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《Disability and health journal》2014,7(4):448-456
BackgroundVery few population-based studies have investigated the association between the onset of health conditions/impairments associated with disability and subsequent well-being.ObjectiveTo examine the association between the onset of disability and four indicators of well-being (full-time engagement in employment or education, financial hardship, social support, subjective well-being) among a nationally representative sample of Australian adolescents and young adults.MethodsSecondary analysis of the first eight waves (2001–2008) of the survey of Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia.ResultsFor financial hardship and subjective well-being, the majority of participants belonged to trajectory classes for which there was no evidence that the onset of disability was associated with a subsequent lowering of well-being. For participation in employment and education, the majority of participants belonged to trajectory classes for which there was evidence of a modest immediate reduction in participation rates followed by subsequent stability. For social support, the majority of participants belonged to trajectory classes for which there was evidence of a modest temporary reduction in support followed by rebound back to initial levels. Membership of classes associated with poorer outcomes was associated with a number of covariates including: male gender; younger age of disability onset; being born overseas; not living with both parents at age 14; lower proficiency in the English language; and parental education being year 12 or below.ConclusionsThe results of our analyses illustrate the existence of clear empirically defined trajectory classes following the onset of disability across a range of indicators of well-being. 相似文献
《Disability and health journal》2022,15(4):101374
The ongoing novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had considerable effects on the disability community. As the pandemic has progressed and changed, the manifestations of these effects have differed, and yet the underlying causes—ableism including the devaluation of disabled lives—have remained consistent. In this commentary, we explore the impact of the pandemic on the disability community in the United States, conceptualizing four distinct but overlapping “waves” of discrimination: 1) healthcare rationing and missed opportunities for disability inclusion, 2) access to resources, supplies, and accommodations; 3) vaccine access; and 4) long COVID and disability identity. Throughout our discussion of these waves, we detail the discrimination faced by people with disabilities, the underlying ableism that perpetuates it, and the resilience shown by the disability community. We end with a call for combating systemic ableism in healthcare and public health systems. 相似文献
《Health & place》2014
The use of city centre spaces by people with learning disability is not much debated in the literature. Here we include the thoughts and opinions of groups of people with learning disability as we undertook some guided walks through Sheffield city centre.We found that few of the participants had independent access to the city centre. Many cited concerns over personal safety and the most, on few occasions when they did visit, did so with family and/or paid staff for pre-planned purposes, usually linked to shopping. The need for appropriate support figured prominently. There is also a need to re-assess what we mean by social inclusion for this cohort. 相似文献
"They don't want our blood": social inclusion and blood donation among African migrants in Australia
The current study examines how feelings of social inclusion influence migrant communities' predisposition to donate blood, focusing specifically on Sub-Saharan African communities in Australia. We begin by explicating the theoretical links between social inclusion, citizenship and blood donation before discussing local and international perspectives of blood donation among African migrant communities. Using qualitative methods comprising nine focus group discussions, held between March and April 2010, we argue that blood donation intentions are mediated by whether or not individuals feel included in their new host society. Real and perceived discrimination experienced by African migrants in their everyday social interactions or in institutional settings can act as a barrier to blood donation. We conclude that removing such barriers, thereby increasing rates of donation in migrant communities, will help to build social capital and inclusion. Strategies for how this can be achieved are outlined. 相似文献
Snaefridur Thora Egilson Wendy Jane Coster 《Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy》2013,20(4):163-170
The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of a sample of Icelandic students, aged 6 to 12 years, with various impairments, on the School Function Assessment (SFA). The SFA was administered to 75 Icelandic students with identified special needs, 35 with physical impairments and 40 with cognitive/behavioral impairments. Both diagnostic groups demonstrated most participation in mealtime/snack time but had low scores on the school playground. Differences were found between the two study groups on all three parts of the instrument, with higher performance and participation scores for the students with cognitive/behavioral impairments. The findings raise the awareness of some of the challenges encountered by Icelandic students with special needs and indicate the importance of adapting Icelandic school settings to promote social participation of all students. 相似文献
《Disability and health journal》2021,14(4):101152
BackgroundMapping social inclusion often focuses merely on a specific aspect of interpersonal relationships or community participation and is often executed from one perspective (either the person with a disability or a proxy).ObjectiveThis paper explores whether the ecological model of Simplican, Leader, Kosciulek and Leahy (2015) can serve as a basis to develop an instrument that maps a variety of influencing enabling and disabling variables on both interpersonal relations and community participation, including the input of persons with a disability, network members and professionals.MethodsDirected content analysis was used to apply the ecological model to 14 cases of persons with a disability in independent supported living.ResultsThe ecological model proved to be a useful framework to map enabling and disabling factors of social inclusion in individual cases. Additions were made to the model, including adding a new level of ‘dynamics’ to grasp the dynamic reality of social inclusion. Different informants gave partly overlapping information, but the integration of the three perspectives was an added value for understanding social inclusion in all its complexities.ConclusionsThis paper serves as a first step in developing an in-depth instrument to map social inclusion. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Information on registers of children with special needs will be more meaningful if a validated measure of the severity of impact of a child's disability on life and family is included. DESIGN: We describe the development and initial validation of a parent-completed questionnaire (Generic Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire LAQ-G) aimed at measuring such impact. RESULTS: Data were collected on 95 case children, representing various disabilities, and 65 control children without disability, and analysed for case-control, test-re-test and inter-reporter reliability. Multidimensional scaling techniques were then used to derive six domains, representing impact of disability in a structure analogous to the participation domains of the revised International Classification ICF (WHO 2001). CONCLUSIONS: Initial results suggest that the LAQ-G is a reliable measure of the impact of disability for children with a range of common disabling conditions. 相似文献
Anna Ullenhag Christine Imms Dana Anaby Jessica M. Kramer Sonya Girdler Jan Willem Gorter Marjolijn Ketelaar Reidun Birgitta Jahnsen Catherine Elliott Mats Granlund 《Child: care, health and development》2024,50(2):e13249
In 2022, an international conference was held focusing on ‘participation’. We shared current evidence, identified knowledge gaps and worked together to understand what new knowledge and community and practice changes were needed. This brief communication is a summary of the conference delegates' discussions. We present the key assumptions we make about participation and propose what is needed to create change for societies, communities, families and individuals. While we have some robust evidence to support participation approaches, more is needed, and it is everyone's responsibility to build an inclusive society where participation for all is the reality. 相似文献
《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》的社会接受度分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解大众对《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》(以下简称《条例》)的接受度。方法于《条例》实施一周后在深圳机场和深圳大学对322人进行记调查。结果71%的人知道有《条例》;84%的人表示有必要制定《条例》。但无人通读过《条例》;对《条例》各条款的知晓率由15%~94%参差不齐。认为《条例》与自己关系不大、无意关心其实行情况、无意制止违规行为的分别达3%、58%和61%,尤以大学生为甚(59%、71%、 相似文献
目的 了解西南地区老年人社会参与现状,并以生命质量作为评价健康的指标,分析社会参与对老年人健康的影响。方法 利用2016—2017年在成都市和昆明市进行的入户调查数据,选取60岁及以上调查对象共3 698名。从有组织的活动参与、人际交往及参与群体性锻炼三个方面分析老年人的社会参与状况,并运用多因素logistic回归分析老年人的社会参与对生命质量的影响。结果 被调查对象人际交往总体较好,参与群体性锻炼较差。多因素分析显示,人际交往中的关系密切的朋友数量(OR = 1.476 及OR = 2.029)及家庭关系(OR = 1.241 及OR = 2.140)对躯体生命质量及心理生命质量均有影响;有组织的活动参与中的社会团体活动参加情况(OR = 1.482)仅对躯体生命质量有影响;有组织的活动参与中的“小区公共项目不直接对您有利时是否会参与”(OR = 1.298)以及参与群体性锻炼(OR = 1.608)对心理生命质量有影响。结论 老年人的社会参与对其生命质量有较为明显的影响。政府及社区对老年人的社会参与应该给予更多的关注。 相似文献
This study examined the functional requirements that significantly predicted participation of US elementary school children with a variety of disabling conditions (N = 266), in seven different school settings: Transportation, Transitions, Regular classroom, Special classroom, Mealtime, Bathroom, and Playground. Performance on a number of setting-relevant tasks was expected to be predictive of meaningful participation in each school environment. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify the order of importance of the relevant variables as well as the smaller set of functional tasks that best predicted children's participation in each setting. The results revealed that successful participation in the different elementary school settings was strongly associated with performance of both physical and cognitive/behavioural activities. Furthermore, each setting had a unique set of predictors, suggesting that some aspects of function are context-specific. Findings from this study may inform therapists about the most relevant areas of function that support social and physical participation of children with disabilities who are included in regular schools. 相似文献
King GA Law M King S Hurley P Hanna S Kertoy M Rosenbaum P 《Child: care, health and development》2007,33(1):28-39
There is a need for psychometrically sound measures of children's participation in recreation and leisure activities, for both clinical and research purposes. This paper provides information about the construct validity of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) and its companion measure, Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC). These measures are appropriate for children and youth with and without disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21 years. They provide information about six dimensions of participation (i.e. diversity, intensity, where, with whom, enjoyment and preference) and two categories of recreation and leisure activities: (i) formal and informal activities; and (ii) five types of activities (recreational, active physical, social, skill-based and self-improvement). This paper presents information about the performance of the CAPE and PAC activity type scores using data from a study involving 427 children with physical disabilities between the ages of 6 and 15 years. Intensity, enjoyment and preference scores were significantly correlated with environmental, family and child variables, in expected ways. Predictions also were supported with respect to differences in mean scores for boys vs. girls, and children in various age groups. The information substantiates the construct validity of the measures. The clinical and research utility of the measures are discussed. 相似文献
S. E. LaFave J. J. Suen Q. Seau A. Bergman M. C. Fisher R. J. Thorpe Jr. S. L. Szanton 《Journal of urban health》2022,99(1):28
We reviewed research that examines racism as an independent variable and one or more health outcomes as dependent variables in Black American adults aged 50 years and older in the USA. Of the 43 studies we reviewed, most measured perceived interpersonal racism, perceived institutional racism, or residential segregation. The only two measures of structural racism were birth and residence in a “Jim Crow state.” Fourteen studies found associations between racism and mental health outcomes, five with cardiovascular outcomes, seven with cognition, two with physical function, two with telomere length, and five with general health/other health outcomes. Ten studies found no significant associations in older Black adults. All but six of the studies were cross-sectional. Research to understand the extent of structural and multilevel racism as a social determinant of health and the impact on older adults specifically is needed. Improved measurement tools could help address this gap in science. 相似文献
学习困难儿童的家庭因素和社会适应能力分析 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
目的 为了解儿童学习困难与家庭因素、社会适应能力的相关影响。方法 应用学习情况家庭因素调查表“婴儿-初中学生社会生活能力量表”、采用多元Logistic回归分析,对58例学习困难和42名学习正常儿童的家庭因素及社会适应能力进行了分析。结果学习情况家庭因素中儿童学习态度、家庭经济、父母教育方式和管理方法等有显著性意义。社会量表显示,独立生活能力和自我管理能力具有显著性意义。结论 在进行儿童学习困难 相似文献
Vanesa Pérez-Martínez Belén Sanz-Barbero Rosario Ferrer-Cascales Nicola Bowes Alba Ayala Miriam Sánchez-SanSegundo Natalia Albaladejo-Blázquez Nicoletta Rosati Sofia Neves Cristina Pereira Vieira Barbara Jankowiak Katarzyna Waszyńska Carmen Vives-Cases 《The Journal of adolescent health》2021,68(5):922-929
PurposeTo analyze the potential association between social support, experiences of violence, and sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents and the likelihood of acceptance of violence and machismo in different European countries.MethodsCross-sectional design. We recruited 1,555 participants ages 13–16 from secondary schools in Alicante (Spain), Rome (Italy), Iasi (Romania), Matosinhos (Portugal), Poznan (Poland), and Cardiff (UK). We used linear regression models to identify how social support from teachers and parents, experiences of violence—dating violence, bullying, cyberbullying, abuse in childhood—and sociodemographic characteristics were associated with violent thinking, specifically: machismo and acceptance of violence. The analysis was stratified by sex.ResultsAcceptance of violence was higher for those who had lower perceived social support from parents (βgirls = ?154, p < .001; βboys = ?.114, p = .019) for both sexes. Perpetration of bullying and/or cyberbullying was associated with higher scores for machismo and acceptance of violence for both sexes (βgirls = .067, p = .035; βboys = .225, p < .001; (βgirls = .118, p < .001; βboys = .210, p < .001). Being the victim of dating violence, having suffered physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood, and lower perceived social support from teachers were associated with higher scores for both machismo and acceptance of violence. These associations differed between girls and boys.ConclusionsMachismo and acceptance of violence are widely present amongst adolescents in different European countries. Our results suggest the importance of providing educational/psycho-educational interventions with boys and girls to prevent these attitudes and, in turn, prevent interpersonal violence, including bullying and dating violence. 相似文献
《Health & place》2022
Little is known about how rooming house residents perceive how housing influences their health, despite higher morbidity and premature death compared to other Canadians. The social exclusion framework of the Social Knowledge Exchange Network (SEKN) conceptualized by Popay et al. (2008) was used to investigate how rooming houses are linked to health among ten rooming house residents from six rooming houses in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Study activities included taking photos to show how living in a rooming house affects health, a community walk-about with the principal investigator, a focus group, and individual interviews. Thematic analysis revealed two broad themes: Housing is Health Care, and Just Managing Today. Findings suggest that structural inequalities and siloed care contribute to the health of rooming house residents, including the balance between poverty and desire to maintain housing, and how residents cope with this stress. If health care providers want to help alleviate the disparities in rooming house residents' health, they need to broaden the lens through which health is conceptualized. 相似文献
Based on several stress-coping frameworks, recent studies have suggested that perceived experiences of discrimination, a psychosocial stressor, may be associated with various risky health behaviors. The 2001 Chicago Community Adult Health Study (n = 3,101), a face-to-face representative probability sample of adults in Chicago, IL, USA, was used to examine the relationship among lifetime everyday discrimination, major discrimination, and the use of illicit and psychotherapeutic drugs for nonmedical reasons. We used negative binomial logistic and multinomial regression analyses controlling for potential confounders. Approximately 17 % of the respondents reported using one or more illicit drugs and/or misusing one or more psychotherapeutic drug. Adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics, other stressors and various personality-related characteristics, results from negative binomial regression suggest that respondents who experienced moderate to high levels of everyday discrimination misused on average 1.5 different kinds of drugs more than respondents that experienced relatively low levels of everyday discrimination (p < 0.05). Similarly, an increase in one lifetime major discrimination event was associated with an increase of misusing 1.3 different drugs on average regardless of experiences of everyday discrimination (p < 0.001). When examining the types of drugs misused, results from multinomial logistic regression suggest that everyday discrimination was only associated with illicit drug use alone; however, lifetime major discrimination was associated with increased odds of using any illicit and both illicit/psychotherapeutic drugs. Mental health and substance use clinical providers should be aware of these potential relationships and consider addressing the harmful effects of perceived discrimination, in all patients not only among racial/ethnic minority patients. 相似文献