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We have successfully generated and characterized a stable packaging cell line for HIV-1-based vectors. To allow safe production of vector, a minimal packaging construct carrying only the coding sequences of the HIV-1 gag-pol, tat, and rev genes was stably introduced into 293G cells under the control of a Tet(o) minimal promoter. 293G cells express the chimeric Tet(R)/VP16 trans-activator and contain a tetracycline-regulated vesicular stomatitis virus protein G (VSV-G) envelope gene. When the cells were grown in the presence of tetracycline the expression of both HIV-1-derived and VSV-derived packaging functions was suppressed. On induction, approximately 50 ng/ml/24 hr of Gag p24 equivalent of vector was obtained. After introduction of the transfer vector by serial infection, vector could be collected for several days with a transduction efficiency similar or superior to that of vector produced by transient transfection both for dividing and growth-arrested cells. The vector could be effectively concentrated to titers reaching 10(9) transducing units/ml and allowed for efficient delivery and stable expression of a GFP transgene in the mouse brain. The packaging cell line and all vector producer clones described here were shown to be free from replication-competent recombinants, and from recombinants between packaging and vector constructs that transfer the viral gag-pol genes. The packaging cell line and the assays developed will advance lentiviral vectors toward the stringent requirements of clinical applications.  相似文献   

Feline and equine lentivirus-derived vector systems are yielding impressive preclinical results in tissue culture, animal and ex vivo human organ models. Improved basic scientific understanding of lentiviral life cycles is facilitating development of these vectors, and initial systems based on other lentiviruses have been constructed. In addition to further engineering of the individual platforms for safety and efficacy, important goals for the field are to compare different lentiviral vector systems rigorously in specific human targets, and to derive clinical grade packaging/producer cell lines. Further progress in fundamental virology will be critical. Species-specific lentiviral restriction has recently emerged as a dynamic subject relevant to lentiviral pathogenesis research and lentiviral vector-based gene therapy. This review summarizes recent results in this growing field and discusses elements of an agenda for furthering application of these vectors to human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Gene correction aims at repairing a defective gene directly in the cellular genome, which warrants tissue-specific and sustained expression of the repaired gene through its endogenous promoter. We have developed a novel system based on integrase-deficient lentiviral vectors (IDLVs) that allows us to correct an endogenous mutation using a strategy based on homologous recombination (HR). In a proof-of-concept approach, an IDLV encoding a repair template was co-delivered with an I-SceI nuclease expression vector to rescue a defective enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene. Expression of the nuclease created a double-strand break within the target locus, which was crucial for stimulating IDLV-based gene repair. Stable gene correction was realized in up to 12% of the cells, depending on the vector dose, the nuclease expression levels, and the cell type. Genotypic analyses confirmed that gene correction was the result of genuine HR between the target locus and the IDLV repair template. This study presents IDLVs as valuable tools for introducing precise and permanent genetic modifications in human cells.  相似文献   

Nonintegrating lentiviral (NIL) vectors were produced from HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors by introducing combinations of mutations made to disable the integrase protein itself and to alter the integrase recognition sequences (att) in the viral LTR. NIL vectors with these novel combinations of mutations were used to transduce the human T lymphoid cell line Jurkat and primary human CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells to assess their efficacy measured through transient expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) reporter gene. The most disabled NIL vectors resulted in initial high levels of eGFP expression (approximately 90% of cells), but expression was transient, diminishing toward background (<0.5%) within less than 1 month. Southern blot analyses of transduced Jurkat cells confirmed the loss of detectable NIL vector sequence (linear form and one- and two-LTR circles) by 1 month. There were low residual levels of integration by NIL vectors (reduced approximately 10(4)-fold compared to wild-type vectors), despite any combination of the engineered changes. Based upon analysis of the sequences of the DNA from the junctions of the vector LTR and cellular chromosomes, these rare integrated NIL vector sequences were not mediated by an integrase-driven mechanism due to reversion of the engineered mutations, but more likely were produced by background recombination events. The development of NIL vectors provides a novel tool for efficient transient gene expression in primary stem cells and hematopoietic and lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Restenosis is a pathological condition involving intimal hyperplasia and negative arterial remodeling. Gene therapy vectors have shown modest therapeutic effects, but the level of infectivity has been relatively poor. In the present study we have designed a modified lentiviral vector (LV) pseudotyped with a strain of Hantavirus (HTNV) to improve the transduction efficiency into vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo. In vivo studies using adult New Zealand White rabbits demonstrated that local delivery of HTNV-pseudotyped LV (2 x 10(7) TU) into balloon-injured carotid arteries led to highly efficient transduction into endothelial and smooth muscle cells more effectively than VSV-G-pseudotyped LV (2 x 10(7) TU) or replication-defective adenoviral vectors (1-1.5 x 10(9) pfu) as determined by beta-gal immunohistochemistry. Overexpression of extracellular superoxide dismutase in balloon-injured carotid arteries 6 weeks after LV administration resulted in a significant reduction (P = 0.0024) of the intima/media ratio (0.18 +/- 0.09; n = 4) compared to vehicle-infused carotid arteries (0.69 +/- 0.08; n = 7). No beta-gal immunostaining was detected in other systemic organs, including the spleen, liver, heart, lung, kidneys, and brain. Moreover, no changes in plasma alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase were detected following LV administration. In all, these data show that LV pseudotyped with Hantaviral glycoproteins can be a useful vector for targeting therapeutic genes to the vasculature in vivo.  相似文献   

Gene transfer into B cells by lentivectors can provide an alternative approach to managing B lymphocyte malignancies and autoreactive B cell-mediated autoimmune diseases. These pathogenic B cell populations can be distinguished by their surface expression of monospecific immunoglobulin. Development of a novel vector system to deliver genes to these specific B cells could improve the safety and efficacy of gene therapy. We have developed an efficient method to target lentivectors to monospecific immunoglobulin-expressing cells in vitro and in vivo. We were able to incorporate a model antigen CD20 and a fusogenic protein derived from the Sindbis virus as two distinct molecules into the lentiviral surface. This engineered vector could specifically bind to cells expressing surface immunoglobulin recognizing CD20 (alphaCD20), resulting in efficient transduction of target cells in a cognate antigen-dependent manner in vitro, and in vivo in a xenografted tumor model. Tumor suppression was observed in vivo, using the engineered lentivector to deliver a suicide gene to a xenografted tumor expressing alphaCD20. These results show the feasibility of engineering lentivectors to target immunoglobulin- specific cells to deliver a therapeutic effect. Such targeting lentivectors also could potentially be used to genetically mark antigen-specific B cells in vivo to study their B cell biology.  相似文献   

Balaggan KS  Ali RR 《Gene therapy》2012,19(2):145-153
Substantial advances in our understanding of lentivirus lifecycles and their various constituent proteins have permitted the bioengineering of lentiviral vectors now considered safe enough for clinical trials for both lethal and non-lethal diseases. They possess distinct properties that make them particularly suitable for gene delivery in ophthalmic diseases, including high expression, consistent targeting of various post-mitotic ocular cells in vivo and a paucity of associated intraocular inflammation, all contributing to their ability to mediate efficient and stable intraocular gene transfer. In this review, the intraocular tropisms and therapeutic applications of both primate and non-primate lentiviral vectors, and how the unique features of the eye influence these, are discussed. The feasibility of therapeutic targeting using these vectors in animal models of both anterior and posterior ophthalmic disorders has been established, and has, in combination with substantial progress in enhancing lentiviral vector bio-safety over the past two decades, paved the way for the first human ophthalmic clinical trials using lentivirus-based gene transfer vectors.  相似文献   

Genetic modification of human trabecular meshwork with lentiviral vectors.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glaucoma, a group of optic neuropathies, is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. Neuronal apoptosis in glaucoma is primarily associated with high intraocular pressure caused by chronically impaired outflow of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork, a reticulum of mitotically inactive endothelial-like cells located in the angle of the anterior chamber. Anatomic, genetic, and expression profiling data suggest the possibility of using gene transfer to treat glaucomatous intraocular pressure dysregulation, but this approach will require stable genetic modification of the differentiated aqueous outflow tract. We injected transducing unit-normalized preparations of either of two lentiviral vectors or an oncoretroviral vector as a single bolus into the aqueous circulation of cultured human donor eyes, under perfusion conditions that mimicked natural anterior chamber flow and maintained viability ex vivo. Reporter gene expression was assessed in trabecular meshwork from 3 to 16 days after infusion of 1.0 x 10(8) transducing units of each vector. The oncoretroviral vector failed to transduce the trabecular meshwork. In contrast, feline immunodeficiency virus and human immunodeficiency virus vectors produced efficient, localized transduction of the trabecular meshwork in situ. The results demonstrate that lentiviral vectors permit efficient genetic modification of the human trabecular meshwork when delivered via the afferent aqueous circulation, a clinically accessible route. In addition, controlled comparisons in this study establish that feline and human immunodeficiency virus vectors are equivalently efficacious in delivering genes to this terminally differentiated human tissue.  相似文献   

Cotransduction of nondividing cells using lentiviral vectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Frimpong K  Spector SA 《Gene therapy》2000,7(18):1562-1569
Diseases such as AIDS and cancers may require the introduction of multiple genes into either stem cells or nondividing cells, among others, for therapeutic purposes. Such genes may act at different points of the disease pathway, or may constitute a regulatory loop to bypass or rectify the defective gene or pathway underpinning the disease. Ideally, the therapeutic genes must be transduced together in diverse combinations, and the introduction should occur without constraints. Since lentiviral vectors can transduce both dividing and nondividing cells, they are ideal vehicles to investigate combinatorial gene transfer into diverse cells. In this study, we demonstrate that by using two independent lentiviral vectors, pseudotyped with the protein g of vesicular stomatitis virus, up to four genes can be introduced simultaneously into single dividing and nondividing cells. Up to 45% and 73% of dividing and nondividing cells, respectively, could be transduced with two lentiviral vectors. The efficiency of cotransducing a single cell was the product of the individual transduction efficiencies and suggested the absence of viral interference. Multiple and combinatorial gene transduction using lentiviral vectors may prove useful in gene therapy.  相似文献   

The skin is an attractive tissue for gene therapy applications to treat genetic disorders and to express systemically delivered transgenes encoding therapeutic proteins. Understanding the tissue tropism of vectors is a prerequisite for the design of gene therapy trials. Using an ex vivo system of organ culture, we studied factors that determined viral tropism to the epidermal and dermal cells in human and mouse skin. We applied in these studies a lentiviral vector pseudotyped with two glycoproteins that use different cell receptors (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein [VSV-G] and amphotropic murine leukemia virus envelope). The extent of infection with the amphotropic pseudotype was much higher than that of VSV-G, especially at low multiplicities of infection. In contrast, the tropism of these two pseudotypes in skin tissues was similar; at low multiplicities the infection was limited to areas near the basal layer of the epidermis, whereas at high multiplicities the infection extended to the dermal layer. To overcome physical barriers in the skin, the epidermal and dermal layers were separated and infected. Whereas the human epidermis was readily infected, we could not detect infection of stem and early progenitor cells in their niche. In contrast, mouse epidermis was completely resistant to infection. Dermal cells of both species were readily infected with the two pseudotypes. Molecular analysis indicated that infection of mouse epidermal cells was restricted after proviral DNA synthesis and before integration. In conclusion, we show that lentiviral tropism in a solid tissue is dependent on several factors, extra- and intracellular, distinct of the cellular receptors.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the titer and infectivity of lentiviral vectors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lentiviral vectors have undergone several generations of design improvement to enhance their biosafety and expression characteristics, and have been approved for use in human clinical studies. Most preclinical studies with these vectors have employed easily assayed marker genes for the purpose of determining vector titers and transduction efficiencies. Naturally, the adaptation of these vector systems to clinical use will increasingly involve the transfer of genes whose products may not be easily measured, meaning that the determination of vector titer will be more complicated. One method for determining vector titer that can be universally employed on all human immunodeficiency virus type 1-based lentiviral vector supernatants involves the measurement of Gag (p24) protein concentration in vector supernatants by immunoassay. We have studied the effects that manipulation of several variables involved in vector design and production by transient transfection have on vector titer and infectivity. We have determined that manipulation of the amount of transfer vector, packaging, and envelope plasmids used to transfect the packaging cells does not alter vector infectivity, but does influence vector titer. We also found that modifications to the transfer vector construct, such as replacing the internal promoter or transgene, do not generally alter vector infectivity, whereas inclusion of the central polypurine tract in the transfer vector increases vector infectivity on HEK293 cells and human umbilical cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). The infectivities of vector supernatants can also be increased by harvesting at early time points after the initiation of vector production, collection in serum-free medium, and concentration by ultracentrifugation. For the transduction of CD34+ HPCs, we found that the simplest method of increasing vector infectivity is to pseudotype vector particles with the RD114 envelope instead of vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein (VSV-G).  相似文献   

Transduction of human islets with pseudotyped lentiviral vectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Type I diabetes is caused by an autoimmune-mediated elimination of insulin-secreting pancreatic islets. Genetic modification of islets offers a powerful molecular tool for improving our understanding of islet biology. Moreover, efficient genetic engineering of islets could allow for evaluation of new strategies aimed at preventing islet destruction. The present study evaluated the ability of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based lentiviral vector pseudotyped with various viral envelopes to target human islets ex vivo, with the goal of improving efficiency while minimizing toxicity. Transfer of the enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter gene in human islets was first evaluated with an HIV-based vector pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), murine leukemia virus, Ebola, rabies, Mokola, or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) envelope glycoprotein to optimize transduction efficiency. Results indicated that LCMV-pseudotyped vector transduced insulin-secreting beta cells with the highest efficiency. Moreover, toxicity associated with transduction of islets was found to be lower with LCMV-pseudotyped vector than with VSV-G-pseudotyped vector, the second most efficient vector for islet transduction. Overall, our study describes an improved methodology for achieving safe and efficient gene transfer into cells of human islets.  相似文献   

Joo KI  Wang P 《Gene therapy》2008,15(20):1384-1396
We have reported a method to target lentiviral vectors to specific cell types. This method requires the incorporation of two distinct molecules on the viral vector surface: one is an antibody that renders the targeting specificity for the engineered vector, and the other is a fusogenic protein that allows the engineered vector to enter the target cell. However, the molecular mechanism that controls the targeted infection needs to be defined. In this report, we tracked the individual lentiviral particles by labeling the virus with the GFP-Vpr fusion protein. We were able to visualize the surface-displayed proteins on a single virion as well as antibody-directed targeting to a desired cell type. We also demonstrated the dynamics of virus fusion with endosomes and monitored endosome-associated transport of viruses in target cells. Our results suggest that the fusion between the engineered lentivirus and endosomes takes place at the early endosome level, and that the release of the viral core into the cytosol at the completion of the virus-endosome fusion is correlated with the endosome maturation process. This imaging study sheds some light on the infection mechanism of the engineered lentivirus and can be beneficial to the design of more efficient gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Vectors based on lentiviruses have become potent tools for efficient gene transfer to multiple cell types both in vitro and in vivo. In part this is attributable to the stability of transduction afforded by integration into the target cell genome. However, evidence indicates that episomal forms of the vector can also be harnessed for effective gene expression. Nonintegrating vectors retain the high transduction efficiency and broad tropism of conventional lentiviruses but avoid the potential problems associated with the nonspecific integration of a transgene. In this respect they are particularly useful in postmitotic tissue because the vector genome is not diluted out through cell division. Here we discuss the various mutations that may be introduced into human immunodeficiency virus-based lentiviral vectors to achieve efficient transduction, and the mechanisms by which these vectors are effective. We also discuss their potential application to gene therapy and the treatment of genetic disease.  相似文献   

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