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Bowel Obstruction after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Background: Bowel obstruction has been frequently reported after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP). The aim of this study was to review our experience with bowel obstruction following LRYGBP, specifically examining its etiology and management and to strategize maneuvers to minimize this complication. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 9 patients who developed postoperative bowel obstruction after LRYGBP. Each chart was reviewed for demographics, timing of bowel obstruction from the primary operation, etiology of obstruction, and management. Results: 9 of our initial 225 patients (4%) who underwent LRYGBP developed postoperative bowel obstruction. The mean age was 46 ± 12 years, with mean BMI 47 ± 9 kg/m2. 6 patients developed early bowel obstruction, and 3 patients developed late bowel obstruction. The mean time interval for development of early bowel obstruction was 16 ±16 days. The causes for early bowel obstruction included narrowing of the jejunojenunostomy anastomosis (n=3), angulation of the Roux limb (n=2), and obstruction of the Roux limb at the level of the transverse mesocolon (n=1). The mean time interval for development of late bowel obstruction was 7.4 ± 0.5 months. The causes for late bowel obstruction included internal herniation (n=2) and adhesions (n=1). 6 of 9 bowel obstructions (66%) were considered technically related to the learning curve of the laparoscopic approach. Eight of the 9 patients required operative intervention, and 6 of the 8 reoperations were managed laparoscopically. Management included laparoscopic bypass of the jejunojejunostomy obstruction site (n=5), open reduction of internal hernia (n=2), and laparoscopic lysis of adhesion (n=1). Conclusions: Bowel obstruction is a frequent complication after LRYGBP, particularly during the learn ing curve of the laparoscopic approach. Specific measures should be instituted to minimize bowel obstruction after LRYGBP as most of these complications are considered technically preventable.  相似文献   

Background: Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a recognized complication of open bariatric surgery; however, the incidence after laparoscopic procedures is not clearly established. This paper reviews our experience with small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Methods: Between 1995 and 2001, 711 (246 antecolic, 465 retrocolic) patients underwent a laparoscopic proximal divided Roux-en-Y gastric bypass via the linear endostapler technique. 13 patients (1.8%) developed SBO requiring surgical intervention.There were 11 females and 2 males, ages 29-60 (mean 38), with mean weight 126 kg (range 105-188), and mean BMI 50 (range 41-59). 7 obstructive patients (55%) had undergone previous open abdominal surgery. Median time to obstruction was 21 days (range 5-1095). Mean follow-up of all patients is 43 months (range 3-79). Results: Etiology of obstruction was internal hernia - 6, adhesive bands - 5 (only 2 were related to prior open surgery), mesocolon window scarring - 1, and incarcerated ventral hernia - 1. The incidence of SBO was 4.5% (11/246) in the retrocolic group, and 0.43% (2/465) in the antecolic group, which was highly significant (P=.006). 1 adhesive patient required an open bowel resection for ischemia. There was 1 death. Conclusion: SBO occurred with an overall incidence of 1.8% in a large series of laparoscopic gastric bypass patients, and was associated with a high morbidity. A significant decrease in occurrence was found after adoption of antecolic placement of the Roux limb.  相似文献   

Paroz A  Calmes JM  Giusti V  Suter M 《Obesity surgery》2006,16(11):1482-1487
Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has long been associated with the possible development of internal hernias, with a reported incidence of 1-5%. Because it induces fewer adhesions than laparotomy, the laparoscopic approach to this operation appears to increase the rate of this complication, which can present dramatically. Methods: Data from all patients undergoing bariatric surgery are introduced prospectively in a data-base. Patients who were reoperated for symptoms or signs suggestive of an internal hernia were reviewed retrospectively, with special emphasis on clinical and radiological findings, and surgical management. Results: Of 607 patients who underwent laparoscopic primary or reoperative RYGBP in our two hospitals between June 1999 and January 2006, 25 developed symptoms suggestive of an internal hernia, 2 in the immediate postoperative period, and 23 later on, after a mean of 29 months and a mean loss of 14.5 BMI units. 9 of the latter presented with an acute bowel obstruction, of which 1 required small bowel resection for necrosis. Recurrent colicky abdominal pain was the leading symptom in the others. Reoperation confirmed the diagnosis of internal hernia in all but 1 patient. The most common location was the meso-jejunal mesenteric window (16 patients, 56%), followed by Petersen's window (8 patients, 27%), and the mesocolic window (5 patients, (17%). Patients in whom the mesenteric windows had been closed using running non-absorbable sutures had fewer hernias than patients treated with absorbable sutures at the primary procedure (1.3% versus 5.6%, P=0.03). Except in the acute setting, clinical and radiological findings were of little help in the diagnosis. Conclusions: Except in the setting of acute obstruction, clinical and radiological findings usually do not help in the diagnosis of internal hernia. A high index of suspicion, based mainly on the clinical history of recurrent colicky abdominal pain, is the only means to reduce the number of acute complications leading to bowel resection by offering the patient an elective laparoscopic exploration with repair of all the defects. Prevention by carefully closing all potential mesenteric defects with running non-absorbable sutures during laparoscopic RYGBP, which we consider mandatory, seems appropriate in reducing the incidence of this complication.  相似文献   

Background: Internal hernia is a known complication of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP). Preoperative diagnosis may be difficult on the basis of history and physical examination. CT scanning is often performed as a diagnostic tool for patients with symptoms after LRYGBP but is often read by the radiologist as non-specific or normal. Preoperative review of the study by the bariatric surgeon who is familiar with the neo-anatomy can identify the internal hernia and its location. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our first 185 patients undergoing LRYGBP to identify all patients who developed an internal hernia. The patient's symptoms, physical findings and CT scans were reviewed. Time to presentation with the internal hernia was noted. Radiological interpretation of the scans was recorded, as well as the bariatric surgeon's preoperative impression after review of the scans. Results: In our initial experience of 185 patients undergoing LRYGBP, 5 patients presented at various times in their postoperative course with an internal hernia, for an incidence of 2.7%. All patients underwent preoperative CT scanning. Radiologist interpretation of the scans identified one internal hernia of the 5 preoperatively and was suggestive in another. Preoperative review of the scans by the bariatric surgeon was not only highly suggestive of the diagnosis, but of the location as well, in all 5 cases. Conclusion: Preoperative diagnosis of an internal hernia in patients after LRYGBP is often difficult. CT scanning has been found to be a very helpful diagnostic tool, especially when reviewed preoperatively by the bariatric surgeon.  相似文献   

Background: Internal herniation of the bowel may be a late complication after the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). A seemingly minor change in technique is described that significantly prevents herniation behind the Roux limb mesentery. We hypothesized that internal hernias behind the Roux limb mesentery occur more frequently when the Roux limb is oriented such that the distal tip is toward the lesser curvature of the gastric pouch with the bowel then curving to the patient's left, compared with the opposite orientation. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed of our prospectively collected database. A change in surgical technique occurred June 2003, in an attempt to reduce internal hernia formation. We compared 200 consecutive antecolic left-oriented RYGBP operations performed immediately previous to June 2003 (Group A) with 200 consecutive antecolic right-oriented RYGBP operations performed after June 2003 (Group B). Results: There was an 9.0% rate of internal hernia formation in Group A (18/200) and a 0.5% rate of internal hernia formation in Group B. Internal hernias were repaired an average of 1.2 years after surgery (range 4–30 months, median 14.3 months). The average length of follow-up was 2.1 and 1.6 years in Groups A and B, respectively. All herniations were behind the Roux limb mesentery. The difference in hernia formation after the change in technique was significant (P<0.005). Conclusions: With a simple change in technique, the incidence of internal herniation behind the Roux limb mesentery may be significantly reduced or eliminated.  相似文献   

Ver Steeg K 《Obesity surgery》2006,16(8):1101-1103
A case of retrograde intussusception is presented occurring >1 year following a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Presentation may be confusing and lead to a serious delay in diagnosis. Review of the literature shows most intussusceptions following RYGBP are retrograde, and most, if not all, appear to originate in the proximal common channel, as ours clearly did. The average excess body weight loss in these patients is much higher than expected, adding evidence that a dysmotility disorder is involved. A hypothesis is presented regarding the mechanism involved in these retrograde intussusceptions.  相似文献   

A 35-year-old female who had previously undergone an open gastric bypass, underwent elective caesarian section and ventral hernia repair, complicated by a double closed-loop obstruction with resulting gastric perforation. Back pain and anemetic nausea predominated, as proximal bowel and pancreatobiliary obstruction followed an afferent limb volvulus. Pancreatitis, cholangitis, and gastric perforation ensued, leading to intraabdominal sepsis. This rare situation must be recognized as a potentially serious complication of gastric bypass surgery, and requires prompt recognition and aggressive surgical correction.  相似文献   

Ahmed AR  O'Malley W 《Obesity surgery》2006,16(9):1246-1248
We report the rare case of a pregnant woman who had undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 8 months previously, and now presented with subacute small bowel obstruction secondary to internal herniation of some of the proximal Roux limb into the lesser sac through the transverse mesocolon rent, which was widely spread apart. At laparoscopy, the hernia contents were reduced and the defect was repaired. The patient made a good recovery. Because of the changes associated with pregnancy, gastric bypass patients may be at an increased risk of internal herniation. It is particularly important not to delay surgical exploration, even in the absence of a positive finding on imaging, because delay may lead to potentially devastating bowel strangulation and sepsis culminating in loss of fetus and mother.  相似文献   

Band Erosion and Passage, Causing Small Bowel Obstruction   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Bueter M  Thalheimer A  Meyer D  Fein M 《Obesity surgery》2006,16(12):1679-1682
A rare complication of adjustable gastric banding is reported. A 65-year-old man developed recurrent vomiting, epigastric pain, and small-bowel obstruction 13 months after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity. Investigation revealed that the band had migrated completely into the gastric lumen and had passed far down the jejunum. The band was still connected by the tubing to the port chamber. By laparoscopy, the band was cut at the stomach, and removed via a jejunotomy. Postoperative course was uneventful. Complete band migration requires early removal of the band.  相似文献   

The epidemic of obesity and the introduction of laparoscopic techniques have greatly increased the popularity of bariatric operations such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Acquired diverticular disease of the small bowel is a rare condition that becomes symptomatic in about 10% of the cases. We report a 48-year-old morbidly obese woman who presented 2 months after laparoscopic RYGBP with a perforated diverticulum of the Roux loop. The diagnostic and therapeutic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: We evaluated the safety and feasibility of performing a laparoscopic intracorporeal end-toside small bowel anastomosis using a stapling technique as part of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass operation (RYGBP). Methods: 80 consecutive patients who underwent RYGBP with laparoscopic jejunojejunostomy were evaluated. Operative time and intraoperative and postoperative complications directly related to the jejunojejunostomy anastomosis were recorded. Results: All 80 laparoscopic jejunojejunostomy procedures were successfully performed without conversion to laparotomy. Mean operative time was longer for the first 40 laparoscopic RYGBP than for the last 40 RYGBP (32±18 min vs 21±14 min, respectively, p<0.05). Intraoperative complications were staple-line bleeding (2 patients) and narrowing of the anastomosis (1 patient). Postoperative complications were four small bowel obstructions: technical narrowing at jejunojejunostomy site (2 patients), angulation of the afferent limb (1 patient), and food impaction at the jejunojejunostomy anastomosis (1 patient). These four patients underwent successful laparoscopic re-exploration and creation of another jejunojejunostomy proximal to the original anastomosis. There were no small bowel anastomotic leaks. The median time to resuming oral diet was 2 days. Conclusions: Laparoscopic jejunojejunostomy as part of the RYGBP operation is a safe and technically feasible procedure. Postoperative small bowel obstruction is a potential complication, which can be prevented by avoiding technical narrowing of the afferent limb.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic Removal of Gastric Band after Open Banded Gastric Bypass   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Open banded gastric bypass has been the choice of some bariatric surgeons. This procedure includes a band (of various materials) around the gastric pouch. While there are advantages to this band, erosion and/or displacement of the band may occur. We describe a case of a symptomatic displaced band which was treated by laparoscopic removal. Laparoscopic removal of the band after open banded gastric bypass is feasible. Revision of previous bariatric surgery may be performed laparoscopically if the technical expertise is available.  相似文献   

Background: No bariatric operation has been documented to effect adequate weight loss in all patients. Patients with inadequate weight loss or significant weight regain with an anatomically intact short-limb gastric bypass, of which the Fobi pouch operation (FPO) for obesity is a modification, are usually revised to a distal Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (DRYGBP) to enhance weight loss. Method: A retrospective review of the charts of all patients who had a revision to a DRYGBP at our Center during an 8-year period was carried out and the findings analyzed. Results: 65 patients who had the FPO had a revision to the DRYGBP.Most were super obese patients who, even though they had lost significant weight, were still morbidly obese. Some were patients who had not lost adequate weight or <40% excess weight, and a small number were patients who requested more weight loss even though they had a BMI of < 35. 15 patients developed protein malnutrition requiring supplemental feeding. 6 required rerevision to short-limb gastric bypass. Conclusion: Revision of short-limb gastric bypass to DRYGBP usually enhances weight loss but at a cost of an increased incidence of protein malnutrition.  相似文献   

Background: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) is associated with a relatively high incidence of internal hernias (IH) when compared to the open operation. Methods: A search in PubMed MEDLINE from January 1994 through January 2006 was performed (keywords: obesity, laparoscopy, gastric bypass and internal hernia). Results: 26 studies with a total of 11,918 patients were considered. 300 cases of IH occurred (rate 2.51%). IH occurred 116 times at the level of the transverse colon mesentery (69%), 30 at the Petersen's space (18%), and 22 at the entero-enterostomy site (13%). 142 re-operations were performed laparoscopically (85.6%), and 24 by laparotomy (14.4%). Bowel resection was done in 5 cases (4.7%). Mortality was 1.17%. Conclusions: IH after LRYGBP has an incidence of 2.51%. Closure of mesenteric defects with non-absorbable running suture and antecolic Roux limb are recommended. Surgical exploration for suspicion of IH after LRYGBP should be first done by laparoscopy.  相似文献   

Introduction: Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a well-known complication of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP). We describe 7 cases of jejunojejunal anastomotic obstruction related to adhesion formation after closure of the mesenteric "leaves" defect with non-absorbable suture. Methods: All patients undergoing LRYGBP from October 2002 until February 2005 were entered into a prospective, longitudinal database. All patients who subsequently presented with SBO were analyzed. Results: Jejunojejunal anastomotic obstruction occurred in 7 out of 152 patients (4.6%) in whom LRYGBP was performed from October 2002 to February 2004. Since February 2004, the suture used to close the jejunojejunal mesenteric leaves defect was changed from non-absorbable Dacron (Surgidac) to absorbable suture material. The mean interval between initial LRYGBP and subsequent SBO was 153 days. Operative findings common to all 7 cases were dilated loops of proximal small bowel, and a single adhesion just distal to the Roux-Y anastomosis. Following adhesiolysis, each patient had prompt return of bowel function without recurrence of obstruction. Of the 156 patients who have since undergone LRYGBP, none have presented with SBO, and this difference is statistically significant (P=0.008). Conclusions: The overall rate of SBO (2.3%) is consistent with the previous literature, although the incidence of adhesions specifically at the jejunojejunal anastomosis is higher than that previously encountered. It appears that the incidence of postoperative SBO at the jejunojejunal anastomosis is directly linked to the choice of suture material intraoperatively. As such, absorbable suture should be used to close the jejunojejunal mesenteric leaves defect.  相似文献   

Obesity surgery is the optimal therapy for morbid obesity. A case is presented of a young woman who developed thyrotoxicosis, believed to be part of subacute thyroiditis, some days after undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This clinical entity can present difficulties in differential diagnosis from potential postoperative complications. The correct diagnosis and adequate treatment made possible a favorable recovery.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyolysis after Gastric Bypass: Severity and Outcome Patterns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Background: Rhabdomyolysis (RML) is a recently recognized complication of bariatric operations, but it is not known whether creatine kinase (CK) levels along with clinical markers are able to define the course and outcome. Methods: Bariatric patients (n=324) were reviewed retrospectively. Substantially elevated plasma CK after operation was identified in 4.9% (16/324). The affected population was divided into Group I (n=11, 68.8%) with CK 1050-8000 IU/L and no conspicuous muscle pain, weakness or swelling, and Group II (n=5, 31.2%) displaying CK >8000 IU/L and severe pain and dysfunction. The main outcome measures were CK concentration, frequency of renal failure, need for hemodialysis and mortality. Results: Group I subjects compared to Group II were younger (37.7 ± 10.9 vs 44.0 ± 5.5 years, P<0.05) and predominantly females (72.7% vs 40.0%, P<0.05). Peak CK values were definitely lower (2811 ± 952 vs 28136 ± 19000 IU/L, P<0.001), and none progressed to renal failure (0% vs 40.0%, P<0.05). No difference was detected regarding preoperative BMI (50.8 ± 8.1 vs 54.6 ± 7.0 kg/m2, NS), duration of operation (5.3 ± 1.6 vs 5.6 ± 2.1 hours, NS) or types of anesthetic drugs (basically fentanyl, nitrogen oxide and halothane/isoflurane). Conclusions: 1) Demographic features, nominally gender and age, were different between the two degrees of RML; 2) Renal failure and hemodialysis were a danger only in patients with massive CK elevation and muscle pain; 3) Moderate CK increase was very well tolerated and rarely entailed major clinical symptoms; 4) Early diagnosis, fluid replenishment and general supportive therapy probably contributed to avert mortality.  相似文献   

Background: This study was designed to assess postoperative pain and bowel function in morbidly obese patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) performed either by open or laparoscopic technique. Methods: We prospectively studied patients scheduled for RYGBP between July 2002 and June 2003. Patients were assigned to the laparoscopic or open procedure by one surgeon. All patients received patient controlled analgesia (PCA) with intravenous morphine and rectal naproxen 500 mg every 12 hours. Postoperative analgesia was assessed daily using a visual analog scale (VAS) at rest, on walking and coughing. The amount of morphine used during the first 48 hours, the time of return of gastrointestinal motility and the time until first oral food intake were recorded. Results: 53 patients were enrolled and studied (laparoscopic group n=33, open group n=20). Patients undergoing laparoscopic RYGBP requested less morphine (P=0.0001) and showed lower VAS pain scores than patients undergoing open RYGBP. The return of bowel movement in the laparoscopic group occurred 1 day earlier than in the open group (P=0.01). The time to first passage of gas (P=0.01) and oral food intake (P=0.06) was shorter after laparoscopic than after open RYGBP. Patients in the laparoscopic group were discharged 1? days earlier than patients in the open group (P=0.01). Conclusion: The laparoscopic RYGBP operation was associated with less postoperative pain and morphine consumption than the open RYGBP, thereby facilitating an earlier recovery of intestinal motility.  相似文献   

Background: Increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) postoperatively can adversely affect cardiovascular, pulmonary,and renal function. In this prospective, randomized trial, we compared the IAP in morbidly obese patients after laparoscopic and open gastric bypass (GBP) surgery. Methods: 64 patients with a body mass index of 40 to 60 kg/m2 were randomized to undergo laparoscopic or open GBP.IAPs were obtained at baseline (after induction of anesthesia), immediately after the operation, and on post-operative day (POD) 1, 2, and 3. Intraoperative and postoperative fluid requirements, urine output, and creatinine clearance were recorded. Results: Demographics of the two groups were similar. IAP increased from baseline immediately after laparoscopic and open GBP (p < 0.05). IAP returned to baseline by POD 2 after laparoscopic GBP but remained elevated through POD 3 after open GBP. In fact, IAP was lower after laparoscopic GBP than after open GBP on POD 1, 2 and 3 (p < 0.05).The amount of intraoperative IV fluid was similar between groups, but laparoscopic GBP required less IV fluid and facilitated higher urine output post-operatively than open GBP.There was no significant difference in creatinine clearance between groups. Conclusions: Laparoscopic GBP resulted in significantly lower IAP, less postoperative fluid required, and greater postoperative urine output than open GBP.  相似文献   

Prophylactic Cholecystectomy with Open Gastric Bypass Operation   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Liem RK  Niloff PH 《Obesity surgery》2004,14(6):763-765
Background: There has been controversy regarding prophylactic cholecystectomy with Roux-en Y gastric bypass. The results reported in open cases showed no significant increase in morbidity by the addition of cholecystectomy. A series of open cases were reviewed to evaluate the propriety of prophylactic cholecystectomy. Method: The records of 141 patients undergoing cholecystectomy during open gastric bypass were reviewed, documenting age, ultrasound findings and pathology. Results: Of the 141 cases analyzed, the incidence of gall-bladder pathology was 80%. 24 (17%) of the 141 patients were noted to have gallstones on preoperative ultrasound examination, and 3 (2%) showed polyps. 9 patients (6%) had gallstones at surgery with normal ultrasound. Cholesterolosis was present in 52 cases (37%) and chronic cholecystitis in 25 cases (18%). Conclusion: In view of the high incidence of gall-bladder disease (80%) already present in morbidity obese patients undergoing gastric bypass and the lack of significant morbidity in open surgery with prophylactic cholecystectomy, the addition of prophylactic cholecystectomy appears appropriate.  相似文献   

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