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<正>笔者在对1例成年男性标本进行解剖时,发现其左侧第5肋出现双肋软骨变异(图1),现报道如下。该例标本中,左侧第4肋与第6肋间出现双肋软骨,并向外与第5肋骨连接,连接处的第5肋骨前端呈融合板状膨大,较右侧宽约2.7 cm,肋骨体前部也比右侧宽约0.4 cm。该例变异中,下第5肋软骨,无论形态、长度,还是连结部位,都与右侧第5肋软骨相近,只是窄0.2 cm;而上第5肋  相似文献   

目的 探讨肋骨血管瘤的临床病理特征及诊断.方法 分析2例肋骨血管瘤的临床资料、影像学特征及病理学特征并进行文献复习.结果 例1女性,65岁,右侧胸腰部疼痛3年余,CT提示肿瘤位于右侧第11肋,术中见3.2 cm×2.2 cm×1.4cm大小的实性肿块并破坏周围骨质,手术切除11肋及其肿块.术后病理诊断为肋骨毛细血管瘤.例2男性,46岁,体检胸透偶然发现右侧胸壁肿块,CT提示肿瘤位于第6肋并破坏骨质.病理形态学上为肋骨海绵状血管瘤.结论 肋骨的血管瘤是一种极为少见的肿瘤,在胸壁的鉴别诊断中常被遗漏.临床常无症状,病理形态较典型.  相似文献   

患者男性,42岁.因“反复左侧胸痛5个月余”入院.查体:左侧第七肋隆起伴压痛;本院64排CT重建示:左第七肋骨占位伴溶骨性破坏,灶性区域见钙化灶,边缘有一条薄的硬化带(图1、2),考虑为骨巨细胞瘤.术中见:左侧第七肋肿块大小2cm×1.5 cm×1.5 cm,质地硬,界限清楚,临床考虑肋骨肿瘤.  相似文献   

人体十一对肋骨比较少见,我们在临床工作中遇到一例,现报道如下.患者,女.22岁,住院号890371.以左侧肋骨骨折住院.在阅读其胸片时发现肋骨为十一对,胸椎十一块,左侧第七、八肋骨折,两对浮肋存在.患者身高157cm,体重52kg,胸廓外形正常,心、肺、腹部及脊柱四肢均正常,高中毕业,既往健康.入院后又拍片查颈椎为7块,腰椎为5块,均正常.经用肋骨带外固定,治愈出院.该患者虽然缺少一块胸椎及一对肋骨,但其身高、脊柱、胸廓、智力及运动均正常.这种胸椎并肋骨缺如的现象,较少见.  相似文献   

患者男,33岁.因发现左胸背部包块4年余于2009年11月17日入院.CT肋骨三维重建示:左侧第六后肋可见一菜花样骨性密度影,其周可见多个软组织样肿物,肿物内见散在高密度钙化灶,肋骨未见明显骨质破坏征象,未见胸腔积液征象(图1).体检:左侧胸背部肩胛下角内侧旁可触及一个范围约5 cm ×4 cm包块,质中、边界清、活动度可,轻压痛.既往健康,无外伤史及肿瘤家族史.  相似文献   

呼吸系标本和上消化道标本制作方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强实验课的教学中的重点、难点内容的理解,特制着了呼吸系标本和上消化道标本,现介绍如下:1取材与选材选用经福尔马林固定一年以上,80 cm童尸一具。要求头、颈、胸完好无损。平肋弓下缘水平锯断获取头、颈、胸标本。2制作方法打开胸腔,取出心脏,包括心包,胸腺。首先用解剖刀沿两侧腋前线自锁骨向下垂直到第九肋暴露出肋骨,再用解剖刀从一侧最底点沿两侧肋弓边缘外上1·5 cm,向剑突方向切开,再从剑突沿肋弓边缘下1·5 cm到对侧刀口最低点连接切开,从两侧刀口最高点(锁骨)连接切开,去出胸前壁的皮肤肌肉、暴露肋骨、胸骨。接着用解剖剪…  相似文献   

据《中国人体质调查续集》 ,肺叶分型中左 3右 3型为6 67%± 4 5 6%。作者在解剖 1成年男性尸体时见其左肺三叶变异 ,现报道如下。该个例死因不详 ,双肺灰褐色 ,右肺粗短 ,被斜裂和水平裂分成上、中、下 3叶 ,与常人无异。左肺窄长 ,其被斜裂和不完整的水平裂分成下叶和不完整的上、中叶 ,该水平裂较短 ,在肋面近锁骨中线处起于斜裂上方3 6cm ,其斜向前下 ,约与第 4肋的行程一致 ,在第 4肋软骨胸骨端水平与肋前缘相交 ,然后转向纵隔面止于肺门前方1 5cm。该水平裂最深处距肺表面 3 8cm ,全长 10 5cm。该例变异主要表现为左肺不完整的水…  相似文献   

经皮穿刺心室腔内注射术,在临床抢救病人或人体解剖学专业灌注尸体常用。不宜损伤胸廓内血管、胸膜、肺及左冠状动脉前降支。心前区注射点在左侧第4或第5肋间间隙,距胸骨左缘旁开0.5-1.0cm处沿肋骨上缘刺入左心室腔。剑突下区点位于剑突左侧肋弓下1.0cm处,针尖朝心底方向,穿刺针与腹前壁成45℃角,刺入左或右心室腔内。本文就经皮穿刺心室腔内注射术的进展作一综述。  相似文献   

患者,男,47岁。胸闷、气急2月,浮肿1月入院。体检:神清,重症病容。左肺呼吸音减弱,闻及湿罗音:右肺(一)。心率96次/min,律齐,心音低钝,心界向两侧扩大。肝肋下4cm,剑突下4cm,质中。脾肋下2cm,质软。两下肢中度凹陷性浮肿。神经系统(一)。经抗炎、利尿、吸氧等处理无效,入院3d后死亡。临床诊断为结核性心包炎。尸检:左肺下叶近肺门支气管分叉处见5.5×5×5cm~3的灰白色肿块,质脆,其中夹有炭末沉着。周围边界尚清。肺门见4枚肿大淋巴结,切面同上。左肺上叶不张。左胸腔积液约1500ml,淡黄色。两肺均散  相似文献   

背景:为探寻除椎弓根外胸椎后路安全的螺钉进钉途径,现在国内外许多学者们对胸椎肋横突结合区的解剖结构进行了大量研究,结论尚不一致。目的:进行成人肋横突沟的解剖学与放射学测量,以探寻椎弓根外胸椎后路螺钉置入安全途径。方法:取8具成人防腐胸椎标本及相连的一段长5.0-6.0 cm的肋骨,保留肋间软组织和壁胸膜,去除其他软组织。对标本进行CT扫描,并进行三维重建,测量肋横突沟角度,对标本进行解剖学分析,测量肋横突上缘距离和肋横突下缘距离。结果与结论:成人肋横突结合区内存在1肋横突沟,直达椎体。肋骨上缘至横突上缘距离和肋骨下缘至横突下缘距离在第6-10胸椎节段最大,和其他节段比较差异有显著性意义(P0.05),肋横突沟在第6-10胸椎节段最明显。结果证实,成人肋横突沟可直达椎体,为椎弓根外胸椎后路安全螺钉置入途径提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

目的:评价不同分辨率的单色液晶显示器对胸部DR影像图上病灶检出效能和细节显示质量的影响。方法:从PACS中在线选取胸部DR影像图93幅,其中由阳性图38幅、疑诊图32幅、正常图23幅组成,将阳性病例按结节尺寸大小分为A、B两组,请高、中、低年资医师各3名在3种不同分辨率的显示器上3次独立读图。对于结节显示有无的评判采用5等分法:肯定有、可能有、不确定、可能无、肯定无,对于纹理显示质量优劣的评判采用3等分法:优、良和差。使用SPSS13.0对结果进行统计分析。结果:病灶检出效能:高年资医师使用2MP、3MP、5MP显示器识读A组结节时AUC分别为0.643、0.686、0.739,中年资为0.636、0.682、0.717,低年资为0.623、0.656、0.621;识读B组结节时高年资医师为0.813、0.832、0.846,中年资为0.773、0.824、0.838,低年资为0.763、0.773、0.833;不同放射诊断系统间病灶检出效能比较差异无统计学意义。细节显示质量:除在5MP显示器上高和中年资医师、高和低年资医师之间存在显著性差异(P0.05)外,其他比较差异均无统计学意义。结论:对于结节检测效能而言,不同放射系统之间诊断效能相当;对于纹理显示质量而言,高年资的医师在5MP显示器上能得到更多的信息。  相似文献   

Early fossil hominins have often been assigned a chronological age on the basis of modern human data for tooth eruption. Better data and more sophisticated methods are now available to estimate their chronological age from modern human standards for stages of mineralization of individual teeth developing within the jaws. However, while comparisons with modern human dentitions are interesting, they can also be misleading as early hominin teeth and dentitions did not grow like modern human teeth. Chronological age can also be estimated using the microanatomy of tooth enamel and root dentine. Counts of incremental markings in enamel predict much younger ages at death for early fossil hominins than those based on modern human radiographic standards of dental development. Comparative evidence from the skeleton suggests that a greater proportion of adult body mass and stature was achieved earlier in the growth period of fossil hominins than it is in modern humans. The combined skeleto-dental evidence provides the basis for a hypothesis that the earliest hominins grew more like modern great apes, but that Homo erectus had a slightly more prolonged period of growth, and which was still not totally modern human-like in its pattern or timing.  相似文献   

We studied the role of monocytes in the effect of myelopid and myelopeptides MP-1, MP-3, MP-5, and MP-6 on functional activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the reaction of blast transformation. Myelopeptides MP-1, MP-3, and MP-6 suppressed blast transformation of lymphocytes. The effect depended on the presence of monocytes in a cell culture. __________ Translated from Byulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 140, No. 7, pp. 85–87, July, 2005  相似文献   

Progress in understanding hominoid dental development   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Teeth preserve a record of the way they grow in the form of incremental markings in enamel, dentine and cementum. These make it possible to reconstruct cellular activity and the timing of dental development in living and fossil primates, including hominids. They also provide a way of exploring the mechanisms that underlie morphological change during evolution and the nature of the relationship between ontogeny and phylogeny. All living great apes are dentally mature by about 11 y, irrespective of their body mass. While the early period of root formation in living great apes is shorter than in modern humans, enamel takes approximately the same time to form, irrespective of how thick it is. In general, differences in the total time taken to form enamel seem not to be due to differences in the rate at which enamel and dentine are secreted, but rather to faster or slower rates of differentiation of ameloblasts and odontoblasts and therefore to the number of secretory cells active at any one time during tooth formation. Tooth size, especially height, may influence the sequence of appearance of tooth mineralisation stages. The space available in the jaws may also have an influence on both the timing of tooth bud/crypt appearance and the sequence of gingival emergence. When each of these potential influences on dental development are carefully considered, and incremental markings used to calibrate key events, the developing dentition can provide an estimate of the period of dental maturation in fossil hominoids. However, the influence of body mass on the period of dental development among primates remains unclear. The earliest hominoids, dated at around 18 Mya, may still have had modern monkey‐like maturational profiles, and the earliest hominids, dated between 1.8 and 3.7 Mya, modern great ape‐like maturational profiles. Exactly when the extended or prolonged modern human‐like maturational profile first appeared remains debatable, but the most secure suggestion might be at the time of the appearance of the earliest archaic Homo sapiens, when brain size and body mass were finally both within the ranges known for modern humans. But at present we should not reject the hypothesis that an extended, modern human‐like, maturational profile arose more than once during human evolution in parallel with an increase in brain size.  相似文献   

Accurate surface anatomy is a key component of safe clinical practice. But how consistent are modern clinical and surface anatomy texts in their reporting of common surface anatomy landmarks? Thirteen popular texts in common use were analyzed in detail: one clinical and anatomical reference text; seven clinical anatomy texts; two surface anatomy texts; and three clinical examination texts. Content relating to surface anatomy was reviewed, summarized, and assessed for consistency. Four main findings emerged: (i) there are numerous inconsistencies in clinically important surface markings (e.g., the femoral artery in the groin, superficial and deep inguinal rings, and accessory nerve in the posterior triangle), including inconsistencies within some texts; (ii) there is a consensus on many surface markings, e.g., the spleen and termination of the spinal cord; (iii) few texts address variation in surface anatomy related to age, sex, body mass, posture, respiration, and ethnicity; and (iv) the three standard clinical examination texts included in this review contain comparatively little surface anatomy. Seven surface anatomy landmarks were redefined within an evidence‐based framework: termination of the spinal cord, supracristal plane, base of the appendix, renal length, the deep inguinal ring, the femoral artery in the groin, and the accessory nerve in the posterior triangle of the neck. An evidence‐based framework is essential if surface anatomy is to be accurate and clinically relevant. Clin. Anat. 23:922–930, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The immunologic activity of lymph cells obtained in the course of therapeutic drainage of the thoracic duct was studied in 14 patients with subhepatic jaundice of varied genesis. The blast transformation of lymphocytes reaction showed that lymphocytes from lymph are capable of blast formation when exposed to the action of phytohemagglutinin, antilymphocytic -globulin, and certain bacterial antigens. The highest intensity of the reaction was found in cultures of lymph lymphocytes taken for these purposes on the 2nd–3rd days after the beginning of lymph drainage. In the course of lymphorrhea the ability of stimulated lymph cells to undergo blast formation is reduced. In the period of lymph drainage, no blast formation takes place in stimulated cultures of patients' blood cells. The majority of antigen-sensitive lymphocytes is thus in a reserve state in the lymphoid tissue of the body.Department of Infectious Diseases and Course in Emergency Surgery, V. I. Lenin Kazan' Postgraduate Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. D. Ado.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 33–35, January, 1980.  相似文献   

Populations of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, can be sorted into clonal lineages based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected with the repetitive DNA sequence MGR586. Mechanisms that produce DNA-fingerprint variation among lineages, are not known. In the process of analyzing the meiotic segregation of MGR586 RFLPs we identified a novel polymorphism, called MGR586-P2, in one member of a sister-spore pair from a complete tetrad. Molecular cloning revealed that P2 was generated by a nearby insertion of a novel, long-terminal-repeat (LTR)-containing retrotransposon. Genetic analysis showed that P2 and its progenitor polymorphism (P1) are alleles of a single polymorphic locus termed MGR586-PL (PL). Surprisingly, we found that a strain harboring PL recurrently produced clonal descendants harboring P1, P2 and possibly a third allele designated P3. PL is not located near a telomeric region. Our results show that some DNA-fingerprint loci may be hypervariable and undergo recurrent rearrangements. These findings have implications for interpreting DNA-fingerprint profiles from M. grisea populations. Received: 9 January / 25 March 1996  相似文献   

The reaction of peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy blood donors aged from 19 to 49 years to the mitogens phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A (con A), and rabbit serum against human thymocytes (ATS) was investigated. A significant decrease in the proliferative response of the lymphocytes to con A was found in subjects over 30 years old. Significant negative correlation was found between the indices of the proliferative response and the age of the donors during stimulation by con A for the whole group of subjects, but for stimulation by ATS only for subjects aged 30–49 years. Analysis of the intensity of incorporation of [3H]-thymidine shows a decrease with age in the proportion of cells with intensively labeled nuclei and an increase in the number of cells with weak labeling of the nucleus both with a decrease in the indices of the proliferative response with age and also when no significant differences were found in these indices.Laboratory of General Pathophysiology, Institute of Psychiatry, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. M. Chernukh.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 84, No. 11, pp. 600–602, November, 1977.  相似文献   

Transformed lymphocytes obtained by stimulating lymph node cells of CBA mice with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) do not give the graft versus host reaction (GVHR) if injected into sublethally irradiated (CBA×C57BL/6) F1 hybrids. In a population of PHA-stimulated cells the GVHR was induced by small lymphocytes having the same concentration of antigens, detectable by antilymphocytic serum, as intact lymphocytes.Department of Immunology, Medico-Biological Faculty, N. I. Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Yu. M. Lopukhin.) Translated from Byulletin' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 82, No. 9, pp. 1096–1098, September, 1976.  相似文献   

兔胸腹部爆炸伤后不同器官微血管通透性的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨爆炸性冲击伤后不同组织器官微血管通透性变化的特点及其可能的机理。方法采用雷管对兔的爆炸性冲击损伤模型 ,以及 125I-白蛋白标记的方法 ,观察爆炸性冲击波对兔心、脑、肺、肾、肝组织中的微血管通透性的影响。结果距爆源20cm处的爆炸冲击波平均压力峰值为174 .4kPa,可引起红细胞压积增加为14.9 % (与对照组相比 ) ,血浆丢失为对照的5.12倍 ;距爆源10cm时 ,爆炸冲击波的压力峰值可陡增至1000kPa以上 ,所致白蛋白漏出率为伤前的1.5倍 ,心、脑、肺、肾组织中的残留放射性较对照组增加约1 .6~1.9倍。结论爆炸冲击波能引起红细胞压积明显增加 ,血浆丢失 ,以及心、脑、肺、肾组织中微血管通透性的增加。  相似文献   

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