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Odor discrimination in higher brain centers is essential for behavioral responses to odors. One such center is the mushroom body (MB) of insects, which is required for odor discrimination learning. The calyx of the MB receives olfactory input from projection neurons (PNs) that are targets of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the antennal lobe (AL). In the calyx, olfactory information is transformed from broadly-tuned representations in PNs to sparse representations in MB neurons (Kenyon cells). However, the extent of stereotypy in olfactory representations in the calyx is unknown. Using the anatomically-simple larval olfactory system of Drosophila in which odor ligands for the entire set of 21 OSNs are known, we asked how odor identity is represented in the MB calyx. We first mapped the projections of all larval OSNs in the glomeruli of the AL, and then followed the connections of individual PNs from the AL to different calyx glomeruli. We thus established a comprehensive olfactory map from OSNs to a higher olfactory association center, at a single-cell level. Stimulation of single OSNs evoked strong neuronal activity in 1 to 3 calyx glomeruli, showing that broadening of the strongest PN responses is limited to a few calyx glomeruli. Stereotypic representation of single OSN input in calyx glomeruli provides a mechanism for MB neurons to detect and discriminate olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Memory formation involves multiple molecular mechanisms, the nature and components of which are essential to understand these processes. Drosophila is a powerful model to identify genes important for the formation and storage of consolidated memories because the molecular mechanisms and dependence of these processes on particular brain regions appear to be generally conserved. We present evidence that the highly conserved ubiquitin ligase Neuralized (Neur) is expressed in the adult Drosophila mushroom body (MB) α/β lobe peripheral neurons and is a limiting factor for the formation of long-term memory (LTM). We show that loss of one copy of neur gene results in significant LTM impairment, whereas overexpression of Neur in the peripheral neurons of the α/β lobes of the adult MBs results in a dosage-dependent enhancement of LTM. In contrast, learning, early memories, or anesthesia-resistant memory are not affected. We also demonstrate that the role of Neuralized in LTM formation is restricted within the neurons of the periphery of the α/β lobes, and we suggest that this structural subdivision of the MBs participates in the formation of LTM.  相似文献   

Fifty nine candidate olfactory receptor (Or) genes have recently been identified in Drosophila melanogaster, one of which is Or43a. In wild-type flies, Or43a is expressed at the distal edge of the third antennal segment in about 15 Or neurons. To identify ligands for the receptor we used the Gal4/UAS system to misexpress Or43a in the third antennal segment. Or43a mRNA expression in the antenna of transformed and wild-type flies was visualized by in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled probe. Electroantennogram recordings from transformed and wild-type flies were used to identify cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, benzaldehyde, and benzyl alcohol as ligands for the Or43a. This in vivo analysis reveals functional properties of one member of the recently isolated Or family in Drosophila and will provide further insight into our understanding of olfactory coding.  相似文献   

The ability of an animal to detect, discriminate, and respond to odors depends on the function of its olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), which in turn depends ultimately on odorant receptors. To understand the diverse mechanisms used by an animal in olfactory coding and computation, it is essential to understand the functional diversity of its odor receptors. The larval olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster contains 21 ORNs and a comparable number of odorant receptors whose properties have been examined in only a limited way. We systematically screened them with a panel of ∼500 odorants, yielding >10,000 receptor–odorant combinations. We identify for each of 19 receptors an odorant that excites it strongly. The responses elicited by each of these odorants are analyzed in detail. The odorants elicited little cross-activation of other receptors at the test concentration; thus, low concentrations of many of these odorants in nature may be signaled by a single ORN. The receptors differed dramatically in sensitivity to their cognate odorants. The responses showed diverse temporal dynamics, with some odorants eliciting supersustained responses. An intriguing question in the field concerns the roles of different ORNs and receptors in driving behavior. We found that the cognate odorants elicited behavioral responses that varied across a broad range. Some odorants elicited strong physiological responses but weak behavioral responses or weak physiological responses but strong behavioral responses.The olfactory system of the Drosophila larva achieves remarkable function with minimal structure. It detects and responds to spatial and temporal gradients of odorants, transforming chemical information into navigation via an elegant repertoire of head sweeps, runs, and turns (13). Its sophisticated function is based on the activities of 21 olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), which innervate the dorsal organ of the head and send axons to the antennal lobe of the brain (4). The activities of the ORNs are in turn based on the responses of odor receptors (Ors). Thus, to understand the molecular basis of larval olfactory navigation, it is necessary to understand the function of the receptors.ORNs together express 25 members of the Or family of odor receptors and the Orco coreceptor (58). In each ORN, an Or and Orco together form a ligand-gated ion channel (911). Most ORNs express a single Or, although one ORN coexpresses Or94a and Or94b and another ORN coexpresses Or33b and Or47a (7). The significance of this coexpression remains speculative, but the response profiles of some coexpressed adult Ors are additive (12).The responses of the larval Or repertoire to a limited odorant panel was previously examined in an in vivo expression system known as the empty neuron system (8, 13). With the use of this system, 21 of the larval Ors were found to be functional. However, studies of the larval Or repertoire have been limited not only in the number of odorants examined, but also in their consideration of receptor sensitivity, temporal dynamics, and roles in driving olfactory behavior.An intriguing question in the biology of a sensory system concerns the equivalency of its primary sensory neurons in driving behavioral output. A priori, activation of different sensory neurons could drive equivalent behavioral responses, particularly in a simple sensory system. Alternatively, different neurons might drive different behavioral responses, particularly if connectivity and downstream processing are complex, as in the olfactory systems of mammals and adult flies (1416). In Drosophila, much less is known about olfactory processing in the larva than in the adult.One approach to examining the role of individual ORNs is to drive different individual neurons in a WT olfactory system with odorants, their natural stimuli, which activate them specifically.Here we carry out a screen of all 21 functional larval Ors to a panel of ∼500 diverse odorants. For each of 19 receptors, we identify an odorant that excites it strongly. These odorants showed little cross-activation of other receptors in a physiological test. The receptors differed dramatically in sensitivity to their most effective odorants. The temporal dynamics of responses exhibit great variation as well, with some showing supersustained responses. The odorants drove behavioral responses that varied across a broad continuum. Some odorants drove weak physiological responses and strong behavioral responses, or strong physiological responses and weak behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Propagation of olfactory information in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Investigating how information propagates between layers in the olfactory system is an important step toward understanding the olfactory code. Each glomerular output projection neuron (PN) receives two sources of input: the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) of the same glomerulus and interneurons that innervate many glomeruli. We therefore asked how these inputs interact to produce PN output. We used receptor gene mutations to silence all of the ORNs innervating a specific glomerulus and recorded PN activity with two-photon calcium imaging and electrophysiology. We found evidence for balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs but saw little or no response in the absence of direct ORN input. We next asked whether any transformation of activity occurs at successive layers of the antennal lobe. We found a strong link between PN firing and dendritic calcium elevation, the latter of which is tightly correlated with calcium activity in ORN axons, supporting the idea of glomerular propagation of olfactory information. Finally, we showed that odors are represented by a sparse population of PNs. Together, these results are consistent with the idea that direct receptor input provides the main excitatory drive to PNs, whereas interneurons modulate PN output. Balanced excitatory and inhibitory interneuron input may provide a mechanism to adjust PN sensitivity.  相似文献   

Animals across various phyla exhibit odor-evoked innate attraction behavior that is developmentally programmed. The mechanism underlying such behavior remains unclear because the odorants that elicit robust attraction responses and the neuronal circuits that mediate this behavior have not been identified. Here, we describe a functionally segregated population of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and projection neurons (PNs) in Drosophila melanogaster that are highly specific to ammonia and amines, which act as potent attractants. The OSNs express IR92a, a member of the chemosensory ionotropic receptor (IR) family and project to a pair of glomeruli in the antennal lobe, termed VM1. In vivo calcium-imaging experiments showed that the OSNs and PNs innervating VM1 were activated by ammonia and amines but not by nonamine odorants. Flies in which the IR92a+ neurons or IR92a gene was inactivated had impaired amine-evoked physiological and behavioral responses. Tracing neuronal pathways to higher brain centers showed that VM1-PN axonal projections within the lateral horn are topographically segregated from those of V-PN and DC4-PN, which mediate innate avoidance behavior to carbon dioxide and acidity, respectively, suggesting that these sensory stimuli of opposing valence are represented in spatially distinct neuroanatomic loci within the lateral horn. These experiments identified the neurons and their cognate receptor for amine detection, and mapped amine attractive olfactory inputs to higher brain centers. This labeled-line mode of amine coding appears to be hardwired to attraction behavior.  相似文献   

Glutamatergic neurons are abundant in the Drosophila central nervous system, but their physiological effects are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the effects of glutamate in the Drosophila antennal lobe, the first relay in the olfactory system and a model circuit for understanding olfactory processing. In the antennal lobe, one-third of local neurons are glutamatergic. Using in vivo whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we found that many glutamatergic local neurons are broadly tuned to odors. Iontophoresed glutamate hyperpolarizes all major cell types in the antennal lobe, and this effect is blocked by picrotoxin or by transgenic RNAi-mediated knockdown of the GluClα gene, which encodes a glutamate-gated chloride channel. Moreover, antennal lobe neurons are inhibited by selective activation of glutamatergic local neurons using a nonnative genetically encoded cation channel. Finally, transgenic knockdown of GluClα in principal neurons disinhibits the odor responses of these neurons. Thus, glutamate acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the antennal lobe, broadly similar to the role of GABA in this circuit. However, because glutamate release is concentrated between glomeruli, whereas GABA release is concentrated within glomeruli, these neurotransmitters may act on different spatial and temporal scales. Thus, the existence of two parallel inhibitory transmitter systems may increase the range and flexibility of synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate the independent acquisition of strikingly similar brain architectures across divergent insect taxa and even across phyla under similar adaptive pressures. Convoluted cortical gyri-like structures characterize the mushroom body calyces in the brains of certain species of insects; we have investigated in detail the cellular and ecological correlates of this morphology in the Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles). "Gyrencephalic" mushroom bodies with increased surface area and volume of calycal synaptic neuropils and increased intrinsic neuron number characterize only those species belonging to generalist plant-feeding subfamilies, whereas significantly smaller "lissencephalic" mushroom bodies are found in more specialist dung-feeding scarab beetles. Such changes are not unique to scarabs or herbivores, because the mushroom bodies of predatory beetles display similar morphological disparities in generalists vs. specialists. We also show that gyrencephalic mushroom bodies in generalist scarabs are not associated with an increase in the size of their primary input neuropil, the antennal lobe, or in the number of antennal lobe glomeruli but rather with an apparent increase in the density of calycal microglomeruli and the acquisition of calycal subpartitions. These differences suggest changes in calyx circuitry facilitating the increased demands on processing capability and flexibility imposed by the evolution of a generalist feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Olfactory-like chemosensory signaling occurs outside of the olfactory epithelium. We find that major components of olfaction, including olfactory receptors (ORs), olfactory-related adenylate cyclase (AC3) and the olfactory G protein (Golf), are expressed in the kidney. AC3 and Golf colocalize in renal tubules and in macula densa (MD) cells which modulate glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is significantly reduced in AC3−/− mice, suggesting that AC3 participates in GFR regulation. Although tubuloglomerular feedback is normal in these animals, they exhibit significantly reduced plasma renin levels despite up-regulation of COX-2 expression and nNOS activity in the MD. Furthermore, at least one member of the renal repertoire of ORs is expressed in a MD cell line. Thus, key components of olfaction are expressed in the renal distal nephron and may play a sensory role in the MD to modulate both renin secretion and GFR.  相似文献   

125I-Labeled alpha-bungarotoxin has been used to determine the distribution of putative acetylcholine receptors in normal and chronically deafferented antennal lobes in the brain of the moth Manduca sexta. Toxin-binding sites are confined to synaptic regions in deafferented lobes. These findings suggest that receptors can develop in the insect central nervous system independently of normal synaptic influences.  相似文献   

Neural circuits use homeostatic compensation to achieve consistent behavior despite variability in underlying intrinsic and network parameters. However, it remains unclear how compensation regulates variability across a population of the same type of neurons within an individual and what computational benefits might result from such compensation. We address these questions in the Drosophila mushroom body, the fly’s olfactory memory center. In a computational model, we show that under sparse coding conditions, memory performance is degraded when the mushroom body’s principal neurons, Kenyon cells (KCs), vary realistically in key parameters governing their excitability. However, memory performance is rescued while maintaining realistic variability if parameters compensate for each other to equalize KC average activity. Such compensation can be achieved through both activity-dependent and activity-independent mechanisms. Finally, we show that correlations predicted by our model’s compensatory mechanisms appear in the Drosophila hemibrain connectome. These findings reveal compensatory variability in the mushroom body and describe its computational benefits for associative memory.

Noise and variability are inevitable features of biological systems. Neural circuits achieve consistent activity patterns despite this variability using homeostatic plasticity; because neural activity is governed by multiple intrinsic and network parameters, variability in one parameter can compensate for variability in another to achieve the same circuit behavior (15). This phenomenon of compensatory variability has typically been addressed from the perspective of consistency of neural activity across individual animals (6, 7) or over an animal’s lifetime, in the face of circuit perturbations (811). However, less attention has been paid to potential benefits of maintaining consistent neuronal properties across a population of neurons within an individual circuit.Indeed, previous work has emphasized the benefits of neuronal variability/heterogeneity rather than neuronal homogeneity (1214). (Here, we follow ref. 5 in using “heterogeneity” to refer to qualitative differences [e.g., between cell types] and “variability” to refer to quantitative differences in parameter values.) Of course, different neuronal classes encode different information (e.g., visual vs. auditory neurons or ON vs. OFF cells). Yet, even in populations that ostensibly encode the same kind of stimulus, like olfactory mitral cells, variability of neuronal excitability can increase the information content of their population activity (1517). In addition, variability in neuronal timescales can improve learning in neural networks (18, 19). In what contexts and in what senses might the opposite be true (i.e., when does neuronal similarity provide computational benefits over neuronal variability)? Additionally, what mechanisms could enforce neuronal similarity in the face of interneuronal variability?Here, we address these questions using olfactory associative memory in the mushroom body of the fruit fly Drosophila. Flies learn to associate specific odors with salient events (e.g., food or danger). These olfactory associative memories are stored in the principal neurons of the mushroom body, called Kenyon cells (KCs), as modifications in KCs’ output synapses (2022) (reviewed in ref. 23). Because learning occurs at the single output layer, the nature of the odor representation in the KC population is crucial to the fly’s ability to learn to form distinct associative memories for different odors. In particular, the fact that KCs respond sparsely to incoming odors ( 10% per odor) (24) allows different odors to activate unique, nonoverlapping subsets of KCs and thereby enhances flies’ learned discrimination of similar odors (25).A potential problem for this sparse coding arises from variability between KCs. KCs receive inputs from second-order olfactory neurons called projection neurons (PNs), with an average of approximately six PN inputs per KC, and typically require simultaneous activation of multiple input channels in order to spike (26), thanks to high spiking thresholds and feedback inhibition (25, 27). However, there is substantial variation across KCs in the key parameters controlling their activity, such as the number of PN inputs per KC (28), the strength of PN–KC synapses, and KC spiking thresholds (27). Intuitively, such variation could lead to a situation where some KCs with low spiking thresholds and many or strong excitatory inputs fire indiscriminately to many different odors, while other KCs with high spiking thresholds and few or weak excitatory inputs never fire; KCs at both extremes are effectively useless for learning to classify odors, even if overall only 10% of KCs respond to each odor. However, it remains unclear whether biologically realistic inter-KC variability would affect the mushroom body’s memory performance and what potential strategies might counter the effects of inter-KC variability.Here, we show in a rate-coding model of the mushroom body that introducing experimentally derived inter-KC variability into the model substantially impairs its memory performance. This impairment arises from increased variability in average activity among KCs, which means fewer KCs have sparse-enough activity to be specific to rewarded vs. punished odors. However, memory performance can be rescued by compensating away variability in KC activity while preserving the experimentally observed variation in the underlying parameters. This can occur through activity-dependent homeostatic plasticity or direct correlations between key parameters like number vs. strength of inputs. Finally, we analyze the hemibrain connectome to show that, indeed, the number of PN inputs per KC is inversely correlated with the strength of each input, while the strength of inhibitory inputs is correlated with the total strength of excitatory inputs. Thus, we show both the existence and computational benefit of compensatory variability in mushroom body network parameters.  相似文献   

Habituation is a universal form of nonassociative learning that results in the devaluation of sensory inputs that have little information content. Although habituation is found throughout nature and has been studied in many organisms, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. We performed a forward genetic screen in Drosophila to search for mutations that modified habituation of an olfactory-mediated locomotor startle response, and we isolated a mutation in the glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) homolog Shaggy. Decreases in Shaggy levels blunted habituation, whereas increases promoted habituation. Additionally, habituation acutely regulated Shaggy by an inhibitory phosphorylation mechanism, suggesting that a signal transduction pathway that regulates Shaggy is engaged during habituation. Although shaggy mutations also affected circadian rhythm period, this requirement was genetically separable from its role in habituation. Thus, shaggy functions in different neuronal circuits to regulate behavioral plasticity to an olfactory startle and circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   

The role of classical neurotransmitters in the transfer and processing of olfactory information is well established in many organisms. Neuropeptide action, however, is largely unexplored in any peripheral olfactory system. A subpopulation of local interneurons (LNs) in the Drosophila antannal lobe is peptidergic, expressing Drosophila tachykinins (DTKs). We show here that olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) express the DTK receptor (DTKR). Using two-photon microscopy, we found that DTK applied to the antennal lobe suppresses presynaptic calcium and synaptic transmission in the ORNs. Furthermore, reduction of DTKR expression in ORNs by targeted RNA interference eliminates presynaptic suppression and alters olfactory behaviors. We detect opposite behavioral phenotypes after reduction and over expression of DTKR in ORNs. Our findings suggest a presynaptic inhibitory feedback to ORNs from peptidergic LNs in the antennal lobe.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor (OR) genes are of vital importance for animals to find food, identify mates, and avoid dangers. In mammals, the number of OR genes is large and varies extensively among different orders, whereas, in insects, the extent of interspecific variation appears to be small, although only a few species have been studied. To understand the evolutionary changes of OR genes, we identified all OR genes from 12 Drosophila species, of which the evolutionary time is roughly equivalent to that of eutherian mammals. The results showed that all species examined have similar numbers ( approximately 60) of functional OR genes. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the ancestral species also had similar numbers of genes, but there were frequent gains and losses of genes that occurred in each evolutionary lineage. It appears that tandem duplication and random inactivation of duplicate genes are the major factors of gene number change. However, chromosomal rearrangements have contributed to the establishment of genome-wide distribution of OR genes. These results suggest that the repertoire of OR genes in Drosophila has been quite stable compared with the mammalian genes. The difference in evolutionary pattern between Drosophila and mammals can be explained partly by the differences of gene expression mechanisms and partly by the environmental and behavioral differences.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) rely primarily on two types of chemoreceptors, odorant receptors (Ors) and ionotropic receptors (Irs), to convert odor stimuli into neural activity. The cellular signaling of these receptors in their native OSNs remains unclear because of the difficulty of obtaining intracellular recordings from Drosophila OSNs. Here, we developed an antennal preparation that enabled the first recordings (to our knowledge) from targeted Drosophila OSNs through a patch-clamp technique. We found that brief odor pulses triggered graded inward receptor currents with distinct response kinetics and current–voltage relationships between Or- and Ir-driven responses. When stimulated with long-step odors, the receptor current of Ir-expressing OSNs did not adapt. In contrast, Or-expressing OSNs showed a strong Ca2+-dependent adaptation. The adaptation-induced changes in odor sensitivity obeyed the Weber–Fechner relation; however, surprisingly, the incremental sensitivity was reduced at low odor backgrounds but increased at high odor backgrounds. Our model for odor adaptation revealed two opposing effects of adaptation, desensitization and prevention of saturation, in dynamically adjusting odor sensitivity and extending the sensory operating range.From insects to mammals, the sense of smell begins with odor detection by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) (16). Recently, rapid advances have been made in understanding chemoreceptors in Drosophila OSNs (79). To date, Drosophila is the only model organism for which odor selectivity is known for most of its odorant receptors (Ors) (10, 11), and an Or expression pattern has been mapped to OSNs (12, 13). In addition, another family of chemoreceptors called ionotropic receptors (Irs) has been identified and characterized (1416). These two types of chemoreceptors respond to different odors, thus endowing Drosophila OSNs with unique and complementary properties for odor detection (17). In contrast to the advanced molecular understanding of these two types of chemoreceptors, the mechanisms of their cellular signaling in native OSNs remain unclear, particularly hampered by the technical difficulty of carrying out patch-clamp recordings of Drosophila OSNs.Drosophila OSNs are encased in hair-like sensilla in the antennae and maxillary palps, with each sensillum containing the dendrites of one to four OSNs that are wrapped by sheath cells (18). The responses of native Drosophila OSNs to odors have traditionally been measured by electroantennogram (EAG) (19), which extracellularly measures the potentials across the entire antenna. In addition, single-sensillum recording (SSR) was developed to provide a higher spatial resolution by measuring the local field potentials (LFPs) from a single sensillum (2024). These methods, especially SSR, have greatly advanced understanding of the odor selectivity of both Ors and Irs (10, 11, 14). However, because sheath cells and other OSNs also contribute to EAG and SSR signals (25), the response characteristics obtained by such measurements are often contaminated. Patch-clamp recordings of single OSNs could ideally overcome this issue while facilitating the experimental manipulations of a cell’s membrane potential; however, this standard method has unfortunately not yet been routinely applied to Drosophila OSNs.Here, we developed a Drosophila antennal preparation and succeeded in performing patch-clamp recordings of single identified OSNs. By using a fast solution change system to deliver liquid-phase odor stimuli, we investigated the response properties of odor-induced receptor currents of Drosophila OSNs. We found that OSNs expressing Ors exhibited slow response kinetics, outward receptor current rectification, and strong adaptation to odors. We further demonstrated that this adaptation was produced by a Ca2+ influx into OSNs because it could be eliminated by voltage clamping at positive holding potentials, by removing extracellular Ca2+, or by removing internal free Ca2+ with a Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). Importantly, in contrast to the long-held view that adaptation simply increases sensitivity, we found that Or-mediated adaptation selectively reduced odor-signaling gain at low odor backgrounds but increased the gain at high odor backgrounds, thereby extending the dynamic odor-operating range. In contrast, odor-induced receptor currents in Ir-expressing OSNs showed fast response kinetics and, surprisingly, did not adapt.  相似文献   

Ecdysone-inducible functions of larval fat bodies in Drosophila   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
Late in the third instar larval stage of Drosophila melanogaster, the titer of the steroid hormone ecdysone increases sharply. This increase is blocked in the temperature-sensitive mutant ecd(1) after a temperature shift from 20 degrees C to 29 degrees C. The mutant was used to prepare three samples of late third instar larvae with different titers of ecdysone; the titer was low in one sample because of an earlier temperature shift, high in a second sample because the larvae were subsequently transferred to ecdysone-supplemented food, and also high in a third sample that was kept at 20 degrees C, providing a control for normal development. The effect of the high titer of ecdysone on proteins of the larval fat bodies was examined by comparing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of total proteins in stained gels. There were proteins at five positions in the gels for the high-ecdysone samples that were not detected at the corresponding positions in the gel for the low-ecdysone sample. The effect of ecdysone on these proteins was further studied by injecting [(35)S]methionine into the larvae at both early and late third instar stages, in order to label proteins synthesized before and after the increase in ecdysone titer. The results indicate that ecdysone induces two major responses in the fat bodies; certain proteins that were synthesized earlier in the fat bodies and secreted into the hemolymph are incorporated back into the fat bodies, and other proteins are newly synthesized. Attempts to induce prematurely the synthesis of the new proteins by exposing early third instar larvae to exogenous ecdysone were unsuccessful, suggesting that development must proceed further before the fat bodies can respond to ecdysone.By in vitro translation of RNA isolated from fat bodies of low-and high-ecdysone samples of larvae, it was shown that ecdysone greatly increases the amount of translatable messenger RNA for one of the newly synthesized proteins. A clone of DNA complementary to the induced messenger RNA has been isolated from a population of lambda bacteriophage carrying segments of the Drosophila genome. Using the cloned DNA to measure amounts of complementary poly(A)-RNA in the fat bodies by DNA.RNA hybridization, we detected about 50 times more complementary poly(A)-RNA in the high-ecdysone sample of larvae than in the low-ecdysone sample. This finding provides direct evidence that ecdysone induces an increase in the amount of the messenger RNA. The ecdysone-induced appearance of a major messenger RNA in late third instar larval fat bodies represents a developmental response to ecdysone that appears to be gene-specific, tissue-specific, and stage-specific, and it has exceptionally favorable features for further molecular studies of the control of gene expression by a steroid hormone.  相似文献   

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