全程质量控制下采用标准对数视力表检查受检者双眼裸眼视力,采用自动验光仪(TOPCON-RM8900)在非散瞳情况下行电脑验光检查。采用Microsoft Excel工作表建立数据库,SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析。


结论:山东省龙口市2015年中小学生近视患病率较高,且随年龄的增长而逐渐升高,女性高于男性,城市高于城乡结合部及农村地区。  相似文献   

目的:了解江苏省徐州市6~18岁中小学生近视筛查与矫正情况。方法:横断面随机整群抽样研究,于2020-09/12以学校为单位抽取徐州市70所中小学校进行近视筛查。参与抽样63 488人,剔除不合格记录后,最终纳入6~18岁中小学生58 149人,并分析其不同年龄、性别、地区、近视程度下的近视及矫正情况。结果:徐州市6~18岁中小学生筛查性近视率为49.26%,近视患病率随年龄增长呈增加的趋势(P<0.01),近视程度随年龄增加逐渐加深,女生近视患病率高于男生(53.70%vs 45.67%,P<0.01),城市中小学生近视患病率高于乡镇(55.40%vs 45.10%,P<0.01)。框架眼镜矫正率为31.11%,足矫率为60.23%,同时矫正率随着年龄的增长逐渐增高(P<0.01),女生矫正率高于男生(32.45%vs 29.84%,P<0.01),但女生足矫率却低于男生(56.60%vs 63.98%,P<0.01)。城市中小学生矫正率和足矫率均高于乡镇(46.50%vs 18.33%,62.20%vs 56.07%,P<0.01)。结论:...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the prevalence and magnitude of myopia in a group of Hong Kong Chinese microscopists and compare it with that observed in microscopists working in the United Kingdom. METHODS: Forty-seven microscopists (36 women and 11 men) with a median age of 31 years and working in hospital laboratories throughout Hong Kong were recruited to the study. Information about past refractive corrections, microscopy work, and visual symptoms associated with microscope use were collected. All subjects had a comprehensive eye examination at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Optometry Clinic, including measures of refractive error (both noncycloplegic and cycloplegic), binocular vision functions, and axial length. RESULTS: The prevalence of myopia in this group of microscopists was 87%, the mean (+/- SD) refractive error was -4.45 +/- 3.03 D and mean axial length was 25.13 +/- 1.52 mm. No correlation was found between refractive error and years spent working as a microscopist or number of hours per day spent performing microscopy. Subjects reporting myopia progression (N = 22) did not differ from the refractively stable group (N = 19) in terms of their microscopy working history, working hours, tonic accommodation level, or near phoria. However, the AC/A ratio of the progressing group was significantly greater than that of the stable group (4.59 delta/D cf. 3.34 delta/D). CONCLUSION: The myopia prevalence of Hong Kong Chinese microscopists was higher than that of microscopists in the United Kingdom (87% cf. 71%), as well as the Hong Kong general population (87% cf. 70%). The average amount of myopia was also higher in the Hong Kong Chinese microscopists than the Hong Kong general population (-4.45 D cf. -3.00 D). We have confirmed that the microscopy task may slightly exacerbate myopia development in Chinese people.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of myopia and hyperopia in a population of Polish schoolchildren. METHODS: A total of 4422 students were examined (2107 boys and 2315 girls, aged 6-18 years, mean age 11.1, S.D. 3.5). The examination included retinoscopy under cycloplegia induced with 1% tropicamide. Myopia was defined as a spherical equivalent (SE) of at least -0.5 dioptres (D), and hyperopia as a SE of at least +1.0 D. Data analysis was performed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and chi-squared test; p-values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: It was observed that 13.3% of Polish students in the age group ranging from 6 to 18 years were myopic while 13.1% of students were hyperopic. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between the prevalence of myopia and age (p < 0.001) and a negative correlation between prevalence of hyperopia and age (p < 0.001). It was observed that the prevalence of myopia increases substantially between 7 and 8 years of age (p < 0.01). Moreover, it was determined that with age the average refractive error among schoolchildren becomes more myopic (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence, degree and progress of myopia and hyperopia in Poland is similar to that in other European countries with a predominantly Caucasian population.  相似文献   

Prevalence of myopia in school children in Vanuatu   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of myopia typically occurs in childhood and increases during puberty. We studied the vision and refractive errors of 977 school children (ages 6 to 17 years) in 1983. Myopia in the group was extremely low; 97% had vision of 6/6, and 1.3% had myopia greater than 0.25D. Regression analysis revealed a change in mean refraction of -0.016D/year for males and -0.024D/year for females. There were no significant differences between males and females. These children engaged in about 8 hours of school work per day, and we conclude that genetic factors predominate over environmental factors in the determination of myopic refractive errors for this group.  相似文献   

Prevalence of myopia in open angle glaucoma.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study concerning the prevalence of myopia in patients with open angle glaucoma, its distribution was analyzed within the sample tested in relation to the refraction defect size, compared with a control group of non-glaucomatous myopic subjects. The overall myopic rate was 17.2% of the glaucomatous patients; high myopia was more frequent in the subjects with open angle glaucoma (p less than 0.001) than in the myopic patients, thus appearing as a possible risk factor for the development of glaucoma.  相似文献   




结果:该组显微镜工作者屈光不正患病率为69.90%。68.93%受试者近视,平均近视误差为-1.58±1.89 D。研究发现61.20%受试者汇聚功能不全。调节不足与调节功能不全的发病率分别为41.30% 和40.06%。研究人群的融合性转向也有所降低。

结论:研究发现,临床显微镜工作者屈光不正尤其是近视的患病率增加。其中大多数有转斜和调节不足。大多数受试者视疲劳症状与其显微镜工作有关,这可能会影响他们的工作效率。  相似文献   

The frequency of refractive errors in a population of clinical microscopists is presented. The prevalence of myopia in this population (N = 251) was found to be 71%, with 49% of the population reporting onset or progression of myopia after entry into clinical microscopy (after 21 years of age). Of subjects undergoing renewed progression of an existing myopia since starting clinical microscopy, 56% reported no refractive change for the 5 years before entering their profession. Accuracy of reporting refractive changes was found to be high. No differences were found in task-related functions between those subjects reporting myopic change in adulthood from those who did not report myopic change.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data on 559 myopic patients were collected from five optometry practices; adequate adulthood refractive data for analysis (three or more visits after 18 years of age) were available for 108 patients. Patterns of refractive change were evaluated subjectively and by linear regression analysis. Most myopes do not progress in young adulthood (about 20 to 25 years of age). Myopia progression during this age period is more common among males than among females. Adulthood myopia progression is related to an increase in corneal power.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate the prevalence and risk factors for vitreous floaters in the general population.METHODS: An electronic survey was administered through a smartphone app asking various demographic and health questions, including whether users experience floaters in their field of vision. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine risk factors.RESULTS:A total of 603 individuals completed the survey, with 76% reporting that they see floaters, and 33% reporting that floaters caused noticeable impairment in vision. Myopes were 3.5 times more likely (P=0.0004), and hyperopes 4.4 times more likely (P=0.0069) to report moderate to severe floaters compared to those with normal vision. Floater prevalence was not significantly affected by respondent age, race, gender, and eye color.CONCLUSION:Vitreous floaters were found to be a very common phenomenon in this non-clinical general population sample, and more likely to be impairing in myopes and hyperopes.  相似文献   

AIM: To ascertain the utility values of myopic teenage students in Singapore. METHODS: Children (n=699) aged 15-18 years with myopia (spherical equivalent (SE) at least -0.5 dioptres (D)) in two high schools in Singapore were recruited. Information on time trade-off (years of life willing to sacrifice for treatment of myopia) and standard gamble for blindness (risk of blindness from therapy willing to sacrifice for treatment of myopia) utility values, demographic, and socioeconomic status data were obtained. RESULTS: The time trade-off and standard gamble for blindness utility values were 0.93 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.93 to 0.94) and 0.85 (95% CI 0.84 to 0.86), respectively. Children with presenting better eye logMAR visual acuity >0.3 had lower time trade-off utility values (mean 0.92 versus mean 0.94), after adjusting for race and sex. There were dose-response relations between standard gamble for blindness values and total family income, as well as both utility values and educational stream (all p values for trend <0.01), after controlling for the same factors. CONCLUSION: The utility values in myopic students were higher for teenagers with better presenting visual acuity, children who wore spectacles or contact lenses, higher total family income, more "academic" schooling stream, and who were non-Muslims.  相似文献   

Prevalence rate of myopia in schoolchildren in rural Mongolia.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: The prevalence of myopia among some young Asian populations has been reported to be increasing to near epidemic proportions. Mongolia is an emerging Asian economy with limited ophthalmic resources. The purpose of this study was to define a level of myopia for school-aged children in rural Mongolia. METHODS: A total of 1057 schoolchildren, aged between 7 and 17 years, were examined in two remote, rural suums (districts) of Mongolia: one situated in the western aimag (province) of Khovd and the other in the central steppe's aimag of Zavkhan. The examination included retinoscopy, subjective refraction, best-corrected visual acuity, and direct ophthalmoscopy. RESULTS: The total prevalence of myopia (more than -0.5 D spherical equivalent) was 5.8% (95% confidence intervals [CIs], 4.4-7.2%). Female students exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of myopia in comparison to male students: 8.3% (95% CIs, 6.0-10.6%) compared with 3.1%, respectively (95% CIs, 1.6-4.6%): p < 0.001). For those with myopia, the median level of myopia for both genders was -0.75 D spherical equivalent (SE) and ranged from -0.50 to -28.00 D SE in girls and from -0.50 to -6.50 D SE in boys. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to report a level of myopia for schoolchildren in Mongolia. The prevalence rate is low in comparison to reported studies for other Far Eastern countries.  相似文献   

目的:应用IOL-Master测量大学生近视眼的眼轴长度(AL),水平、垂直角膜屈光力(K1,K2),前房深度(ACD)及角膜直径,探讨大学生近视眼各屈光成分值与屈光度的关系以及大学生近视眼的主要成因。方法:大学生近视患者1059例2118眼,经电脑验光按等效屈光度分为三组:A组低度近视<-3.00D(738眼),B组中度近视-3.00~-6.00D(989眼),C组高度近视>-6.00D(391眼)。采用光学相干生物测量仪(Zeiss,IOL-Master)测量其AL,K1,K2,ACD及角膜直径,计算眼轴长度与角膜曲率的比值AL/CR,数据采用SPSS18.0统计分析。结果:随着近视屈光度的增加,眼轴长度明显增加,两者之间存在显著相关性(P<0.01),且各组间具有显著差异性(P<0.01);K1在A组与B组间差异无显著性(P>0.05),K2在各组间具有差异性(P<0.05),但K1和K2仅与中度近视的屈光度存在相关性(P<0.05);各组AL与K1、K2呈负相关,且有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);ACD在B组与C组间差异无显著性(P>0.05),低度近视的屈光度与ACD存在显著相关性(P<0.01);角膜直径在各组间无显著性差异(P>0.05),且与屈光度无相关性(P>0.05);AL/CR比值3.183±0.132,近视屈光度与AL/CR比值呈负相关(r=-0.761,P=0.000)。结论:轴性近视是大学生近视的主要类型。大学生中度近视是眼轴与角膜屈光力共同作用所致;ACD对大学生近视屈光度影响较小;角膜直径对大学生近视屈光度无影响。  相似文献   

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