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Although miniature ultrasonic hydrophones are frequently used to measure the acoustic pressure distributions from diagnostic ultrasound sources, relatively little attention has been devoted to the methods for absolute calibration of these hydrophones. In this study a polyvinylidene (PVDF) hydrophone was used to compare two calibration methods currently in use. One is based on a reciprocity technique and the second involves the planar scanning of a source transducer having a known radiated ultrasonic power. The reciprocity method revealed that the hydrophone response did not vary by more than ± 1.6dB from ?262.8dB re 1V/μPa over the frequency range of 1–10 MHz. For the planar scanning technique seven ultrasound sources between 1–10 MHz were used, and all calibration points were within ±0.5 dB of the corresponding points found by the method of reciprocity.  相似文献   

脑卒中后抑郁状态与抑郁症患者的多导睡眠图对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨脑卒中后抑郁状态(PSD)患者的睡眠图异常改变及与抑郁症之间的差异。方法采用多导睡眠图对62例脑卒中和30例抑郁症患者进行整夜睡眠描记,并与对照组比较。结果PSD组与对照组和非抑郁组比较多项睡眠指标均有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01);PSD组的REM睡眠时间和密度明显低于抑郁症组,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论PSD状态病人除具有睡眠障碍在多导睡眠图改变外,REM睡眠时间和密度是一个较为特征性的改变,PSD的发生可能与脑内5-羟色胺(5-TH)递质改变有关。  相似文献   

Purpose: To review the literature concerning neurophysiological methods to assess spasticity with respect to mechanisms and methodology, and to describe the three most commonly used methods: the Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex), the Tendon reflex (T-reflex), and the Stretch Reflex (SR). Method: A systematic internet database search was performed to identify neurophysiological measurement methods of spasticity. A systematic exclusion procedure resulted in 185 included references, completed by additional informal search. For this paper, information about the H-, T- and stretch reflexes was extracted from these references. Results: Although the reflexes are basically monosynaptic, there are many supraspinal pathways which modulate the responses in terms of their amplitude and latency. As a consequence the methods are sensitive to a considerable number of experimental conditions and are characterized by a moderate reliability and sensitivity. Correlations with other (i.e. biomechanical, neurophysiological or clinical) spasticity assessment parameters are moderate to poor. Standardised and broadly accepted protocols are still largely lacking preventing an effective exchange of knowledge. Conclusions: The clinical and experimental use of the three methods is restricted due to moderate reliability and sensitivity. It is recommended to perform combined neurophysiological - biomechanical assessment of spasticity during active, functional movement.  相似文献   

Purpose: To review the literature concerning neurophysiological methods to assess spasticity with respect to mechanisms and methodology, and to describe the three most commonly used methods: the Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex), the Tendon reflex (T-reflex), and the Stretch Reflex (SR). Method: A systematic internet database search was performed to identify neurophysiological measurement methods of spasticity. A systematic exclusion procedure resulted in 185 included references, completed by additional informal search. For this paper, information about the H-, T- and stretch reflexes was extracted from these references. Results: Although the reflexes are basically monosynaptic, there are many supraspinal pathways which modulate the responses in terms of their amplitude and latency. As a consequence the methods are sensitive to a considerable number of experimental conditions and are characterized by a moderate reliability and sensitivity. Correlations with other (i.e. biomechanical, neurophysiological or clinical) spasticity assessment parameters are moderate to poor. Standardised and broadly accepted protocols are still largely lacking preventing an effective exchange of knowledge. Conclusions: The clinical and experimental use of the three methods is restricted due to moderate reliability and sensitivity. It is recommended to perform combined neurophysiological?-?biomechanical assessment of spasticity during active, functional movement.  相似文献   

目的探讨用抗凝新鲜血在血细胞分析仪校准和比对的应用价值。方法选择Sysmex TX-2000i血液分析仪为参比仪,迈瑞BC-3000血液分析仪为比对仪。(1)采集体检健康人用乙二胺四乙酸二钾抗凝新鲜血在参比仪按规范的操作方法进行定值,然后用该血液校准比对仪。(2)每天选择无细胞聚集和碎片的新鲜血标本,在参比仪和比对仪分别测试3次并记录均值结果,为期2个月共检测180例标本,采用直线回归分析检验结果的相关性和一致性。结果 (1)比对仪经定值新鲜血校准后其测定结果与参比仪测定结果的偏差比校准前明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。(2)参比仪与比对仪测定结果各参数之间相关密切(r2>0.95),一致性良好。结论利用抗凝新鲜血用于血细胞分析仪的校准和比对,经济有效,可以提高血液分析仪结果的准确性和可比性。  相似文献   

Follicular growth was monitored in 19 patients during 20 spontaneous and induced cycles by different examiners in a blind trial using a real-time linear array, a mechanical sector scanner, and a gray scale compound scanner. This was done to compare the efficacy of different ultrasound equipment in the study of ovarian cycle. The mean maximum follicular diameter was calculated with each equipment and the quality of follicular images was classified as poor, sufficient, and good as defined in the study. The overall best results in ovary and follicle visualization were achieved with the real-time sector scanner. Measurements of the same dominant follicle using realtime and compound scanners were highly correlated (linear array/compound scanner: r = 0.894, p less than 0.001; sector/compound scanner: r = 0.928, p less than 0.001). Following ovulation, some unexpected differences in the distribution of the postovulatory patterns were noted with each instrument. Except in difficult patients, real-time examination, preferably performed using a sector scanner, appears to be the optimal first ultrasonic approach for monitoring follicular growth.  相似文献   

To calibrate an anesthetic mass spectrometer without the use of premixed gases and vapors in cylinders, we devised a gas mixer using fixed resistances of capillary needle tubings and adjustable needle valves to dilute test gases and vapors with oxygen. The dilution ratio was determined during each calibration by diluting air with oxygen and noting the reduction in the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen. Empiric correction was made by the computer for the effects of density and viscosity, relative to air, on the flow of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and the saturated vapors of the three anesthetics through the capillary resistor. The computer was programmed to control solenoid valves both for calibration and for the multiplexed sampling of operating rooms. Oxygen, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide were used as pure gases, and halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane were vaporized at room temperature in 50-ml vaporizers. The resulting calibrations were found to be accurate to within ±2%.  相似文献   

目的比较2种不同消毒机对Ⅱ类手术室空气消毒的效果。方法将两个空间相等、条件基本相同的手术室随机分为观察1组和观察2组,观察1组用新型空气消毒机净之界,观察2组用动态消毒机,分别于消毒1h后于手术前0min,手术开始后20、40、60min做标准5点采样,比较二者的消毒效果。结果两种动态空气净化系统在术前0min,杀菌效果差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),在手术开始20、40、60min 3个时间段两组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论新型空气消毒机净之界优于动态消毒机消毒效果,同时安全、经济,不产生衍生、次生污染物,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   

The analysis of intracardiac electrogram morphology has been proposed as a complementary method for accurate discrimination between sinus rhythm (SR), supraventricular dysrhythmias, and ventricular dysrhythmias by automatic antitachycardia and cardioverter defibrillator devices. In this study, the performance of a traditional time-domain method for surface electrocardiogram interpretation—Correlation Waveform Analysis (CWA) and a newly developed technique—Bin Area Method (BAM) were used to analyze unfiltered intraatrial and intraventricular electrograms obtained from 47 patients during routine cardiac electrophysiology studies. Nineteen patients had 31 distinct, sustained, monomorphic ventricular tachycardias (VTs) induced; 13 patients had paroxysmal bundle branch block of supraventricular origin (BBB) induced; 19 patients had retrograde atrial activation during ventricular overdrive pacing. Three patients were common to two or more groups. Using a best fit electrogram alignment, both CWA and BAM distinguished VT from SR in 28/31 cases (90%), BBB from SR in 15/15 patients (100%), and anterograde from retrograde atrial activation in 19/19 patients (100%J. We conclude that the use of time-domain techniques that are independent of amplitude and baseline fluctuations appear to be reliable for discrimination of retrograde atrial activation, paroxysmal BBB, and VT from SR using intracardiac electrograms. Reduction of computational time and power constraints, without sacrificing reliable dysrhythmia discrimination, is possible. These features may make real-time morphology analysis of intracardiac electrograms feasible for automatic antitachycardia and cardioverter-defibrillator devices.  相似文献   

Purpose: (i) To evaluate the feasibility of tracer kinetics analysis of dynamic contrast‐enhanced (DCE) CT and T2‐weighted MR data of squamous cell carcinoma (SCCA) of the upper aerodigestive tract. (ii) To compare functional parameters derived by both modalities and examine the interchangeability of them as well as the intra‐ and inter‐rater agreement. Materials and methods: Dynamic contrast‐enhanced‐CT and MR images of 23 patients with SCCA were postprocessed using a distributed‐parameter (DP) tracer kinetic model. The evaluated parameters included blood flow (F), intravascular blood volume (v1), extravascular extracellular blood volume (v2), intravascular mean transit time (t1), lag time (t0), permeability surface area product (PS) and extraction ratio (E). Mean perfusion values, based on region‐of‐interest analysis, of the tumors and the healthy muscle tissue were compared and correlated. Inter‐rater and intra‐rater variability were assessed. Interchangeability of the tumor functional parameters was tested using Pearson’s correlation coeficients and Bland–Altman plots. Results: The mean values in tumor and healthy muscle tissues were significantly different for each modality (0·0001≤P≤0·03). The mean values of all tumor perfusion parameters apart from v2 and E were significantly different (0·001≤P≤0·009) between the two modalities. The intra‐rater variability was good to very good for all parameters. The inter‐rater variability was moderate to good. Bland–Altman plots of F, t1, t0, and v2 showed moderate interchangeability. There was a proportionality error in v1 and PS graphs. Conclusion: The estimation of functional parameters in SCCA is feasible using DCE‐CT and ‐MR with a DP model. The parameters are mostly significantly different and the interchangeability of them is limited.  相似文献   

Objectives. To determine whether two different distance learning techniques are as effective as classroom teaching for training rural-based emergency medical technician-intermediate (EMT-I) students. Methods. A prospective, nonrandomized comparison of three different instructional methods, with the outcome measurements being mean test scores and attrition rates, was devised. Fifty-seven EMT-I students from rural communities in central Texas were assigned to one of three groups. Each group received 50 hours of didactic instruction based on the U.S. Department of Transportation EMT-I curriculum. The same instructor taught all classes, and all groups used the same workbooks, syllabi, and computer-based tutorials. Group 1 (n = 25) received traditional classroom instruction. Group 2 (n = 18) received instruction using a two-way audio/graphic computer network. Group 3 (n = 14) received instruction using a satellite-based audio/video network. All students then took a standardized multiple-choice examination. Attrition rates were based on the number of those who qualified for EMT-I certification. Results. Mean test results for each group were as follows: group 1, 93 (95% CI = 91-95); group 2,94 (95% CI = 93-96); group 3, 94 (95% CI = 92-96). No significant difference was noted in mean test scores between groups (p = 0.21). Attrition rates were as follows: group 1, 88% (95% CI = 69-97%); group 2,100% (95% CI = 81-100%); group 3, 86% (95% CI = 57-98%). No significant difference was seen in attrition rates between groups (p = 0.24). Conclusions. No difference was found in mean test scores or attrition rates between traditional classroom and two distance learning methods for rural-based EMT-I students. Distance learning techniques may offer an effective alternative for providing educational opportunities to rural EMS providers.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate whether an association exists between sleep-associated movement disorders and cardiovascular disease(CVD).METHODS:Several studies have observed the relationship of sleep-associated movement disorders such as restless legs syndrome(RLS)and periodic limb movements during sleep with CVD,but the results were still contradictory.We performed an extensive literature search on Pub Med,Medline and Web of Science published from inception to December 2014.Additional studies were manually searched from bibliographies of retrieved studies.Meta-analyses were conducted with Stata version 12.0(Stata Corp,College Station,Texas).Pooled odds ratios(ORs)and 95%CIs were calculated to assess the strength of association using the random effects model.Sensitivity and subgroup analyses were performed to explore the underlying sources of heterogeneity.The publication bias was detected using Egger’s test and Begg’s test.RESULTS:A total of 781 unique citations were indentified from electronic databases and 13 articles in English were finally selected.Among these studies,nine are cohort studies;two are case-control studies;and two are cross-sectional studies.The results showed that the summary OR of CVD associated with sleepassociated movement was 1.51(95%CI:1.29-1.77)in a random-effects model.There was significant heterogeneity between individual studies(P for heterogeneity=0.005,I2=57.6%).Further analysis revealed that a large-scale cohort study may account for this heterogeneity.A significant association was also found between RLS and CVD(OR=1.54,95%CI:1.24-1.92).In a fixed-effects model,we determined a significant relationship between sleep-associatedmovement disorders and coronary artery disease(CAD)(OR=1.34,95%CI:1.16-1.54;P for heterogeneity=0.210;I2=30.0%).Our meta-analysis suggests that sleep-associated movement disorders are associated with prevalence of CVD and CAD.CONCLUSION:This finding indicates that sleep-associated movement disorders may prove to be predictive of underlying CVD.  相似文献   

Two different methods, one analogue and one digital, for the analysis of the arterial blood pressure waveform are described and compared. Little difference was found in the systolic and diastolic pressures determined by the two methods.  相似文献   

目的:研制一种集成检测动态行走和静态站立的地面反力分析系统。方法:设计三 维测力台检测地面反力,开发数据采集、计算和分析的专用计算机软件。结果:利用该系统不仅可以检测行走过程中三个方向的地面反力,而且可以检测站立时压力中心曲线,计算其动摇长度、面积等特征值。结论:在测试常规行走的三维测力台上增加测试平衡能力的功能,可以丰富设备的功能,提高设备的利用率。  相似文献   

A prospective sequential analysis of the fear-avoidance model of pain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the sequential relationships proposed by the fear-avoidance model of pain [Vlaeyen JWS et al. The role of fear of movement/(re)injury in pain disability. J Occup Rehab 1995;5:235–52]. Specifically, this study evaluated whether early change in catastrophizing predicted late change in fear of movement, and whether these factors influenced post-treatment return-to-work. Secondary analyses tested relationships between (1) early change in catastrophizing, late change in depression, and disability; and (2) early change in catastrophizing, late change in pain severity, and disability. Analyses were conducted on a sample of 121 individuals (82 men and 32 women) with a work-related musculoskeletal injury, and high baseline catastrophizing and fear of movement scores. Participants were enrolled in a 10-week community-based disability management intervention, and they completed measures of catastrophizing, fear of movement, depression and pain severity at pre-, mid- and post-treatment. Return-to-work was assessed 4 weeks following termination of the intervention. Contrary to predictions, results from correlational analyses revealed non-significant relationships among indices of early change in catastrophizing and late changes in fear of movement, depression and pain severity. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that early change in catastrophizing, late changes in fear of movement and late change in pain severity were significant predictors of return-to-work, while late changes in depression were not. These findings highlight the importance of reductions in psychosocial risk factors in augmenting return-to-work outcomes. Implications for the fear-avoidance model and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Information processing is becoming a necessity for the management and the analysis of data at Cardiac Electrostimulation Centers, particularly since pacemaker implantation is becoming more frequent and the material more diversified. The mini system described allows retrieving of simple data and allows a real time acquisition of spike parameters by means of an electronic coupling unit with an impulse analyser. Its simplicity, availability and low cost are desirable qualities needed for the proper functioning of a Pacemaker Implantation Center.  相似文献   

Variations in the application of muscle energy technique (MET) for increasing the extensibility of muscles have been advocated, but little evidence exists to support the relative merit of a particular approach. This study investigated two types of muscle energy techniques that have been advocated in the osteopathic literature that differ primarily in the duration of the post-contraction stretch phase. Forty asymptomatic participants (mean age=22.1±3.5, male female=1:4) were randomly allocated to one of two groups (Group 1: MET with 30-s post-isometric stretch phase; Group 2: MET with 3-s post-isometric stretch phase). Hamstring length was measured using active knee extension (AKE). Participants received an initial application of the allocated intervention, and then a second application 1 week later. Analysis with a split-plot ANOVA revealed a significant effect of time (F3,36=42.30;p<0.01), but no significant time*group interaction (F3,36=0.12; p=0.95). Post-hoc analysis revealed that the significant differences over time occurred between pre- and post-measurements at both weeks, and between post-Week 1 and pre-Week 2 measurements.Both techniques appeared to be equally effective in increasing hamstring extensibility, and there appeared to be sustained improvement 1 week following the initial treatment. The findings suggest that altering the duration of the passive stretch component does not have a significant impact on the efficacy of MET for short-term increases in muscle extensibility.  相似文献   

目的研制动脉血气分析治疗建议和教学培训软件供临床和教学使用。方法全部程序使用Delphi7.0软件编写,与Windows操作系统紧密结合,软件知识库使用Microsoft Access数据库结合HTML格式文件建立。本软件治疗建议和培训库根据中华医学会相关诊治指南、陈灏珠主编《实用内科学》(第12版)、叶任高主编《内科学》(第6版)、钱桂生主编《现代临床血气分析》、罗炎杰主编《简明临床血气分析》及我院专家的临床经验建立。结果1治疗建议模块包括治疗目的、治疗建议和计算公式,内容包括各种单纯性酸碱失衡、混合性酸碱失衡,呼吸衰竭,钾、钠、氯代谢紊乱等14个子内容;计算公式包括治疗酸碱失衡、电解质紊乱时需应用的计算公式。2动脉血气分析教学培训软件包含动脉血气分析知识库、动脉血气分析的临床思维、动脉血气分析考试库、动脉血气图知识、计算公式、相关书籍和网站、帮助等。结论该软件可供临床医师治疗时查阅参考,并可作学习培训之用,且有较好的科学性、先进性和临床实用价值。  相似文献   

Lee SH  Cho YC  Ryu S  Lee JW  Kim SW  Yoo IS  You YH  Lee BK  Park JS  Park SS  Jung WJ 《Resuscitation》2011,82(9):1214-1217


We investigated whether the superimposed-thumb technique could reduce the chest compression area in infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).


Charts and multidirectional computed tomography images of infants presented to four hospitals from January 2007 to September 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. We measured at the point of maximal anterior-posterior heart diameter the width of the sternum meter (Sap), vertical heart length from Sap, length and width of the superimposed-thumb technique and length and width of the alongside-thumb technique. We studied the structures located underneath thumbs superimposed and thumbs alongside at Sap and Snipple (the sternum of the inter-nipple line).


In the 84 infants enrolled, the width of the sternum at Sap, and the vertical heart length from Sap were 0.85 ± 0.31 and 1.71 ± 0.47 cm, respectively. The length and width of the superimposed-thumb technique were 1.65 ± 0.13 and 2.73 ± 0.22 cm, respectively. The length and width of the alongside-thumb technique were 3.00 ± 0.48 and 3.77 ± 0.24 cm, respectively. The liver was situated underneath thumbs superimposed at Sap in 59.5% infants. The livers and lungs of 73.8% and 64.3% infants, respectively, were underneath thumbs alongside at Snipple.


In this study, we confirmed that the superimposed-thumb technique may reduce chest compression area in infant CPR. The lungs or livers were located more often underneath thumbs alongside at Snipple than underneath thumbs superimposed at Sap. However, further studies are needed to validate the efficiency and safety of this technique.  相似文献   

A recently proposed bioavailability estimation procedure, the "semisimultaneous" method, in which the test and reference dose administrations are separated by a short time interval and total concentrations are analyzed, was compared with the stable isotope method for precision and accuracy. By administering isotope-labeled (reference) and unlabeled (test) terbutaline in a semisimultaneous fashion, the bioavailability could be determined with both methods at the same time. The extent and rate of bioavailability of oral terbutaline was determined in eight healthy volunteers by use of both model fitting, AUC methods, and deconvolution. The AUC ratio and the deconvolution methods, by use of the separate isotope data, gave bioavailability estimates of 14.5% +/- 4.1% and 12.2% +/- 3.9%, respectively. According to the semisimultaneous method, bioavailability estimates with the same data sets were 11.8% +/- 4.5% obtained from fitting a model to the data and 11.0% +/- 3.7% by use of a combined model fitting-deconvolution procedure. An excellent agreement between the semisimultaneous and the stable isotope methods was also obtained in the estimation of the rate of absorption.  相似文献   

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