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薄膜包衣技术在中药片剂生产中的应用 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
中药片剂是由一种或多种中草药细粉或经加工提取精制后配以适宜的辅料混合压制而成,多存在吸湿性强、易霉变、质量不稳定等缺点.90年代以来,薄膜包衣技术在中药行业迅速发展,广泛应用于片剂、丸剂、颗粒剂等.充分发挥薄膜包衣技术优势,对提高中药片剂质量具有重要的作用. 相似文献
新型薄膜包衣材料——欧巴代在片剂生产中的应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
薄膜包衣是片剂技术进步的一个标志,在使用了多种薄膜包衣物料后,我们选择了欧巴代,使产品质量有了显著的提高,从各方面衡量,欧巴代确定可以称得上是一种完善,可靠的品质辅料,值得大力推广和应用。 相似文献
片剂作为最常见的固体口服制剂在临床广泛应用.片剂产品生产后总会在生产设备中残留若干原辅料和微生物,微生物在适当地温度下以残留物中的有机物为营养物可以大量繁殖,产生各种代谢物,大大增加残留物的复杂性和危害性.为避免这种情况的发生必须通过清洁将污染源从生产过程中除去.本文就设备的清洁方法进行了阐述. 相似文献
Ultrathin-layer starch gel electrophoresis--a method qualified to solve specific problems in enzyme analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Particular separation problems of enzymatic analysis led to optimization investigation on starch gel electrophoresis. Investigations on the optimum gel concentration range a well as on the duration of the hydrolysis of starch for a suitable gel network gave rise to a starch level with good molecular sieve effect. Optimization of the electrophoretic buffer system and the development of an optimum technique for manufacturing handy transparent ultra thin-layer starch gels with high selectivity results for a broad spectrum of diagnostically enzymatic systems has turned out to be of advantage for enzymatic electrophoresis. 相似文献
实施药学服务中难点问题的思考 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
药学服务 (pharmaceutical care)是由美国 Hepler和Strand教授在 1990年正式定义的。药学服务就是通过提供直接的、有责任的、与药物治疗有关的服务 ,以达到提高治疗效果的目的 [1 ] 。实施良好的药学服务 ,是当今对药师的新标准要求 ,是病人对药物治疗的一种合理需求 ,也是社会发展的趋势。然而 ,如何实施药学服务 ,在我国许多医院还处于探索阶段 ,实际操作中还存在不少困难。现将笔者在临床实践中遇到的问题及对问题解决的几点思考加以归纳 ,以便与同行交流。1 实施药学服务 ,药师必须尽快适应“以病人为中心”的工作性质的转移 如何… 相似文献
合理用药是以当代系统的医学、药学、管理学知识,科学地使用药物,以符合安全、有效、经济的综合目标。合理用药反映了为民谋利、以人为本的科学理念。违反安全、有效、经济的综合用药目标就是不合理用药。笔者通过长期医嘱审核发现,导致临床不合理用药的原因可分为技术原因和临床医师个人主观原因,其中受经济利益驱使造成的不合理用药已经成为临床不合理用药不可忽视的因素。 相似文献
目的探讨Coopdeeh支气管封堵器在困难气道患者行单肺通气的效果与意义。方法选取术前经评估为气道困难的患者60例,随机分为观察组与对照组各30例。观察组使用Coopdeeh支气管封堵器进行单肺通气,对照组使用双腔气管导管进行治疗。比较两组患者不同通气方式治疗后插管成功率、插管时间、各项生命体征变化等指标。结果应用支气管封堵器的观察组患者插管时间及肺萎陷质量、术后咽痛声嘶人数指标均显著优于对照组(P<0.05)且患者生命体征中气道压力及呼末二氧化碳分压行支气管封堵术的观察组显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论对困难气道患者行Coopdeeh支气管封堵器效果确切,并发症少,尤其适合困难气道患者行单肺通气。 相似文献
Many patients requiring antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) have a background of significant injection drug use (IDU). In a proportion of patients, IDU results in difficulty with blood collection from conventional sites. We audited patients from the Liver Clinics and Drug Health Pharmacotherapy Service of The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) to determine the incidence of difficulty with blood collection. This survey identified the need for an innovative venous access strategy to better manage this group of patients. An external jugular venepuncture (EJV) protocol and education package was developed in collaboration with the Department of Anaesthetics, Gastroenterology and Liver Centre and HCV clinical nurse consultants (CNC). RPAH policy and procedure committee approved the protocol and patient information sheet. Patients with a history of difficulty with blood collection were eligible for the protocol. Patient satisfaction surveys were conducted. The initial survey of patients from the liver clinics and pharmacotherapy service identified that 48 percent had difficulty with blood collection from conventional sites. In the period October 2002 to July 2006, 29 patients (89 percent with history of IDU) were referred for EJV assessment. Major indications for EJV were for blood testing for initiation and monitoring of antiviral therapy and ongoing assessment of HCV infected patients. No adverse events resulted from the procedure. All patients surveyed report high levels of satisfaction with the technique compared to previous venous access attempts. EJV improves access to antiviral therapy and is a safe and effective technique for patients with difficult venous access (DVA). In addition, we have utilised EJV for post-transplant care of patients and used external jugular vein cannulation as vascular access for contrast imaging in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) assessment. 相似文献