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护理具有专业性、服务性的特点,并以其专业化知识和技术为人们提供健康服务,满足人们的健康需要。护理服务是护理人员借助各种资源向护理需求者提供各种服务,是一种知识密集型劳动,护理服务的好坏直接关系到病员的康复和医院的声誉。护理人员要在护理工作中与时俱进,爱岗敬业。为全面建设小康社会、切实保障人民群众的身心健康作贡献,就必须坚持以病人为中心,在全心全意为患者服务上下功夫,努力为人民群众提供温馨、便捷、优质的医疗护理服务。  相似文献   

护理具有专业性、服务性的特点,并以其专业化知识和技术为人们提供健康服务,满足人们的健康需要。护理服务是护理人员借助各种资源向护理需求者提供各种服务,是一种知识密集型劳动,护理服务的好坏直接关系到病员的康复和医院的声誉。护理人员要在护理工作中与时俱进,爱岗敬业,为全面建设小康社会、切实保障人民群众的身心健康作贡献,就必须坚持以病人为中心,在全心全意为患者服务上下功夫,努力为人民群众提供温馨、便捷、优质的医疗护理服务。  相似文献   

护理是以维护和促进健康、减轻痛苦、提高生命质量为目的,运用专业知识和技术为人民群众健康提供服务的工作。我国《护士条例》和卫生部1982年颁布的《医院工作人员职责》对护理人员的义务和职责进行了明确的规定,而在实际工作中由于各种原因导致护理人员未能或只能部分履行了这些职责,从而使护理措施没有落实,造成护理缺失,这些护理缺失是影响患者安全和护理质量的重要因素。国外很多学者对护理缺失的现象进行了分析,国内学者在相关研究中也指出了护理措施未落实的现象。护理缺失直接影响了患者的治疗和康复的效果,并造成护患矛盾,引起医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

整体护理中的健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
护理健康教育学是现代护理学发展的产物,健康教育是整体护理的重要组成部分,它的着眼点是如何促使人们建立形成有益于健康的行为或生活方式,以消除危险因素,更好地促进和保护人民群众的健康。健康教育的实质是一种干预,它向人们提供改变行为和生活方式所必需的知识技术和服务等,使人们在面对促进健康和疾病的预防、治疗、康复等各个层次的健康问题时,有能力做出选择,  相似文献   

樊旭燕 《全科护理》2009,(2):161-161
“以人为本”和“以病人为中心”的微笑服务理念,不仅包含了为病人提供优良的护理技术,还包含了为病人提供优质的服务。人们对健康需求以及对医疗服务质量的要求越来越高,对护理专业人员的要求也越来越高。礼仪服务是优质服务内涵的反映。人们对护理人员的高要求给护理人员从知识、服务态度、技能等各方面带来了一系列的挑战。为了进一步提高护理质量和效果,我院开展了一系列的礼仪服务,取得了较好的成效。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

护理技术操作培训模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
护理技术操作是护理学的重要组成部分,是护理人员在临床工作中必不可少的技术性操作,而护理技术操作的熟练、规范、准确与否直接影响患者的安全、舒适和治疗效果。为了进一步规范我院护理人员的50项技术操作,全面提高我院护士队伍的技术水平和人文素质,更好的为人民群众健康服务,  相似文献   

樊旭燕 《家庭护士》2009,7(2):161-161
"以人为本"和"以病人为中心"的微笑服务理念,不仅包含了为病人提供优良的护理技术,还包含了为病人提供优质的服务.人们对健康需求以及对医疗服务质量的要求越来越高,对护理专业人员的要求也越来越高.礼仪服务是优质服务内涵的反映.人们对护理人员的高要求给护理人员从知识、服务态度、技能等各方面带来了一系列的挑战.为了进一步提高护理质量和效果,我院开展了一系列的礼仪服务,取得了较好的成效.现介绍如下.  相似文献   

医院护理服务文化新理念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于兰贞 《国际护理学杂志》2007,26(2):220-223,F0004
护理人员在健康促进体系中,与其他医务人员共同为人民群众提供高品质的健康服务,已成为不可缺少的一支队伍。现代护理越来越向着专业化、专科化、人性化及整体化的要求方向迅猛发展,护理伦理随着时代前进的步伐,人们对健康需求的程度不同,其所产生的伦理问题也不同。伦理学是护理基础不可缺少的一部分。护理专业关注患病的人、受伤害者及易患病者的健康人,这有着悠久的历史。护理专业的关注体现在为个人及社会提供的护理服务中。护理包括预防疾病、减轻痛苦,以及使病人在个人、家庭、团体、社会的照顾下,保护、促进并恢复其健康。护士通过其活动来改变社会结构中不利于人类健康与幸福的各个方面。人们希望护士不仅遵守护理职业的理想及道德规范,而且要将其作为护士必备素质的一部分。护理的道德传统具有自省性、持久性及独特性。伦理规定明确了护理专业的主要目标、价值观及其义务。  相似文献   

加强护理人员继续教育管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代医学护理技术的迅速发展和人民群众对健康需求的不断增长,大量护理新知识、新技术的不断出现,现代临床护理要求护理人员必须加强继续教育,不断获得新的知识和技能,才能适应当代医学的发展.  相似文献   

随着现代医学护理技术的迅速发展和人民群众对健康需求的不断增长,大量护理新知识、新技术的不断出现,现代临床护理要求护理人员必须加强继续教育,不断获得新的知识和技能,才能适应当代医学的发展。  相似文献   

加入WTO我国护理面临的挑战、机遇与策略   总被引:17,自引:16,他引:17  
赖红梅  曾白兰 《护理研究》2002,16(3):125-127
随着我国加入WTO,护理行业面临着市场经济、服务观念,人才,传统护理管理模式的挑战,它为护理人员提供了一个提高护理技术水平,丰富护理服务的层次性及促进医疗机构多元化的机遇,护理人员应审时度势,把握机遇,以全体人群为对象,以市场需求为导向,以城镇社区为阵地,以护士素质为保障,积极开拓护理服务市场,以接受加入WTO后的挑战。  相似文献   

试论护理士官的基本素质及任职能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
护理士官是我军护理人力资源的重要组成部分,是部队卫生机构预防保健,治疗护理、健康教育、战(现)场救护等一系列卫生工作的承担者。护理士官工作岗位处于我军卫生勤务保障系统的最前沿,其独特的岗位性质要求护理士官必须具备良好的素质及综合能力。根据我院4年来的护理士官教育培训工作情况,对护理士官应具备的基本素质与任职能力作了初步总结。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents examples of community-based nursing research in relation to selected health care trends that affect practice and considers ways the media can help community health nurses be more effective communicators with the public. Research provides evidence that community-based nursing practice includes quality services that can control costs; a focus on disease prevention and health promotion: the organization of services where people live, work, and learn; partnerships and coalitions; service to people across the life span; services to culturally diverse populations; access to services for at-risk populations; development of the community's capacity for health; work with policy makers for policy change; and efforts to make the environment healthier. Two approaches to communication with the public through the media, social marketing and media advocacy, are compared. It is recognized that community health nurses are well prepared and suited for media advocacy. Media advocacy can be used to not only communicate the effectiveness of community-based nursing practice but also to support the community's voice for public health.  相似文献   

Quality assurance (QA) systems are commonplace among hospitals. They are even found in home health and health maintenance organizations, but they are less common among public health agencies. This article enumerates the discrepancies between the design of traditional QA and that necessary to meet the needs of a department of health's public health nursing service. It characterizes the subsequent changes that must be inserted into the QA system for it to comply with the mission and services of a public health setting. The system and instruments presented are used in the Baltimore County Department of Health, Public Health Nursing Services.  相似文献   

Jooste K 《Curationis》2003,26(2):19-29
Nursing service managers need certain essential managerial attributes in taking the lead in effective management of the nowadays health care organisations in South Africa. Major changes in restructuring and human resources planning are taking place through transformation of health services and specific managerial attributes are needed in this scenario. Without nursing service managers with the necessary managerial attributes, change in the health care environment will be hampered and planning, organising, directing and control of the delivering of quality care will be negatively influenced. The research problem was addressed in the following question that guided the study: Which essential attributes/characteristics should a nursing service manager possess to run a health care service effectively? It was unclear what the opinions of all level of nurse managers were regarding the necessary managerial attributes the health services manager currently need to run the current health care services effectively. This study aimed at highlighting the necessary attributes of the nowadays nursing service manager in running a health care institution in the current health care environment of South Africa. Purposive sampling was done and forty-five functional, middle and top-level managers registered for a second year degree course in Health Services Management at a South African university participated in the study. The findings indicated important managerial and leadership attributes, which the current nursing service manager should possess. This article will only discuss the important managerial attributes needed. A conceptual framework came to the fore according to which an example of a self-evaluation instrument was compiled for nursing service managers for future use. The results of the data analysis indicated that the nursing service manager should promote good interpersonal relationships with colleagues, subordinates and patients through the attributes of openness, being inviting and empowering behavior. The purpose of this article is to make nursing service managers more aware of the necessary attributes they should possess and should develop to manage nursing services more effectively.  相似文献   

? Intermittent claudication is a common manifestation of arterial disease in the second half of life. Invasive treatments may be inappropriate or unsuccessful, leaving patients with a significant handicap. Nursing intervention can improve the functional ability and the general well-being of many patients. ? This paper provides an account of the development of an out-patient nursing service for patients with intermittent claudication. It focuses on the exercise training and the psychological support given to patients. ? A review of the first 102 claudicants referred to the programme shows the outcome for the patients in terms of improved walking ability. ? The details of the nursing intervention reported in the paper should help the growing number of nurses starting similar programmes for vascular patients. They may also be of interest to nurses caring for patients with other chronic health problems.  相似文献   

Nursing leaders of today must be prepared for a nursing practice environment inclusive of local, national, and global work and issues. The educational preparation of nursing leaders should incorporate a fundamental curriculum that offers a broad preparation and basic leadership skills along with guidelines and experiences to support global outreach and collaboration with many cultures and health care environments. This article provides a practical guide on entry into Global Nursing Leadership for nursing leaders from the nurse executive including all levels of nursing management.  相似文献   

设立妇幼专科护理门诊社会需求的调查研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
目的探讨设立妇幼专科护理门诊的可行性.方法对491例门诊就诊对象进行护理门诊社会需求调查,应用EPIinfo 6.0软件包进行相关分析.结果 100%调查对象认为医院应该设立护理门诊以满足就医者的健康咨询.结论有病就医已不再是人们到医院的惟一目的.设立护理门诊可满足就诊者多元化的需求;护理学科的发展现状能够满足护理门诊的需求;护理门诊的设立将强化医疗门诊作用.  相似文献   

目的 了解临床一线护士对开展整体护理认识的态度,有利于重新审视整体护理,构建新型的护患关系,为建立和谐的医患关系提供依据.方法 自行设计问卷,通过每季度的护理工作质量检查,随机抽取责任护士进行调查分析.结果 护士24人认为有必要开展,70人不愿意从事整体护理工作,对整体护理工作要求高及撰写文字性资料太多表示厌倦.结论 新时期下护理工作呼唤"求真务实".由于护理人员严重短缺,整体护理还不能按职称或能级来配置,应根据各单位的实际情况加强对健康宣教的投入力度,持续改进整体护理中的"形式多于实际"的工作环节,扎扎实实做好整体护理.  相似文献   

“互联网+护理服务”可以为老年慢性病患者等出行不便的人群提供便捷、优质的护理服务。积极推动“互联网+护理服务”对于加快推动健康老龄化、助力实施健康中国战略具有重要意义。本文剖析了国内“互联网+护理服务”推进过程中存在的问题,发现主要有以下几点:相关法律法规缺失,配套制度亟待完善;护士时间精力有限,且对人身安全与执业安全存在较多担忧;患者实际服务利用率有待提高;服务模式较为零星、单一;存在信息孤岛,且有数据泄露的风险等。本文提出相应的发展对策及建议,以期为“互联网+护理服务”的健康可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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