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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To investigate mortality, determinants of mortality, and time until death among elderly subjects receiving public long-term care. METHODS: This study comprises 626 respondents (age: 65-98 years). Data were collected for two cohorts (2001 and 2002). Cox regression analysis was used to identify determinants of mortality. Those who died and those who did not die were compared by, for example, demographic data and activities of daily living (ADL). RESULTS: The crude mortality rate was 9% in cohort 2001 and 14% in cohort 2002 in the first year, and 23% in cohort 2001 and 18% in cohort 2002 in the second year after decisions about care and service. Determinants of death were gender (men), severe cognitive impairment, co-morbidity, and high ADL scores. Regression analysis also showed that malignant tumors, respiratory, urinary and genito-urinary diseases were found to be significant predictors for mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The mortality rate was quite high, several diseases were common, and the need for help with ADL was wide-ranging. Results also showed that ADL scores, together with a measure of cognitive impairment, may be useful in identifying elderly subjects at high risk of mortality.  相似文献   



Disease-specific estimates of medical costs are important for health policy decision making.


To identify predictors of health care costs associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) seropositivity across disease phases.


HCV laboratory tests from the BC Centre for Disease Control were linked to administrative data pertaining to health services and drugs dispensed to estimate costs among case subjects and controls. The case group comprised HCV seropositive individuals (n=20,001), and the control group comprised single-tested, HCV seronegative persons (n=70,752) identified between January 1997 and December 2004. Subject observation time was assigned to the three following disease phases: initial phase (after diagnosis), late phase (late-stage liver disease) and predeath phase (12 months before death). Case subjects and controls were matched for age, sex and a propensity score within each phase to determine the net cost attributable to HCV seropositivity, and were adjusted for demographic and clinical factors.


Costs increased with disease progression, with hospitalization being the highest cost component in all phases. Initial and late phase net costs (2005 Canadian dollars) were $1,850 and $6,000 per patient per year, respectively. Costs among case subjects were driven by age, comorbidities, mental illness, illicit drug use and HIV coinfection. While predeath case subject and control costs were virtually the same, costs were high and case subjects died at a younger age.


HCV seropositivity is associated with increased medical costs driven by viral sequelae and medicosocial vulnerabilities (ie, mental illness, illicit drug use and HIV coinfection). Cost mitigation and health outcome improvements will require broad-based prevention programming to reduce vulnerabilities and HCV treatment to prevent disease progression, respectively.  相似文献   

Transitions are a part of everyone's life experience. Most young people with special health care needs and disabilities (SHCN/D) become independent partners in adult society, but some need deliberate guidance and support. This latter group is growing in number. Through a new consensus statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Federal Government (Healthy People 2010), society is recognizing the need to assist young people with SHCN/D in attaining their potential in adulthood. This article discusses the growing number of young people with SHCN/D, their desires for their transition, the definition and areas of transition that should be addressed, and the key elements of successful transition programs. The article ends with a suggested list of actions a health care professional can undertake to foster a successful transition and a selected list of helpful resources for health professionals, families, and young people with SHCN/D.  相似文献   



Care for older adults is facing a number of challenges: health problems are not consistently identified at a timely stage, older adults report a lack of autonomy in their care process, and care systems are often confronted with the need for better coordination between health care professionals. We aim to address these challenges by introducing the geriatric care model, based on the chronic care model, and to evaluate its effects on the quality of life of community-dwelling frail older adults.


In a 2-year stepped-wedge cluster randomised clinical trial with 6-monthly measurements, the chronic care model will be compared with usual care. The trial will be carried out among 35 primary care practices in two regions in the Netherlands. Per region, practices will be randomly allocated to four allocation arms designating the starting point of the intervention. Participants: 1200 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 or over and their primary informal caregivers. Primary care physicians will identify frail individuals based on a composite definition of frailty and a polypharmacy criterion. Final inclusion criterion: scoring 3 or more on a disability case-finding tool. Intervention: Every 6 months patients will receive a geriatric in-home assessment by a practice nurse, followed by a tailored care plan. Expert teams will manage and train practice nurses. Patients with complex care needs will be reviewed in interdisciplinary consultations. Evaluation: We will perform an effect evaluation, an economic evaluation, and a process evaluation. Primary outcome is quality of life as measured with the Short Form-12 questionnaire. Effect analyses will be based on the ??intention-to-treat?? principle, using multilevel regression analysis. Cost measurements will be administered continually during the study period. A cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis will be conducted comparing mean total costs to functional status, care needs and QALYs. We will investigate the level of implementation, barriers and facilitators to successful implementation and the extent to which the intervention manages to achieve the transition necessary to overcome challenges in elderly care.


This is one of the first studies assessing the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation process of the chronic care model for frail community-dwelling older adults.

Trial registration

The Netherlands National Trial Register NTR2160.  相似文献   

This study presents reference equations for spirometric parameters in 6-year-old children and evaluates the ability of spirometry to discriminate healthy children from children with asthma. Baseline spirometry and respiratory symptoms were assessed in 404 children participating in a longitudinal birth cohort study. Children with known asthma, possible asthma and a control group also performed bronchodilator measurements. At least two acceptable flow-volume curves at baseline were obtained by 368/404 children (91%). The two best values for FEV1 and FVC were within 5% of each other in 88% and 83% of children, respectively. Linear regression analyses for 242 children included in the reference population demonstrated height to be the main predictor of all spirometric indices except FEV1/FVC. FEV1, FEV75, and FVC correlated reasonably to anthropometric data in contrast to flow parameters. Gender differences were found for FEV1, FVC, and FEV75, but not for flow parameters. Asthma was diagnosed in 25/404 children. Baseline lung function in healthy children and children with asthma overlapped, although asthmatic children could be discriminated to some extent. Bronchodilator tests showed a difference in Delta FEV1(mean) between healthy children and children with asthma (3.1% vs. 6.1%, P < 0.05). At a cut-off point of Delta FEV1 = 7.8%, bronchodilator tests had a sensitivity of 46% and a specificity of 92% for current asthma. Spirometry including bronchodilator measurements was demonstrated to be feasible in 6-year-old children and reference values were determined. Spirometry aids the diagnosis of asthma in young children, but knowledge on sensitivity and specificity of these measurements is a prerequisite.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) is an established risk factor for thromboembolism and stroke. Small cross-sectional studies suggest associations between NVAF, silent cerebral infarction and decreased cognitive function. We compared change in cognitive function between patients with recent onset NVAF and controls 12 and 36 months after baseline assessment, and examined the impact of anti-thrombotic therapy. DESIGN: prospective longitudinal cohort study with follow-up at 12 and 36 months. SETTING: Sunderland and South Tyneside, North East of England. Participants: community-dwelling men and women aged over 60 with recently identified NVAF or in sinus rhythm, matched for age, sex and general practice (N = 362, 174 NVAF, 188 sinus rhythm). Participants were stratified for use of anti-thrombotic therapy. MEASUREMENTS: assessment included stroke risk factors and a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests. RESULTS: at 3 years, 74 cases and 86 controls remained, giving an attrition rate for cases (59%) versus controls (52%); p = 0.15. Analysis of change in cognitive function between baseline and follow-up at 12 and 36 months revealed no clinically important differences between cases and controls, nor between subgroups on aspirin, warfarin or neither. Age and other confounders did not influence the results. CONCLUSIONS: there was no association between overall cognitive decline and NVAF after 3 years' follow-up, nor any apparent effect of anti-thrombotic therapy. This is consistent with our baseline results, but conflicts with previous studies. Cognitive decline is probably multifactorial and any influence of NVAF was not identified in this study.  相似文献   

Context  Disturbances in thyroid function have been described in small-for-gestational age (SGA) children but the influence of prematurity is unclear. In addition, the effect of GH treatment on thyroid function has not been studied in short SGA children.
Objectives  To determine whether short SGA children have higher TSH levels compared to age-matched controls and evaluate the influence of gestational age. To investigate whether GH treatment alters thyroid function.
Patients  A total of 264 short SGA children (116 preterm), prepubertal and non-GH deficient.
Measurements  Serum FT4 and TSH at baseline and after 6, 12 and 24 months of GH treatment.
Results  Baseline mean TSH was higher in preterm short SGA children than in age-matched controls ( P <  0·05). Mean FT4 was not significantly different between short SGA children and controls. Baseline FT4 or TSH did not correlate with gestational age, or SDS for birth weight, birth length, height, body mass index, IGF-I or IGFBP-3. Mean FT4 decreased significantly during the first 6 months of GH treatment, but remained within the normal range. TSH did not change during treatment. The change in FT4 did not correlate with the change in height SDS during 24 months of GH treatment.
Conclusion  Preterm short SGA children have higher, although within the normal range, TSH levels than controls. The level of TSH does not correlate with gestational age, birth weight SDS or birth length SDS. FT4 decreases during GH treatment, but is neither associated with an increase in TSH nor does it affect the response to GH treatment. As these mild alterations in thyroid function do not appear clinically relevant, frequent monitoring of thyroid function during GH therapy is not warranted in short SGA children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the mortality risk of Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis, taking into account lifestyle and physical factors, including comorbidity. METHODS: 91 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis were identified during screening a cohort of 16 119 Japanese atomic bomb survivors in the period 1958 to 1966. These individuals and the remainder of the cohort were followed for mortality until 1999. Mortality risk of the rheumatoid patients was estimated by the Cox proportional hazards model. In addition to age and sex, lifestyle and physical factors such as smoking status, alcohol consumption, blood pressure, and comorbidity were included as adjustment factors for the analysis of total mortality and for analysis of mortality from each cause of death. RESULTS: 83 of the rheumatoid patients (91.2%) and 8527 of the non-rheumatoid controls (52.9%) died during mean follow up periods of 17.8 and 28.0 years, respectively. The age and sex adjusted hazard ratio for mortality in the rheumatoid patients was 1.60 (95% confidence interval, 1.29 to 1.99), p < 0.001. Multiple adjustments, including for lifestyle and physical factors, resulted in a similar mortality hazard ratio of 1.57 (1.25 to 1.94), p < 0.001. Although mortality risk tended to be higher in male than in female rheumatoid patients, the difference was not significant. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, and liver disease were significantly increased as causes of death in rheumatoid patients. CONCLUSIONS: Rheumatoid arthritis is an independent risk factor for mortality. Infectious events are associated with increased mortality in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   



We compared morbidities in HIV‐1‐infected patients before and after the introduction of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in a rural Ugandan cohort followed from 1990 to 2008. ART was introduced in 2004.


Random‐effects Poisson regression models were used to estimate incidence rates of World Health Organization (WHO) stage‐defining diseases in HIV‐infected individuals aged 13 years or older with known seroconversion dates, and in an age‐stratified sample of HIV‐negative individuals.


The most common morbid event was bacterial pneumonia, with an incidence of 7.4/100 person‐years (pyr) among 309 HIV seroconverters and 1.3/100 pyr among 348 HIV‐negative participants [hazard ratio (HR) 5.64; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.6–8.8]. Among seroconverters, the incidence of the acquisition of any WHO stage‐defining disease rose from 14.4/100 pyr (95% CI 11.1–18.6) in 1990–1998 to 46.0/100 pyr (95% CI 37.7–56.0) in 1999–2003. Following the introduction of ART, the incidence among seroconverters declined to 36.4/100 pyr (95% CI 27.1–48.9) in 2004–2005 and to 28.3/100 pyr (95% CI 21.2–37.8) in 2006–2008. At the individual level, a higher rate of acquiring any WHO stage‐defining disease was independently associated with lower CD4 cell count, longer duration of HIV infection and older age. In addition, individuals who had been on ART for longer than 12 months had a substantially lower rate of any WHO stage disease than those not yet on ART (adjusted HR 0.35; 95% CI 0.2–0.6).


Morbidity in HIV‐positive participants decreased following the introduction of ART, and this decline was more marked with increasing duration on ART. The benefits of decreased HIV‐related morbidity from ART lend support to urgent efforts to ensure universal access to early diagnosis of HIV infection and to ART, especially in rural Africa.  相似文献   

The excretion of FSH, LH, oestrogens and pregnanediol was monitored once weekly in urine samples collected from eight peri-menopausal women aged 44-55 years (median, 52 years). Observations were commenced between 5 and 15 weeks before the menopause and were continued for 22-30 weeks after final menstruation. Amenorrhoea of greater than 2 years duration in association with a persistent elevation in gonadotrophin output was considered proof of the post-menopausal state. No clear hormonal change occurred at the time of the menopause. During the peri-menopause there is a transition from the regular ovulatory cycles of pre-menopausal women to the unvarying high gonadotrophin and low oestrogen excretion which is generally regarded as being characteristic of post-menopausal women. In the group studied, post-menopausal levels of FSH and LH were common before and episodes of high oestrogen excretion were not uncommon after final menstruation. Menstrual failure appeared to occur spontaneously at some stage during the transition from the pre- to the post-menopausal state, and not to be associated with its conclusion. From the hormonal point of view the immediately post-menopausal period could not be distinguished from the long cycles of peri-menopausal women. This suggests that an endometrial rather than a hormonal event might determine the time at which menstruation stops during the menopausal transition.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite the acknowledgment that successful ageing is a heterogeneous life-course process, present models of successful ageing are unable to accommodate decline at the end of life because of methodological and conceptual limitations. The present study aimed to address these limitations, identifying different trajectories of successful ageing at the end of life.MethodsThe Successful Ageing Index (SAI), which is a scale consisting of components identified by systematic reviews of layperson perspectives and operational definitions of successful ageing, was collected in a longitudinal population-based cohort study of individuals aged 75 years and older—the Cambridge City over-75s Cohort Study (CC75C). SAI scores were examined longitudinally with growth mixture modelling (GMM) to identify classes of participants with similar trajectories; in this model decedents’ (n=1015) last completed interview and up to four previous data collection waves before death were used. Classes identified by GMM were compared by means of logistic regression models.FindingsA three-class model was identified: a high-functioning, no decline (HN) class; a high-functioning, gradual decline (HG) class; and a low-functioning, steep decline (LS) class. Individuals in the HN class were significantly younger at death (88·3 years [SD 4·9]) than were those in the HG (89·9 [5·0], p<0·0001) and LS classes (90·5 [5·1], p<0·0001); were significantly younger at their last interview (82·9 years [3·6] vs 85·0 [4·2] in the HG class [p<0·0001] and 86·3 [4·7] in the LS class [p<0·0001]); consisted of more men (52% men vs 31% in the HG class [p<0·0001] and 22% in the LS class [p<0·0001]); and were more likely to be married (51% vs 24% in the HG class [p<0·0001] and 19% in the LS class [p=0·0001]).InterpretationSuccessful ageing trajectories at the end of life are heterogeneous; individuals can experience many different trajectories towards death. Methods used in this study provide novel insights into successful ageing at the end of life. The present study provides the methodological framework for future research, with important implications for policy and practice, as well as insights into the demographic characteristics of end of life trajectories.FundingNone.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a follow-up study in which a representative sample of 608 Prague women aged 20–49 years in 1987 at first interview was re-interviewed in 1992 3 years after the revolution that ended the 41 years of the Communist era in Czechoslovakia. The average yearly consumption of alcohol in the followed-up female sample increased between 1987–92 from a reported 3.6 litres to 4.8 litres. The percentage of heavier drinkers (with average daily consumption of over 20 g alcohol) increased from 7.2% to 14.0%. The women expressed increased tolerance of drunkenness in their attitudes to drinking. The consumption increase was mainly due to increased drinking frequency of spirits and to increased quantity of beer consumed per occasion. The consumption increase was largest in women working as free-lance and the newly emerging self-employed women; economically inactive women did not increase their consumption. Women who reported a positive impact of the socio-political changes on their personal lives and an expansion of social contacts also reported larger than average consumption increases. A coincidence of stressful, possibly self-inflicted, life events and increased alcohol use was observed and interpreted as probably a two-way influence.  相似文献   

本文为一项大型前瞻性队列研究,从妊娠早期起即对受试者进行全面的生化检查,根据测定数据评估母体甲状腺功能紊乱和自体免疫对围产期结局(包括早产、出生体重和头围、分娩时胎位和围产期死亡率)的影响.本文即为该研究结果的报道.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Limited population-based data on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and pregnancy outcomes exist. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between maternal IBD status and adverse pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: Using computerized birth records of infants born to mothers with Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC) and mothers without diagnoses of IBD (no-IBD) in Washington State, we performed a cross-sectional retrospective study to determine gestational age, birth weight, and congenital malformations. RESULTS: Preterm delivery was seen in 15.2% of CD births, 10.4% of UC births, and 7.2% of no-IBD births. Low birth weight was found in 16.8% of CD births, 7.6% of UC births, and 5.3% of no-IBD births. Smallness for gestational age was present in 15.2% of CD births, 10.5% of UC births, and 6.9% of no-IBD births. Only CD births were at significantly increased risk of preterm delivery (p < 0.0025), low birth weight (p < 0.001), and smallness for gestational age (p < 0.001). Congenital malformations were more commonly recorded in UC births than in controls (7.9% vs 1.7%, p < 0.001), whereas 3.4% of CD births had malformations recorded. Using multivariable logistic regression, CD births were more likely to be preterm (odds ratio [OR] = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.4-3.8) and have low birth weights (OR = 3.6, CI = 2.2-5.9) and smallness for gestational age (OR = 2.3, CI = 1.3-3.9). UC births were more likely to have congenital malformations reported (OR = 3.8, CI = 1.5-9.8). CONCLUSIONS: Maternal IBD is associated with increased odds of preterm delivery, low birth weight, smallness for gestational age (CD), and reporting of congenital malformations (UC).  相似文献   

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