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儿童青少年意外伤害研究动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
儿童青少年意外伤害研究动态杨汴生意外伤害(unintentionalinjury)是指由各种意外事故而引起的人体的损伤。近年来,随着社会经济的发展,医疗保健水平的提高,儿童保健设施的完善,以往严重威胁儿童健康与生命的急、慢性传染病、严重营养障碍等问题...  相似文献   

了解儿童青少年伤害发生特点及影响因素,方法:分层整群抽取韶关市三个区,8所大、中、小学1557名7-28岁的学生,进行流行病学研究,结果该人群发生伤害12种,发生率为75.53%,主要危及10-14岁组和15-19岁组人群,大部分受到2种或以上的伤害,致功能不全或残疾率为3.08%。  相似文献   

南阳市儿童青少年意外伤害调查分析么鸿雁,丁琳,吕忠良,李君,杨磊,王秀敏,李梅,周澍宇,李明松,闫学梅为了解我市儿童青少年意外伤害(指由各种意外事故而引起的人体的损伤)的现状及发生、发展规律,为制订有效的干预措施提供依据,降低儿童青少年意外伤害的发生...  相似文献   

我国儿童意外伤害流行病学特征及预防措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伤害是一个重要的公共卫生问题也是世界各国的主要死亡原因之一。目前,世界卫生组织将意外伤害列为世界范围内人群的第五位死因。伤害也严重威胁青少年的健康,是0~14岁年龄组的第一位或第二位死亡原因。我国的伤害研究和防治工作虽起步较晚,但在青少年伤害干预、伤害死因监测等方面已达到国际先进水平,下面就我国儿童意外伤害流行病学特征及预防研究进展做一简要综述。  相似文献   

青海儿意外伤害的危险因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

青少年意外伤害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代医疗技术的提高,以往主要危害儿童健康的传染性疾病相继得到控制,意外伤害已成为影响发达国家和地区儿童和青少年健康和死亡的首要因素[1].在欧共体国家,每年大约有19万人死于伤害[2].中学阶段是人一生生命力最强、健康问题最少的时期,却是伤害的多发年龄段.1999年,我国有1.6万名中小学生因食物中毒、溺水、交通事故、自杀等导致非正常死亡,平均每天有一个班的学生因意外事故而早早离开了人世.由交通事故、跌落、火灾与烧伤、溺水、窒息、自杀等产生的伤害已被许多学者视之为当今严重的社会、经济、医疗和公共卫生问题[3].  相似文献   

2001年,我国有1.6万名小学生因意外伤害非正常死亡,意外伤害已成为我国1~14岁儿童死亡的第一位原因.儿童青少年意外伤害并不是完全不可避免的,采取综合性措施可有效地减少其发生,其中,对社区居民进行健康教育是减少或降低发生率的有效途径之一,社区健康教育应着重从以下几个方面入手.  相似文献   

儿童青少年意外伤害及其干预策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨儿童青少年意外伤害现状及其干预对策,为进一步研究儿童青少年意外伤害提供借鉴。方法:采用文献分析法,分析近10年儿童青少年意外伤害的相关研究。结果:儿童青少年意外伤害问题严峻,意外伤害呈现年龄阶段性,以溺水和交通事故为主要的伤害原因,干预策略主要有教育干预、社区干预和法制强化。结论:社会各学科、各部门应通力合作,共同致力于儿童青少年意外伤害干预策略的研究。  相似文献   

邳州市儿童青少年意外伤害死亡监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用2×C表线性回归显著性检验,对我市1~9岁儿童青少年意外伤害死亡监测结果作趋势研究,并结合减寿分析和流行病学方法,探讨该死因致死特点及对居民健康的影响。结果表明:7年间儿童青少年意外伤害致死1662例,占全死因60.50%,居构成比首位,标化死亡率达40.63/10万;男性及合计死亡率递减有显著意义,女性死亡率维持于39.06/10万水平;淹死、自杀死亡率递减对全死因死亡率下降贡献比较大,女性自杀、男性淹死、交通事故致死死亡率性别差异突出,淹死、自杀年龄别死亡率差异显著;性别及合计减寿率下降均有极显著意义。结果提示:意外伤害已成为儿童青少年死亡的主要原因,但该死因致死减寿影响程度递减,居民健康水平提高。  相似文献   

儿童意外伤害的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Behavioral risk factors for injury among rural adolescents.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This 3-year, longitudinal, prospective study examined behavioral risk factors for medically attended injuries among a cohort of 758 rural students from Maryland's Eastern Shore region who were 12-14 years of age in 1987. Students were surveyed annually in the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades with a self-administered questionnaire. Information was obtained on the number of injuries experienced, risk-taking behaviors, delinquency, alcohol and drug use, physical exercise and sports, parental supervision, and work experience. Information on the parents' education was obtained from a parental interview. Slightly more than half (53.5%) of the students reported having experienced one or more injuries in the eighth grade as compared with one-third of the students in ninth grade, and 38% of those in the tenth grade. Poisson regression analyses were conducted to examine the association of eighth grade variables with ninth grade injuries and ninth grade variables with tenth grade injuries. Results from these analyses indicated that, in addition to sex and race, a high degree of risk taking, frequent cruising, and having high and low parental supervision in the eighth grade significantly increased the number of injuries in ninth grade. In the tenth grade, risk taking continued to be associated with injuries. In addition, students who reported disciplinary problems in school, working 1-10 hours per week, drinking on 1-2 days during the past month, lifetime use of marijuana equal to 1-5 occasions, and involvement in sports experienced greater numbers of injuries in the tenth grade.  相似文献   

随着儿童青少年屏幕时间的不断增加,关于屏幕时间的研究也不断增加,本文主要综述屏幕时间对儿童青少年不良行为习惯、生理健康、心理健康的影响,以便为后期探讨屏幕时间影响儿童青少年健康的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着儿童青少年屏幕时间的不断增加,关于屏幕时间的研究也不断增加,本文主要综述屏幕时间对儿童青少年不良行为习惯、生理健康、心理健康的影响,以便为后期探讨屏幕时间影响儿童青少年健康的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨银川市儿童青少年血清尿酸水平与心血管危险因素以及心血管危险因素聚集(cardiovascular risk factor clustering, CVRFC)的关系。方法采取现况研究的设计,以分层整群抽样的方法于2015年、2017—2018年抽取银川市城区1486名10~18岁儿童青少年作为研究对象,年龄(14.3±1.4)岁,其中包括男生728人(49.0%),汉族1157人(77.9%),回族170人(11.4%),其他民族159人(10.7%)。所有研究对象均完成问卷调查、体格测量和生化检验。二元Logistics回归分析高尿酸血症(hyperuricemia, HUA)和性别与心血管危险因素及CVDRF≥2和CVDRF≥3的关联强度。结果调整混杂因素后,HUA与腹型肥胖(OR=3.23,95%CI 2.37~4.40)、高血压(OR=1.64,95%CI 1.21~2.23)、血脂异常(OR=1.51,95%CI 1.17~1.96)、CVRFC≥2(OR=3.71,95%CI 2.80~4.93)及CVRFC≥3 (OR=6.92,95%CI 4.18~11.64)...  相似文献   

儿童青少年时期是体格塑造的关键时期,该时期良好的身体素质奠定一生的健康基础。许多环境、行为等因素都可影响儿童青少年的生长发育,弄清这些因素对儿童青少体成分的作用有重要的指导意义。本文就年龄与性别、体能活动、睡眠、静态行为、母孕期营养状况及喂养方式等因素对儿童青少体成分的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

喻梅 《中国学校卫生》2016,37(11):1680-1681
了解贵阳市中小学生伤害的流行病学特征,为更好的开展干预和支持安全性工作提供理论依据.方法 采用自制调查表,对随机抽取的贵阳市15所学校6 865名在校中小学生进行调查分析.结果 共有1 124名学生发生过伤害,发生率为16.1%,其中男生为19.4%,女生为12.5% (P<0.05),小学生为17.2%,初中生为13.9% (P<0.05);意外伤害的发生率高于自杀或自创(P<0.05).在伤害程度中,门诊治疗或自行处理比例最高;在家中或校外、学校里发生率分别为27.8%,34.1%.意外伤害种类中,碰撞伤、触电、机动车伤、烧烫伤、溺水和爆炸伤的发生例数均为家中或校外超过学校.结论 学龄儿童的伤害安全问题严峻.针对影响学生发生伤害的影响因素确定相关针对性对策.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes among the homebound elderly and their correlation with individual characteristics and health-related factors remain poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the extent of inadequate dietary intakes of key nutrients among the homebound elderly by using the newly released dietary reference intakes and examined the associations of individual characteristics and health-related factors with low nutrient intakes. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional examination of data collected during the baseline assessment of a prospective study of nutrition and function among a randomly recruited sample of cognitively eligible recipients of home-delivered meals who completed a home visit and three 24-h dietary recalls (n = 345). Nutrient analysis was performed with the NUTRITION DATA SYSTEM software, and associations were identified through multiple regression models. RESULTS: In multiple regression models, lower intakes of specific nutrients were associated with subjects who were women, who were black, who reported a low income and limited education, and who did not usually eat breakfast. On the basis of the estimated average requirement standard for nutrient inadequacy, the intake of >/= 6 nutrients was inadequate in 27% of subjects, of 3-5 nutrients in 40% of subjects, and of 1-2 nutrients in 29% of subjects. On the basis of the adequate intake standard, a less than adequate intake of calcium was reported by 96% of subjects and of vitamin D by 99% of subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that home-delivered meals programs should target specific subgroups of participants with interventions, such as a breakfast meal or more-nutrient-dense meals, tailored to increase nutrient intakes and reduce the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to assess the relative influence of school class on health behaviour among adolescents versus that of the family's socioeconomic status and individual factors among adolescents. METHODS: The material comprised 3,458 students in grades 8 and 9 in 244 school classes. Data were collected through questionnaires completed by the students and by their class teacher and information from the school physician. Multilevel analysis was used to indicate the relative significance of individual and school class characteristics. RESULTS: We find no consistent pattern between the mother's socioeconomic status and the included health behaviour measurements; however, adolescents from the lower socioeconomic groups had a higher risk of unhealthy dietary habits and adolescents whose mothers were unemployed had a significantly lower risk of drinking alcohol weekly versus all other adolescents. Not living with both biological parents, focusing on friends, and not being very academically proficient were associated with an increased risk of harmful health behaviour. Health behaviour varied substantially between school classes, especially for daily smoking, weekly alcohol consumption, and use of hashish and other euphoriants. Circumstances in the school class more profoundly influenced risk behaviour among adolescents (smoking, alcohol consumption, and use of hashish or other euphoriants) than their dietary habits (eating breakfast, frequent intake of fruit and vegetables, and frequent intake of soft drinks). CONCLUSIONS: The school class had the relatively strongest influence on adolescents' risk behaviour (smoking, alcohol intake, and use of hashish or other euphoriants), whereas family circumstances comprised the strongest influence on dietary habits.  相似文献   

杨玉  黄慧  杨利  谢理玲 《中国妇幼保健》2011,26(30):4713-4716
目的:探讨性早熟的流行特征及危险因素,为儿童卫生保健、青春期健康教育提供依据。方法:选择2009年1月~2010年12月在江西省儿童医院内分泌科确诊为性早熟及南昌地区4所小学诊断为性早熟儿童共600人,对其家庭因素、社会因素、生活方式、饮食等多个方面进行问卷调查。结果:多因素Logistic回归分析结果发现,父母关系是否和睦、母亲初潮年龄、居住区域、家庭中使用塑料制品、喜爱看言情类电视剧、小说等、服用营养滋补品、喜食动物性食品或高蛋白饮食、经常食用洋快餐、经常食用饮料等含防腐剂、色素食品等因素与儿童性早熟有相关性(P<0.1)。结论:改善家庭关系,帮助儿童养成良好的饮食习惯和生活习惯有利于降低儿童性早熟的发病率。  相似文献   

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