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The immunohistologic distribution of the feto-acinar pancreatic protein (FAP), detected by the monoclonal antibody (MoAb) J28 using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique, is described. Tests were carried out on normal adult pancreas (n = 10), chronic pancreatitis (n = 14), pancreatic adenocarcinoma (n = 17), intraabdominal metastases of pancreatic and nonpancreatic origin (n = 22), metastatic tumors invading the pancreas (n = 3), nonpancreatic fetal (n = 39) and adult (n = 65) normal organs (n = 104), and nonpancreatic malignancies (n = 145). All sections were formalin fixed and paraffin embedded. In the normal pancreas, only a few positive acinar cells were found around some islets of Langerhans. In pancreatitis there was an increased expression of FAP protein in the acinar tissue in relation to inflammatory changes. In cases of primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma and metastatic tumors in the pancreas, a strong expression of FAP protein in the peritumoral acinar area was found. The tumors themselves were FAP protein negative, as were the nonpancreatic tumors and normal organs. It can be concluded that FAP protein, detected by MoAb J28 in tissue sections, is specific for pancreatic exocrine tissue with reactive changes.  相似文献   

The autopsy material from the Institute of Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Humboldt University (Charité) in Berlin for the years 1970 to 1984 was analyzed with respect to the presence of pancreatic carcinoma and a long history of chronic, non-obstructive pancreatitis. A total of 20,515 adult sections were reviewed. 331 (1.6%) of these had carcinoma of the exocrine pancreas. 75 pancreata were dissected in tail-to-head direction into 10 blocks. In 12 (16%) of them a chronic non-obstructive pancreatitis or pancreatic scarring as a result of pancreatitis could be demonstrated histologically. The possibility of a relationship between pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma is considered, in particular with respect to pre-malignant changes and latency of the latter. Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the present study material, together with a critical evaluation of the literature, support the viewpoint that long-term, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma have a common pathogenic basis and that chronic pancreatitis may be regarded as an antecedent event for the neoplasm.  相似文献   

In order to test the effectiveness of CA19-9, KM01, unabsorbed CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) and absorbed CEA by immunoperoxidase staining, we evaluated the staining distribution, intensity, and cellular localization in pancreatic cancer. The results were then compared with those of normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis. The positive staining rate of the pancreatic cancer with any of the four tumor markers was higher than that of the normal pancreas. However, all markers except absorbed CEA showed a higher positive staining rate for chronic pancreatitis than for pancreatic cancer. There was no stromal type in normal pancreatic or chronic pancreatitis tissues with any of the four tumor markers. Our findings, therefore, indicate that absorbed CEA is useful in differentiating pancreatic cancer from normal pancreatic tissues. It is not useful in distinguishing chronic pancreatitis, however, unless a specific staining pattern is observed.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 expression in pancreas development and pancreatic cancer progression   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Apoptosis is important for both tissue development and differentiation; its deregulation may contribute to tumourigenesis. In order to clarify the role of Bcl-2, an apoptosis-inhibiting protein, in pancreatic morphogenesis and tumour progression, its immunohistochemical expression was evaluated in 12 samples of fetal pancreas, in 10 samples of adult pancreas with ductal hyperplastic lesions, in 120 cases of primary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, and in 43 synchronous metastatic lymph nodes. To evaluate the role of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer, p53 expression was also studied in tumour samples. Bcl-2 cytoplasmic acinar and ductal immunostaining was found in all fetal and adult tissue samples; ductal hyperplastic lesions were constantly negative. Thirty out of 120 (25%) tumours and 3 out of 43 (7%) lymph nodes expressed Bcl-2, whereas 67 out of 120 (56%) expressed nuclear p53. Well-differentiated tumours (G1) were more frequently Bcl-2-positive (p=0.002); furthermore, there was an inverse correlation between Bcl-2 and p53 expression in primary tumours (p=0.02). Neither Bcl-2 nor p53 influenced patients' prognosis, which was instead affected by N (p=0.02) and M (p<0.0001) status and stage of the disease (p=0.002). It is concluded that Bcl-2 regulates pancreatic morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis from early fetal to adult life and can be considered a phenotypic marker of normal exocrine pancreas. On the other hand, the lack of expression in preneoplastic lesions and the low positivity found in primary tumours and lymph node metastases suggest that Bcl-2 does not play a centralrole in pancreatic tumourigenesis and cancer progression.  相似文献   

Acinar regression in chronic pancreatitis may be due to immune attack in parenchymal areas neoexpressing HLA-DR molecules. CD4+Th1 cytotoxic T cells induce apoptosis of their targets via oligomerizing CD95 (APO-1/Fas) death receptors on target cells by their CD95 ligand (CD95L). We determined the expression of CD95 and CD95L in epithelia of normal and chronically inflamed pancreatic tissues. We applied RT-PCR and Western blotting for CD95L expression profiles, serial frozen section immunohistochemistry to detect CD95, CD95L, and HLA-DR molecules, CD3, CD4, CD11c, and S-100 protein (S100p). Normal pancreases and chronic pancreatitis contain CD95L message and protein. Immunohistochemistry revealed a mutually exclusive expression of CD95 and CD95L. Physiologically, acini were CD95-/CD95L+, ducts were CD95-/CD95L-, and islets were CD95-/CD95L+. In areas of lymphohistiocytic infiltration, mainly consisting of CD3+CD4+ T cells and CD11c+, CD4+/-, S100p+ interstitial dendritic cells, and in areas of initial fibrosis, acini and ducts were HLA-DR+, acini CD95+/CD95L-, and ducts CD95+/CD95L-. Islet cells were CD95-/CD95L+ in both conditions. IFNgamma levels in protein lysates, as measured by an immunoassay, were significantly higher in chronic pancreatitis than in normal pancreas (p < 0.0003). In vitro, IFNgamma down-modulated CD95L message and protein in ASPC1 and BxPc3 pancreatic carcinoma cells. In conclusion, pancreatic epithelia differentially express CD95 and CD95L in a mutually exclusive manner. In chronic pancreatitis the CD95-/CD95L+ status is conserved in islet cells even in the vicinity of lymphohistiocytic infiltrates, whereas it is lost in acini coexpressing HLA-DR. As a potential consequence, and possibly triggered by local release of IFNgamma, CD4-Th1 cells may cognately interact with and successfully attack exocrine cells by triggering CD95 on their target without being killed by epithelial, CD95L-mediated, counterattack.  相似文献   

This study describes the immunohistologic distribution of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in 30 fetal pancreata, 5 normal adult pancreata, 11 cases of chronic pancreatitis without carcinoma, 16 cases of chronic pancreatitis with carcinoma, and 20 cases of primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The position of CEA-cross-reacting antigen, especially of nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA), was also studied in the case of chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma. For this purpose, both monospecific antibodies to CEA and NCA, as well as cross-reacting antibodies, were used in an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. CEA reactivity could not be detected, neither during pancreatic development nor in chronic pancreatitis with or without associated adenocarcinoma. In 15 of 20 pancreatic adenocarcinomas, CEA positivity was found both with membranous and cytoplasmic localization. With the use of the cross-reacting antibodies, all cases of chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinomas showed positive staining of both ductal and tubular structures. Antibodies to NCA closely mimicked the results obtained with the cross-reacting antibodies both in pancreatitis and adenocarcinoma. From the authors' results it can be concluded that CEA is not a developmental antigen of the pancreas. Furthermore, NCA cross-activity of anti-CEA antibodies is an important reason of false positive reaction in chronic pancreatitis. Moreover, true CEA positivity in the pancreas appears to be restricted to adenocarcinoma of the exocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Mesothelin, a cell surface glycoprotein present on normal mesothelial cells, has been reported to be expressed in pancreatic adenocarcinomas. We conducted this study to fully characterize mesothelin expression in surgically resected, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens of 18 pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 9 adenocarcinomas of the ampulla of Vater, 12 adenocarcinomas of the common bile duct, and 17 cases of chronic pancreatitis. Mesothelin immunostaining was performed using the antimesothelin monoclonal antibody 5B2. All 18 cases (100%) of pancreatic adenocarcinomas showed mesothelin expression, as did 8 (89%) of 9 cases of ampullar adenocarcinoma and all 12 cases (100%) of common bile duct adenocarcinoma. In all cases of pancreaticobiliary adenocarcinoma, the adjacent normal pancreas did not stain for mesothelin. Of 17 specimens of chronic pancreatitis, 16 were negative for mesothelin expression, and 1 case showed weak mesothelin staining of fewer than 5% of normal pancreatic ducts. Our results demonstrated mesothelin expression in the majority of pancreaticobiliary adenocarcinomas and no expression in normal pancreatic tissues and in chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine pancreatic tissue from patients with severe primary chronic pancreatitis (n=6), secondary chronic pancreatitis due to duct obstruction by carcinoma (n=6) and non-diabetic, non-pancreatitic controls (n=4) was studied qualitatively and quantitatively using specific immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy. Grouping of variously sized islets in the sclerotic tissue (sclerosis islets), islet neoformation by ductuloinsular proliferation, and intrainsular fibrosis were the main qualitative findings. Immunocytochemical quantitation of the distribution of insulin (B), glucagon (A), somatostatin (D) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) producing cells revealed a significant relative increase in the number of A cells and a decrease in the number of B cells of the sclerosis islets in primary chronic pancreatitis (B-44.1±9.3%:A-38.3±2.4%:D-8.6±5.1%:PP-4.6±4.1%) as well as in secondary chronic pancreatitis (B-38.0±14.3%:A-38.4±19.0%:D-9.1±5.8%:PP-14.5±23.4%) compared with controls (B-71.1±8.1%:A-24.3±5.5%:D-8.0±2.8%:PP-0.5±0.4%). The number of PP cells was significantly increased in primary chronic pancreatitis only. It is suggested that scarring of the exocrine pancreas affects islet composition, probably by impairment of the local circulation and of glucose diffusion, thus leading to reduction of the number and glucose sensitivity of B cells. The hyperplasia of A and PP cells appears to be a secondary phenomenon due to the loss of B cells.  相似文献   

Epiplakin1 (Eppk1) is a plakin family gene with its function remains largely unknown, although the plakin genes are known to function in interconnecting cytoskeletal filaments and anchoring them at plasma membrane-associated adhesive junction. Here we analyzed the expression patterns of Eppk1 in the developing and adult pancreas in the mice. In the embryonic pancreas, Eppk1+/Pdx1+ and Eppk1+/Sox9+ pancreatic progenitor cells were observed in early pancreatic epithelium. Since Pdx1 expression overlapped with that of Sox9 at this stage, these multipotent progenitor cells are Eppk1+/Pdx1+/Sox9+ cells. Then Eppk1 expression becomes confined to Ngn3+ or Sox9+ endocrine progenitor cells, and p48+ exocrine progenitor cells, and then restricted to the duct cells and a cells at birth. In the adult pancreas, Eppk1 is expressed in centroacinar cells (CACs) and in duct cells. Eppk1 is observed in pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), previously identified as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) precursor lesions. In addition, the expansion of Eppk1-positive cells occurs in a caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, an acinar cell regeneration model. Furthermore, in the partial pancreatectomy (Px) regeneration model using mice, Eppk1 is expressed in "ducts in foci", a tubular structure transiently induced. These results suggest that Eppk1 serves as a useful marker for detecting pancreatic progenitor cells in developing and regenerating pancreas.  相似文献   

A many-year prospective follow-up of patients with chronic pancreatitis has shown that the development of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in such patients is always preceded by exo-secretory pancreatic insufficiency of varying severity. Considerable enzyme-secretory pancreatic insufficiency is much more often in patients with secondary diabetes than in those with chronic pancreatitis without diabetes. Insulinemia and blood C-peptide level are regularly reduced in chronic pancreatitis with secondary diabetes but are normal in the patients with less manifest disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism, detectable by the double glucose tolerance test. Blood glucagon is increased in both groups of patients, but more so in those with secondary diabetes. A high direct correlation of the beta-cell activity and the pancreatic enzymes debit are characteristic of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis with secondary diabetes, as well as a negative correlation, equally high, between the blood glucagon level and the pancreatic enzymes debit in the duodenal contents.  相似文献   

PurposeAutoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) can mimic pancreatic cancer in its clinical presentation, imaging features and laboratory parameters. The aim of our study was to compare IgG, IgG4 and anti-CAIIAb serum levels in patients with AIP, pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PA) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) and to assess their clinical significance and utility in differential diagnosis of pancreatic diseases.Patient/methodsThe study included 124 patients: 45 with PA, 24 with AIP and 55 with CP. Peripheral venous blood samples were obtained from all analyzed patients at the time of hospital admission and total IgG, IgG4 and anti-CAIIAB serum levels were measured using ELISA tests.ResultsSerum levels of IgG, IgG4 and anti-CAIIAb were significantly higher in patients with AIP compared to PA and CP patients (p < 0.001). In AIP patients the median IgG levels were 19.7 g/l, IgG4 levels – 301.9 mg/dl and anti-CAIIAb – 81.82 ng/ml, compared to 10.61 g/l, 123.2 mg/dl and 28.6 ng/ml, respectively, in PA patients. IgG4 for the cut-off 210 mg/dl showed the best sensitivity and specificity (83.8% and 89.5%) in AIP diagnosis compared to IgG (69.3% and 87.3%, respectively) and anti-CAIIAb (45.3% and 74.3%). However, 16 (35.5%) patients with PA and 14 (25.4%) patients with CP had IgG4 levels greater than 140 mg/dl. Moreover, in 3 (6.67%) patients with pancreatic cancer those values were greater than 280 mg/dl. No patients with CP had IgG4 more than 280 mg/dl.ConclusionsIgG4 at cut-off 210 mg/dl showed the best sensitivity and specificity in AIP diagnosis compared to IgG and anti-CAIIAb, however elevations of serum IgG4 may be seen in subjects without AIP, including pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

DeltaNp63 (DNp63) has become widely used, in particular, for distinguishing invasive carcinomas from noninvasive ducts by highlighting the myoepithelial or basal cells in the breast and prostate, respectively. It is not known whether this marker may have any application in another exocrine organ, the pancreas. As the ductal and intraductal proliferations of this organ become better characterized, the need for markers to distinguish among these processes increases. We investigated immunohistochemical expression of DNP63 in 105 cases. A total of 25 cases were non-neoplastic pancreata, 25 were pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) of various grades, and 50 were examples of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Sections of non-neoplastic pancreata included various types of non-neoplastic processes such as squamous/transitional metaplasia (five cases), which can be mistaken for high-grade PanINs, as well as various degrees of reactive ductal atypia and incidental microcysts with attenuated lining (five cases). No DNp63 expression was noted in normal pancreatic ducts. On the other hand, all five foci of squamous/transitional metaplasia were strongly and uniformly positive for this marker. DNp63 labeling was also noted in those incidental microcysts lined by attenuated cells, seen amidst normal pancreatic lobules. All PanINs were negative. Among invasive carcinomas, DNp63 expression was detected only in areas of squamous differentiation and was completely absent in ordinary ductal areas. Based on this observation, five additional cases of adenosquamous/squamous carcinoma was retrieved and stained, and the squamous components of all of these were also positive. In conclusion, (I) DNp63 is a reliable marker of squamous differentiation in the pancreas. It is valuable in distinguishing squamous/transitional metaplasia from PanINs, a distinction of importance for both researchers and diagnosticians. Among invasive carcinomas, it seems to be entirely specific for areas of squamous differentiation. (II) Those incidental microcysts seen in acinar lobules and lined by attenuated cells are also positive for DNp63, which suggests that they may be metaplastic in nature, and that they do not represent neoplastic cells. (III) Unlike the ducts of other exocrine organs, breast and prostate, there are no DNp63-expressing cells in the normal pancreatic ducts, and therefore, this marker cannot be used in distinguishing invasive carcinomas from the non-invasive ducts. (IV) No p63-expressing 'stem' cells are present in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Two types of pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitors (PSTIs) were recently purified from rat pancreatic juice. One consisted of 61 (PSTI-61) and the other of 56 (PSTI-56) amino acid residues. PSTI-61 has been reported to elicit cholecystokinin (CCK) release when injected into the duodenum. Since no information has been available about the action of PSTI-56 on CCK release, the two PSTIs were compared for their stimulatory effect on CCK release and pancreatic exocrine secretions in conscious rats after intraduodenal administration. Rats were prepared with bile and pancreatic fistulae and with two duodenal cannulae. Pancreatic juice was excluded from the duodenum for 48 h prior to the experiment because rat PSTIs were trypsin sensitive. PSTI-61 significantly stimulated pancreatic secretions and increased plasma CCK concentrations from 3.6 to 6.5 pM, whereas PSTI-56 had no effect on either CCK release or pancreatic secretions. It is suggested that the action as a regulator for CCK release and pancreatic secretions is possessed only by PSTI-61, but not by PSTI-56.  相似文献   

The major groups of enzymes involved in activating and detoxifying therapeutic drugs, not least several anti-cancer drugs, include the cytochromes P450 (P450s), epoxide hydrolase, and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). The expression of these enzymes in malignant tumours is one possible mechanism of anti-cancer drug resistance. This study has investigated the presence, cellular localization, and distribution of drug-metabolizing enzymes in prostate cancer. The P450 subfamilies CYP1A, CYP2C, and CYP3A were present in 63, 25, and 61 per cent of tumours, respectively. Epoxide hydrolase was identified in 96 per cent of tumours. GST-α and GST-μ were expressed in 29 and 41 per cent of tumours, respectively, while there was no immunoreactivity for the π form of GST. The absence of GST-μ in prostate cancer contrasts with the frequent expression of GST-π observed in other types of malignant tumour. In non-neoplastic prostatic epithelium, there was expression of CYP1A, CYP2C, epoxide hydrolase, and the different forms of GST, while there was no apparent immunoreactivity for CYP3A.  相似文献   

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