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静脉输液导管护理门诊的建立与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过建立静脉输液导管护理门诊,解决置管患者住院期间导管的质量监控和出院后的延续护理问题,提高医院静脉输液质量。方法确定静脉输液导管护理门诊的人员组成及人员要求,制定工作制度与职责、工作流程和操作规范、质控标准,开展门诊导管维护、疑难患者PICC置管、健康教育、院内外会诊、培训指导、监控全院静脉输液质量等工作,进行静脉输液专业化管理。结果开设静脉输液导管护理门诊后完成PICC疑难置管108例次;导管维护3820例次;院内、外护理会诊55例次;接受院内护士培训290名;接受院外进修护士8名;接待院外参观46人次。实施全院静脉输液质量监控后中心静脉感染率为0.06%~0.24%,提高了输液的安全质量。结论开设静脉输液导管护理门诊充分体现“以患者为中心”,增加了置管患者的满意度,减轻了病房工作压力;提供了护士专业发展机会,提高了护士工作积极性;建立了事前控制的输液安全管理网络;为不断深入地进行静脉输液治疗方面的研究探索提供了平台。  相似文献   



Evidence for a standard x-ray study and cast immobilization in emergency department (ED) management and follow-up of children with bicycle spoke injury (BSI) is absent.


To describe the injury pattern and outpatient follow-up and care of ED patients with BSI. In addition, patient characteristics predicting the presence of a fracture and long-term follow-up were assessed.


This was a retrospective study including BSI patients < 9 years of age. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare groups with a fracture, soft tissue injury, and mild skin abrasion. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent predictors of a fracture and long-term outpatient follow-up.


Twenty-three percent of 141 included patients had a fracture, with a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 27 (23–40) days. For soft tissue injury and mild abrasions this was 9 (6–14) and 7 (5–9) days, respectively (p < 0.001). No clinical variables could predict a fracture. Fifty-six (40%) patients required no further care after the first outpatient visit at ∼1 week. Triage category yellow and swelling were independent predictors for more than one outpatient visit, besides presence of fracture. Corrected odds ratios (95% confidence interval) were 2.42 (0.99–5.88) and 4.76 (1.38–16.39), respectively. Only 12% of 141 patients had none of these predictors at ED presentation.


A quarter of ED patients with BSI have a fracture with no clinical signs that could predict the presence of a fracture, justifying a standard x-ray study in ED management. Only 12% of ED patients with BSI have no fracture and no signs that predict long-term follow-up. In this group, further studies are warranted to investigate the benefit of cast immobilization for fractures and soft tissue injury.  相似文献   

靳以智  罗大刚 《华西医学》2013,(12):1936-1938
探讨医疗保险制度下的门诊特殊疾病的结算服务方法,并针对结算服务的现状及存在的问题,依据省、市两级门诊特殊疾病核算特点,采取扩充结算窗口、完善结算软件系统、强化人员业务培训等改进措施,提高结算服务速度和质量,为医疗保险门诊特殊疾病工作的顺利推进奠定基础。  相似文献   

Abstract. Objective:Two means of delivering artificial ventilation readily available to out-of-hospita] personnel are the bag-valve (BV) and the empowered demand-valve (OPDV). However, use of the OPDV has been limited because of concerns that it may worsen an underlying pneumothorax. This study compared the changes in size of pneumothorax in swine ventilated with the 2 devices.
Methods:Three swine were anesthetized, intubated, and instrumented with a femoral arterial line and a pediatric Swan-Ganz catheter. A chest tube was placed, the chest was opened, and the lung parenchyma was visualized. The lung was disrupted by a single stab with a #10 scalpel; the chest was then sealed; and a pneumothorax was created by injecting 30 mL of air through the chest tube. The animals were ventilated by 12 emergency medical technicians using either BV or OPDV. After 10 minutes of ventilation, the pneumothorax volume was measured.
Results:When comparing final pneumothorax volumes after 10 minutes of ventilation with the 2 devices, there was no significant difference (mean ± SD = 40.8 ± 28.2 mL vs 52.3 ± 23.1 mL, p = 0.286).
Conclusion:There is no difference in final pneumothorax volumes after OPDV or BV ventilation.  相似文献   

Background: Emergency medicine residents frequently perform invasive procedures, including tube thoracostomy (TT), that inherently place patients at risk for complications. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence and types of complications from TT in an academic emergency department (ED). Methods: A combined prospective and retrospective, observational study of all patients who had TT between December 2002 and January 2006 was performed. Exclusion criteria included age < 15 years and tube placement at an outside facility. Complications detected in the ED were defined as immediate, whereas those discovered later were defined as delayed. Complications requiring corrective surgical intervention, administration of blood products, or intravenous antibiotics were defined as major. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify operator and patient factors associated with complications. Results: TTs were placed in 242 patients, and 90 (37%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 31.1–43.3%) experienced a complication. Major complications included one intercostal artery laceration, one retroperitoneal placement, and empyema in 2 patients. In multivariate analysis, blunt injury excluding motor vehicle accidents (odds ratio [OR] 2.57; 95% CI 1.27–5.21) and spontaneous pneumothorax (OR 3.84; 95% CI 1.80–8.18) were associated with all complications. TT size < 36 French and blunt injury excluding motor vehicle accidents were associated with immediate complications and spontaneous pneumothorax was associated with delayed complications. Conclusions: The vast majority of complications from TT in the ED were minor. The prevalence of complications was consistent with previous reports of TTs placed by non-emergency-medicine-trained physicians outside the ED. The findings can be used to identify avoidable complications and improve residency training.  相似文献   

目的 调查四川大学华西第二医院儿科超药品说明书用药的情况,并分析其原因与处置情况,为促进我国儿科合理用药提供基线数据.方法 分层随机抽取四川大学华西第二医院2008年5月至2009年4月儿科门诊处方,根据药品说明书内容,判断是否超说明书用药;并分析超说明书用药的类型,不同年龄段超说明书用药发生率及药品种类等.结果共抽取2 400份处方,含6 028条用药记录.其中超说明书用药处方1 398张,占58.25%;超说明书用药记录1 923条,占31.90%.超说明书用药类型中居前三位的是:给药剂量(45.98%),给药频次(21.17%)及年龄(18.19%).各年龄段处方超说明书用药发生率居前三位的有学龄期(61.56%)、学龄前(60.77%)和婴幼儿(57.66%).各类药物超说明书用药发生率居前五类的药物为抗变态反应药(49.45%),消化系统用药(49.32%),外用药(41.49%),中成药(34.60%)和神经系统用药(33.78%).结论 儿科门诊处方中超药品说明书用药情况普遍.严格按照药品说明书规定的用法、用量,选择适宜患儿的药物剂型是减少超说明书用药,提高用药安全性的有效途径.  相似文献   

Background: Hypercapnic coma is a rare differential diagnosis in the unconscious patient. One underlying mechanism may be hypoventilation due to spontaneous pneumothorax. Although hypercapnia is not a typical finding in spontaneous pneumothorax in patients with otherwise healthy lungs, under certain circumstances, hypercapnia may readily develop. Objectives: We report a rare case of profound hypercapnic coma due to spontaneous pneumothorax after contralateral pneumonectomy. In addition, we review other causes of hypercapnic coma and its outcome and discuss the relationship between arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure and level of consciousness. Case Report: An 85-year-old man without evidence of trauma or intoxication presented unconscious to our Emergency Department. The physical examination and X-ray study revealed a left-sided spontaneous pneumothorax. A right-sided pneumonectomy 25 years earlier had promoted the development of profound hypercapnic coma. After insertion of a thoracic drain, the coma rapidly resolved without any neurological deficit. Conclusions: Although severe hypercapnia is usually due to decompensation of chronic lung disease, pneumothorax potentially may cause hypercapnic coma. Review of the literature suggests that there is no close correlation between arterial pCO2 (partial pressure of CO2) levels and the degree of impairment of consciousness; however, levels exceeding 80 mm Hg are likely associated with significantly impaired consciousness. Hypercapnic coma usually resolves without neurological deficit as arterial pCO2 tensions decline.  相似文献   

Background: Studies on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections have typically focused on pediatric and adult populations at urban tertiary care hospitals. Limited data exist on MRSA rates in skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) in suburban community hospital pediatric emergency departments (PED). Objectives: To describe the prevalence of MRSA in SSTIs in a contemporary suburban community hospital PED population. Methods: Patients 0-21 years old with SSTI wound cultures who were seen at our PED from 2003-2007 were studied. Data analyzed included type of infection (abscess vs. non-abscess), site of infection, and culture results. Chi-squared and t-tests were used as appropriate;p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: During the study period, 204 cultures were obtained for SSTIs, 11 of which were contaminants. The subjects had a mean age of 12.9 years (SD 6.8 years); 60% were male. The prevalence of MRSA was 27%; MRSA was present in 30% of abscesses vs. 2.2% of non-abscess SSTI (p < 0.005). By year, the prevalence of MRSA was 10% in 2003, 31% in 2004, 33% in 2005, 31% in 2006, and 29% in 2007. No differences between MRSA and non-MRSA infections were present for gender, age, or site of infection. Conclusions: At our suburban community hospital pediatric ED, MRSA was present in 30% of all SSTI wound cultures; MRSA was unlikely with non-abscess SSTI. Our overall MRSA prevalence data among SSTIs are consistent with previously published reports in pediatric ED populations but may be less than those reported in the adult literature.  相似文献   

目的通过调查门诊各科老年患者就诊流程,以发现问题,提高门诊护理服务质量。方法 采用自行设计的老年患者就诊情况调查问卷,对2009年6月门诊内科、外科、皮肤科、妇产科等科室就诊的老年患者的一般情况、就诊情况、就诊流程、就诊效果以及相关健康教育的需求等内容进行描述性统计分析。结果 342例老年患者中,男女人数基本相当,198例(57.9%)有陪同者、209例(61.11%)首选三级医院就诊;238例(69.59%)能够根据标识顺利到达目的科室,熟悉电子叫号系统;240例(70.18%)在1 h左右完成就诊流程,261例(76.31%)对就诊比较满意,81例(23.68%)表示不满意。在健康教育方面,用药安全的需求较为迫切。结论随着老龄化进程的加快,门诊老年患者比例不断增加;三级医院不但要加强门诊硬件建设,还要加强医疗管理及门诊护理队伍建设,调整门诊护理内容,改善就诊流程,加强医疗护理安全,从而提高老年患者就诊效果及就诊满意度。  相似文献   

目的:分析影响急性心肌梗死(AMI)溶栓治疗的相关因素,观察急诊溶栓治疗的诊断―用药时间的改善情况及溶栓疗效。方法:分别从发病时间(溶栓时间窗)、年龄和疾病严重程度等因素探讨对溶栓治疗的影响,结合诊断―用药时间分析我院溶栓治疗的再通率情况。结果:影响溶栓治疗的最主要因素依次为时间窗、年龄、心功能(KillipⅢ级)、non-STE、心源性休克等;急诊科诊断―用药时间为101.9min;溶栓再通率为83.3%。结论:急诊科开始溶栓所需要的时间明显缩短,再通率也明显增加,影响溶栓最主要的因素为发病时间窗、年龄及疾病严重程度等,提示在二级医院急诊溶栓治疗可能是首选措施。  相似文献   

目的 探讨分级管理在急诊科护理人员中的应用。 方法 2011年开始将护士进行分级管理,将护理岗位的工作职责、技术要求与护士的分层级管理有机结合,不同层级的护士赋予相匹配的岗位,充分发挥不同层级护士的作用。对分级管理前(2009年1月-2010年12月)与分级管理后(2011年1月-2012年12月)的护理管理质量进行比较。 结果 实行分级管理前后,就诊患者满意率分别为86.2%、95.1%,重症患者护理合格率分别为91.5%、97.8%,护理文书书写合格率分别为92.1%、98.1%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 分级管理在一定程度上节省了护理人力,提高了工作效率,保证了护理质量与安全。  相似文献   

BackgroundHospitals have implemented innovative strategies to address overcrowding by optimizing patient flow through the emergency department (ED). Vertical split flow refers to the concept of assigning patients to vertical chairs instead of horizontal beds based on patient acuity.ObjectiveEvaluate the impact of vertical split flow implementation on ED Emergency Severity Index (ESI) level 3, patient length of stay, and throughput at a community hospital.MethodsRetrospective cohort study of all ESI level 3 patients presenting to a community hospital ED over a 3-month period prior to and after vertical split flow implementation between 2018 and 2019.ResultsIn total, data were collected from 10,638 patient visits: 5262 and 5376 patient visits pre- and postintervention, respectively. There was a significant reduction in mean overall length of stay when ESI-3 patients were triaged with vertical split flow (251 min vs 283 min, p < 0.001).ConclusionsCommunity hospital ED implementation of vertical split flow for ESI level 3 patients was associated with a significant reduction in overall length of stay and improved throughput. This model provides a solution to increase the number of patients that can be simultaneously cared for in the ED without increasing staffing or physical space.  相似文献   

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