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一、统计表的概念与作用 统计表是表达数字资料最常用的工具之一。它由“表号、标题、线条、纵标目、横标目、数字”等元素组成;它可以避免冗长的文字叙述,可以使要表达的内容中心突出、简单明了,便于直观分析和比较。  相似文献   

目的 阐述正确应用分位数的意义,介绍正确应用分位数的方法。方法 从概念、定义、计算和应用场合等方面,讲述如何正确理解和选用分位数。结果 通过两个实例,演示如何应用分位数解决实际问题。结论分位数适于反映呈偏态分布资料的离散度大小和确定正常值范围。  相似文献   

目的阐述正确识别资料类型对于合理选用统计分析方法的重要性以及如何识别资料类型.方法从资料类型的两种划分方法的定义和比较中,讲述正确识别资料类型的技巧.结果明确地指出了资料类型的传统划分方法的弊端和现代划分方法的优点,清楚地讲述了如何识别资料类型的要点.结论正确识别资料类型是合理选用统计分析方法的重要前提.  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量的性质和频数所具备的条件及分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用成组χ^2检验.  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量的性质和频数所具备的条件及分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用成组χ2检验;对于回归分析,应结合专业知识和散布图,选用合适的回归类型,不应盲目套用直线回归分析;对重复实  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量的性质和频数所具备的条件及分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用成组χ^2检验;对于回归分析,应结合专业知识和散布图,选用合适的回归类型,不应盲目套用直线回归分析;对重复实验数据检验回归分析资料,不应简单化处理;对于多因素、多指标资料,要在一元分析的基础上,尽可能运用多元统计学分析方法,以便对各因素之间的交互作用和多指标之间的内在联系做出全面、合理的解释和评价。  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量的性质和频数所具备的条件及分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用成组2χ检验;对于回归分析,应结合专业知识和散布图,选用合适的回归类型,不应盲目套用直线回归分析;对重复实验数据检验回归分析资料,不应简单化处理;对于多因素、多指标资料,要在一元分析的基础上,尽可  相似文献   

对于定量资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、资料所具备的条件和分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用t检验和单因素方差分析;对于定性资料,应根据所采用的设计类型、定性变量的性质和频数所具备的条件及分析目的,选用合适的统计学分析方法,不应盲目套用成组2χ检验;对于回归分析,应结合专业知识和散布图,选用合适的回归类型,不应盲目套用直线回归分析;对重复实验数据检验回归分析资料,不应简单化处理;对于多因素、多指标资料,要在一元分析的基础上,尽可能运用多元统计学分析方法,以便对各因素之间的交互作用和多指标之间的内在联系做出全面、合理  相似文献   

在医学科研和医学写作中如何正确运用统计学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 阐述统计学在医学科研与医学写作中的重要性和必要性。方法 从统计学在医学科研和医学写作中的地位、作用以及如何正确运用等方面进行论述,摆事实,讲道理,以理服人。结果 清楚地陈述了“统计研究设计和资料的正确收集”对提高医学科研的质量起着至关重要的作用,而“关于所用统计处理的表述、统计分析方法的选择、结果的解释和结论的陈述”是反映医学写作质量高低的重要标志。结论 统计学是提高医学科研和医学写作质量的一个不可忽视的重要工具。  相似文献   

Objective:To study the diagnostic value of complex PSA(cPSA),the calculated free/total PSA(f/t PSA) raio and total PSA(tPSA)in the differentiation of prostate cancer from benign prostate hyperplasia.Methods:The tPSA,cPSA and fPSA were measured using the Bayer ACS-180 chemiluminescence immuno-assay.152 patients(21 with prostate cancer and 131 with benign prostate hyperplasia proven by tissue pathology)whose serum total PSA ranged from 0.2-20.0ng/ml were accessed from July 2001 to May 2002 consecutively.The correlation between tPSA and cPSA was analyzed.The re-ceiver operator characteristic curves(ROC curve)were generated by plotting the sensitivity versus specificity.Areas under the curve were calculated for each assay.Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the ability of the indices as independent varia-bles to predict prostate cancer.Results:In the experimental group,the areas under the ROC curve of cPSA ,tPSA and fPSA/tPSA ratio were 0.811,0.799 and 0.376 respectively.The specificity for tPSA,fPSA/tPSA ratio and cPSA were 62%,57% and 4.7%,respectively,at cotoff yield-ing 95% sensitivity.Serum cPSA concentration was determined to be the best index among the three through logistic regression analy-sis.Conclusion:The serum levels of cPSA and tPSA are better indices than f/tPSA in the differentiation of prostate cancer from benign prostate hyperplasia.At the same level of sensitivity,cPSA has a higher specificity than tPSA.Serum cPSA may be a better indicator in the prediction of prostate cancer of early stage.  相似文献   

碰撞瘤属于临床罕见病,是指两种独立起源的原发性肿瘤相互碰撞或相互浸润,几乎可以发生在身体的任何部位。关于碰撞瘤的个案报道相对不多,国内尚无相关综述总结。笔者在pubmed、万方、中国知网等数据库阅读近5年相关国内外病例的报道,对碰撞瘤的好发部位、常见病理类型、发病机制等展开综述,旨在帮助我们更好的了解和认识碰撞瘤。  相似文献   

Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) enables us to detect the genomic copy number alterations of cancers with high resolution. Our established array CGH platform consists of 2,304 BAC/PAC clones covering the whole genome at 1.3-mega base resolutions. Using this technique, we were thus able to reveal disease-specific genomic alterations and the candidate target genes in various lymphomas. We herein report the characteristic genomic alterations of malignant lymphomas including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), follicular lymphoma (FL) and adult T cell lymphoma/leukemia (ATLL). The combined use of the array CGH data with gene expression profiling and specific gene rearrangement analyses further delineated the subtype-specific genomic alterations. For instance, we revealed that activated B-cell-like DLBCL is characterized by a gain of chromosome 3, 18q and loss of 9 p21, whereas the germinal center B-cell-like DLBCL is characterized by a gain of 2p15, 7q, and 12q. Among these genomic alterations,we found the 9 p21 loss (p16INK4a locus) to be the most aggressive type of DLBCL. Comparisons of the genome profiles of FL,both with and without BCL2 rearrangement, also revealed the existence of a unique subgroup: trisomy 3 FL. Comparison of genome profiles between acute type and lymphoma types of adult T cell lymphoma also demonstrated that acute and lymphoma types are genomically distinct subtypes, and thus may develop tumors via distinct genetic pathways. In addition to identifying disease-specific genomic alterations, we also discovered several target genes of the genomic gains and losses. Furthermore,we developed a computer algorithm to classify lymphoma diseases or subtypes on the basis of copy number gains and losses. We applied the algorithm to the classifications of DLBCL and MCL diseases and ABC and GCB subtypes. The method correctly classified the DLBCL and MCL diseases at 89%, and ABC and GCB subtypes at 83%. These results demonstrate that copy number gains and losses detected by array CGH could be used for classifying lymphomas into biologically and clinically distinct diseases or subtypes. The genomic copy number alterations detected by array CGH are therefore considered to have the potential to help diagnose or classify different disease entities and tumor subtypes.  相似文献   

飞速发展的信息技术正逐步渗透到社会生活的各方各面,给现代科学研究及社会进步带来了很多发展和机遇,同时其与生命科学也有了越来越多的交叉,可以说现代医学已经进入了大数据时代.大数据技术的发展给传统医学模式带来了新的变革,其在给现代医学临床与研究带来新机遇的同时,也给在信息化探索中的现代医学带来一定的困境.本文简介医疗大数据的概念,指出大数据研究在医学领域发展的必要性及其发展趋势,总结现阶段我国医疗大数据的优势及在临床与教学工作中的运用与展望.  相似文献   

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