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目的调查新疆伽师县的白蛉种类、季节消长等生态学特性。方法 2009年5月中旬至9月上旬,在伽师县卧里托克拉克乡的居民点和野外采集白蛉,鉴定后计算蛉种组成和性别比例,统计白蛉数量和密度,观察白蛉通宵活动情况。解剖白蛉,分析雌蛉生殖营养周期,检查白蛉体内利什曼原虫自然感染情况;以油纸、捕蛉罩等方法调查白蛉栖息地。结果捕获白蛉4540只,其中99.9%为吴氏白蛉,微小司蛉新疆亚种仅占0.1%。人房处在5月底6月初出现第1个密度高峰,8月中旬出现第2个密度高峰。白蛉的活动主要集中在22:00~次日4:00,午夜0:00达到活动最高峰。生殖营养周期分析表明吴氏白蛉为野生野栖蛉种,主要在户外吸血,有较强的嗜人血习性;在4只白蛉体内查到内脏利什曼原虫前鞭毛体,野外(3只)的自然感染率高于人房内(1只)。栖息地调查发现畜圈内墙壁缝隙等处是白蛉的栖息地。结论新疆伽师县的优势蛉种为吴氏白蛉,其每年有2个世代,主要栖息在各种隐蔽、恒温的洞穴和缝隙中。  相似文献   

蒙古白蛉和安氏白蛉在叮咬了感染当地大沙鼠耳组织内利什曼原虫的BALB/c小鼠后,当白蛉的胃皿仔在时,利什曼前鞭毛体的感染率分别为37.6%和52.9%,在胃血完全消化后,则感染率下降为83%和6.9%,其原因是白蛉吸血后形成的围食膜限制了大多数蛉胃内前鞭毛体的发展;但这二种白蛉在胃血消化过程中约有1/4的围食膜可以破裂,从膜内逸出的前鞭毛体即可继续繁殖和向蛉的消化道前端移行,并且不再受到下一次吸血后形成的围食膜的限制。硕大白蛉吴氏亚种在吸了感染利什曼原虫的小鼠的血后也形成围食膜,但于吸血后第三天膜即破裂,故白蛉感染的前鞭毛体的繁殖和发展不受限制,感染率在蛉胃内有血时为62.8%,无血时为55.6%(P>0.05),无甚差异。  相似文献   

目的 观察灭蛉与家犬药浴措施后对内脏利什曼病流行的影响。 方法 在四川省南坪县野外洞穴用奋斗呐(50mg/m2)滞留喷洒灭蛉和药浴 (2.5%溴氰菊脂可湿性粉剂250mg/L)家犬防治中华白蛉措施后,逐年进行野外洞穴白蛉密度观察和当地内脏利什曼病的流行病学调查。 结果 野外洞穴白蛉密度得到有效控制。家犬药浴和白蛉密度降低后,对控制内脏利什曼病起到一定作用。 结论 在内脏利什曼病流行区,采取家犬药浴和野外洞穴药物滞留喷洒灭蛉措施,对预防和阻断内脏利什曼病传播具有重要作用。  相似文献   

白蛉及利什曼病的研究与中国西部开发   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利什曼病(黑热病)是我国重要的寄生虫病之一。解放初期估计全国约有患者53万,流行于长江以北16省(区),其中以山东、江苏、安徽、河南、河北、陕西关中平原最为严重。党和政府对此病极为重视,从中央到省及地、县都建立了相应的防治专业机构,积极开  相似文献   

克拉玛依地区的利什曼病V:白蛉生态的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

克拉玛依地区的利什曼病:IX.白蛉自然感染前鞭...   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的了解新疆南部不同类型内脏利什曼病部分流行区媒介白蛉动态。方法选择库尔勒砾漠地带、喀什古老绿洲农业区和伽师荒漠农业区作为监测点;3种类型监测点采用粘性油纸法、诱蛉灯法、捕蛉管人工捕集法和白布灯照诱引法捕集白蛉;对捕集的白蛉观察密度、鉴定蛉种并检查雌蛉自然感染前鞭毛体。结果喀什、伽师和库尔勒捕蛉管人工捕集法白蛉密度分别为34.83、27.69和0.73只/人工小时;喀什解剖白蛉860只,其中吴氏白蛉占77.6%,长管白蛉占22.4%。伽师解剖白蛉604只,均为吴氏白蛉;库尔勒解剖白蛉11只均为亚历山大白蛉;吴氏白蛉是喀什古老绿洲农业区和伽师荒漠农业区夜间在有灯光的户外和人房外墙活动的优势蛉种;长管白蛉是喀什古老绿洲农业区白天主要在人房内和畜舍内活动的优势蛉种,夜晚也可在人房外墙捕到;亚历山大白蛉是库尔勒砾漠地带的优势蛉种。结论喀什和伽师白蛉密度甚高,应根据各自的特点,采取有效方法控制传播媒介,降低人群内脏利什曼病发病率。  相似文献   

Singh R  Lal S  Saxena VK 《Acta tropica》2008,107(2):117-120
Soil samples weighing 255.3 kg, collected from 50 villages of 5 visceral leishmaniasis (VL) endemic districts of Bihar state were examined for sandfly breeding, using the soil incubation method. Breeding of sandflies was detected in 46% of the villages and 7.3% of the soil samples examined. Intra-domestic soil was found to be infested with 2 species of sandflies, Phlebotomus argentipes Annandale and Brunetti and Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli). In comparison with human houses, P. argentipes was found to show greater propensity to breed in cattle sheds; breeding prevalences in villages and soil samples, for the species, were significantly higher in cattle sheds than in human houses. The preference for breeding sites by the sandflies appeared to be associated with the pH of the soil. P. argentipes thus preferred to breed in the alkaline soil of cattle shed, and P. papatasi in the soil with neutral pH, of human houses. The emergence of adult P. argentipes from soil samples was mainly observed from April to October.  相似文献   

该文综述了人体利什曼原虫的传播机制及传媒蛉种研究的现状和进展,并通过分析媒介白蛉与利什曼原虫的相互关系,认为利什曼原虫虫种的鉴定应在分析原虫DNA的基础上,结合该利什曼原虫与其他虫种在致病特征和流行病学上的差异综合考虑,这样才具有价值。  相似文献   

该文综述了基于分子特征的白蛉群体遗传结构、近缘种鉴别和系统发育关系重建的研究现状,列举了所应用的分子标志,依据研究内容选择适合的分子标志仍需进一步确定.  相似文献   

许多昆虫与寄生在昆虫体表或肠道细胞中的微生物建立了共生关系。臭虫、蚜虫、猎蝽等昆虫可以依靠非最佳食物为生,这一是由于其特殊的生存环境,还由于其体内的共生微生物可以帮助合成和补充其食物中所缺乏的必需营养物质。蚊虫也与其肠道中共生细菌有着密切的联系。成蚊喜产卵于富舍细菌的水体中,水体细菌成为蚊虫幼虫的重要食物来源。伊蚊和库蚊幼虫正常生长发育不可缺少细菌,在无菌条件下饲养,蚊虫或其他媒介昆虫不能正常发育至成熟或不能传播人畜疾病。该文对蚊虫与细菌的共生现象以及其在以下几方面的应用进行综述,(1)蚊虫共生细菌的分离与鉴定,(2)共生细菌的形成与传代,(3)共生细菌在昆虫中的分布,并讨论了经过遗传改造的蚊虫共生细菌对蚊虫防治及控制疟疾等由昆虫传播的疾病的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 比较人工光诱法和油纸法两种白蛉监测方法的适用范围以及各自的优劣,为科学评价其监测结果提供依据.方法 分别比较了人房、畜圈、农田、果园和荒地等处油纸法捕获率的差异,在人房和野外以及不同人员人工光诱法捕获率的差异,着重观察了有无光照对油纸法的影响.结果 人工光诱法捕获率较高,平均每小时捕获数为42 ~405只;熟练培训的捕蛉人在人房和野外捕获白蛉数量差异有统计学意义.油纸法容易受灯光的影响.无光照时,捕获率较低,平均每张油纸捕获数仅为0~4只;有光照时,晚间白蛉集中在距离光源1m范围内活动,1m外则受光照影响甚微.结论 人工光诱法捕获率高,适合多种环境监测;油纸法捕获率低,更适宜在有光照下作为白蛉监测方法.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess molecular characterization, distribution, seasonal activities of sandfly species and Leishmania parasites infecting them for this zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis focus.MethodsThe collections were carried out in 2009–2011 using CDC traps, Sticky Papers and manual aspirator in and around the villages in Abarkouh district. Individual sandflies were characterized by PCR amplification and sequencing of fragments of their mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Leishmania parasite infections within sandflies were performed by targeting Cyt b, ITS-rDNA, k-DNA and microsatellite genes.ResultsThe PCR assays detected only Leishmania major (L. major). All infections (30) were found in the abundant and widespread vector Phlebotomus papatasi (P. papatasi). Small numbers of other sandfly species were also screened for infections, but none was found. Sergentomyia sintoni and P. papatasi were the predominant members in all locations of this district and in all habitats throughout the trapping season. Only five other sandfly species were found, namely Phlebotomus ansari, Phlebotomus caucasicus, Phlebotomus sergenti, Sergentomyia dentata and Sergentomyia merviney.ConclusionsIn the current survey, the only infections detected are of L. major in females of P. papatasi (30 out of 190). The rates of infection of P. papatasi by L. major are not significantly different in compare with other locations in Iran with no diversity of parasite strains. Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis may have emerged only recently in Abarkouh district, and the reason may well be the instability of the transmission cycles there.  相似文献   

The dengue fever is a major public health problem in the world. In Brazil, in 2015, there were 1,534,932 cases, being 20,320 cases of severe form, and 811 deaths related to this disease. The distribution of Aedes aegypti, the vector, is extensive. Recently, Zika and Chikungunya viruses had arisen, sharing the same vector as dengue and became a huge public health issue. Without specific treatment, it is urgently required as an effective vector control. This article is focused on reviewing vector control strategies, their effectiveness, viability and economical impact. Among all, the Sterile Insect Technique is highlighted as the best option to be adopted in Brazil, once it is largely effectively used in the USA and Mexico for plagues related to agribusiness.  相似文献   

疟疾曾是江苏省流行的重大传染病之一,中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊是江苏省疟疾传播的主要媒介。经过几十年的积极防治,江苏省于2019年实现了消除疟疾目标,而媒介控制策略在全省消除疟疾过程中发挥了重要作用。本文回顾了江苏省主要疟疾传播媒介中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊的历史分布和生态习性以及不同防治阶段媒介控制策略和措施,并就媒介种类鉴定、品系构建、对疟原虫易感性、对杀虫剂抗性等媒介生物学及其防控研究概况进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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