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The dynamic nature of synaptic connections has presented morphologists with considerable problems which, from a structural perspective, have frustrated the development of ideas on synaptic plasticity. Gradually, however, progress has been made on concepts such as the structural remodelling and turnover of synapses. This has been considerably helped by the recent elaboration of unbiased stereological procedures. The major emphasis of this review is on naturally occurring synaptic plasticity, which is regarded as an ongoing process in the postdevelopmental CNS. The focus of attention are PSs, with their characteristically discontinuous synaptic active zone, since there is mounting evidence that this synaptic type is indicative of synaptic remodelling and turnover in the mature CNS. Since the majority of CNS synapses can only be considered in terms of their relationship to dendritic spines, the contribution of these spines to synaptic plasticity is discussed initially. Changes in the configuration of these spines appears to be crucial for the plasticity, and these can be viewed in terms of the significance of the cytoskeleton, of various dendritic organelles, and also of the biophysical properties of spines. Of the synaptic characteristics that may play a role in synaptic plasticity, the PSD, synaptic curvature, the spinule, coated vesicles, polyribosomes, and the spine apparatus have all been implicated. Each of these is assessed. Especial emphasis is placed on PSs because of their ever-increasing significance in discussions of synaptic plasticity. The possibility of their being artefacts is dismissed on a number of grounds, including consideration of the results of serial section studies. Various roles, other than one in synaptic plasticity have been put forward in discussing PSs. Although relevant to synaptic plasticity, these include a role in increasing synaptic efficacy, as a more permanent type of synaptic connection, or as a route for the intercellular exchange of metabolites or membrane components. The consideration of many estimates of synaptic density, and of PS frequency, have proved misleading, since studies have reported diverse and sometimes low figures. A recent reassessment of PS frequency, using unbiased stereological procedures, has provided evidence that in some brain regions PSs may account for up to 40% of all synapses. All ideas that have been put forward to date regarding the role of PSs are examined, with particular attention being devoted to the major models of Nieto-Sampedro and co-workers, Carlin and Siekevitz, and Dyson and Jones. New ideas based on recent analysis of quantitative data and of 3-dimensional reconstructions of PSs are discussed. According to these, PSs constitute a separate, and more enduring, component of the synaptic population than NPSs, and have a major role in the maintenance of synaptic efficacy in the mature CNS.  相似文献   

Analysis of axospinous synapses in the rat dentate gyrus, using three-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs of serial sections, revealed a novel synaptic subtype. Synapses of this subtype exhibit partitions that emanate from the postsynaptic spine head and invaginate the presynaptic axon terminal, dividing its portion contacted by the spine into distinct protrusions. Such complete spine partitions provide barriers between two to four discrete transmission zones, each one being formed by a separate axon terminal protrusion and delineated by a separate segment of the postsynaptic density (PSD). Spine partitions that differ from the complete ones were found in two other synaptic subtypes. One of these is characterized by a sectional partition the base of which is placed between the arms of a horseshoeshaped PSD. Synapses of another subtype exhibit a focal partition the base of which is restricted to a perforation in a fenestrated PSD. Although both sectional and focal partitions invaginate a presynaptic axon terminal, they do not divide into separate protrusions and do not split a single transmission zone into disjointed entities. All three subtypes of partitioned synapses have nonpartitioned counterparts exhibiting segmented, horseshoe-shaped, or fenestrated PSDs. These observations suggest a model of structural modifications underlying synaptic plasticity. According to this model, synapses with multiple, completely partitioned transmission zones that appear to be designed as elements of an unusually high strength, represent pivotal structural intermediates in synaptic plasticity. The formation of such synapses from those that belong to other subtypes is postulated to result in a sustained increase in the efficacy of synaptic transmission. Conversely, a disassembly of complete partitions with the transformation of multiple transmission zones into a single one is proposed to lead to a persistent depression of synaptic respones.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are small protrusions on neuronal dendrites and the major target of the excitatory inputs in mammalian brains. Cultured neurons and brain slices are important tools in studying the biochemical and cellular properties of dendritic spines. During the processes of immunocytochemical studies of neurons and the preparation of brain slices, neurons were often kept at temperatures lower than 37 degrees C for varied lengths of time. This study sought to investigate whether and how cold treatment would affect the protein composition of dendritic spines. The results indicated that upon cold treatment four postsynaptic proteins, namely, alpha,beta-tubulins, calcium, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIalpha, and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain and microtubule-associated protein 2, but not PSD-95 or AMPA receptors, exited from the majority of dendritic spines of cultured rat hippocampal neurons in a Gd(3+)-sensitive manner. The cold-induced exit of tubulins from dendritic spines was further found to be an energy-dependent process involving the activation of Gd(3+)-sensitive calcium channels and ryanodine receptors. The results thus indicate that changes in temperature, calcium concentration, and energy supply of the medium surrounding neurons would affect the protein composition of the dendritic spines and conceivably the protein composition of the subcellular organizations, such as the postsynaptic density, in the cytoplasm of dendritic spines.  相似文献   

Matus A  Brinkhaus H  Wagner U 《Hippocampus》2000,10(5):555-560
Dendritic spines form the postsynaptic element at most excitatory synapses in the brain. The spine cytoskeleton consists of actin filaments which, in time-lapse recordings of living neurons expressing actin labeled with green fluorescent protein, can be seen to undergo rapid, dynamic changes. Because actin dynamics are associated with changes in cell shape, these cytoskeletal rearrangements may form a molecular basis for the morphological plasticity at brain synapses. The rapidity of these dynamic events in dendritic spines raises new questions. First, do the changes in actin cytoskeleton that are visible by light microscopy really correspond to changes in spine morphology, or do they represent changes in the relationship between actin and its many binding partners at postsynaptic sites? Second, how are these changes regulated by synaptic transmission? Third, to what extent do these changes occur in organized brain tissue? Answers to these questions are now beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

Psychiatric and neurologic disorders ranging from mental retardation to addiction are accompanied by structural and functional alterations of synaptic connections in the brain. Such alterations include abnormal density and morphology of dendritic spines, synapse loss, and aberrant synaptic signaling and plasticity. Recent work is revealing an unexpectedly complex biochemical and subcellular organization of dendritic spines. In this review, we highlight the molecular interplay between functional domains of the spine, including the postsynaptic density, the actin cytoskeleton, and membrane trafficking domains. This research points to an emerging level of analysis--a microanatomical understanding of synaptic physiology--that will be critical for discerning how synapses operate in normal physiologic states and for identifying and reversing microscopic changes in psychiatric and neurologic disease.  相似文献   

Recent work has emphasized the role of adhesion molecules in synaptic plasticity, including long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Such adhesion molecules are concentrated in junctions that are characterized by dense thickenings on both sides of the junction and are called puncta adhaerentia (PA). Reconstruction from serial electron microscopy was used to determine the location and size of PA in the stratum radiatum of hippocampal area CA1, where many of the previous functional studies have been performed. PAs were found at the edges of synapses on 33% of dendritic spines. The areas occupied by PA were variable across different types of synapses, occupying 0.010 ± 0.005 μm2 at macular synapses and 0.034 ± 0.031 μm2 at perforated synapses. Another zone, called a vesicle-free transition zone (VFTZ), was identified. Like the PA, this zone also had no presynaptic vesicles and was located at the edges of synapses; however, unlike the PA, the presynaptic thickening was less than the postsynaptic thickening. Together, 45% of spine synapses had PA and/or VFTZ occupying 23 ± 11% of the total junctional area between axons and spines. PA also occurred at nonsynaptic sites involving neuronal as well as glial elements. Most (64%) of these PAs occurred between nonsynaptic portions of dendritic spines and neighboring astrocytic processes. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum was often apposed to one or both sides of the synaptic and the nonsynaptic PA. These findings provide further data as a structural basis for understanding the roles of cell adhesion junctions in hippocampal synaptic function and plasticity. J. Comp. Neurol. 393:58–68, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

GABA-containing axon terminals were observed in the distal two-thirds of the dentate molecular layer to contact spines and dendrites of the granule cells. These contacts have the morphological characteristics of inhibitory synapses: they contain pleomorphic vesicles and have symmetrical junctional specializations. Convergence of an asymmetrical, non-GABAergic and a symmetrical, GABAergic synapse on one spine was often observed.  相似文献   

T. Sutula  C. Harrison  O. Steward   《Brain research》1986,385(2):291-299
The role of the dentate gyrus (DG) in the development and maintenance of kindling induced by periodic electrical stimulation of the entorhinal cortex (EC) was evaluated in rats. Colchicine, a selective neurotoxin for granule cells of the DG, was injected into the DG: prior to kindling and after the development of kindling. Prior destruction of the DG delayed the development of afterdischarge (AD) induced by EC stimulation, but kindling proceeded at normal rates after the first AD was induced. Destruction of the DG after kindling did not abolish the kindled seizures. Thus, the DG was not required for either the development or maintenance of kindling by EC stimulation, but an intact perforant path input from the EC to DG facilitated the emergence of epileptogenesis by kindling of the EC. The results suggest that kindling develops and is maintained in a network of multiple pathways which are related to the site of stimulation. The DG appears to be the site of a temporally specific alteration which facilitates the development of kindling by EC stimulation.  相似文献   

Although it has long been suggested that lithium has robust neuroplastic actions, and these actions lead to an enhancement on synaptic plasticity, the effects of lithium treatment on synaptic plasticity have been rarely studied. This study examined the effects of sub-chronic lithium treatment on synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampal slices in the rats. Young adult rats were intraperitoneally administered a daily dose of 1 mgEq LiCl or saline-vehicle for 14 days. Twelve hours after the last injections, the input/output (I/0) responses of field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) and the long-term potentiation (LTP) of fEPSP and population spikes (PS) were determined in the DG of hippocampal slices prepared from the animals treated with lithium or vehicle. Treatment of lithium for 14 days significantly increased the I/O responses of fEPSP and the LTP of fEPSP and PS. These results indicate that sub-chronic treatment of lithium increases the excitatory postsynaptic responses, synaptic strength and the cell firing of the granule cells in the DG of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The dendritic branching pattern and the distribution of dendritic spines were studied in hippocampal neurones with an improved technique. In slices taken from adult Wistar rats, CA1 pyramidal cells were filled with Lucifer yellow and examined under a laser-scanning confocal microscope. The basal dendrites were found evenly distributed inside a regular cupola-shaped volume. Their total length was about 4,500 μm. The branches divided between one and three times, with the initial segments comprising less than 2%, and the long terminal segments (mean length, 119 μm) including more than 80% of the total length of the basal dendrites. The apical dendritic branches emerged obliquely from the main shaft, ran for a distance of 50 to 250 μm, and made up a total length of about 5,100 μm in stratum radiatum and between 1,100 and 3,200 μm in stratum lacunosum-moleculare. The mean total length of the dendritic tree was 11,900 μm. All values were corrected for shrinkage. Shrinkage was measured in three dimensions and was 20.2% in the horizontal (x/y) plane and 40.9% in the vertical (z) plane. Both the basal and the apical dendritic branches were covered by regularly spaced spines. When corrected for dehydration-induced shrinkage and for hidden spines, the density was 1.80 and 2.00 spines/μm dendritic length for the basal and apical dendritic branches, respectively. Apart from the initial parts of the branches, which had few or no spines, the spines were remarkably evenly spaced. In particular, the distance between spine heads was significantly different from a random distribution, suggesting a regulatory process for the spacing of spines. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mint1 and mint2 were isolated in the course of seeking the protein ligands to munc18-1, a neuronal protein essential for synaptic vesicle exocytosis. The mint family of proteins has been highly conserved in the course of evolution, being retained from C. elegans to mammals. Several lines of biochemical and genetic evidence have suggested that mint1 and LIN-10, its homologue in C. elegans, function at synapses in the brain. Because the precise subcellular location of mint1 is incompletely known, we used immunostaining to examine the distribution of mint1 in the mouse brain including ultrastructural localization in synapses. Strong, finely punctate mint1 immunolabeling was detected throughout the brain, including cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, basal ganglia and cerebellum. At the most synapses in the molecular layer, mint1 was particularly abundant at the active zone and to a lesser extent in association with synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic terminals. In contrast, a very few synapses showed mint1 immunoreactivity in the postsynaptic density and there was no synapse double-positive in presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals. Mint1 distribution within presynaptic terminals overlapped that of munc18-1. These localization results are consistent with previously demonstrated biochemical interactions and strongly support functions of mint1 in synaptic vesicle exocytosis and synaptic organization in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Spinophilin is enriched in dendritic spines, small protrusions of the postsynaptic membrane along the length of the dendrite that contain the majority of excitatory synapses. Spinophilin binds to protein phosphatase 1 with high affinity and targets it to dendritic spines, therefore placing it in proximity to regulate glutamate receptor activity. Spinophilin also binds to and bundles f-actin, the main cytoskeletal constituent of dendritic spines, and may therefore serve to regulate the structure of the synapse. In this study, we sought to determine the structural basis for the targeting of spinophilin to dendritic spines. Our results show that the actin-binding domain of spinophilin is necessary and sufficient for targeting of spinophilin to dendrites and dendritic spines.  相似文献   

gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors are located at the majority of inhibitory synapses in the mammalian brain. However, the mechanisms by which GABAA receptor subunits are targeted to, and clustered in, the postsynaptic membrane are poorly understood. Recent studies have demonstrated that gephyrin, a protein first identified as a component of the glycine receptor (GlyR) complex, is colocalized with several subtypes of GABAA receptors and is involved in the stabilization of postsynaptic GABAA receptor clusters. Thus, gephyrin functions as a clustering protein for major subtypes of inhibitory ion channel receptors.  相似文献   

Recurrent seizure activity induced during kindling has been reported to cause an increase in the hilar area of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. To date, very little is known about the mechanism of this increase. This study investigated the time course for kindling-induced changes in the hilar area of the dentate gyrus at seven days, one month, and two months post-kindling. Hilar area of the dentate gyrus was significantly increased by approximately 46% at seven days and remained elevated at one month, but declined back to control levels by two months. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunostaining was also evaluated at the same time points to determine whether kindling-induced changes in the hilar area of the dentate gyrus are related to kindling-induced glial cell changes. Increases in hilar GFAP immunostaining by approximately 57% were observed at seven days and at one month post-kindling, but not at two months post-kindling. These findings indicate that kindling-induced changes in the hilar area of the dentate gyrus and kindling-induced glial cell changes follow a similar time course, and that kindling-induced glial cell changes may mediate the observed changes in the hilar area of the dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

The location and density of postsynaptic α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors is controlled by scaffolding proteins within the postsynaptic density (PSD). SAP97 is a PSD protein with two N‐terminal isoforms, α and β, that have opposing effects on synaptic strength thought to result from differential targeting of AMPA receptors into distinct synaptic versus extrasynaptic locations, respectively. In this study, we have applied dSTORM super resolution imaging in order to localize the synaptic and extrasynaptic pools of AMPA receptors in neurons expressing α or βSAP97. Unexpectedly, we observed that both α and βSAP97 enhanced the localization of AMPA receptors at synapses. However, this occurred via different mechanisms: αSAP97 increased PSD size and consequently the number of receptor binding sites, whilst βSAP97 increased synaptic receptor cluster size and surface AMPA receptor density at the PSD edge and surrounding perisynaptic sites without changing PSD size. αSAP97 also strongly enlarged presynaptic active zone protein clusters, consistent with both presynaptic and postsynaptic enhancement underlying the previously observed αSAP97‐induced increase in AMPA receptor‐mediated currents. In contrast, βSAP97‐expressing neurons increased the proportion of immature filopodia that express higher levels of AMPA receptors, decreased the number of functional presynaptic terminals, and also reduced the size of the dendritic tree and delayed the maturation of mushroom spines. Our data reveal that SAP97 isoforms can specifically regulate surface AMPA receptor nanodomain clusters, with βSAP97 increasing extrasynaptic receptor domains at peri‐synaptic and filopodial sites. Moreover, βSAP97 negatively regulates synaptic maturation both structurally and functionally. These data support diverging presynaptic and postsynaptic roles of SAP97 N‐terminal isoforms in synapse maturation and plasticity. As numerous splice isoforms exist in other major PSD proteins (e.g., Shank, PSD95, and SAP102), this alternative splicing may result in individual PSD proteins having divergent functional and structural roles in both physiological and pathophysiological synaptic states.  相似文献   

Signal transduction in the nervous system depends on kinases and phosphatases, whose localization is regulated by a large group of scaffolding proteins. In particular, protein phosphatase-1 mediates dopamine's actions on a variety of substrates, including glutamate receptors, and this, in turn, depends on the binding of protein phosphatase-1 to its binding protein spinophilin. To better understand spinophilin's role in targeting protein phosphatase-1 within neurons, we used a combination of preembedding immunoperoxidase and postembedding immunogold labeling and electron microscopy to determine the localization of this scaffolding protein in macaque prefrontal cortex. Consistent with previous reports, spinophilin was found predominantly in dendritic spines, but a significant number of labeled dendritic shafts and, less frequently, glia and preterminal axons were also identified. By using the postembedding immunogold method, we further examined the distribution of spinophilin within dendritic spines. Spinophilin immunoreactivity was present throughout the spine, but the density of label was heterogeneous and defined two domains. The highest density of label was associated with the postsynaptic density and the 100 nm immediately subjacent to it. The deeper region of the spine, further than 100 nm from the postsynaptic density, had a lower density of spinophilin label. The distribution of spinophilin reported in this study supports its role in modulating glutamatergic neurotransmission but also suggests the possibility that spinophilin may target protein phosphatase-1 to other sites within the spine or to other neuronal or glial compartments.  相似文献   

Synapses were analyzed in the middle molecular layer (MML) and inner molecular layer (IML) of the rat dentate gyrus following the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) by high-frequency stimulation of the medial perforant path carried out on each of 4 consecutive days. Potentiated animals were sacrificed 1 hour after the fourth high frequency stimulation. Stimulated but not potentiated and implanted but not stimulated animals served as controls. Using the stereological disector technique, unbiased estimates of the number of synapses per postsynaptic neuron were differentially obtained for various subtypes of axospinous junctions: For atypical (giant) nonperforated synapses with a continuous postsynaptic density (PSD), and for perforated ones distinguished by (1) a fenestrated PSD and focal spine partition, (2) a horseshoe-shaped PSD and sectional spine partition, (3) a segmented PSD and complete spine partition(s), and (4) a fenestrated, (5) horseshoe-shaped, or (6) segmented PSD without a spine partition. The major finding of this study is that the induction of LTP in the rat dentate gyrus is followed by a significant and marked increase in the number of only those perforated axospinous synapses that have multiple, completely partitioned transmission zones. No other synaptic subtype exhibits such a change as a result of LTP induction. Moreover, this structural alteration is limited to the terminal synaptic field of activated axons (MML) and does not involve an immediately adjacent one (IML) that was not directly activated by potentiating stimulation. The observed highly selective modification of synaptic connectivity involving only one particular synaptic subtype in the potentiated synaptic field may represent a structural substrate of the long-lasting enhancement of synaptic responses that characterizes LTP.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series to quantify differences in the composition of subcellular organelles and three-dimensional structure of dendritic spines that could contribute to their specific biological properties. Proximal apical dendritic spines of the CA3 pyramidal cells receiving synaptic input from mossy fiber (MF) boutons in the adult rat hippocampus were evaluated in three sets of serial electron micrographs. These CA3 spines are unusual in that they have from 1 to 16 branches emerging from a single dendritic origin. The branched spines usually contain subcellular organelles that are rarely found in adult spines of other brain regions including ribosomes, multivesicular bodies (MVB), mitochondria, and microtubules. MVBs occur most often in the spine heads that also contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes occur most often in spines that have spinules, which are small nonsynaptic protuberances emerging from the spine head. Most of the branched spines are surrounded by a single MF bouton, which establishes synapses with multiple spine heads. The postsynaptic densities (PSDs) occupy about 10-15% of the spine head membrane, a value that is consistent with spines from other brain regions, with spines of different geometries, and with immature spines. Individual MF boutons usually synapse with several different branched spines, all of which originate from the same parent dendrite. Larger branched spines and MF boutons are more likely to synapse with multiple MF boutons and spines, respectively, than smaller spines and boutons. Complete three-dimensional reconstructions of representative spines with 1, 6, or 12 heads were measured to obtain the volumes, total surface areas, and PSD surface areas. Overall, these dimensions were larger for the complete branched spines than for unbranched or branched spines in other brain regions. However, individual branches were of comparable size to the large mushroom spines in hippocampal area CA1 and in the visual cortex, though the CA3 branches were more irregular in shape. The diameters of each spine branch were measured along the cytoplasmic path from the PSD to the origin with the dendrite, and the lengths of branch segments over which the diameters remained approximately uniform were computed for subsequent use in biophysical models. No constrictions in the segments of the branched spines were thin enough to reduce charge transfer along their lengths.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The family of Shank scaffolding molecules (comprising Shank1, 2 and 3) are core components of the postsynaptic density (PSD) in neuronal synapses. Shanks link surface receptors to other scaffolding molecules within the PSD, as well as to the actin cytoskeleton. However, determining the function of Shank proteins in neurons has been complicated because the different Shank isoforms share a very high degree of sequence and domain homology. Therefore, to control Shank content while minimizing potential compensatory effects, a miRNA‐based knockdown strategy was developed to reduce the expression of all synaptically targeted Shank isoforms simultaneously in rat hippocampal neurons. Using this approach, a strong (>75%) reduction in total Shank protein levels was achieved at individual dendritic spines, prompting an approximately 40% decrease in mushroom spine density. Furthermore, Shank knockdown reduced spine actin levels and increased sensitivity to the actin depolymerizing agent Latrunculin A. A SHANK2 mutant lacking the proline‐rich cortactin‐binding motif (SHANK2‐ΔPRO) was unable to rescue these defects. Furthermore, Shank knockdown reduced cortactin levels in spines and increased the mobility of spine cortactin as measured by single‐molecule tracking photoactivated localization microscopy, suggesting that Shank proteins recruit and stabilize cortactin at the synapse. Furthermore, it was found that Shank knockdown significantly reduced spontaneous remodelling of synapse morphology that could not be rescued by the SHANK2‐ΔPRO mutant. It was concluded that Shank proteins are key intermediates between the synapse and the spine interior that, via cortactin, permit the actin cytoskeleton to dynamically regulate synapse morphology and function.  相似文献   

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