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Viable deletion mutants in the simian virus 40 early region.   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
For the purpose of isolating hr-t-like mutants of simian virus 40, we have constructed variants that have lost the unique site for the restriction enzyme Taq I at 0.565. Five mutants have been isolated and characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. All of them produce a normal size T antigen. Four produce a t antigen reduced in size as well as in amount; the fifth one does not seem to make any t antigen at all. The ability of these mutants to transform mouse cells in vitro, as tested by anchorage dependence, is clearly altered; however, the defect is only partial. In the same test, the mutants can complement a tsA mutant for transformation and therefore define a second complementation group in the simian virus 40 early region.  相似文献   

The role of DNA polymerase alpha (pol alpha) and DNA primase has been investigated in the simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication system in vitro. Removal of pol alpha and primase activities from crude extracts of HeLa cells or monkey cells by use of an anti-pol alpha immunoaffinity column resulted in the loss of replication activity. The addition of purified pol alpha-primase complex isolated from HeLa cells or monkey cells restored the replication activity of depleted extracts. In contrast, the pol alpha-primase complex isolated from either mouse cells or calf thumus did not. Extracts prepared from mouse cells (a source that does not support replication of SV40) did not replicate SV40 DNA. However, the addition of purified pol alpha-primase complex isolated from HeLa cells activated mouse cell extracts. pol alpha and primase from HeLa cells were extensively purified and separated by a one-step immunoaffinity adsorption and elution procedure. Both activities were required to restore DNA synthesis; the addition of pol alpha or primase alone supported replication poorly. Crude extracts of HeLa cells that were active in SV40 replication catalyzed the synthesis of full-length linear double-stranded (RFIII) DNA in reaction mixtures containing poly(dT)-tailed pBR322 RFIII. Maximal activity was dependent on the addition of oligo(dA), ATP, and creatine phosphate and was totally inhibited by aphidicolin. Since pol alpha alone could not replicate this substrate and since there was no degradation of input DNA, we propose that other enzymatic activities associate with pol alpha, displace the non-template strand, and allow the enzyme to replicate through duplex regions.  相似文献   

The region at and near the simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication origin contains a series of palindromes, a 17-base pair (bp) A + T-rich sequence, three copies of a 21-bp repeat, and two copies of a 72-bp repeat. We have constructed a series of recombinant plasmids containing sequential deletions at the region of SV40 DNA replication origin starting from the end near the repeats. These deletions were introduced by using in vitro and in vivo techniques. The relative replication efficiency of these recombinant plasmids were directly assayed in COS-1 monkey kidney cells capable of providing the tumor antigen necessary for the replication of these molecules. Recombinants lacking both copies of the 72-bp repeat did not exhibit any reduction in replication efficiency. Recombinants lacking the 21-bp repeats showed decreased replication efficiency; the reduction in replication efficiency was proportional to the number of copies of the 21-bp repeat deleted in these recombinants. A recombinant retaining the palindromes at the region of SV40 DNA replication but lacking the A + T-rich sequence and the repeats failed to replicate. Based on these results, the SV40 DNA replication origin is subdivided into two regions, and their boundaries are defined. One of these two regions is a core region containing the 17-bp, 15-bp, and 27-bp palindromes and, quite likely, the 17-bp A + T-rich sequence which are necessary for replication. The other is an auxiliary region that consists of the 21-bp repeats and has a dose-dependent enhancement effect on replication efficiency.  相似文献   

The synthesis of oligoribonucleotides by DNA primase in the presence of duplex DNA containing the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of replication was examined. Small RNA chains (10-15 nucleotides) were synthesized in the presence of the four common ribonucleoside triphosphates, SV40 large tumor antigen (T antigen), the human DNA polymerase alpha (pol alpha)-DNA primase complex, the human single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HSSB), and topoisomerase I isolated from HeLa cells. The DNA primase-catalyzed reaction showed an absolute requirement for T antigen, HSSB, and pol alpha. The requirement for HSSB was not satisfied by other SSBs that can support the T-antigen-catalyzed unwinding of DNA containing the SV40 origin of replication. Oligoribonucleotide synthesis occurred with a lag that paralleled the lag observed in DNA synthesis. These results indicate that the specificity for the HSSB in the SV40 replication reaction is due to the pol alpha-primase-mediated synthesis of the Okazaki fragments. In contrast to this specificity, the elongation of Okazaki fragments can be catalyzed by a variety of different DNA polymerases, including high levels of pol alpha, the polymerase delta holoenzyme, T4 polymerase holoenzyme, the Escherichia coli polymerase III holoenzyme, and other polymerases. These observations suggest that leading-strand synthesis in the in vitro SV40 replication system can be nonspecific.  相似文献   

T antigen binds to simian virus 40 DNA at the origin of replication.   总被引:54,自引:20,他引:54       下载免费PDF全文
A technique employing ferritin-conjugated antibody has been developed to visualize specific protein-DNA complexes in the electron microscope and has been used to demonstrate the preferential binding of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen at or near the origin of replication of SV40 DNA, 0.67 fractional length clockwise from the EcoRI restriction endonuclease cleavage site. urified covalently closed supercoiled circles of SV40DNA were treated with partially purified T antigen and the complex was stabilized by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. Hamster antiT antigen gamma-globulin, ferritin-labeled goat anti-hamster gamma-globulin, and glutaraldehyde were then added sequentially. The location of the bound ferritin cores was measured with respect to the EcoRI cleavage site and the orientation of the cores relative to the ends of the DNA was determined with respect to the locations of Escherichia coli DNA unwinding protein, which binds to covalently closed supercoiled SV40 DNA at either of two preferred sites, 0.46 or 0.90 fractional length clockwide from the EcoRI cleavage site.  相似文献   

Viable mutants of simian virus 40 with deletions in three regions of the virus genome (map coordinates 0.21-0.17, 0.59-0.54, and 0.67-0.74) have been tested for their ability to transform rat fibroblasts to anchorage independence. Only those mutants whose deletions occur between 0.59 and 0.55 in the proximal part of the early region are defective in transforming ability. The most severely defective of these transform with less than one-hundredth the efficiency of wild type. They retain their defect when tested in Chinese hamster lung cells and when infection is initiated with viral DNA instead of intact virions. Complementation for transformation can be observed between these transformation-defective deletions and a simian virus 40 temperature-sensitive A mutant.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen isolated from mammalian cells undergoing lytic or transforming infection is associated with small RNA fragments ("T-antigen RNA") that are protected from nuclease digestion. The rather high complexity of the ribonuclease T1 fingerprints of T-antigen RNA suggested that it is mainly derived from cellular heterogeneous nuclear RNAs. In the present study, 5'-32P-labeled T-antigen RNA was hybridized to monkey, mouse, and human Alu and SV40 DNA, and the nucleotide sequence of 37 T1 oligonucleotides was determined. The results suggest that the bulk of T-antigen RNA is derived from noncoding, double-stranded, ordered regions of cellular heterogeneous nuclear RNAs that exhibit sequence homologies with interspersed repetitive elements of the cellular genome. The possible biological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) origin region includes the viral replication origin and the early and late promoters and consists of a few palindromes, a 17-base-pair (bp) A + T-rich sequence, three copies of a G + C-rich 21-bp repeat, and two copies of a 72-bp repeat. We have made sequential deletions in the SV40 origin region and determined the early promoter efficiencies of these truncated DNA segments by connecting them in the correct orientation with the coding regions of selectable marker genes and assaying the expression of the chimeric marker genes in vivo in different host cell lines. A truncated SV40 early promoter segment containing only the TATA box and the major in vivo mRNA initiation sites has essentially no promoter efficiency. We have located the major component of the SV40 early promoter within the 21-bp repeated sequences, which consist of an alternating and mutually overlapping array of two C-rich oligonucleotides having the consensus sequences Y-Y-C-C-G-C-C-C (Y = pyrimidine nucleoside) and G-C-C-C-(C)-TA-AT-A(T)-C-T. Between one and two copies of the 21-bp repeat were adequate for gene expression under conditions in which the enhancement effect of the 72-bp repeat was minimal. We also find that the SV40 72-bp repeat exhibits a pronounced host range in its enhancement of gene expression; the enhancement is only 2-fold in the nonpermissive mouse cells but amounts to 10- or 20-fold in the permissive monkey cells or the semipermissive human cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Early replicative intermediates of lambda dv plasmid were prepared by an in vitro replication system in the presence of 2',3'-dideoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate, an inhibitor of DNA chain elongation. Short-chain DNAs produced from regions near the replication origin were purified from the intermediates. A fraction of the DNAs was covalently linked to primer RNA. The transition sites from primer RNA to DNA synthesis were mapped along the nucleotide sequence of the genome, by eliminating the RNA by alkaline hydrolysis and labeling the freshly exposed 5' ends of DNA with 32P. The transition sites were found to be located on both sides of the ori region, which includes four 19-base-pair repeats where one of the lambda specific initiator proteins, O, binds. No transition arose within the ori region. The transition sites are multiple on both sides of the ori region and are clustered in one of the two strands in such a way that DNA syntheses from the two sides converge. The frequency of the "leftward" DNA synthesis is several times higher than that of "rightward" synthesis, reflecting the asymmetric bidirectional replication of lambda dv DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence around the origin of replication in DNA of mouse polyoma virus was determined by 32P labeling of the 3' terminus of the Hap II-5/Alu I-1 DNA fragment, with the use of DNA polymerase. The result coincided with our previous report on the 32P labeling, with the use of polynucleotide kinase, of the 5' terminus of the Hap II-5/Hha I-1 DNA fragment, which corresponds to the large part of the present fragment, Hap II-5/Alu I-1. A symmetrical (A+T)-rich region containing a five-A stretch (or a five-T stretch) was flanked by two small regions with a 2-fold rotational axis of symmetry. On comparison of the sequence near the replication origin of polyoma DNA with that in the corresponding region of simian virus 40 DNA, which was included in the EcoRI-G fragment sequenced by Weissman's group (Subramanian K.N., Dahr, R. & Weissman, S. M. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 355--367), a considerable similarity was detected. Several possible common sequences for important biological activities such as the starting of DNA replication and RNA synthesis were suggested.  相似文献   

Extracts (0.2 M NaCl) of HeLa cells support replication of DNA containing simian virus 40 (SV40) origin in the presence of SV40 large tumor (T) antigen. The reaction leads to the accumulation of high molecular weight products that represent DNA containing one parental strand and one progeny strand as well as duplex molecules that contain both strands derived from the input deoxynucleoside triphosphates. The replication reaction is inhibited by aphidicolin and by camptothecin, two inhibitors known to inhibit eukaryotic DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (T antigen) binds to two contiguous sites at the SV40 origin of replication. Of these two sites, I and II, only site II is critical for replication. We have studied the interaction between T antigen and these sites by two methods--nitrocellulose filter binding and DNase I protection. We show that T antigen binds with high occupancy to site I at 0 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 37 degrees C but to site II only at 0 degrees C and 25 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, the temperature essential for the initiation of SV40 DNA replication in vitro, ATP is required for the interaction of T antigen and site II. ATP can be replaced efficiently by adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate and ADP, suggesting that hydrolysis of the nucleotide is not essential for the binding of T antigen to site II. The binding to the region critical for replication can occur in the presence of a variety of nucleoside triphosphates; dATP supports binding at a concentration 1/30th that of ATP, while dGTP and rGTP were inactive at all concentrations tested.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 tumor antigen can be isolated in a highly purified state from the nuclei ofSV80 cells, a continuous line of simian virus 40-transformed human fibroblasts. A five-step purification method was used. Its apparent molecular weight (in sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels) is approximately 90,000-94,000. It contains a detectable amino-terminal residue.  相似文献   

Intracistronic complementation in the simian virus 40 A gene.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
A set of eight simian virus 40 mutants was constructed with lesions in the A gene, which encodes the large tumor (T) antigen. These mutants have small deletions (3-20 base pairs) at either 0.497, 0.288, or 0.243 map units. Mutants having both in-phase and frameshift mutations at each site were isolated. Neither plaque formation nor replication of the mutant DNAs could be detected after transfection of monkey kidney cells. Another nonviable mutant, dlA2459, had a 14-base-pair deletion at 0.193 map unit and was positive for viral DNA replication. Each of the eight mutants were tested for ability to form plaques after cotransfection with dlA2459 DNA. The four mutants that had in-phase deletions were able to complement dlA2459. The other four, which had frameshift deletions, did not. No plaques were formed after cotransfection of cells with any other pair of group A mutants. This suggests that the defect in dlA2459 defines a distinct functional domain of simian virus 40 T antigen.  相似文献   

Mapping of the late promoter of simian virus 40.   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
Mapping of the simian virus 40 (SV40) late promoter was carried out in the absence of the viral early protein, large tumor (T) antigen, and replication of the viral DNA template. SV40 late control region DNA fragments, containing specific deletions, were cloned directly upstream from the coding region of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK; ATP:thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase, EC gene (tk). The promoter activities of the fragments were determined by measuring the tk transformation frequencies of the chimeric tk constructs in mouse L TK- APRT- (adenine phosphoribosyltransferase-negative) and human 143B TK- cell lines. The following results were obtained. (i) The SV40 control region functions with equal efficiencies in the early and late promoter orientations. (ii) A major late control element has been localized within the G+C-rich 21-base-pair (bp) repeat. Thus, in conjunction with our earlier results, the 21-bp repeat is a bidirectional promoter element functioning as a major component of both the early and late promoters and is an element that enhances the replication efficiency of SV40 DNA. (iii) Minor late promoters have been localized within the minimal replication origin and the 72-bp repeat. (iv) The minimal replication origin is not per se a constituent of the major late promoter; however, both the minimal replication origin and the 21-bp repeat are required for obtaining high levels of late gene expression observed at late times after infection by SV40. (v) The 72-bp repeat exerts a 4- to 5-fold enhancement of late promoter expression.  相似文献   

The circular genome of simian virus 40 is a model mammalian replicon, containing a unique origin of replication (ori) and coding for a protein (SV40 T antigen) known to be involved in initiation of viral DNA replication and to bind in vitro to the origin region. Mutations within the ori sequence lead to defective viral DNA replication and the formation of small viral plaques after infection of a cell monolayer. Second-site revertants (pseudorevertants) of ori mutants were isolated by random local mutagenesis of mutant DNA followed by transfection of cultured cells and the selection of large plaques. In each case, reversion of the plaque phenotype was associated with an increased rate of viral DNA replication. The second-site mutations that suppressed the replication defects were localized by in vitro recombination or marker rescue experiments to the gene for T antigen. Their map positions differ from those of previously described T antigen mutants, possibly reflecting a specific ori-binding domain of T antigen. From these results we infer that T antigen interacts with the ori signal during virus development as it does in vitro and that this interaction regulates the rate of viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

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