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在解剖一具成年(约30岁,身高约175 cm)男性尸体时,发现右侧腋神经部分穿行于肩胛下肌中,查阅文献,未见此类变异的描述,现报道如下: 此例标本右侧腋神经从臂从后束发出1.28cm后,有一段长约2.13cm的腋神经穿行与肩胛下肌内,穿入段宽度为4.59mm,穿出段宽3.7mm,穿出肩胛下肌后走行约2.3cm后伴旋肱后血管穿过四边孔.  相似文献   

作者在硕士研究生局部解剖学操作教学指导中,对一老年男尸进行解剖操作时,发现右侧腋动脉分支以及臂丛变异1例,归纳报道如下:1腋动脉分支变异  相似文献   

笔者在局部解剖学实验操作中观察到腋动脉分支和正中神经的位置均出现走行异常,为积累解剖学资料以及为临床应用提供参考,我们仔细解剖了腋腔内的结构,观察其内血管神经的走行及毗邻关系,并测量了有关数据,现报告如下。  相似文献   

臂丛由C5、C6、C7、C8、T1神经前支组成.臂丛的根、干、股、束及分支皆可存在变异[1-3].我们在解剖中发现1例右侧臂丛神经位置、形态变异,但此种变异报道较少,现报告如下.  相似文献   

足背动脉和跖背动脉走行变异1例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
足背动脉走行变异和跖背动脉解剖变异有文献报道 ,我们在游离第二足趾移植再造手指手术中 ,遇到一例足背动脉和跖背动脉走行变异的特殊病例 ,报道如下。病人男性 ,16岁。因右手示、中指外伤性缺如入院。 2 0 0 3年 3月 16日行游离双足第二足趾移植再造右手示、中指手术。切取右足第二足趾时见足背动脉走行于足背的正常位置 ,第一跖背动脉近端走行于骨间肌的深层 ,向远端走行逐渐浅出 ,在跖骨头横韧带的浅层分出趾和第二足趾的趾背动脉。切取解剖左足第二足趾时 ,首先在跖骨间隙和趾蹼处解剖显露跖背动脉 ,发现第一跖背动脉缺如 ,在跖骨头…  相似文献   

<正>臂丛由C5、C6、C7、C8、T1神经前支组成,臂丛的根、干、股、束及分支皆可存在变异[1]。肱深动脉伴神经臂丛变异较为少见,作者在解剖一具经10%甲醛固定的成年男性尸体标本时发现,其右上肢血管发生了变异,仔细解剖、观察其腋动脉、肱动脉及其分支、走行和毗邻,测量其主要分支的管径并拍照,以便为积累解剖学资料和临床应用提供参考。1材料与方法10%甲醛固定的老年男性尸体1具,解剖其腋腔和前臂前区,充分显露腋动脉、肱动脉及其主要分支,观察其行经和毗邻,  相似文献   

腋动脉变异较多,多见于胸外侧动脉与肩胛下动脉的起点变异,笔者在对一具中年女性尸体的解剖过程中,发现右侧腋动脉存在极罕见变异,而左侧未见变异,其右侧腋动脉变异位置高,合并双肱动脉变异,并且胸最上动脉缺如,存在双上肩胛下动脉等情况出现于同一例标本实属罕见。为了给解剖学及血管外科学累积国人腋动脉分支的统计学资料,帮助编撰出更符合国人实际体质的教材,便于教学,同时也为临床外科手术提供形态学参考,现报道如下。  相似文献   

局部解剖学教学中,解剖1具甲醛溶液固定男性尸体,年龄约50岁左右,发现其右上肢血管变异,报道如下。 本例标本右上肢锁骨下动脉在臂丛外侧束上方(胸小肌的下缘),分出内、外2支腋动脉。腋动脉内支直径较粗约8.0mm,与正中神经相伴,沿肱二头肌内侧沟下行至肘窝分出尺动脉、桡动脉,在距起始点10.5mm处分出胸前动脉;  相似文献   

腋动脉分支变异较多,我们在解剖1具成人男尸时发现其存在一罕见变异(图1),特此报道,以期为临床外科手术注意特例情况提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

腋动脉分支变异较多,笔者在解剖1具成人男尸时发现其变异程度大,较罕见,特此报道,为国人统计腋动脉分支变异积累资料,也为临床外科手术注意特例情况提供解剖学依据(图1)。  相似文献   

Anatomical Science International - Variants of the axillary artery and brachial plexus were found bilaterally in the axilla of an 86-year-old Asian female. On the left, the cadaver donor had a high...  相似文献   

An aberrant axillary artery that descended deep beneath the brachial plexus during its course was observed. The artery passed between the lateral and medial cords, as would an ordinary axillary artery, but further passed between the posterior divisions forming the posterior cord. The axillary artery turned medially to emerge from the lower border of the medial cord and finally ran as an ordinary artery. The aberrant axillary artery is judged to reach deeper to the brachial plexus, because it penetrated the posterior division of the brachial plexus from superficial to deep. It is possible to account for the formation of this artery as one of the combinations of the ordinary axillary artery and its branches, with the positional relationships between the brachial plexus.  相似文献   

The wide anatomical variation of the brachial plexus and the axillary artery has been thoroughly explored in previous studies. However, there has been little information reported on the variation in the relationship between the brachial plexus and the axillary artery. The principal feature of this relationship is the passage of the axillary artery through the loop of the median nerve, which occurs in normal arteries derived from the seventh intersegmental artery. In this study, we analyzed the abnormal position and course of the axillary artery related to the brachial plexus in 607 axillae of 306 cadavers. We found 12 unusual axillary arteries that did not pass through the median loop. Eleven arteries were determined to be ninth intersegmental arteries and one as the sixth intersegmental artery. All ninth intersegmental arteries ran caudally to the brachial plexus. In six cases of this type, abnormal connections interfering with the normal arterial position were observed in the brachial plexus. In another five cases of this type, the lateral and medial cords merged and the axillary artery passed anteromedial to the plexus. The sixth intersegmental axillary artery pierced the musculocutaneous nerve which is from the unified lateral and medial cords. This study discussed the how the anomalous structure of the brachial plexus could involve the deterioration of the course of the axillary artery. Clin. Anat. 22:586–594, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

在供学生局解实验操作的48具成人尸体中,发现1例双侧盆位肾伴左侧双肱动脉变异,实属罕见,报道如下。男性成人尸体,身体170cm。  相似文献   

男,童尸。左侧肱动脉在三角肌止点高度分浅肱动脉和肱动脉两支,二者分别位于正中神经前后。按此浅深关系上述动脉、神经沿肱二头肌内侧沟下行到肘窝。  相似文献   

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