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试飞员的工作性质 :就是对每一架飞机性能及安全进行检验 ,它包括首飞、定型试飞、交付试飞、科研试飞等。由于在试飞过程中 ,不确定因素较多 ,随时都可能发生具有风险性和危险性的特殊情况 ,因此试飞大队除了做好飞行前后的机务准备外 ,医疗救护保障工作是必不可少的 ,这就是要求我们航医室的每一位医务人员要有丰富的医疗救护知识及敏捷的应变能力 ,万无一失的完成好这项神圣而又艰巨的任务。在多年的航医工作中 ,对试飞前后医疗救护保障工作有跟多很多的体会 ,现总结如下与同行交流。1 航空救护箱的使用航空救护箱是航空兵部队外场飞行…  相似文献   

目的探讨试飞员选拔的年龄和飞行时间及人格特征, 为制订试飞员选拔技术规范提供理论基础。方法随机抽取36名试飞大队试飞员, 从中选取飞行时间≥2 500 h的30名试飞员进行访谈, 对访谈资料编码整理, 形成试飞员选拔的年龄及飞行时间。36名试飞员完成卡特尔16人格因素测验(Cattell’’s 16 Personality Factor, 16PF)和明尼苏达多相人格测验(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI)评估, 按照年龄分为30~39岁组和40~49岁组, 比较不同年龄组试飞员16PF和MMPI得分。结果歼击机试飞员选拔年龄适用条件为30~35岁, 飞行时间为1 000 h以上;轰炸机及运输机试飞员选拔年龄适用条件为30~35岁, 无飞行时间限制;两类试飞员选拔均应符合高性能战斗机飞行员体格要求。MMPI得分中, 30~39岁组试飞员的校正量表得分显著高于40~49岁组(U=97.50, P=0.040), 精神分裂量表得分则显著低于40~49岁组(U=95.50, P=0.035), 其他人格特征量表得分组间差异均无...  相似文献   

飞行心理训练是依据飞行中心理活动的规律和要求,有计划地对飞行员的心理过程和个性心理特征施加影响,使之形成适应飞行需要的良好心理品质,学会控制和调节自己的心理状态,保持心理的稳定性,从而提高行为能力,发挥技能训练的潜力,保证飞行训练和作战任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

飞行员基本认知能力的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
飞行活动具有特殊性,飞行职业对人的认知能力要求远高于普通职业。认知功能是飞行员必需具备的基本心理品质,尤其是空间定向能力与飞行密切相关。随着飞机自动化程度的提高,对飞行员逻辑思维、信息加工、记忆等智能的要求随之提高。因此,检测飞行员的基本认知能力对飞行学员的选拔及飞行能力的评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   

作战部队飞行的卫勤保障,主要由航医根据作战部队飞行工作的特点和规律,对飞行人员进行防治伤病、健康体检,保证飞行安全,最大限度地提高飞行人员的健康出勤率。作为卫勤领导和航卫工作者,只有把握住各阶段的工作重点和要求,才能比较顺利地完成作战部队的卫勤保障工作。  相似文献   

海军飞行人员在疗养中要进行年度大体检,在体检中常能检出一些新的病症,对这些病症的特点和规律进行分析研究,有利于做好疗养保健、疾病矫治工作,对保证飞行安全、延长飞行年限、提高飞行人员健康水平有重要意义。现将我院2000年至2005年参加大体检的2383名海军飞行员新检出病症情况分析如下。  相似文献   

目的 通过部队调查与现场测试,了解使用机载分子筛制氧与供氧系统的战斗机飞行员机动飞行后呼吸不适反应情况,分析其发生的原因,提出解决措施.方法 分别对25名飞行员和5名试飞员进行了问卷调查,重点对其中4名机动飞行后的飞行员进行胸部X线透视和肺活量的测量.结果 在机动飞行载荷大于4G时,未启动机上加压呼吸,22名飞行员下飞机后出现不同程度的深吸气困难、干咳、胸闷等呼吸不适反应.这种不适反应多在30 min内自行消失.在其他飞行课目和其他机种的飞行训练中,未发生类似的反应.飞行现场有2名飞行员分别行胸部X线透视,1例为条索状肺不张,1h后消失;1例为可疑影像,咳嗽几声后自行消失,为一过性加速度性肺不张.然而,4名试飞员按要求着装并启用加压呼吸,未出现呼吸不适反应.结论 发生加速度性肺不张与过载飞行时机载分子筛产氧浓度高和飞行员未启用加压呼吸抗过载有关.建议加强教育与训练,按飞行条例规定着装,过载飞行时自动启动加压呼吸抗过载.继续追踪过载飞行训练呼吸反应情况,尽快改进装备的抗荷加压呼吸启动阈值.  相似文献   

通过水轰-5飞机大航程试飞,探讨其长时间飞行时的航空卫生保障工作特点,为今后完成类似任务积累经验。 1 水轰-5飞机大航程飞行特点 1.1 航行高度高,时间长,飞行强度大 此次试飞高度为5 500 m,续航时间为8 h,全部为海上航行。 1.2 工作环境恶劣 该机飞行人员工作条件较差,驾驶舱为非密封性,飞行人员长时间暴露在高噪声、低气压、低气温的环境里,缺少必要的防护措施和装  相似文献   

刘桂昌 《民航医学》2008,18(1):10-11
航空医学具有职业医学和预防保健医学的特征。航空医生是服务于飞行人员的保健医生。其所处的医疗保健层次和工作方式又具有一定的社区(或家庭)医生和全科医生的特点。航空军医(以下简称航医)是服务于军事飞行人员的航空医生,它不但具有上述航空医生所有特征,同时又具有军事活动的特征。相对于民航,军事航空具有更大的复杂性和危险性,因此在保证安全飞行和战斗胜利方面对航医工作提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

葛盛秋 《民航医学》1993,3(2):12-13
蒋祝平局长号召:“发展民航医学,为现代航空事业服务”。航空医学是伴随航空活动而出现的特殊的职业医学。自1903年世界上第一架飞机试飞成功,至今已九十年了。近一个世纪以来,全世界的航空医学工作者为保障飞行安全,为人类航空航天事业做出巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

目的 通过文献综合分析我国民航飞行员心理选拔研究的现状及前景. 资料来源与选择 国内外该领域及相关领域的研究论文和专著. 资料引用 国内外公开发表的文献26篇.资料综合 飞行员心理选拔是通过飞行专家和心理学研究者从心理品质和心理特征等方面挑选出那些既能通过飞行训练又能成为优秀机长的候选者,这不仅能有效地节省飞行训练成本,同时能很好地维护飞行安全质量.在航空心理学研究中,基本能力/智力、心理运动能力和人格特征等心理因素一直是选拔飞行员的关键指标. 结论 我国民航飞行员心理选拔过程中存在内容陈旧、缺乏效度、测验手段单一、选拔与训练脱节以及缺乏统一的选拔系统等问题.未来研究应以安全为导向,结合能力特征和心理状态、人格特质和情境状态,以机组资源管理技能为效标构建适用于中国民航飞行员的心理选拔系统,为从根本上确保民航飞行员安全作业的可靠性奠定良好的工作基础.  相似文献   

The PSS 2005 gave HEMS pilots an opportunity to candidly voice their views and concerns about flight safety. Their overwhelming response has provided the air ambulance industry with valuable insights from the people who deal with air medical safety issues on a daily basis.We know from the survey data that HEMS pilots are a highly experienced group. They are straightforward about accepting responsibility for aircraft accidents, citing poor pilot decisions as the primary cause of HEMS accidents. They also understand that the industry needs to provide better training to assist pilots in making good decisions, along with the equipment to back it up. Pilots are convinced simulators and NVGs will greatly enhance safety, along with other improvements in technology.In other words, pilots understand the need to make good decisions, but has the industry given pilots the tools and support they need?Pilots also want to know that management will back up their no-go decision, without regard to financial or competitive pressures. They know that even good decisions to fly can sometimes be overridden by weather conditions or inadequate weather reporting. When things do go wrong, pilots want the tools and the training to bring the aircraft and their crew home safely.The pilots have spoken. The question is, will the HEMS industry commit the resources necessary to supply the IFR training, NVGs, and other equipment that line pilots believe so strongly are needed to reduce accidents?  相似文献   

Three otherwise healthy private pilots were licensed with the restriction to fly "as or with safety pilot" because of a left bundle branch block (LBBB). Whether a pilot with this conduction disturbance is allowed to fly unrestricted depends on invasive diagnostic procedures. Above age 40, cardiovascular risk in subjects with LBBB becomes high enough that a flying license should be withheld. A protocol for licensing in LBBB cases under age 40 is given, relying on non-invasive diagnostic procedures, taking into account intermittent occurrence, electrical axis, and duration of QRS complex.  相似文献   

空军飞行学员心理选拔工作可以1987年招收飞行员体制改革为界,划分为两个阶段。第一阶段可追溯到50年代,但只有纸笔试验得到了推广应用。1987年以来心理选拔受到前所未有重视。从1988年起开展了飞行学员“筛选一控制”选拔体系研究。目前,提出了“分级选拔”和“选拔与训练相结合”的系统构想。心理选拔具体方法已从过去使用的单纯的纸笔测验,发展到纸笔测验、双重任务测验、心理会谈和个性问卷等多种方法。建议进一步完善心理学“筛选一控制”选拔体系。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Selection of student pilots to the Royal Danish Air Force involves a physical examination including a vestibular test. Usually tests for selection proposes are not well documented. HYPOTHESIS: The result of the vestibular autorotation test (VAT) is correlated to the ability to learn to fly in a military context. METHODS: A Multi Layer Perception neural network with three layers configured as a Back Propagation Network was tested using data originating from horizontal VAT of 59 student pilot candidates, given the outcome of the pre-jet basic flight check. In the analysis the leave-one-out method was used. RESULTS: Based on horizontal data only the network correctly classified the student pilot candidates as having been passed or rejected within a verification error margin < 0.1. CONCLUSION: The result indicates that VAT performed at the initial physical examination is a powerful tool for the elimination of unfit student pilot candidates when data are analyzed in neural networks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Student pilots in the USAF are selected for fighter, bomber, or airlift/tanker tracks after basic flight training. This selection needs to be accurate in order to save time and training costs. The objective of this study was to determine whether significant psychological differences exist between pilots flying different types of aircraft and whether these differences could predict who will become a fighter pilot (FP) vs. a bomber pilot (BP) or airlift/tanker pilot (AP). METHODS: Pilots who took the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB) and NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R) were linked to their aircraft type using primary USAF specialty codes. The data for 2105 pilots was analyzed using MANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc analysis to evaluate for relationships between test results and airframe assignment. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was found between FP and AP pilot means on all segments of the MAB and portions of the NEO-PI-R. The mean scores of the FP group were higher on all IQ facets of the MAB. On the NEO-PI-R, the FP group scored lower on agreeableness and higher on conscientiousness. DISCUSSION: The homogeneity of the pilot population gives the statistical difference in scores limited practical value for predicting which aircraft a pilot is best suited to fly. However, scores on these tests clearly could be a useful adjunct, along with flight training grades and personal desires, in determining a student pilot's potential for success in the multi-tasking environment of the fighter pilot.  相似文献   

目的 探讨飞行员角膜屈光手术治疗的飞行适应性及航空医学的鉴定原则.方法 分析1例歼轰-7飞行员双眼近视的临床诊断、治疗过程及医学鉴定情况,复习相关文献.结果 本例飞行员诊断为近视性屈光不正2年,保守治疗无效.本人要求手术治疗.眼科检查未见手术禁忌证,经过准分子激光上皮下角膜磨削术治疗,术后常规局部抗炎、促进角膜伤口愈合等药物治疗约1个半月,3个月后复查视功能(包括视力、立体视觉、对比敏感度)恢复正常;双眼角膜伤口愈合良好,电脑验光屈光度稳定;角膜地形图示切削区居中.经低压舱模拟航空低压缺氧环境检查,视功能稳定,给予特许飞行合格.术后正常参加双座机飞行40 h. 结论 军事飞行员近视角膜屈光手术治疗后,角膜伤口愈合良好,视功能恢复正常者可以考虑放飞.飞行适应性评价除常规定期视功能、屈光度、角膜等检查外,应进行对比敏感度、眩光等与飞行环境相关的特殊视功能检测.准分子激光角膜屈光手术是解决军事飞行员近视的有效方法.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Aircraft operations are a vital component of the transportation system in Alaska. Between 1990-2002, a total of 481 people died in Alaska in aviation accidents. The purpose of this study was to examine the practices and attitudes of Alaska commuter and air taxi operators and their pilots as they relate to company fatal accident rates. METHODS: A case-control analysis based on accident statistics was performed, grouping operators and their pilots into cases and controls, based on operator fatal accident rates, during January 1990 to June 2001. Responses from two aviation safety surveys-one of air carrier operators and one of active commercial pilots-were compared between cases and controls. RESULTS: The average case pilot had less career flight experience than control pilots and worked 13 h x d(-1) and 81 h x wk(-10; that is, 1 h x d(-1) and 10 h wk-1 more than controls. Case operators were less likely to consider pilot fatigue a problem when scheduling flights (p = 0.05) and more likely to depend financially on timely delivery of bypass mail (p = 0.04). Case pilots were three times as likely as controls to fly daily into unknown weather conditions. Nearly 90% of case pilots reported that they never flew when so fatigued that they wanted to decline the flight, compared with 64% of control pilots (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Pilots of high-risk operators differed from those working for the other operators, both in experience and working conditions. The combination of pilot inexperience and longer work hours and workweeks may contribute to Alaska's high aviation crash rate.  相似文献   

Inadvertent instrument flight rules (IFR) encounters are some of the most harrying conditions a pilot can experience. They also result in the highest percentage of death from helicopter crashes. Yet, inadvertent IFR can be prevented to some degree, and if encountered, it can be conquered and survived. Pilots must have strong identities but also must follow strict rules as to when they can and cannot fly. Training, such as following the "four Cs"--control, climb, course and confess--and instruments can bring pilots through inadvertent IFR successfully, but legal questions remain.  相似文献   

Grounding aviators is an important and difficult aspect of being a flight surgeon. The psychological impact that grounding has on a flier may not only represent a serious pathological process in itself, but may also detrimentally affect the flight surgeon's relationships with other crewmembers. Grounding represents a loss to the aviator, the severity of which varies with pre-morbid motivation to fly. As a loss, grounding elicits grief; this must be dealt with effectively by the patient, with the help of the flight surgeon, or an unresolved grief reaction may cripple the ex-flier and hinder the flight surgeon's effectiveness.  相似文献   

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