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Summary A supplement in the form of biscuits providing approximately 125 calories, 6 G. protein and 2950 i.u. of vitamin A in addition to other nutrients was found to result in substantial improvement in the nutritional status of young children. The study shows the potential value of such supplements in alleviating malnutrition not only in young children but also in other groups such as convalescents and pregnant and lactating women. From the Biochemistry Department, Baroda University, Baroda. Supported by the Research Grant given by Unichem Laboratories Ltd., Bombay, to Prof. C.V. Ramakrishnan and Dr. R. Rajalakshmi.  相似文献   

The relationship between mother's nutritional knowledge, maternal education, and child nutritional status (weight-for-age) was the subject of investigation in this study. The data were collected in Ghana on 55 well nourished and 55 malnourished mother-child pairs. A questionnaire designed to collect data on mother's knowledge and practices related to child care and nutrition was administered to the mothers. Data on mother's demographic and socio-economic characteristics as well as child anthropometric data were also collected. A nutrition knowledge score was calculated based on mother's responses to the nutrition related items. Bivariate analysis gave significant associations between child nutritional status and the following variables: time of initiating of breastfeeding, mother's knowledge of importance of colostrum and whether colostrum was given to child, age of introduction of supplementary food, and mother's knowledge about causes of kwashiorkor. The two groups also showed significant differences in their nutrition knowledge scores. Maternal formal education, and marital status were also found to be associated with child nutritional status in bivariate analyses. Further analysis with logistic regression revealed that maternal nutrition knowledge was independently associated with nutritional status after the effects of other significant variables were controlled for. Maternal education on the other hand was not found to be independently associated with nutritional status. These results imply that mother's practical knowledge about nutrition may be more important than formal maternal education for child nutrition outcome.  相似文献   

We investigated the selenium status of 5 infants while on nutritional support. After 4 weeks of parenteral nutrition a significant fall in plasma selenium concentrations was observed (mean +/- SD: 0.8 +/- 0.5 micrograms/dl; normal for this age: 3.6 +/- 0.9 micrograms/dl). In 1 infant the decline in selenium value occurred simultaneously with a transient rise in transaminases. A parallel but delayed decrease in red blood cell-glutathione peroxidase activity was seen in 3 patients. After reintroduction of enteral foods, the selenium levels increased progressively to and reached control values after 6 weeks, 4 and 5 months respectively in 3 patients, suggesting that the selenium requirement on TPN was not met. We consider it essential to provide longterm TPN patients with physiological amounts of selenium in order to prevent the progressive development of a deficiency state.  相似文献   

早产儿宫外生长发育迟缓(EUGR)是全球普遍面临的问题。关于EUGR居高不下的原因,早产儿出生胎龄较小、体质量较低、接受医疗操作及检查增加、营养支持中断已有较多研究,但对于摄入能量、各种营养素能力有限及生长曲线标准的更新却少有报道。文献指出,早产儿脂肪摄入量达到推荐量的平均时间约在生后第6天,蛋白质约在生后第4天,碳水化合物在生后1周左右,其他多种维生素及微量元素通常达不到或需经历较长时间方可达到推荐量。在没有充足的能量和营养供给来维持早产儿宫内生长的速率及追赶生长的需求时,EUGR始终未有改善。文章对患儿EUGR及重要营养素(能量、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等)住院期间的摄入量作一综述,为更合理和规范早产儿的营养管理,有效控制EUGR提供依据和建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the common effects of maternal vitamin D deficiency, various doses of vitamin D given to newborns and the effects of these on vitamin D status in early childhood. Seventy-eight pregnant women and 65 infants who were followed up in various health centers were included in the sudy. 25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25-OHvitD), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and alkaline phosphatase levels were measured in blood samples drawn from pregnant women in the last trimester. Infants born to these mothers were given 400 or 800 IU of vitamin D subsequently at the start of the second week. 25-OHvitD, Ca, P and alkaline phosphatase levels of the 65 infants who were brought in for controls (May-September 2000) were measured and hand-wrist X-rays were evaluated. We analyzed the relationship between vitamin D status of the mothers and infants and socio-economic status; mothers' dressing habits (covered vs uncovered), educational level, and number of pregnancies; and sunlight exposure of the house. Covered as a dressing habit meant covering the hair and sometimes part of the face and wearing dresses that completely cover the arms and legs. In 40 infants who were breast-fed and received the recommended doses of vitamin D on a regular basis, the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and supplementation doses given was analyzed. Serum 25-OHvitD level of the mothers was 17.50 +/- 10.30 and 94.8% of the mothers had a 25-OHvitD level below 40 nmol/L (below 25 nmol/L in 79.5%). The risk factors associated with low maternal 25-OHvitD were low educational level (p = 0.042), insufficient intake of vitamin D within diet (p = 0.020) and "covered" dressing habits (p = 0.012). 25-OHvitD level of the infants was 83.70 +/- 53.70 nmol/L, and 24.6% of the infants had 25-OHvitD levels lower than 40 nmol/L. Risk factors for low 25-OHvitD levels in infants were a) not receiving recommended doses of vitamin D regularly (p = 0.002) and b) insufficient sunlight exposure of the house (p = 0.033). There was a pour but significant correlation between maternal vitamin D levels and infants' 25-OHvitD levels at four months (r = 0.365, p < 0.05). No significant correlation was found between 25-OHvitD levels and supplementation doses of vitamin D (19 infants were supplemented with 400 IU/day and 21 with 800 IU/day of vitamin D) (p = 0.873). Severe maternal vitamin D deficiency remains a commonly seen problem in Turkey. However, vitamin D deficiency can be prevented by supplementation of vitamin D to newborns (at least 400 IU). Supplementation of 800 IU vitamin D in the areas of maternal vitamin D deficiency has no greater benefits for the infants.  相似文献   

Young maternal age during pregnancy is linked with adverse birth outcomes. This study examined the role of maternal nutritional status in the association between maternal age and small for gestational age (SGA) delivery and birth length. We used data from a birth cohort study in Ethiopia, involving women who were 15–24 years of age and their newborns. A mediation analysis was fitted in a sample of 1,422 mother infant dyads for whom data on birth length were available, and 777 dyads for whom gestational age and birth weight was measured. We used commands, medeff for the mediation analysis and medsens for sensitivity analysis in STATA 14. Maternal nutritional status, measured by mid‐upper arm circumference, mediated 21% of the association between maternal age and birth length and 14% of the association with SGA delivery. The average direct effect (ADE) of maternal age on birth length was (β = 0.45, 95% CI [0.17, 0.99]) and the average causal mediated effect (ACME) was (β = 0.12, 95% CI [0.02, 0.15]). We also found an ADE (β = 0.31, 95% CI [0.09, 0.47]) and an ACME of (β = 0.05, 95% CI [0.003, 0.205]) of maternal age on SGA delivery. The sensitivity analysis suggests an unmeasured confounder with a positive correlation of 0.15 and 0.20 between the mediator and the outcome could explain the observed ACME for birth length and SGA, respectively. We cannot make strong causal assertions as the findings suggest the mediator partly explained the total effect of maternal age on both outcomes.  相似文献   

The effects of a nucleotide-supplemented formula on diarrhoeal disease was studied in 141 infants (group 1) who belonged to the low socioeconomic stratum; 148 controls (group 2) received the same formula but unsupplemented. Group 1 experienced less episodes of diarrhoea (109 versus 140), including less first episodes (74 versus 102; chi-square = 8.19, p < 0.004; odds ratio 2.01) and for a lesser number of days (807 versus 996 days); 45.0% and 31.1% of infants in groups 1 and 2, respectively, never developed episodes of diarrhoea. There were no differences in the clinical characteristics of the episodes or in the enteropathogens isolated from symptomatic or asymptomatic infants. The mechanisms through which nucleotides decrease the incidence of diarrhoeal disease in infants remain unclear.  相似文献   

Maternal smoking and fetal growth of full term infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results of investigation into the effects of maternal smoking and other selected independent variables on fetal growth indicated that smoking by gravida was assoicated with reductions in birth weights and crown-heel lengths, but not with ponderal indices of newborn infants. Mothers of single infants were interviewed following delivery and before discharge about the amount of smoking during pregnancy. Infants were weighed and measured at birth, and step-wise multiple regression analyses were used to interpret the data for 4 groups of infants: males born to primiparas, males born to multiparas, females born to primiparas, and females born to multiparas. Results indicate that maternal smoking during pregnancy was associated with reductions in birth weights and crown-heel lengths, but not in ponderal indices of these groups of full-term infants. The effects of smoking on fetal growth did not appear to be related to poor maternal nutrition, and mean weight gains during the last 2 trimesters of pregnancy were not significantly different in smoking and nonsmoking mothers. Conflicting opinions exist concerning whether the reduction in crown-heel lengths are transitory or not; thus further study is recommended.  相似文献   

This study evaluated adherence to current dietary recommendations of children with cystic fibrosis and mild lung disease and their siblings by comparing energy intake. Fifty children (25 with cystic fibrosis) aged between 7 and 12 years completed the study. Energy intake was assessed by weighed dietary intake, resting energy expenditure was used to calculate recommended daily intakes. The children with cystic fibrosis had significant deficits in Z scores for both height and weight compared with their siblings, but there was no difference in percentage of ideal weight for height. The cystic fibrosis group had a significantly higher energy intake per kilogram body weight per day but there was no difference in the percentage of energy derived from fat, protein or carbohydrate. Energy intake (per kg/day) and fat intake (g/kg) were both significant predictors of weight for height in the cystic fibrosis group. Targets for dietary management in cystic fibrosis should perhaps be related to fat intake per kilogram body weight.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate physical growth and nutritional status of 214 school-going girls ranging in age from 5 to 12 years of rural area in Pauri Garhwal district of Uttaranchal.Methods: Physical growth was evaluated using eleven standard anthropometric measurementsviz., height, body weight, sitting height, biepicondylar humerus, bicondylar femur, head circumference, chest circumference, upper arm circumference, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold and subscapular skinfold. To assess the nutritional status, weight deficit for age, height deficit for age, upper arm circumference deficit for age and triceps skinfold deficit for age have been calculated using NCHS standards.Results: It has been observed that the well nourished Indian girls and American girls show better performance in physical growth parameters as compared to the Garhwali girls at all ages. The Garhwali girls were found to be comparable with rural Indian girls in their growth status. Grade-I and Grade-II malnutrition was prevalent among the Garhwali girls, however, Grade-III malnutrition was found to be present in only a few girls.Conclusion: This average to poor nutritional status of the present Garhwali girls may be attributed to low dietary intake, low-middle socio-economic background, uneducated or partially educated parents, large family size, gender discrimination etc.  相似文献   

研究液态奶喂养对胎龄< 36周早产儿营养状况的影响,并对早产儿喂养方式提出建议。方法2009年11月至2010年5月收住我科治疗的符合标准的95例早产儿研为究对象,将其分为两组,分别应用足月儿配方奶粉喂养(48例)及早产儿液态奶喂养(47例),观察在达到全肠道营养前后两组早产儿的体质量、身长及头围增长速度,并作组间比较...  相似文献   

《Jornal de pediatria》2022,98(3):256-263
ObjectiveTo evaluate the complementary feeding practices, food intake, and nutritional status of infants on a cow's milk protein elimination diet.MethodsA cross-sectional and observational study was conducted to compare infants aged 4–18 months who were on a cow's milk protein elimination diet with a control group of healthy infants without any dietary restrictions. General information on the child's health, demographic data, and food consumption were collected.ResultsThe study included 96 infants in the elimination diet group and 99 in the control group. In the elimination diet group, the median age (in months) of introduction of solid foods (5.0 × 4.0; p < 0.001) and water (5.5 × 4.0; p < 0.05) was later, consumption of soft drinks and industrialized cookies was less frequent (p < 0.05), and a lower index of complementary feeding inadequacies (2.75 × 3.50; p < 0.001) was observed. The elimination diet group presented lower individual values of Z scores for weight/age, weight/height, and body mass index/age, although they were fed with higher amounts of energy (117.4 × 81.3 kcal/kg of weight; p < 0.001) and macro-and micronutrients, except for vitamin A. In the elimination diet group, breast milk and its substitutes contributed to more than 67% of energy intake. Although calcium consumption was a deficit in 31.5% of the infants, none received supplementation.ConclusionInfants on an elimination diet presented more adequate complementary feeding practices and higher nutritional intake, despite lower body weight values.  相似文献   

AIM—To investigate whether the low docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) status of malnourished, mostly breast fed, Pakistani children can be improved by fish oil (FO) supplementation.
METHODS—Ten malnourished children (aged 8-30 months) received 500 mg FO daily for nine weeks. The supplement contained 62.8 mol% (314mg) long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω3 series (LCPUFAω3) and 22.5 mol% (112 mg) DHA. Seven FO unsupplemented children served as controls. Red blood cell (RBC) fatty acids were analysed at baseline and at the study end.
RESULTS—FO supplementation augmented mean (SD) RBC DHA from 2.27 (0.81) to 3.35 (0.76) mol%, without significantly affecting the concentrations of LCPUFAω6. Unsupplemented children showed no RBC fatty acid changes. One FO supplemented child with very low initial RBC arachidonic acid showed a remarkable increase from 4.04 to 13.84 mol%, whereas another with high RBC arachidonic acid showed a decrease from 15.64 to 10.46 mol%.
CONCLUSION—FO supplementation improves the DHA status of malnourished children. The supplement is apparently well absorbed and not exclusively used as a source of energy.


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