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目的 分析植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)及心脏再同步治疗除颤器(CRT-D)一级预防患者的室性心律失常发生情况.方法 统计分析2007年1月至2012年6月在浙江医院因一级预防而植入ICD或CRT-D的所有患者.结果 140例患者中,植入ICD的患者51例,CRT-D患者89例,平均随访(26.8±12.6)个月.结果显示在ICD一级预防中启动ICD正确治疗的室性心律失常发生率为19.3%,误治疗率为12.9%,其中误治疗中85.3%发生在单腔ICD一级预防中.ICD一级预防中主要死亡原因为心力衰竭(52.2%),非心脏原因死亡(39.1%).ICD正确治疗组与未治疗组相比,宽QRS时限、低左心室射血分数(LVEF)及高B型脑钠肽(NT-proBNP)容易导致室性心律失常发生.结论 在ICD或CRT-D一级预防患者中,宽QRS时限、低LVEF及高NT-proBNP容易导致室性心律失常发生;ICD误治疗主要发生在单腔ICD患者.  相似文献   

心脏性猝死(SCD)是由各种心脏因素引起的意外死亡,通常发生在症状出现后1 h内。冠心病和急性心肌梗死是SCD的主要病因。植入型心律转复除颤器是预防SCD最有效的措施,有效提高了心肌梗死后SCD高危患者的生存率,成为SCD一级预防的标准治疗方法。近年来,在临床上的应用有了新进展。现综述SCD的流行病学、心肌梗死后SCD的发生机制和心律转复除颤器在心肌梗死后SCD中的应用进展。  相似文献   

目的评价植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)在慢性心力衰竭患者心脏性猝死一级预防中的治疗作用。方法对2005年1月至2008年12月符合ICD一级预防标准并植入ICD的患者进行随访。ICD的诊断设置室性心动过速(VT)、心室颤动(VF)两个工作区,治疗设置抗-tk,动过速起搏(ATP)、低能量同步转复(CV)和高能量除颤(DF)。术后患者常规给予抗心律失常药物。每3~6个月随访1次,利用程控仪获取ICD储存资料,了解患者心律失常发作情况以及ICD的诊断和治疗是否准确,及时调整相关参数并处理ICD故障。结果共随访了22例患者,平均随访(12.8±8.6)个月。共有10例患者记录到ICD治疗事件。10例患者ICD记录到持续性VT事件,其中由ATP终止6例,CV终止4例。4例患者有VF事件,均1次DF成功。2例ICD将快速心室率心房颤动(AF)识别为VF并进行放电治疗并转复房颤。结论ICD在慢性心力衰竭患者心脏性猝死一级预防中的治疗效果是肯定的,ICD联合抗心律失常药物能有效治疗恶性室性心律失常,预防心脏性猝死。  相似文献   

植入型心律转复除颤器在心脏性猝死防治中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心脏性猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD)是指患者在突发症状后的1h内,由于心脏骤停等原因引起的死亡。目前采用的症状发作后1h内死亡的严格时间定义使约90%以上的SCD归因于心律失常,其中恶性室性心律失常[室性心动过速(室速),心室颤动(室颤)]约占85%。近年SCD逐渐成为导致人类死亡的一个重要疾病。在美国每年SCD的发病人数超过所有脑卒中、肺癌、乳腺癌和获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者死亡人数的总和,SCD事件的发生超过30万例次/年囡,占总死亡的13%。  相似文献   

目的探讨植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)对慢性心力衰竭患者心脏性猝死的一级预防作用。方法12例缺血性或非缺血性:心肌病患者,男性11例,女性1例,平均年龄59.4岁。心功能Ⅱ~Ⅲ级(NYHA分级),左心率射血分数0.23~0.36,常规进行标准抗心力衰竭治疗。患者均行ICD植入,并进行ICD参数的设置。术后1、3、6个月,以后每6个月随访1次,观察病人的临床症状,随访时通过体外程控仪调出ICD储存的资料进行分析,了解恶性心律失常的发生情况,ICD的工作情况。结果术中及随访期间无死亡及心力衰竭加重,尢手术并发症。全部病例随访了3~30个月,其中2例患者发生心室颤动(室颤),除颤成功,3例患者发生室性心动过速,ATP转复成功,1例患者因心房颤动快速心室率发生误放电,通过药物控制心室率及调整ICD参数,未再发生误放电。结论12例心力衰竭患者中在随访期内(3~30个月)5例(42%)发生了室颤或室性心动过速,均经ICD成功复律。因此,ICD能有效预防慢性心力衰竭患者的心脏性猝死。  相似文献   

目的 对植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)应用于缺血性或非缺血性心肌病慢性心力衰竭患者心脏性猝死(SCD)一级预防价值进行长期随访观察.方法 2002年3月至2011年10月入选56例缺血性或非缺血性心肌病患者,心功能Ⅱ~Ⅲ级(NYHA分级),左心室射血分数(LVEF)0.16 ~0.35(0.29±0.05),接受规范化抗心力衰竭药物治疗,植入ICD并进行ICD参数初步设置.术后1、3、6个月,以后每6个月随访1次.结果 所有患者非开胸经锁骨下静脉植入ICD均成功.全部病例随访了1~115(44.05±35.16)个月.其中11例患者发生心室颤动26次(19.6%),ICD均电除颤成功;17例患者发生室性心动过速39次(30.4%),ICD治疗成功率94.8%.8例患者发生误放电,6例患者发生电风暴.16例患者ICD电池耗竭,10例患者更换了ICD.8例患者死亡.结论 缺血性或非缺血性心肌病慢性心力衰竭患者是心脏性猝死的高危人群,应用ICD可降低这类患者的猝死风险.  相似文献   

目的总结我院应用植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)进行心力衰竭心脏性猝死(SCD)一级预防的初步经验。方法入选我院近3年因严重心力衰竭植入ICD进行SCD一级预防的患者,术后3个月进行ICD常规随访,以后每6个月随访1次。结果入选患者22例,其中单腔ICD15台,双腔ICD7台。22例患者随访时间3~28个月。记录ICD治疗事件21次,包括12次抗心动过速起搏(ATP)治疗和9次放电,只有1次ATP治疗患者具自觉症状。其中正确治疗(appropriate therapy)11次(52%)包括8次ATP治疗和3次放电,误治疗(inappropriate therapy)10次(48%)。发生误治疗患者均为植入单腔ICD。结论ICD可以安全有效地应用于心力衰竭SCD的一级预防,ICD误治疗事件是值得重视的临床问题,合理的ATP治疗可以提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

植入型心律转复除颤器治疗的适应证   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
致命性室性心律失常(室性心动过速/心室颤动)是心脏性猝死(SCD)的主要原因,美国每年约40万人死于此症。一系列多中心临床试验证明ICD是优于药物的有效治疗方法,明显降低SCD发生率。美国每年上万人安装ICD,其数量呈直线上升趋势。我国由于经济条件和认识水平普及的限制,采用ICD治疗的患者甚少,但近年来逐渐增多,1年约100例患者安装ICD。为提高医生和患者对应用ICD的认识及使用规范化,两个学会的ICD专家组于2001年11月在北京召开研讨会,就ICD适应证、多中心试验结果、植入技术、心动过速的识别和治疗、并发症、随诊等专题,结合我国实际情况,进入了深入和认真的讨论,并提出建议。  相似文献   

心脏性猝死严重威胁心脏病患者的生命 ,其最常见直接原因为 VT和 VF。ICD是预防心脏性猝死的最有效的治疗方法。 1 980年 2月在美国霍普金氏医院 (Johns Hopkins Hospital)安装了第一台自动除颤器 ,到目前为止 ,世界上十万例患者安装了除颤器 ,挽救了数以万计患者的生命。在近六年内 ,这种治疗方法已成为标准治疗方法。越来越多的患者 ,尤其心脏骤停幸存者非常愿意接受这种治疗。仅 1 993年一年 ,美国接受 ICD植入的患者已达 1万例 ,1 995年已达 3万例。我国从 1 991年开始将 ICD应用于临床 ,迄今约有 30例患者安装了 ICD。我院1 99…  相似文献   

目的了解植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)适应证在我国的具体实施状况。方法研究分析全国31家医院2005年1月至2006年12月植入ICD患者的适应证。结果共入选142例植入ICD的猝死高危患者。其中符合2002年ACC/AHA/NASPE指南的ICD植入Ⅰ类适应证(二级预防)121例(85.2%),符合一级预防Ⅱa类适应证仅15例(10.6%)。结论现阶段我国的ICD植入适应证仍侧重于猝死的二级预防,而一级预防适应证患者的ICD治疗有待加强。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to characterize and analyse the spectrum of therapies delivered from implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD), to evaluate their effectivity and to mark the most effective types of antitachycardia stimulations (ATP), cardioversion (CV) and defibrillation (CD). To compare our results with references and give precautions of trouble-shootings. Our patients had implanted ICDs according to standard criteria for ICD implantations. Before discharge from hospital we performed predischarge test of their ICD. Than we followed them periodically each three months. We have observed 72 ICD pts (55 M, 17 F) in the mean age of 62.7 +/- 12.2 years the with mean LVEF was 0.37 +/- 0.11. The mean follow-up was 21 +/- 12.8 months. Each examination was managed through anamnesis of symptoms accompanying the beginning of arrhythmia, the sensation of ICD therapy by patient, followed by interrogation of the ICD memory. All obtained episodes were analysed. During the follow-up 1023 episodes of malignant ventricular arrhythmias were detected and effectively terminated. 7 pts died. During the therapy the ATP reached 83% in comparison with CV, CD which reached only 17%. The dominating symptoms were palpitations and presyncopes. In comparison with initial arrhythmias leading to implantations of ICDs (ventricular fibrillations for most of the cases--54%) the significantly higher number of spontaneous episodes were caused by monomorphic ventricular tachycardias VT (92.0%). We had no sudden cardiac death in our pts. In the indicated pts with a high risk of sudden arrhythmic death, the ICD therapy is characterized as very effective and is associated with high safety, low discomfort and when up to date algorithms for detection being used, then only adequate part of the inappropriate therapies occurs (10% patients, 3.2% from the number of episodes). The therapy by implantable cardioverter-defibrillators has had an important role in treating pts with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.  相似文献   

埋藏式复律除颤器(ICD)是目前预防心脏性猝死最重要的手段,本文综述近年ICD的临床研究,分析ICD对心脏性猝死一级和二级预防适应证的变迁.ICD应用的适应范围逐渐扩大,从室颤导致心脏骤停病史者,扩展到自发或可诱导出的持续性室性心动过速、缺血性心肌病心脏性猝死高危患者(有陈旧性心肌梗死病史,左室射血分数低,QRS波群时限增宽)、以及缺血性或非缺血性心肌病、左室射血分数(LVEF)≤30%~35%的心脏性猝死高危患者的应用.临床荟萃研究表明ICD一级预防具有良好的费用/获益比,临床医师应积极接受心力衰竭患者植入ICD预防心脏性猝死的观点.  相似文献   

心脏性猝死(SCD)是威胁人类生命健康的可怕杀手,其主要原因多数为心室颤动(VF).植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)具有有效终止恶性室性心律失常的功能,越来越多的临床试验证明ICD是预防SCD最为有效的方法.本文通过总结46例植入ICD患者追踪随访的结果,探讨ICD在预防心脏性猝死中的确切疗效.  相似文献   

Despite the multiple advances in the field of cardiovascular medicine, the incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) continues to rise. Of all SCDs, <25% occur in individuals deemed at high risk by current risk-stratification algorithms; hence, these risk-stratification algorithms are not satisfactory. Until better markers are identified to risk stratify patients, we will see an increasing use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs). However, even with the increase in defibrillator use, the impact on overall incidence of SCD may only be modest, as many individuals experience SCD as the first manifestation of cardiovascular disease. Another important challenge is widespread availability of automated external defibrillators and effective utilization of public access defibrillation programs for timely and appropriate management of out-of-hospital victims with cardiac arrest. This review discusses the current understanding on SCD, risk stratification, and management aimed at reducing SCD, particularly with the use of ICDs.  相似文献   

Sudden cardiac death, which accounts for approximately 350,000 deaths each year, is a major health care problem. Antiarrhythmic drugs have not been reliable in preventing sudden cardiac death. Although beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and revascularization play a role in prevention of sudden cardiac death, the development and subsequent refinement of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator has made the most important contribution to its management. Several randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated improved survival in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. Two recent trials also suggest a role for primary prevention in selected patients with coronary artery disease, ventricular dysfunction, and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia in whom sustained ventricular tachycardia is induced. Further technological refinements and development of new, more sensitive risk stratifiers with a higher positive predictive value for sudden cardiac death will expand the indications for this life-saving therapy.  相似文献   

An R-wave synchronous implantable automatic cardioverter-defibrillator (IACD) was evaluated in 12 patients with repeated episodes of cardiac arrest who remained refractory to medical and surgical therapy. Seven men and 5 women, average age 61 years, surgically received a complete IACD system. Coronary artery disease was found in 11 and the prolonged Q-T syndrome in 1. The average ejection fraction was 34%, and 6 patients had severe congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association class III or IV).

The IACD is a completely implantable unit consisting of 2 bipolar lead systems. One system uses a lead in the superior vena cava and on the left ventricular apex through which the cardioverting pulse is delivered. The second system employs a close bipolar lead implanted in the ventricle for sensing rate. After the onset of ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, the IACD automatically delivers approximately 25 J.

Postoperative electrophysiologic study in 10 and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia in 1 patient demonstrated appropriate IACD function and successful conversion in all with an average of 18 ± 4 seconds. The induced arrhythmias were ventricular tachycardia (160 to 300 beats/min) in 9 and ventricular fibrillation in 1.

These data demonstrate that ventricular tachycardia, not ventricular fibrillation, was the predominant rhythm induced during programmed ventricular stimulation in these survivors of cardiac arrest and that the IACD effectively responded to a wide range of ventricular tachycardia rates as well as ventricular fibrillation. Use of the IACD offers an effective means of therapy for some patients who otherwise may not have survived.  相似文献   

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