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This experiment investigated the involvement of the dorsal hippocampal CA3-region in the different phases of learning and memory in spatial and non-spatial tasks. To do so, we temporarily inactivated the CA3-subfield by a focal injection of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) which chelates most of the heavy metals present in this region. The effects of temporary inactivation of the CA3-region were examined in an associative task, the Morris water maze (MWM). To study the different phase of memory we used a new behavioural massed-procedure founded on four massed training sessions in the spatial and the non-spatial (cue) version of this task. In the spatial version, we showed that a bilateral injection of DDC into the CA3-region impairs the acquisition but not the recall of spatial information. The main result of this study is that the same injection performed immediately after the training session also perturbed memory consolidation. In the cue version of the MWM, we found no difference between the DDC-injected mice and their controls in acquisition or memory consolidation of non-spatial information. These results suggest that the hippocampal CA3-region is essential for spatial memory processes and specifically in memory consolidation of spatial information.  相似文献   

Deficits in both learning and memory after lesions of the cholinergic basal forebrain, in particular the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), have been widely reported. However, the participation of the cholinergic system in either acquisition or retrieval of memory process is still unclear. In this study, we tested the possibility that excitotoxic lesions of the NBM affect either acquisition or retrieval of two tasks. In the first experiment, animals were trained for two conditioned taste aversion tasks using different flavors, saccharine and saline. The acquisition of the first task was before NBM lesions (to test retrieval) and the acquisition of the second task was after the lesions (to test acquisition). Accordingly, in the first part of the second experiment, animals were trained in the Morris water maze (MWM), lesioned and finally tested. In the final part of this experiment, another set of animals was lesioned, then trained in the MWM and finally tested. All animals were able to retrieve conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and MWM when learned before NBM lesions; however, lesions disrupted the acquisition of CTA and MWM. The results suggest that the NBM and cholinergic system may play an important role in acquisition but not during retrieval of aversive memories.  相似文献   

8-Hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT), a potent 5-HT1A receptor agonist, was infused in the dorsal hippocampus of rats and its effect on acquisition and performance of a 2-platform spatial discrimination task was studied using a water maze. The infusion (0.5 microliter/min) of 2 but not 0.4 microgram 8-OH-DPAT in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus impaired rats' accuracy with no effect on latency (except day 3). At 5 micrograms 8-OH-DPAT impaired rats' accuracy and significantly increased choice latencies from day 2 to day 5 of the training period. The dose of 2 micrograms significantly increased the errors of omissions on the first day of training and animals which had received 5 micrograms 8-OH-DPAT made significantly more errors of omission on the first and second days of training. Intrahippocampal administration of 1 microgram spiroxatrine, a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist, antagonized the effect of 5 micrograms 8-OH-DPAT on accuracy and choice latency with no significant effect on the errors of omission on days 1 and 2 of training. Infusion of 2 and 5 micrograms 8-OH-DPAT in the dorsal hippocampus also impaired accuracy in well-trained rats. The results suggest that stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus causes an impairment of spatial discrimination in rats.  相似文献   

Metabotropic glutamate receptors, including the mGlu1 receptor, have received considerable attention as potential targets for anxiolytic, antidepressant, antipsychotic and antinociceptive drugs. mGlu1 receptors have also been suggested to play a role in the modulation of cognitive processes, but knowledge is still very limited. In the present study the effects of the selective mGlu1 receptor antagonist 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrano[2,3]beta-quinolin-7-yl)(cis-4-methoxycyclohexyl)methanone (JNJ16259685, 0.63-10 mg/kg s.c.) on more or less spatially demanding learning and spatial memory (retention and re-acquisition) were investigated in mice performing in a water maze. Selective mGlu1 receptor blockade with JNJ16259685 impaired spatial acquisition processes, irrespective of spatial load, as well as spatial re-acquisition, already at the lowest dose tested (0.63 mg/kg). In contrast, effects on spatial retention performance were relatively mild in mice that had learned to locate the position of the escape platform prior to treatment. Thigmotaxic behaviour and locomotor activity appeared to be unaffected by JNJ16259685. These data suggest that blockade of the mGlu1 receptor primarily affects learning of new information, but leaves retention of spatial information relatively unaffected. Blockade of the mGlu5 receptor with MPEP also impaired spatial learning, although only at the highest dose tested (10 mg/kg). An ex vivo receptor occupancy study in rats revealed that MPEP occupied central mGlu5 receptors with an ED(50) of 2.0 mg/kg one hour after subcutaneous administration. This is 50-150 times higher than the ED(50) reported for JNJ16259685 at central mGlu1 receptors and suggests that one reason why the two compounds cause cognitive effects at different doses might be due to differences in central mGlu receptor occupancy, rather than fundamentally different roles of mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors in the modulation of cognitive function.  相似文献   

Consolidation processes were studied in the rat by using functional inactivation techniques. Previous results showed that unilateral hippocampal inactivation alters consolidation. It is not clear if bilateral treatments increase the impairment. Wistar rats were trained in the Morris water maze during 4 consecutive days. Subjects received saline or tetrodotoxin in the dorsal hippocampus 1 min after training. Results showed that bilateral as well as unilateral treatments impair consolidation to the same degree, as shown by the mean latency to reach the platform. In both cases, the impairment is only visible in the first trial of the session following the blockade.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve rats were trained to learn the location of a spatially fixed platform hidden in a Morris water maze. Asymptotic performance was achieved over six training days (10 trials/day). Then retention of the spatial task was assessed 30 min after treatment with 5, 25, 50, 75, or 100 mg/kg, ip, atropine sulfate or the equivalent volume of saline. There was a significant drug effect on escape latency, swim distance, swim speed and swim path measures of spatial performance. There was no significant drug effect on heading error; atropinized animals initially headed toward the escape platform over the first 12 cm of their swim path. However, treatment with atropine sulfate significantly disrupted the usual, direct swim path used to reach the hidden escape platform. Atropinized animals frequently swam a spiraled or looping pattern to locate the platform. We suggest that cholinergic blockade may significantly disrupt the processing of visual cues which rats use in place navigation tasks.  相似文献   

Spatial learning in the Morris water maze task is believed to be dependent on an intact hippocampal system. However, evidence from human studies and animal experiments suggests a potential cerebellar involvement in spatial processing, place learning, and other types of 'higher-order' cognition. In order to investigate this possibility, intraventricular injections (ICV) of the anti-neuronal immunotoxin OX7-saporin were used to selectively destroy cerebellar Purkinje cells, without affecting other brain areas believed to be critically involved in spatial learning and memory. Bilateral ICV injections of 2 microg OX7-saporin (4 microg total) in adult male rats produced substantial loss of Purkinje cells (56%) throughout the cerebellum without affecting hippocampal morphology or biochemical indices of cholinergic, serotonergic, or catecholaminergic function in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, or striatum. ICV OX7-saporin significantly impaired acquisition and performance of the standard Morris water maze task (though the impairment was less severe than reported in earlier studies that used alternate lesion methods or mutant mice species), but did not alter performance on the cued version of the task, or locomotor activity. In addition, lesioned animals spent significantly less time in the target quadrant on probe trial days 4 and 7 and the average distance to target scores (ADT) were significantly greater than controls on those days. Swim speed was not affected. Based on the specificity of the behavioral and neurobiological alterations, these data support the hypothesis that the cerebellum is involved in spatial processing and place learning.  相似文献   

Homocystinuria is an inherited metabolic disease biochemically characterized by tissue accumulation of homocysteine. Affected patients present mental retardation and other neurological symptoms whose mechanisms are still obscure. In the present study, we investigated the effect of chronic hyperhomocysteinemia on rat performance in the Morris water maze task. Chronic treatment was administered from the 6th to the 28th day of life by s.c. injection of homocysteine, twice a day at 8-h intervals; control rats received the same volume of saline solution. Animals were left to recover until the 60th day of life. Morris water maze tasks were then performed, in order to verify any effect of early homocysteine administration on reference and working memory of rats. Results showed that chronic treatment with homocysteine impaired memory of the platform location and that homocysteine treated animals presented fewer crossings to the place where the platform was located in training trials when compared to saline-treated animals (controls). In the working memory task, homocysteine treated animals also needed more time to find the platform. Our findings suggest that chronic experimental hyperhomocysteinemia causes cognitive dysfunction and that might be related to the neurological complications characteristic of homocystinuric patients.  相似文献   

Five minutes of global ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil impaired acquisition of a Morris water maze task when testing began 72 h after surgery. In spite of extensive damage to CA1 pyramidal cells, ischemic animals eventually learned to locate a submerged platform and performed normally on a subsequent retention test. Animals that were allowed a more protracted recovery period (21 days) acquired the task as readily as control gerbils. These results suggest that undamaged structures within and external to the hippocampal formation allow spatial learning to proceed at a somewhat reduced rate.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation plays an essential role in associative learning like passive avoidance (PA) learning. It has been shown; orexin-containing terminals and orexin receptors densely are distributed in the hippocampal formation. We have previously demonstrated that antagonization of orexin 1 receptor (OX1R) in CA1 region of hippocampus and dentate gyrus (DG) impaired spatial memory processing. Although, there are few studies concerning function of orexinergic system on memory processing in PA task, but there is no study about physiological function of OX1R on this process. To address this, the OX1R antagonist, SB-334867-A, was injected into DG or CA1 regions of hippocampus and evaluated the influence of OX1R antagonization on acquisition, consolidation and retrieval in PA task. Our results show that, SB-334867-A administration into CA1 region impaired memory retrieval but not PA acquisition and consolidation. However, SB-334867-A administration into DG region impaired acquisition and consolidation but not PA memory retrieval. Therefore, it seems that endogenous orexins play an important role in learning and memory in the rat through OX1Rs.  相似文献   

Different tasks are often used to assess spatial memory in humans compared to nonhumans. In order to bridge this paradigmatic gap, we used a within-subject design to test 61 undergraduates on three spatial memory tasks. One of these tasks, the Vanderberg 3D mental rotation task, is classically used to assess spatial memory in humans. The other two tests are virtual analogues of two tasks used classically to assess spatial memory in rodents: the Morris water task and an eight-arm radial maze. We find that males perform significantly better than females on the mental rotation task and in finding a hidden platform in the virtual Morris water task. Moreover, during a probe trial, males spend significantly more distance of their swim in the training quadrant, but males and females do not differ in navigating to a visible platform. However, for the virtual eight-arm radial maze, there is no sex difference in working memory errors, reference memory errors, or distance to find the rewards. Surprisingly, an examination of the correlations among the three tasks indicates that only mental rotation ability and Morris water task probe trial performance correlate significantly among the three tasks (i.e. there are no significant correlations with traditional measures the tasks, e.g. time or distance to completion). Hence, the Morris water task and the eight-arm radial maze do not assess spatial memory in the same manner, and even after equating factors such as motivation, stress, and motor demands, there still are procedural demands of the tasks that reinforce differential strategy selection during spatial memory. This suggests that caution should be taken when utilizing these two tasks interchangeable as tests of spatial memory.  相似文献   

The Morris water task is a standard method for testing spatial learning in rodents. In a place version of the task, animals utilize multiple visual cues to learn the location of a hidden platform. The ability of animals to locate a cued platform is often used to qualitatively test for possible non-cognitive contributions to deficient place learning, including reduced visual function. We investigated the role of visual acuity in water maze performance quantitatively by depriving rats of pattern vision during a critical period for visual plasticity, which reduced their acuity by approximately 27% and then tested them in typical place and cued platform configurations of the Morris water task. Animals with reduced visual acuity had a significant deficit in place learning, but eventually reached the same escape latency as non-deprived animals. Deprived and non-deprived animals, however, did not differ in their ability to locate a cued platform following place learning. These data indicate that reduced visual acuity in rats can influence measurement of their place learning and that a typical cued platform version of the task cannot detect a modest, but significant, visual deficit.  相似文献   

The locus coeruleus (LC) located at the level of the pons, is involved in cognitive functions such as learning and memory. The bilateral lidocaine-induced reversible inactivation of this nucleus has been considered in order to study its role in the phases of memory processing (acquisition, consolidation and retention) without any interference with the function of the same structure either during earlier and/or later phases of the same process. In this study, inhibitory avoidance (IA) learning task used to find the LC function in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval. Saline or lidocaine 4% (0.5 microl/side) microinjected into the LC, for assessing the acquisition (5 min before training), consolidation (5, 90 and 360 min after training) and memory retrieval, 5 min before testing. The retention test was done 24h after learning. Our results indicated that: (1) The bilateral functional inactivation of LC before training did not affect acquisition, but affected subsequent memory retention 24h later in IA task. (2) The lidocaine-induced inactivation of LC only 5 min after training impaired consolidation but did not affect it after 90 or 360 min. (3) Inactivation of the LC, 5 min before pre-retrieval test, impaired memory retrieval in IA task. In conclusion, it seems that the nucleus locus coeruleus does not affect acquisition while it involves in the memory consolidation and retrieval of inhibitory avoidance learning task.  相似文献   

Glutamatergic transmission within the nucleus accumbens (Nac) is considered to subserve the transfer of different types of information from the cortical and limbic regions. In particular, it has been suggested that glutamatergic afferences from the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex provide the main source of contextual information to the Nac. Accordingly, several authors have demonstrated that the blockade of glutamate receptors within the Nac impairs various spatial tasks. However, the exact role of the different classes of glutamate receptors within the Nac in short-term spatial memory is still not clear. In this study we investigated the involvement of two major classes of glutamate receptors, NMDA and AMPA receptors, within the Nac in the acquisition of spatial information, using the Morris water maze task. Focal injections of the NMDA antagonist, AP-5 (0.1 and 0.15 microg/side), and the AMPA antagonist, DNQX (0.005, 0.01 microg/side), were performed before a massed training phase, and mice were tested for retention immediately after. NMDA and AMPA receptor blockade induced no effect during training. On the contrary, injection of the two glutamatergic antagonists impaired spatial localization during the probe test. These data demonstrate an involvement of the Nac in short-term spatial learning. Moreover, they prove that within this structure the short-term processing of spatial information needs the activation of both NMDA and AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

We have previously found that neonatal intermittent hypobaric hypoxia exposure enhanced mouse spatial, but impaired associative, cognition. This study sought to investigate the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on adult mice cognition. Mice were exposed to 2, 5, 10, 15, or 25 days of intermittent hypoxia (IH; 4 hr/day) at 2 km (16.0% O2) or 5 km (10.8% O2) altitudes in a hypobaric chamber for the Morris water maze (MWM) test and exposed to IH for 2, 10, or 25 days for the shuttle-box test. Amino acid dynamics in vivo in the hippocampus and amygdala of mice exposed to 2 km hypoxia were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The results in MWM task showed that IH-2d to -25d at 2 km or 5 km did not change the escape latencies of mice in the training test or the retention of platform in the probe test. In the shuttle-box task, however, IH-10d at 5 km significantly reduced mouse avoidances in the acquisition test on day 4, and IH-10d at 2 km reduced avoidances in the retention test; IH-25d at 5 km significantly reduced avoidances of mice throughout the acquisition days. Glutamate in the amygdala persisted in declining to 69% of baseline at 8 hr posthypoxia (P = 0.040 vs. GLU released during 30 min before hypoxia) during the posthypoxia stage. These results suggest that adult hypobaric IH impairs the hippocampal-independent, but not the hippocampal-dependent, task in mice. The different GLU releases in the hippocampus and amygdala in response to hypoxia are involved in the different behaviors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that phenytoin can protect hippocampal structure from damage by chronic stress, while whether it can reverse the hippocampal malfunction induced by chronic stress is unknown. We investigated the effects of phenytoin on motor activity of stressed rats and on the long-term memory of water maze spatial training, which is known to depend on hippocampal function. We also explored whether phenytoin could protect long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampal CA1 region from depression of chronic stressed rats. Isolated hippocampal slices of rats were used to observe the changes of LTP in hippocampal CA1 field with electrophysiological technique. The results showed that the motor activity of chronic forced-swimming rats was markedly higher than that of control rats, and phenytoin could not affect this change. The performance of water maze spatial training indicated that chronic stress damages long-term memory but not short-term memory, and phenytoin could reverse this long-term memory deficit. The increases of LTP after HFS in control and stress-phenytoin groups were significantly greater than those in stress-saline group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between control group and stress-phenytoin group (P > 0.05) and between control and control-phenytoin groups (P > 0.05). These findings provided the first evidence with behavioral and electrophysiological technique that phenytoin could reverse the hippocampal-dependent memory deficit and depression of LTP induced by chronic stress, which may be helpful for exploring the pathogenesis and improving the therapy of depression.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in the past have dealt with the role of serotonergic system lesions in tasks aimed at measurement of cognitive behavior, but the literature concerning the role of serotonin in cognition remains controversial. Rats with electrolytic lesions of the median raphe nucleus (MRN) were found to display a profound impairment in both the acquisition and retention of spatial memory task. In this study, the lidocaine inactivation was employed to evaluate the involvement of the rat's median raphe nucleus in reference and working memory versions of the Morris water maze (MWM) task. Lidocaine (0.5 microl, 2%) was injected through a single cannula aimed at the MRN; control groups were treated in the same way with a 0.5 microl injection of saline. In Experiment 1, rats were trained in a reference memory version of the MWM with two blocks of four trials per day for three consecutive days, with intra-cerebral injection made 5 min before training. No significant difference was found. In Experiment 2, intra-cerebral injection was applied immediately after two blocks of four trials, and in Experiment 3, the drug was injected 5 min before retention test in rats that had received eight trials per day on three consecutive days. Again, no significant difference between control and treatment groups was found. These results indicate that MRN has no role in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of spatial reference memory. In subsequent experiments, rats were trained in a working memory version of the MWM task to find a new target position in trial 1, and retrieval was tested 75 min later. MRN inactivation 5 min before (Experiment 4) and immediately after the acquisition trial (Experiment 5) enhanced spatial working memory. It is concluded that normal activity of the MRN has no role in formation and retrieval of reference memory, but it has an inhibitory role in working memory. Our results are confirmed with other studies suggesting that the serotonergic system has a different role in long-term and short-term memory. Interaction with other neurotransmitter systems like acetylcholine may be involved in this case.  相似文献   

By means of local administration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) fully reversible functional inactivation of rat's dorsal hippocampus (DH) was obtained in order to define the role of this structure in the memorization of a conditioned passive avoidance response (PAR). In Experiment 1, on permanently cannulated animals, TTX (10 ng in 1.0 μ1 saline) or saline (1.0 μ1) was injected uni- or bilaterally in the DH, respectively 1 h before PAR acquisition, immediately after PAR acquisition, and 1 h before PAR retrieval, always performed 48 h after the acquisition trial. It was shown that both pre-acquisition and pre-retrieval DH uni- or bilateral blockades were followed by significant PAR retention impairment, while in post-acquisition only the bilateral blockade determined PAR retention impairment. In Experiment 2, on three different groups of rats, TTX (10 ng in 1 μ1 saline) was bilaterally administered, under general ketamine anesthesia (100 mg/kg), into the DH at different post-acquisition delays (0.25, 1.5, 6 h). Retrieval testing, 48 h after treatment, showed that post-acquisition bilateral DH blockade caused PAR impairment only when performed 0.25 or 1.5 h after acquisition. The results indicate a well defined mnemonic role of DH during the acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of PAR engram. The experimental evidence is discussed in relation to other reports and to DH connectivity with the medial septal area and the amygdala.  相似文献   

Lee B  English JA  Paul IA 《Brain research》2000,856(1-2):129-134
Previous studies show that the LP-BM5 murine leukemia virus causes an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in C57BL/6 mice (MAIDS) and impairs learning and memory without gross motor impairment. To assess spatial working memory impairment after LP-BM5 infection and the time course of this impairment, we tested mice in a modified working-memory version of the Morris water maze. Twenty mice were inoculated with LP-BM5; controls received medium (Minimum Essential Medium). In the test procedure, animals had two 1-min training sessions to learn the position of a randomly placed hidden platform. Thirty seconds after the second training session, animals were placed in the maze without the platform, and time and pathlength spent in each quadrant of the maze were measured. For 9 weeks after LP-BM5 infection, both groups showed preference for the target quadrant compared to the opposite quadrant. At 10 and 11 weeks after infection, the LP-BM5 virus infected mice lost this target quadrant preference. We conclude that LP-BM5 infection impaired spatial working memory in a modified working-memory version of the Morris water maze test in C57BL/6 mice at 10 and 11 weeks after virus infection.  相似文献   

The submerged platform or Morris water escape task is widely used to study genetic variation in spatial learning and memory, but interpretation is sometimes difficult because of wall hugging, jumping off the platform, floating or non-spatial swim strategies. We modified the task by introducing four wide arms into the circular tank and adding features that reduced, eliminated, or compensated for several competing behaviors. Three versions of the 4-arm task were evaluated in detail, and the third version yielded good results for six of eight inbred strains. Furthermore, the 4-arm task could be scored adequately without computerized video tracking. Although performance on the 4-arm task was generally superior to the Morris maze, the extent of the improvement was strain dependent. Two strains with retinal degeneration (C3H/HeJ, FVB/NJ) performed poorly on both the Morris and 4-arm mazes, whereas C57BL/6J and DBA/2J did well on both mazes. A/J performed poorly on the Morris task but became very proficient on the 4-arm maze, despite its strong tendency to hug the walls of the tank. The BALB/cByJ strain, on the other hand, exhibited the best probe trial performance on the Morris maze but was very slow in acquiring the 4-arm task. We conclude that no single task can reveal the full richness of spatially guided behavior in a wide range of mouse genotypes.  相似文献   

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