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Auditory stimulus blocks were presented to 10 reading subjects. Each block consisted of 2 types of stimulus, standard (P = 90%) and deviant (P = 10%), delivered in a random order with short constant inter-stimulus intervals. The standard stimuli were 600 Hz, 80 dB SPL 50 msec sine wave bursts. In different blocks, the deviant stimuli differed from the standards either in frequency (650 Hz), intensity (70 dB) or duration (20 msec). Left- and right-ear stimulations were used in separate blocks. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded with 16 electrodes over both hemispheres. All the different types of deviant stimuli elicited an ERP component called the mismatch negativity (MMN). The MMN was larger over the right hemisphere irrespective of the ear stimulated whereas the N1 component, elicited by both standards, and deviants, was larger over the hemisphere contralateral to the ear stimulated. The results provide further evidence for the view that the MMN reflects a neural mismatch process with a memory trace which automatically codes the physical features of the repetitive stimuli.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the statistical parametric mapping of low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) using high-density electroencephalography (EEG) and individual magnetic resonance images (MRI) to investigate the characteristics of the mismatch negativity (MMN) generators in schizophrenia. LORETA, using a realistic head model of the boundary element method derived from the individual anatomy, estimated the current density maps from the scalp topography of the 128-channel EEG. From the current density maps that covered the whole cortical gray matter (up to 20,000 points), volumetric current density images were reconstructed. Intensity normalization of the smoothed current density images was used to reduce the confounding effect of subject specific global activity. After transforming each image into a standard stereotaxic space, we carried out statistical parametric mapping of the normalized current density images. We applied this method to the source localization of MMN in schizophrenia. The MMN generators, produced by a deviant tone of 1,200 Hz (5% of 1,600 trials) under the standard tone of 1,000 Hz, 80 dB binaural stimuli with 300 msec of inter-stimulus interval, were measured in 14 right-handed schizophrenic subjects and 14 age-, gender-, and handedness-matched controls. We found that the schizophrenic group exhibited significant current density reductions of MMN in the left superior temporal gyrus and the left inferior parietal gyrus (P < 0. 0005). This study is the first voxel-by-voxel statistical mapping of current density using individual MRI and high-density EEG.  相似文献   

Aim  Event-related potentials (ERPs) obtained when focused attention is kept away from the stimulus (unnoticed stimulation) are possibly linked to automatic mismatch-detection mechanisms, and could be a useful tool to investigate sensory discrimination ability. By considering the high impact of impaired somatosensory integration on many neurological disturbances in children, we aimed to verify whether mismatch-related responses to somatosensory stimulation could be obtained in healthy children.
Method  Eleven healthy participants (age range 6–11y, mean 8y 2mo, SD 1y 7mo; seven males, four females) underwent 'oddball' electrical stimulation of the right hand (80% frequent stimuli delivered to the thumb, 20% deviant stimuli delivered to the fifth finger). Data were compared with those obtained when the frequent stimuli to the thumb were omitted ('standard-omitted' protocol). ERPs were recorded at frontal, central, and parietal scalp locations. Children's overt attention was engaged by a demanding video game.
Results  In the oddball protocol, deviant stimulation elicited a left central negativity at about 160ms latency, followed by a left frontal negative response at about 220ms latency. Standard-omitted traces showed only a left parietal negative response spreading to right parietal regions.
Interpretation  Mismatch-related somatosensory responses can be reliably obtained in children, providing that appropriate technical contrivances are used. In clinical use, the frontal components, which are present only during the oddball protocol, could be a reliable and unequivocal neurophysiological marker of the automatic mismatch-detection mechanism.  相似文献   

The feedback-related negativity (FRN) is an event-related brain potential component that is elicited by feedback stimuli indicating unfavorable outcomes. Until recently, the FRN has been studied primarily using experimental paradigms in which outcomes appeared to be contingent upon the participants' behavior. The present study further addressed the question whether an FRN can be elicited by outcomes that are not contingent on any preceding choice or action. Participants took part in a simple slot-machine task in which they experienced monetary gains and losses in the absence of responses. In addition, they performed a time estimation task often used to study the FRN and a flanker task known to elicit the error-related negativity. Outcomes in the slot-machine task elicited an FRN-like mediofrontal negativity whose amplitude correlated with the amplitude of the FRN associated with negative feedback in the time estimation task. However, the mediofrontal negativity was observed both for (unfavorable) outcomes that averted a gain and for (favorable) outcomes that averted a loss of money. The results are discussed in the framework of current conceptions of the FRN and related electrophysiological components.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The automatic event-related potential (ERP) response to auditory deviance typically consists of a frontocentral mismatch negativity (MMN), which has been shown to be quite stable during development. Whereas in some infant studies, positive frontal mismatch responses have been reported instead of a MMN; to date, such positivities have not been reported for older children. METHODS: Oddball sequences with small frequency and phoneme deviance (standard: 1000 Hz, 'ba'; larger deviance: 1060 Hz, 'ta'; smaller deviance: 1030 Hz, 'da') and short intervals (every 0.38 s) were presented to 6-7-year-old children and adults during 43-channel ERP recordings. RESULTS: Children showed a consistent frontal positive mismatch response with posterior negativity (179-207 ms), and adults a frontocentral MMN with mastoid positivity (129-199 ms). This map polarity reversal was reflected by significantly different 3D centroid distributions. Low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) revealed temporal mismatch response sources for both age groups and conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Major developmental changes characterise the automatic mismatch response for the small deviances and short intervals used. Source localisation suggests that children's and adults' mismatch responses originated from superior temporal plane generators with similar localisation but opposite polarity. This indicates qualitatively different neurophysiological functioning of the automatic bi-temporal auditory change detectors in children and adults.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Mismatch negativities (MMN) elicited by frequency and duration changes in a sequence of repetitive tones were recorded in test and retest sessions from 45 subjects. METHODS: Tones presented with a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 0.5 s were to be ignored while attention had no instructed focus in one group and was directed to an active visual vigilance task in a second group of subjects. RESULTS: MMN amplitude was larger for duration deviants, the focus of attention had no systematic effect. Individual replicability of the MMN amplitudes was generally better when duration deviants were used. In addition, directing attention to the visual task increased the retest reliability of the duration deviance MMN. In this condition, the test-retest correlation coefficients were above 0.8 at all frontal scalp sites (0.87 at F4). CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that the deviant type as well as the attentional condition may have substantial effects on the stability and replicability of MMN potentials. The choice of the appropriate task condition is essential for using the MMN in group comparisons and as a diagnostic tool in individual cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Because previous studies have demonstrated that patients with chronic schizophrenia have deficits in mismatch negativity associated with poor everyday functioning, the authors investigated the longitudinal stability of mismatch negativity deficits and their longitudinal relationship to poor functional status. METHOD: Ten patients with chronic schizophrenia underwent testing twice over a 1-2-year period. Tests used included mismatch negativity, the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms, and the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Patients' test results from both sessions were compared with results for 10 age-matched normal subjects. RESULTS: Patients with schizophrenia had mismatch negativity deficits with large effect sizes that were reliable over time. Mismatch negativity deficits were also significantly associated with poor functional status at both the first and second session. CONCLUSIONS: Mismatch negativity deficits and their relationship to poor functional status are stable over time in patients with chronic schizophrenia, suggesting that mismatch negativity may be useful for assessing medication response and other factors in longitudinal studies. Future studies will clarify the emergence, progression, and treatment effects of mismatch negativity deficits in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Automatic comparisons of sound duration in auditory sensory memory are typically investigated by comparing event-related potentials (ERPs) to standard and deviant stimuli presented in oddball blocks. Deviants elicit mismatch negativity (MMN). This procedure might overestimate an MMN contribution reflecting automatic sensory memory processes because of differential states of refractoriness of respectively recruited neural populations [Neuroreport 1996;7:3005; Psychophysiology 2001;38:723]. Here, memory-comparison-based Duration MMN contributions were investigated using various experimental protocols. METHODS: Memory-comparison-based first-order Duration MMN was investigated using 4 blocked conditions: (a) descending Deviant (100 ms, P=0.14), 150 ms Standard; (b) reverse ascending Deviant (150 ms), 100 ms Standard; (c) Control comprised of 7 equiprobable durations between 25 and 175 ms; and additionally (d) equiprobable tones between 100 and 400 ms. Using the former 3 conditions, Deviants, Standards and Controls were physically identical. RESULTS: Comparing Deviants and Controls excluded potential refractoriness effects, and a decomposition of memory-comparison-based MMN and residual MMN was demonstrated. Genuine Duration MMN was also obtained in the deviant-standard-reverse comparison. CONCLUSIONS: Using a blocked control condition yielded equivalent results to reversing the role of deviant and standard in two separate oddball blocks. Using the reverse ascending deviant condition is thus sufficient as a control.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the negativities of the brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP), especially to determine if they represented a part of a composite waveform together with a given positivity. Subjects (10) and patients (56) provided the data, mainly in the form of correlation coefficients of latency and amplitude values, trace by trace comparisons of multiple responses from the same subject and the specific grouping of abnormal waves from the patient population. The results show that the strongest relationships of latency and amplitude involved completely different pairs of waves, that the negative and positive values often changed in opposite directions, and that no pair of waves of opposite polarity were typically abnormal together. Thus, the negativities are not generally associated with given positivities and likely have their own generators.  相似文献   

In humans, deviant auditory stimuli elicit an event-related potential (ERP) component, termed "mismatch negativity" (MMN), that reflects the operation of a cortical detector of infrequent stimulus change. Epidural auditory ERPs were recorded from 3 cynomolgous monkeys in response to soft and loud clicks. "Oddball" loud or soft stimuli elicited a long-duration frontocentral negativity, peaking at approximately 85 msec, that was superimposed upon cortically generated obligatory ERP components. These data suggest that monkeys might serve as a heuristically valuable system in which to study the neurochemical and neuroanatomical substrates of early context-dependent ERP generation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the magnetic mismatch field elicited by changes in streams of vowels or spectrally matched tones in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) relative to children with typical development to explore whether impaired sound discrimination may contribute to language impairments in autism spectrum disorder. Using magnetoencephalography, we recorded evoked neural activity to 300-Hz and 700-Hz tones (and /u/ and /a/ vowels) presented in an oddball paradigm with deviant stimuli (15%) occurring within a train of standards (85%). The magnetic mismatch field was robustly observed in both groups, but children with autism spectrum disorder demonstrated a significantly delayed magnetic mismatch field compared with typically developing peers. Difficulty parsing transient differences in sounds may lead to impaired acoustic or phonological representations and subsequent language impairment in autism spectrum disorder.  相似文献   

This study investigates functional interpretations of left anterior negativities (LANs), a language-related electroencephalogram effect that has been found for syntactic and morphological violations. We focus on three possible interpretations of LANs caused by the replacement of irregular affixes with regular affixes: misapplication of morphological rules, mismatch of the presented form with analogy-based expectations, and mismatch of the presented form with stored representations. Event-related brain potentials were recorded during the visual presentation of existing and novel Dutch compounds. Existing compounds contained correct or replaced interfixes (dame + s + salons > damessalons vs. *dame + n + salons > *damensalons "women's hairdresser salons"), whereas novel Dutch compounds contained interfixes that were either supported or not supported by analogy to similar existing compounds (kruidenkelken vs. ?kruidskelken "herb chalices"); earlier studies had shown that interfixes are selected by analogy instead of rules. All compounds were presented with correct or incorrect regular plural suffixes (damessalons vs. *damessalonnen). Replacing suffixes or interfixes in existing compounds both led to increased (L)ANs between 400 and 700 msec without any evidence for different scalp distributions for interfixes and suffixes. There was no evidence for a negativity when manipulating the analogical support for interfixes in novel compounds. Together with earlier studies, these results suggest that LANs had been caused by the mismatch of the presented forms with stored forms. We discuss these findings with respect to the single/dual-route debate of morphology and LANs found for the misapplication of syntactic rules.  相似文献   

The mismatch negativity (MMN) response of auditory ERPs in adults appears to result from several overlapping components involving both frontal and temporal brain areas. Our aim was to test whether a similar configuration could be observed in children, and to examine the maturation rates of the different components. MMN (standard tones: 1000 Hz, deviants: 1100 Hz) was recorded from 28 scalp electrodes in 24 healthy children aged from 5 to 10 and in eight adults for comparison. Scalp current density analysis revealed both temporal and frontal components in children of all ages as well as in adults. Moreover the amplitudes of the temporal components were significantly greater in children than in adults, whereas the frontal components were similar at all ages. The results strongly suggest that MMN is mediated by at least two separate neural systems, and that the frontal system matures earlier than the sensory-specific system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to elucidate the reasons for apparent inconsistencies in the schizophrenia literature with respect to the mismatch negativity (MMN) waveform of the event-related potential (ERP). While most previous research has shown that MMN is reduced in schizophrenia, there are a small number of studies reporting that frequency MMN is not reduced. METHODS: We recorded ERPs to auditory stimuli with different frequencies and durations from patients with schizophrenia (N = 14) and control subjects (N = 17) of similar age and sex. MMNs to small but discriminable frequency deviants were contrasted with large frequency deviants and duration deviants. RESULTS: Only the MMN to duration deviants was significantly reduced in patients, although there was evidence of a similar trend for large frequency deviants. CONCLUSIONS: The results together with a review of the frequency MMN literature suggest that there are 3 variables which are important in determining whether patients exhibit a reduced MMN to frequency deviants: deviant probability, degree of deviance and interstimulus interval. The results also indicated that patients with schizophrenia may have particular deficits in processing the temporal properties of auditory stimuli. This finding has implications for the pathophysiology of the disorder as time-dependent processing is reliant on the integrity of an extensive network of brain areas consisting of auditory cortex, areas of pre-frontal cortex, the basal ganglia and cerebellum.  相似文献   

Kilpeläinen R  Partanen J  Karhu J 《Neuroreport》1999,10(16):3341-3345
Mismatch negativity (MMN) event-related brain potential reflects the brain's automatic auditory change detection mechanism that depends on integrity of the auditory sensory memory. We studied MMN in easily distractible (n = 20) and in non-distractible (n = 20) healthy 9-year-old children. Two MMN phases were revealed in both groups: an earlier MMN peak at approximately 220 ms and a later negative slope approximately 300-500 ms after stimulus presentation. The results suggested a strong frontal lobe contribution in the generation of the later MMN phase, and this response was significantly reduced in amplitude in the distractible children. The present findings suggest that distractible children may have deficits in the frontally mediated aspects of auditory sensory memory.  相似文献   

Stability of motor impairment in children with cerebral palsy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Classification of the quality and topographical pattern of motor impairment is used to describe cerebral palsy (CP). As an adjunct to a study characterizing the quality of life and participation of school-age children with C P, initial and follow-up classification of CP were compared. A cohort of 93 children (58 males, 35 females) were initially assessed at a mean age of 2 years 6 months (SD 2y 2mo) and re-assessed at 9 years 4 months (SD 2y 2mo) with a mean interval of 6 years 6 months (SD 2y 4mo) between assessments. Sixty children had Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I-III. All but one of the children were still classified has having CP at follow-up. Type of CP documented remained constant in 67 children (72%; 95% confidence interval 62-80). Clinical factors that were statistically significant (p<0.05) as possible predictors of CP subtype change were original classification of a non-spastic subtype or a non-spastic quadriparetic subtype. Change in CP subtype occurs in an appreciable minority of children with CP, which is likely to reflect a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic influences. Such change may challenge efforts to monitor the effects of interventions in this population.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2010,121(9):1410-1419
ObjectiveAsperger syndrome, belonging to the autistic spectrum of disorders, involves deficits in social interaction and prosodic use of language but normal development of formal language abilities. Auditory processing involves both hyper- and hypoactive reactivity to acoustic changes.MethodsResponses composed of mismatch negativity (MMN) and obligatory components were recorded for five types of deviations in syllables (vowel, vowel duration, consonant, syllable frequency, syllable intensity) with the multi-feature paradigm from 8–12-year old children with Asperger syndrome.ResultsChildren with Asperger syndrome had larger MMNs for intensity and smaller MMNs for frequency changes than typically developing children, whereas no MMN group differences were found for the other deviant stimuli. Furthermore, children with Asperger syndrome performed more poorly than controls in Comprehension of Instructions subtest of a language test battery.ConclusionsCortical speech-sound discrimination is aberrant in children with Asperger syndrome. This is evident both as hypersensitive and depressed neural reactions to speech-sound changes, and is associated with features (frequency, intensity) which are relevant for prosodic processing.SignificanceThe multi-feature MMN paradigm, which includes variation and thereby resembles natural speech hearing circumstances, suggests abnormal pattern of speech discrimination in Asperger syndrome, including both hypo- and hypersensitive responses for speech features.  相似文献   

《Social neuroscience》2013,8(3):212-232

The understanding of actions of tool use depends on the motor act that is performed and on the function of the objects involved in the action. We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the processes that derive both kinds of information in a task in which inserting actions had to be judged. The actions were presented as two consecutive frames, one showing an effector/instrument and the other showing a potential target object of the action. Two mismatches were possible. An orientation mismatch occurred when the spatial object properties were not consistent with a motor act of insertion being performed (i.e., different orientations of insert and slot). A functional mismatch happened when the instrument (e.g., screwdriver) would usually not be applied to the target object (e.g., keyhole). The order in which instrument and target object were presented was also varied. The two kinds of mismatch gave rise to similar but not identical negativities in the latency range of the N400 followed by a positive modulation. The results indicate that the motor act and the function of the objects are derived by two at least partially different subprocesses and become integrated into a common representation of the observed action.  相似文献   

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