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A recent study provided first evidence that neural correlates of affective stimulus evaluation, that is, the early posterior negativity (EPN) and late positive potential (LPP), can be assessed at the individual case level. Expanding the case-by-case approach, the main aim of the present study was to explore the process of affective stimulus evaluation within the individual participant with respect to multiple emotional stimulus classes. Toward this end, each participant viewed separate blocks of low- and high-arousing pictures from behavior systems of predator fear, disease avoidance and sexual reproduction. Thirteen out of 16 participants showed larger EPN and LPP amplitudes for higher- than lower-arousing stimuli for all three behavior systems. Furthermore, rather than indicating a general lack of emotional modulation, cases of non-significant EPN (N = 3) and LPP (N = 2) tests in individual participants appeared to be specific to a single emotion category. Overall, assessing the emotional modulation of the EPN and LPP across multiple behavior systems strengthens the case-by-case approach regarding an effect that is ‘common to all’ as well as by differentiating non-significant effects within individuals in terms of a content-specific or general phenomenon. Implications for revealing a general principle of emotion functioning and biomarker development are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous event-related brain potential (ERP) studies reveal the differential processing of emotional and neutral stimuli. Yet, it is an ongoing debate to what extent the ERP components found in previous research are sensitive to physical stimulus characteristics or emotional meaning. This study manipulated emotional meaning and stimulus orientation to disentangle the impact of stimulus physics and semantics on emotional stimulus processing. Negative communicative hand gestures of Insult were contrasted with neutral control gestures of Allusion to manipulate emotional meaning. An elementary physical manipulation of visual processing was implemented by presenting these stimuli vertically and horizontally. The results showed dissociable effects of stimulus meaning and orientation on the sequence of ERP components. Effects of orientation were pronounced in the P1 and N170 time frames and attenuated during later stages. Emotional meaning affected the P1, evincing a distinct topography to orientation effects. Although the N170 was not modulated by emotional meaning, the early posterior negativity and late positive potential components replicated previous findings with larger potentials elicited by the Insult gestures. These data suggest that the brain processes different attributes of an emotional picture in parallel and that a coarse semantic appreciation may already occur during relatively early stages of emotion perception.  相似文献   

Regions of the fusiform gyrus (FG) respond preferentially to faces over other classes of visual stimuli. It remains unclear whether emotional face information modulates FG activity. In the present study, whole‐head magnetoencephalography (MEG) was obtained from fifteen healthy adults who viewed emotionally expressive faces and made button responses based upon emotion (explicit condition) or age (implicit condition). Dipole source modeling produced source waveforms for left and right primary visual and left and right fusiform areas. Stronger left FG activity (M170) to fearful than happy or neutral faces was observed only in the explicit task, suggesting that directed attention to the emotional content of faces facilitates observation of M170 valence modulation. A strong association between M170 FG activity and reaction times in the explicit task provided additional evidence for a role of the fusiform gyrus in processing emotional information. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Emotional facial expressions provide critical information for social interactions. Above all, angry faces are assumed to reflect potential social threat. We investigated event-related potentials (ERPs) triggered by natural and artificial faces expressing fear, anger, happiness or no emotion in participants with low and high levels of social anxiety. Overall, artificial faces elicited stronger P100 and N170 responses than natural faces. Additionally, the N170 component was larger for emotional compared to neutral facial expressions. Social anxiety was associated with an enhanced emotional modulation of the early posterior negativity (EPN) in response to fearful and angry facial expressions. Additionally, while the late positive potential (LPP) was larger for emotional than for neutral faces in low socially anxious participants, LPPs of higher socially anxious participants did not differ. LPPs might therefore be enhanced in higher socially anxious participants for both emotional and neutral faces. Furthermore, the modulations of the EPN and LPP were comparable between natural and artificial faces. These results indicate that social anxiety influences early perceptual processing of faces and that artificial faces are suitable for psychophysiological emotion research.
Andreas MühlbergerEmail:

The implicit association test (IAT) has been widely used in social cognitive research over the past decade. Controversies have arisen over what cognitive processes are being tapped into using this task. While most models use behavioral (RT) results to support their claims, little research has examined neurocognitive correlates of these behavioral measures. The present study measured event-related brain potentials (ERPs) of participants while completing a gay-straight IAT in order to further understand the processes involved in a typical group bias IAT. Results indicated significantly smaller N400 amplitudes and significantly larger LPP amplitudes for compatible trials than for incompatible trials, suggesting that both the semantic and emotional congruence of stimuli paired together in an IAT trial contribute to the typical RT differences found, while no differences were present for earlier ERP components including the N2. These findings are discussed with respect to early and late processing in group bias IATs.  相似文献   

Emotion recognition is essential for social interaction and communication and is a capacity in which the amygdala plays a central role. So far, neuroimaging results have been inconsistent as to whether the amygdala is more active during explicit or incidental facial emotion processing. In consideration of its functionality in fast automatic evaluation of stimuli and involvement in higher-order conscious processing, we hypothesize a similar response to the emotional faces presented regardless of attentional focus. Using high field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) specifically optimized for ventral brain regions we show strong and robust amygdala activation for explicit and implicit processing of emotional facial expressions in 29 healthy subjects. Bilateral amygdala activation was, however, significantly greater when subjects were asked to recognize the emotion (explicit condition) than when required to discern the age (implicit condition). A significant correlation between amygdala activation and emotion recognition, but not age discrimination performance, emphasizes the amygdala's enhanced role during conscious emotion processing.  相似文献   

《Social neuroscience》2013,8(3):278-288
Numerous studies have shown a ‘negativity bias’ in emotion processing and effect of menstrual phase on emotion processing. Most of these results, however, did not match the arousal of different types of stimuli. The present study examined the time course of negative emotion processing across different menstrual phases (e.g., late luteal/premenstrual phase and follicular phase) when the arousal level of negative and neutral stimuli was equal. Following previous studies, an oddball paradigm was utilized in present study. Participants viewed neutral and negative (highly (HN) and moderately negative (MN)) stimuli with matched arousal and were asked to make deviant vs. standard judgments. The behavioral results showed a higher accuracy for HN stimuli than neutral stimuli, and the other comparisons were not significant. The major event-related potential (ERP) finding was that N2 amplitude was larger for MN than neutral in the late luteal phase, whereas such difference was absent during the follicular phase. Moreover, The N2 for HN stimuli was larger in late luteal phase than in follicular phase. Therefore, female may be with higher sensitivity to MN stimuli during late luteal phase than during follicular phase when the arousal of stimuli was well controlled. These results provide additional insight to premenstrual affective syndrome and affective disorder.  相似文献   

There is broad evidence that contextual factors influence the processing of emotional facial expressions. Yet temporal-dynamic aspects, inter alia how face processing is influenced by the specific order of neutral and emotional facial expressions, have been largely neglected. To shed light on this topic, we recorded electroencephalogram from 168 healthy participants while they performed a gender-discrimination task with angry and neutral faces. Our event-related potential (ERP) analyses revealed a strong emotional modulation of the N170 component, indicating that the basic visual encoding and emotional analysis of a facial stimulus happen, at least partially, in parallel. While the N170 and the late positive potential (LPP; 400–600 ms) were only modestly affected by the sequence of preceding faces, we observed a strong influence of face sequences on the early posterior negativity (EPN; 200–300 ms). Finally, the differing response patterns of the EPN and LPP indicate that these two ERPs represent distinct processes during face analysis: while the former seems to represent the integration of contextual information in the perception of a current face, the latter appears to represent the net emotional interpretation of a current face.  相似文献   

Viewing emotionally negative pictures has been proposed to attenuate brain responses towards sudden auditory events, as more attentional resources are allocated to the affective visual stimuli. However, peripheral reflexes have been shown intensified. These observations have raised the question of whether an emotional context actually facilitates or attenuates processing in the auditory novelty system. Using scalp event-related potentials we measured brain responses induced by novel sounds when participants responded to visual stimuli displaying either threatening or neutral sceneries. We then tested the modulatory effect of the emotional task conditions on auditory responses. Novel sounds yielded a stronger behavioural disruption on subjects' visual task performance when responding to negative pictures compared with when responding to the neutral ones. Accordingly, very early novelty-P3 responses to novel sounds were enhanced in negative context. These results provide strong evidence that the emotional context enhances the activation of neural networks in the auditory novelty system, gating acoustic novelty processing under potentially threatening conditions.  相似文献   

A number of psychiatric disorders, including body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and social anxiety disorder, are characterized by heightened appearance concerns and increased cognitive and perceptual biases toward one’s own physical appearance. In the present study, we examined individual differences in self-reported appearance anxiety and symptoms of BDD in relation to the late positive potential (LPP)—an index of stimulus significance—in response to pictures of oneself, strangers and objects among 83 female college students. The results indicated that the LPP was larger for pictures of oneself compared to pictures of strangers and objects. Further, the Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Appearance Anxiety Inventory scales both related to an increased LPP to pictures of oneself but not to strangers or objects. The findings suggest that the LPP elicited by pictures of oneself may function as a neural marker of appearance concerns, which could be leveraged to study the development and maintenance of a range of psychiatric disorders characterized by increased appearance concerns.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated whether event-related near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is suitable to measure changes in brain activation of the occipital cortex modulated by the emotional content of the visual stimuli. As we found in a previous pilot study that only positive but not negative stimuli differ from neutral stimuli (with respect to oxygenated haemoglobin), we now measured the event-related EEG potentials and NIRS simultaneously during the same session. Thereby, we could evaluate whether the subjects (n = 16) processed the positive as well as the negative emotional stimuli in a similar way. During the task, the subjects passively viewed positive, negative, and neutral emotional pictures (40 presentations were shown in each category, and pictures were taken from the International Affective Picture System, IAPS). The stimuli were presented for 3 s in a randomized order (with a mean of 3 s interstimulus interval). During the task, we measured the event-related EEG potentials over the electrode positions O1, Oz, O2, and Pz and the changes of oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin by multichannel NIRS over the occipital cortex. The EEG results clearly show an increased early posterior negativity over the occipital cortex for both positive as well as negative stimuli compared to neutral. The results for the NIRS measurement were less clear. Although positive as well as negative stimuli lead to significantly higher decrease in deoxygenated haemoglobin than neutral stimuli, this was not found for the oxygenated haemoglobin.  相似文献   

Although food and affective pictures share similar emotional and motivational characteristics, the relationship between the neuronal responses to these stimuli is unclear. Particularly, it is not known whether perceiving and imagining food and affective stimuli elicit similar event-related potential(ERP) patterns. In this study, two ERP correlates,the early posterior negativity(EPN) and the late positive potential(LPP) for perceived and imagined emotional and food photographs were investigated.Thirteen healthy volunteers were exposed to a set of food photos, as well as unpleasant, pleasant,and neutral photos from the International Affective Picture System. In each trial, participants were first asked to view a photo(perception condition), and then to create a visual mental image of it and to rate its vividness(imagery condition). The results showed that during perception, brain regions corresponding to sensorimotor and parietal motivational(defensive and appetitive) systems were activated to different extents, producing a graded pattern of EPN and LPP responses specifi c to the photo content – more prominent for unpleasant than pleasant and food content. Also, an EPN signature occurred in both conditions for unpleasant content, suggesting that,compared to food or pleasant content, unpleasant content may be attended to more intensely duringperception and may be represented more distinctly during imagery. Finally, compared to LLP activation during perception, as well as imagery and perception of all other content, LPP activation was signifi cantly reduced during imagery of unpleasant photos, suggesting inhibition of unwanted memories. Results are framed within a neurocognitive working model of embodied emotions.  相似文献   

We used emotional expectancy to study attentional modulation in the processing of emotional stimuli. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), volunteers saw emotional and neutral expectancy cues signaling the subsequent presentation of corresponding emotional or neutral pictorial stimuli. As a control, emotional and neutral pictures were presented without preceding expectancy cue, resulting in a 2 x 2 factorial design with the factors "expectancy" and "emotion." Statistical analysis revealed a significant positive interaction effect between these factors in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC, Brodmann area [BA] 9/10), amygdala, and dorsal midbrain. In all these regions, expectancy augmented the neural response to emotional but not to neutral pictures. Time course analysis of raw data suggests that this augmented activation was not preceded by baseline increases in MPFC and amygdala during the period of emotional expectancy. In a post-scanning session, the paradigm was presented for a second time to allow emotional intensity rating. Again, a significant interaction between expectancy and emotion was observed, with intensity ratings specifically enhanced in emotional photographs preceded by expectancy. There was a positive correlation between intensity ratings and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals in the left amygdala. We conclude that specific components of the emotion network show enhanced activation in response to emotional stimuli when these are preceded by expectancy. This enhancement effect is not present in neutral pictures and might parallel accentuated subjective feeling states.  相似文献   

The present study (N = 55) used an event-related potential paradigm to investigate whether cultures differ in the ability to upregulate affective responses. Using stimuli selected from the International Affective Picture System, we found that European-Americans (N = 29) enhanced central-parietal late positive potential (LPP) (400–800 ms post-stimulus) responses to affective stimuli when instructed to do so, whereas East Asians (N = 26) did not. We observed cultural differences in the ability to enhance central-parietal LPP responses for both positively and negativelyvalenced stimuli, and the ability to enhance these two types of responses was positively correlated for Americans but negatively for East Asians. These results are consistent with the notion that cultural variations in norms and values regarding affective expression and experiences shape how the brain regulates emotions.  相似文献   

25% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) remain minimally verbal (MV), despite intervention. Electroencephalography can reveal neural mechanisms underlying language impairment in ASD, potentially improving our ability to predict language outcomes and target interventions. Verbal (V) and MV children with ASD, along with an age-matched typically developing (TD) group participated in a semantic congruence ERP paradigm, during which pictures were displayed followed by the expected or unexpected word.An N400 effect was evident in all groups, with a shorter latency in the TD group. A late negative component (LNC) also differentiated conditions, with a group by condition by region interaction. Post hoc analyses revealed that the LNC was present across multiple regions in the TD group, in the mid-frontal region in MVASD, and not present in the VASD group. Cluster analysis identified subgroups within the ASD participants. Two subgroups showed markedly atypical patterns of processing, one with reversed but robust differentiation of conditions, and the other with initially reversed followed by typical differentiation. Findings indicate that children with ASD, including those with minimal language, showed EEG evidence of semantic processing, but it was characterized by delayed speed of processing and limited integration with mental representations.  相似文献   

Recent event-related brain potential studies revealed the selective processing of emotional and threatening pictures. Integrating the picture viewing and threat-of-shock paradigm, the present study examined the processing of emotional pictures while they were explicitly instructed to cue threat of real world danger (i.e. electric shocks). Toward this end, 60 pleasant, neutral and unpleasant IAPS-pictures were presented (1 s) as a continuous random stream while high-density EEG and self-reported threat were assessed. In three experimental runs, each picture category was used once as a threat-cue, whereas in the other conditions the same category served as safety-cue. An additional passive viewing run served as a no-threat condition, thus, establishing a threat-safety continuum (threat-cue-safety-cue-no-threat) for each picture category. Threat-of-shock modulated P1, P2 and parieto-occipital LPP amplitudes. While the P1 component differentiated among threat- and no-threat conditions, the P2 and LPP effects were specific to pictures signaling threat-of-shock. Thus, stimulus processing progressively gained more accurate information about environmental threat conditions. Interestingly, the finding of increased EPN and centro-parietal LPP amplitudes to emotional pictures was independent from threat-of-shock manipulation. Accordingly, the results indicate distinct effects associated with the intrinsic significance of emotional pictures and explicitly instructed threat contingencies.  相似文献   

A large portion of the rehabilitation experience after stroke relies on implicit learning. However, our understanding of how best to facilitate motor learning after stroke is limited by a paucity of research that has explored the interaction between explicit information and implicit learning across various task domains. Previously we reported that the delivery of explicit instructions disrupted implicit motor learning after stroke that involved the sensorimotor cortical areas or basal ganglia. The purpose of this study was to determine the robustness of these findings by determining whether they could be replicated with 2 motor tasks, one discrete and one continuous, employed by the same group of participants. Ten individuals with stroke in the sensorimotor cortical areas (SMC), 10 with stroke in the basal ganglia (BG), and 10 age-matched healthy controls (HC) participated in this study. Each completed 3 days of practice of both a discrete implicit motor task (the serial reaction time task) and a continuous motor task (the continuous tracking task); all returned on a fourth day for retention tests. By random designation, participants were divided into either the explicit information (EI) or no explicit information (No-EI) groups. Consistent with previous results, we found that the response to explicit information after stroke was uniformly negative regardless of task or lesion location; both stroke groups demonstrated an interference effect of explicit information while the healthy control group did not. Strengthening these findings is the fact that the interference effect of explicit information was not task dependent. This point is particularly important for rehabilitation scientists as they instruct clients during various therapeutic tasks after stroke. Our data suggest that certain forms of explicit information delivered before task practice may not be as useful for learning as discovering the solution to the motor task with practice alone, and this is regardless of the type of task being learned.  相似文献   

According to perceptual load theory, processing of task-irrelevant stimuli is limited by the perceptual load of a parallel attended task if both the task and the irrelevant stimuli are presented to the same sensory modality. However, it remains a matter of debate whether the same principles apply to cross-sensory perceptual load and, more generally, what form cross-sensory attentional modulation in early perceptual areas takes in humans. Here we addressed these questions using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Participants undertook an auditory one-back working memory task of low or high perceptual load, while concurrently viewing task-irrelevant images at one of three object visibility levels. The processing of the visual and auditory stimuli was measured in the lateral occipital cortex (LOC) and auditory cortex (AC), respectively. Cross-sensory interference with sensory processing was observed in both the LOC and AC, in accordance with previous results of unisensory perceptual load studies. The present neuroimaging results therefore warrant the extension of perceptual load theory from a unisensory to a cross-sensory context: a validation of this cross-sensory interference effect through behavioural measures would consolidate the findings.  相似文献   

Gender-based stereotypes undermine females’ performance on challenging math tests, but how do they influence their ability to learn from the errors they make? Females under stereotype threat or non-threat were presented with accuracy feedback after each problem on a GRE-like math test, followed by an optional interactive tutorial that provided step-wise problem-solving instruction. Event-related potentials tracked the initial detection of the negative feedback following errors [feedback related negativity (FRN), P3a], as well as any subsequent sustained attention/arousal to that information [late positive potential (LPP)]. Learning was defined as success in applying tutorial information to correction of initial test errors on a surprise retest 24-h later. Under non-threat conditions, emotional responses to negative feedback did not curtail exploration of the tutor, and the amount of tutor exploration predicted learning success. In the stereotype threat condition, however, greater initial salience of the failure (FRN) predicted less exploration of the tutor, and sustained attention to the negative feedback (LPP) predicted poor learning from what was explored. Thus, under stereotype threat, emotional responses to negative feedback predicted both disengagement from learning and interference with learning attempts. We discuss the importance of emotion regulation in successful rebound from failure for stigmatized groups in stereotype-salient environments.  相似文献   

Deficits in emotion processing (EP) represent a target of rehabilitation in schizophrenia, as they have been related to poor personal and social functioning. To date neither the relationship between these deficits and the generalised cognitive impairment, nor the involvement of specific mechanisms of perception (visual or auditory) are fully comprehended. We developed two treatments targeting EP, through visual or auditory channels, with the aim of disentangling possible differences and/or interactions between the two modalities in schizophrenia-related impairments, also taking into account the role of cognition and social functioning. Thirty five outpatients with schizophrenia were assessed for neurocognition, social functioning and EP (visual and auditory channel) and participated in either visual or auditory EP training or in an active control group. Results showed a significant improvement in EP through the specific channel trained for both groups, with an extended effect also on vocal stimuli for the visual training group. Positive correlations were found between working memory, social functioning and EP. Our findings help to shed light on the possible different involvement of perceptual channels in schizophrenia, as well as supporting previous evidence that emotion recognition may be inter-related but does not overlap with neurocognition and can be specifically trained.  相似文献   

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