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BACKGROUND: Although the topic of pain among older people has received increasing interest, little is still known about how pain is experienced or handled by those who no longer manage independently but depend on professionals for help with daily living. Developing pain management for older people requires such knowledge. AIM: To explore sense of self, sense of pain, daily living with pain, sense of others and ways of handling pain in older people with persistent pain. METHODS: Interviews with 90 older people receiving home care from nursing auxiliaries in their own homes or in sheltered accommodation were collected from January to June 2000. A typology of older people in persistent pain was developed. Activities for handling pain were examined using content analysis. FINDINGS: Respondents' experiences of themselves and their pain varied. Two groups of older people, considered as 'competent and proud' and 'confident and serene', expressed satisfaction in spite of pain, while the groups 'misunderstood and disappointed' and 'resigned and sad' expressed dissatisfaction. The most common strategies used were medication, rest, mobility, distracting activities and talking about pain. Respondents chose strategies by balancing the advantages of the activities against the disadvantages these brought for their daily living. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that characteristics of the older people, such as their way of experiencing themselves, how pain affects their daily life and how they perceive effects and side-effects of pain management are areas that need to be identified when staff assess pain and plan pain management. Caring for older people in pain could be improved by listening to and believing their complaints, evaluating effects and side-effects from medications and nonpharmacological pain management and by emphasising the importance of common everyday activities such as mobility and distraction to relieve pain.  相似文献   

Aim To compare community matrons with other nurses carrying out case management for impact on service use and costs. Background In England, nurses working in general practice, as district nurses and disease-specific nurses, undertake use case management. Community matrons were introduced to case management to reduce unplanned hospitalizations of people with complex conditions. Methods Managers in three Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) identified four nurses/matrons engaged in case management. Nurses/matrons recruited five community-dwelling patients referred to them for case management. Patients reported use of health/social services for 9 months, 2008 to 2009. Nurses/matrons completed activity diaries. Results Service use data were available for 33 patients. Compared with other nurse case managers, community matrons had: smaller caseloads; more patient contact time (mean 364 vs. 80 minutes per patient per month); and older patients (mean age 81 vs. 75 years, P = 0.03) taking more medications (mean 8.9 vs. 5.6, P = 0.014). Monthly costs were significantly higher for patients managed by community matrons (add £861), and who lived alone (add £696). Hospitalizations were not associated with patient or service delivery factors. Conclusion Further research on cost-effectiveness of case management models is required. Implications for Nursing Management The case for continued investment in community matrons remains to be proven.  相似文献   

Cancer pain is a serious problem that requires specialized nursing knowledge. In the present ethnographic study, we sought to explore the experiences and cancer pain management practices of nurses working at a government hospital in Sri Lanka. Data were collected from October 2007 to January 2008, and were obtained by observing the nurses in a cancer ward, conducting semistructured interviews with 10 participants, and maintaining a research diary. To analyze the data, the data were coded, and an integrative process was implemented to develop categories. The results suggested that Sri Lankan nurses perform poor cancer pain management practices due to a lack of resources, a shortage of nurses, and poor workload allocation within the hospital. Additionally, the nurses are not autonomous, and are required to refer to medical staff for cancer pain management strategies. The nurses work in a task-oriented system that rarely acknowledges cancer patients' pain management needs. This study might improve nursing pain management practices for cancer patients and lead to changes in the curriculum of nursing courses in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Aim: We explored the positions of nurses working in hospitals regarding the acceptability of refusing to give a repeat dose of painkiller to a postoperative patient who requested it. These positions were compared with that of lay people, physicians, and other health professionals. Design and Methods: Factorial design was used to assess the impact of 6 situational factors: the patient's age, the current level of pain as assessed by the nurse, the number of requests, the level of risk associated with the administration of a repeat dose, the outcome of surgery, and the giving of alternative mild analgesics. We implemented a combination of scenario technique and of cluster analysis. Data were collected from April 2013 to December 2015. Participants: 138 registered nurses, 32 nurse's aides, 33 physicians, 23 psychologists, and 169 lay people participated in the study. Results: We found 4 qualitatively different meaningful positions. A plurality of participants (57% of nurses) considered that refusing was not acceptable, irrespective of circumstances. A substantial minority of participants (but 52% of physicians) considered that refusing was acceptable only if the level of pain was low and the risk was high. Other participants (mostly lay people) considered that refusing was always acceptable each time a risk of side effects, either serious or simply mild, was present.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: This paper reports on the findings from an ethnographic study involving three wards in two hospitals in the Northwest of England and focuses on the controversial issue of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders. The study aimed to explore the way in which terminal care was provided to older patients and examined the way in which DNR orders were a socially constructed part of the practices of both nurses and doctors. METHOD: An ethnographic approach was adopted that used participant observation and semi-structured interviews with nurses and doctors. A purposive sample of 28 qualified nurses and five medical staff were interviewed. The decision-making process of DNR orders became the focus of the interview questions. FINDINGS: The findings reveal that DNR decision-making was largely socially constructed from the interactions of hospital staff. Patients were not asked their preference and were excluded from any decision-making about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or DNR orders. Two major findings emerge. First, DNR orders and the non-use of CPR could be seen as a form of medical beneficence, resulting from the often described paternalistic attitudes of hospital doctors. Second, there was a clear indication that DNR orders and the non-use of CPR for certain patients was based on improving the quality of patients' lives. CONCLUSION: The study raises issues about the quality of care received by frail older patients whom the nurses felt would not survive a futile medical procedure. The conclusion considers the need for hospitals to formulate and implement CPR policies, particularly in the prevailing climate in which patients are encouraged to become active participants in their own health care.  相似文献   


Purpose: Nurses' contribution during inpatient rehabilitation is well documented. However, despite being the largest professional group in this setting, the specialty of rehabilitation nursing is poorly recognised. This article reports on the first of a four-phase study that aimed to clarify and develop the nursing contribution to inpatient rehabilitation for older persons. The aim of this study was to identify activity patterns and time use during daytime and evenings of older adult patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation. Methods: Direct observation using behavioural modelling was undertaken of a convenience sample of 37 older people undergoing inpatient rehabilitation in a specialist unit of a large tertiary hospital in New Zealand. The primary outcome was the observation of meaningful activity. Binomial logistic regression was used to study the association between relevant variables. Findings: Meaningful activity was most likely to involve walking without assistance and to occur 08:00 to 14:00?h and 16:00 to 21:00?h during weekdays. Patients were more likely to receive treatment during the weekend. Irrespective of time, registered nurses were the health professionals most often present with patients. Conclusions: There is likely to be unrealised opportunities for registered nurses to support improved rehabilitation outcomes. Registered nurses' involvement in rehabilitation needs to be actively optimised.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Nurses' engagement with older adults in rehabilitation settings is likely to be substantial, placing them as key members of the rehabilitation team.

  • Nurses make a pivotal contribution to inpatient rehabilitation based on specialised knowledge and skills but this contribution is not well understood.

  • Opportunities are likely, at times when allied health professionals are less often present, e.g. evenings and weekends, for registered nurses to more intentionally overlap rehabilitation activities with other care requirements.


Nursing older dying patients: findings from an ethnographic study of death and dying in elderly care wards Background and aim. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of dying patients and nurses working in three elderly care wards focusing on the management of care for dying patients. The majority of patients who die in hospital are over the age of 65 and evidence suggests that three fifths are over the age of 75. Older patients pose tremendous problems and challenges to nurses and doctors regarding the provision of good terminal care, particularly in relation to developing effective communication. METHOD: An ethnographic research design was chosen. The research sample consisted of 74 patients, 29 nurses and 8 physicians. The principle data collection methods were participant observation and semi-structured interviews. All respondents were interviewed following a period of observation on each of the ward areas. The data obtained from participant observation were then used to structure the interview questions. The purpose of asking questions about meanings associated with observational material was to evaluate the extent to which convergence or divergence of the data was taking place. FINDINGS: The findings demonstrate that the care of older dying patients was defined by a lack of 'emotional engagement' with the patient and the institutionalized nondisclosure of information about death and dying. The study raises issues concerning the lack of effective communication about terminal diagnosis and the strategies used by nurses and doctors for disclosing information about death and dying. The findings suggest that although nurses provide individual care to dying patients, much of this was aimed at meeting patients' physical needs. Nurses reported psychosocial aspects including spiritual and emotional care to be important, although there was little evidence of them being orientated towards this in practice. CONCLUSION: The indicative conclusions from this study suggest that terminal care for some elderly patients remains hampered by a reluctance of nurses and doctors to be more open in their communication about death. It would appear that hospital culture and the mores, beliefs and ideologies that emanate from the biomedical model, significantly shape the experiences of older dying patients.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The aim of this paper was to develop an understanding of the factors involved in older people's decision making with regard to influenza vaccination to inform strategies to improve vaccine uptake and reduce morbidity and mortality. Background. Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality world‐wide. In the UK, it accounts for 3000–6000 deaths annually; 85% of these deaths are people aged 65 and over. Despite this, and the widespread and costly annual government campaigns, some older people at risk of influenza and the associated complications remain reluctant to take advantage of the offer of vaccination. Methods. A review of the English language literature referring to older people published between 1996 and 2005 was the method used. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were identified and applied. Results. The majority of the literature was quantitative in nature, investigating personal characteristics thought to be predictors of uptake, such as age, sex, co‐morbidity, educational level, income and area of residence. However, there was little discussion of the possible reasons for the significance of these factors and conflict between findings was often evident, particularly between studies employing different methodologies. Other factors identified were prior experience, concerns about the vaccine, perceived risk and advice and information. Relevance to clinical practice. The wealth of demographic information available will be useful at a strategic level in targeting groups identified as being unlikely to accept vaccination. However, the promotion of person‐centred ways of working that value the health beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and subjective experiences of older people is likely to be more successful during individual encounters designed to promote acceptance. Without more research in investigating these concepts, our understanding is inevitably limited.  相似文献   

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