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目的 系统观察小型猪舌部早期发育的组织形态学变化,为研究小型猪的舌部早期发育机制提供参考.方法 选用怀孕23d、26d、30d、35d、40d、45d、50d(E23、E26、E30、E35、E40、E45、E50)小型猪,剖宫产取出猪胚,经固定、脱钙,脱水、常规石蜡包埋,8μm连续切片,HE染色,显微镜下观察不同天数小型猪胚胎舌部发育组织学特点.结果 E23-26舌部由两侧对称的侧舌隆突以及中间的奇结节构成.E26舌部充满整个口腔,此时主要为间充质细胞.E30出现成肌细胞,E35舌体下降到正常位置,并且有成肌细胞发育而来的肌管.E35~E50肌管逐渐变为成熟的肌纤维.结论 小型猪舌部早期发育的生理过程和组织学形态变化与人和小鼠相似,发育时相较小鼠与人类更为相近,可以作为研究舌早期发育的大型哺乳动物模型.  相似文献   

Summary A new system for the histological grading of malignancy was ultilized in 91 cases of squamous cell carcinomas of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue which were treated initially by radiotherapy at Osaka University Hospital from 1967 to 1980. Three different morphological parameters were evaluated with respect to the tumor, cell population estimated in terms of a four-point scale. A correlation was found between the degree of histological malignancy and the incidence of neck node metastasis. Furthermore, a statistical significance was valid on the survival rates between the group according to the histological grading. At present, prophylactic neck dissection is encouraged, especially for the highly malignant cases.  相似文献   

In a postmortem study, the authors examined 50 tongue specimens from old people, in order to detect amyloid deposits. No single case could be detected.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate breath odor reduction after giving tongue cleaning instruction to adults. The breath odor of 26 subjects (ages 19–77) was measured before and after tongue cleaning instruction. They were instructed to scrape away tongue coating with a Dental Pro multi-tufted tongue brush (Jacks co. Ltd.) once or twice a day. They used the tongue brush until they could see no more plaque on their tongue. Oral malodor was evaluated using: two portable sulphide monitors (Halimeter RH-17, Interscan Co.) and Brethtron, (Yoshida Co.), gas chromatography (GC-8A, Shimazu) and organoleptic measurements. Organoleptic measurements were estimated on a scale of 0 to 5 as follows : 0 = no odor, 1 = barely noticeable odor, 2 = slight odor, 3 = moderate odor, 4 = strong odor, 5 = severe odor. The subjects were asked to refrain from brushing, eating, drinking, smoking and using mouthwash 2 h before each examination. Tongue coating status was evaluated in five grades by inspection, according to distribution area and thickness of tongue coating. Probing depth, bleeding on probing and dental plaque were assessed. One week of tongue cleaning resulted in reductions in tongue coating status and breath odor. As a result of the before and after measurements, no correlation was observed between tongue cleaning as instructed and bleeding on probing or dental plaque. According to a questionnaire given 1 week after the study, tongue coating status had reverted to pre-cleaning condition in about 1 day. Therefore, we concluded that tongue cleaning should be done at least once a day to control breath odor.  相似文献   

In this study, scanning electron microscopy was used to describe the surface morphology of fissured tongue. Tissue samples from the anterior part of the tongue were taken from 15 patients with fissured tongue. The formalin-fixed samples were processed routinely for scanning electron microscopy. Typically, the surface of a fissured tongue was covered with hairless papillae of various sizes. The biggest papillae were larger than the body of a normal filiform papilla, and the apex was rounded and rough. On the other hand, some of these papillae had a few hairs and resembled normal filiform papillae, but were flatter. In addition some papillae formed only slight elevations on the tongue mucosa, which was smooth and contained some desquamating cells. The walls of the fissure found in macroscopical examination consisted of very low elevations of the smooth mucosa with some desquamating cells. At high magnification the superficial cells of the epithelium were polygonal. On their surface there were branching or parallel microplicae, which were often broken. Only occasionally superficial cells of the large papillae had a pitted appearance. The knob-like structures found among the microplicae and small cracks between the epithelial cells are discussed from the standpoint of the pathogenesis of fissured tongue.  相似文献   

In this study, scanning electron microscopy was used to describe the surface morphology of fissured tongue. Tissue samples from the anterior part of the tongue were taken from 15 patients with fissured tongue. The formalin-fixed samples were processed routinely for scanning electron microscopy. Typically, the surface of a fissured tongue was covered with hairless papillae of various sizes. The biggest papillae were larger than the body of a normal filliform papilla, and the apex was rounded and rough. On the other hand, some of these papillae had a few hairs and resembled normal filiform papillae, but were flatter. In addition some papillae formed only slight elevations on the tongue mucosa, which was smooth and contained some desquamating cells. The walls of the fissure found in macroscopical examination consisted of very low elevations of the smooth mucosa with some desquamating cells. At high magnification the superficial cells of the epithelium were polygonal. On their surface there were branching or parallel microplicae, which were often broken. Only occasionally superficial cells of the large papillae had a pitted appearance. The knob-like structures found among the microplicae and small cracks between the epithelial cells are discussed from the standpoint of the pathogenesis of fissured tongue.  相似文献   

张超  王栋  李玥  张红  袁颖 《口腔医学》2021,41(7):623-626
目的 观察舌肌的功能训练是否能改善舌后缩的程度并提高下颌全口义齿的固位效果.方法 选择30例舌后缩的无牙颌患者,按照生物功能性修复系统(biofunctional prosthetic system,BPS)的标准流程为其制作全口义齿,并在下颌义齿前牙区唇侧基托的磨光面制作3个底为5 mm、高为2 mm的树脂突,间隔为...  相似文献   

A histological study of experimental gingivitis in man   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Experimental gingivitis was induced in 21 individuals. Oral hygiene was abolished on the buccal and interproximal tooth surfaces of one side of the mouth in the mandibular premolar and molar area. The other tooth surfaces served as controls and were subject to thorough oral hygiene measures. After 15–17 days, when clinically manifest gingivitis had developed in the non-cleansing side of the majority of the subjects, biopsies were obtained from that side as well as from the control side. Histological examination of tissue from the experimental side revealed inflammatory infiltrates largely confined to the connective tissue adjacent to the pocket epithelium. The cells were mainly medium-large and small lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts. A few neutrophilic leukocytes were observed mostly inside the vessels and adjacent to and within the pocket epithelium. Immature and mature plasma cells were seen in the central regions of the connective tissue, but were scant or absent nearer to the pocket epithelium The distribution of the different types of mononuclear cells might be consistent with a transformation of lymphocytes into plasma cells.  相似文献   

A serial growth study of the tongue and intermaxillary space.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

目的 研究在不同愈合时间和负载条件下微型种植体支抗-骨界面压力侧和非压力侧的组织学变化.方法 选用纯种Beagle犬8只,在其上颌根间牙槽骨中植入86颗微型种植体支抗,分别进行即刻负载、愈合2周、愈合4周、愈合12周后加载150 g和300 g牵引力,定期注射荧光标志物,加载2个月后处死动物.标记种植体的压力侧和非压力侧,两侧分别进行种植体颈部骨结合率(BIC)、骨充填率(BSA)和矿物沉积率(MAR)的测量以及HE染色组织形态观察,以BIC和BSA作为骨整合能力的观察指标.结果 即刻负载组和愈合2周负载300克组压力侧的骨整合能力、矿物沉积率和骨改建活跃程度均小于非压力侧,其余各组则相反.不同负载力值组间比较无显著性差异.结论 微型种植体支抗-骨界面颈部即刻负载时压力侧的骨整合和骨改建较非压力侧低,随着愈合时间的延长,压力侧相对增强,非压力侧相对降低,而负载力值对界面的影响较小.
Objective To investigate the histological difference at the bone-implant interface between pressure and non-pressure sides of the mini-screw implant anchorage (MIA) under the condition of different loading force and heeling time. Methods Eighty-six MIAs were inserted in the maxillary alveolar bone between the dental roots in 8 beagles. Healing after 0, 2, 4, 12 weeks, 150 g and 300 g forces were loaded perpendicularly to the implants and fluorochrome was injected. Two months later, all dogs were sacrificed. The slices of MIA on the pressure and non-pressure sides were labeled. Bone implant contact ratio(BIC), bone surface area(BSA) and mineral apposition rate (MAR) were measured and histological observations were carried out. Results BIC, BSA, MAR and bone remodeling on the pressure side were lower than those on the non-pressure side in the immediate loading group and the group healing after 2 weeks with 300 g force, while the reverse result was observed in the rest of the groups. No significant difference was found between the two different force loading groups. Conclusions Bone integration and remodeling on the pressure side of MIA-bone interface was lower than those on the non-pressure side in the immediate loading group. With the healing time, it was relatively increased on the pressure side while decreased on the non-pressure side.  相似文献   

目的 研究在不同愈合时间和负载条件下微型种植体支抗-骨界面压力侧和非压力侧的组织学变化.方法 选用纯种Beagle犬8只,在其上颌根间牙槽骨中植入86颗微型种植体支抗,分别进行即刻负载、愈合2周、愈合4周、愈合12周后加载150 g和300 g牵引力,定期注射荧光标志物,加载2个月后处死动物.标记种植体的压力侧和非压力侧,两侧分别进行种植体颈部骨结合率(BIC)、骨充填率(BSA)和矿物沉积率(MAR)的测量以及HE染色组织形态观察,以BIC和BSA作为骨整合能力的观察指标.结果 即刻负载组和愈合2周负载300克组压力侧的骨整合能力、矿物沉积率和骨改建活跃程度均小于非压力侧,其余各组则相反.不同负载力值组间比较无显著性差异.结论 微型种植体支抗-骨界面颈部即刻负载时压力侧的骨整合和骨改建较非压力侧低,随着愈合时间的延长,压力侧相对增强,非压力侧相对降低,而负载力值对界面的影响较小.  相似文献   

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