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三种特殊染色法显示不脱钙骨切片中新生骨的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:分析对比三种特殊染色法在显示不脱钙骨切片中新生骨成骨情况的差异性,为骨缺损修复的实验研究提供更好的组织学鉴别方法.方法:对植入牛无机骨材料3个月后的兔额骨标本进行不脱钙切片,分别采用Goldner's三色法、姬姆萨法和亚甲基蓝-碱性品红等三种特殊染色法进行染色,显微镜下观察染色后组织切片中新生骨、成骨细胞、类骨质等的显示结果,分析三种染色方法的差异性.结果:采用Goldner's三色法,切片染色后颜色鲜艳,成骨及矿化分界明显;姬姆萨法和亚甲基蓝-碱性品红法显示成骨细胞更加清晰,与周围组织对比明显,但亚甲基蓝-碱性品红法染色后的切片几个月后有所退色,不易长期存放.结论:Goldner's三色法更适用于显示成骨以及区分骨矿化的不同阶段,姬姆萨法和亚甲基蓝-碱性品红用于观察成骨细胞更有优势.  相似文献   

塑料包埋技术在口腔硬组织切片中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 利用国内现有病理切片设备,通过对塑料包埋技术制作口腔砭组织切片及磨片的方法、步骤以及染色法的研究,确定其操作过程中的关键步骤以及需注意的问题。方法 选取带牙颌骨以及带种植体的动物下颌骨为材料,进行塑料包埋,用德国Leica公司生产的切片机制作薄切片或磨片,进行染色观察。结果 与用石蜡包理相比,不脱钙骨组织经塑料包埋后,可以制作出1μm的薄切片,以及30μm左右的磨片。切片染色后,可以观察到矿化骨矿化的过程,以及种植体周围骨组织的生长情况和二者的结合程度。结论 利用塑料包埋并配合重型切片机制作切片,可以进行骨组织矿化程度的研究与分析、牙齿龋病研究,以及种植体与骨组织结合情况的研究。这些都是石蜡切片所不能完成的。  相似文献   

作者应用带牙种植体的不脱钙骨块切片进行组织学观察,直接观察到种植体—骨组织界面,在为人工种植牙即刻种植选择适合的骨代用材料的研究中,提供可靠的依据,得出以磷酸三钙为主的复合材料优于以羟基磷灰石为主的复合材料这一结论,证实这种实验方法可以获得脱钙切片无法获得的信息。  相似文献   

目的:观察脱钙人牙基质材料在埋伏牙拔除后促进骨组织愈合的临床效果。方法:共40例埋伏牙拔除患者,随机平均分为A、B组:A组拔牙创直接缝合,为空白对照;B组拔牙窝内即刻植入脱钙人牙基质材料。所有患者均在术前摄全口曲面断层片,术后1周、1个月行局部数字牙片检查;结合临床检查进行比较,观察骨腔愈合及骨重建情况。结果:2组患者创口均Ⅰ期愈合。术后1月X线片检查,A组拔牙窝骨密度仍低于周围正常骨,B组拔牙创骨密度已与正常骨接近。结论:采用脱钙人牙基质材料填入拔牙窝内的方法,骨诱导作用明显,能加速骨组织的修复重建,缩短了拔牙创愈合时间。  相似文献   

脱钙骨基质(demineralized bone matrix,DBM)是同种异体或异种骨经过脱钙、脱脂、去蛋白处理得到的产物,主要成分包括胶原和骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs),具有良好的生物相容性和满意的三维空间结构,并且能够诱导未分化的间充质细胞分化为成骨和成软骨细胞,在骨、软骨缺损修复中具有重要作用。目前,应用DBM进行骨缺损的修复治疗显示了良好的临床效果,本文针对DBM在骨缺损修复中的作用机制及其在口腔颌面部的应用做一综述,并展望DBM在牙体牙髓修复中的应用。  相似文献   

口腔颌面部骨质缺损临床常见,目前主要通过自体骨移植、异体骨移植或人工骨移植等方式进行修复.但这些方法均存在不足。应用骨组织工程修复骨质缺损是目前的研究热点之一,作者就目前β-磷酸三钙、胶原及其复合物在骨组织工程中的研究和应用作一综述,认为β-磷酸三钙/胶原复合物是一种很有希望的骨组织工程支架材料。  相似文献   

目的:探讨小牛脱钙骨Bio-Oss骨粉联合人重组骨形态形成蛋白-2(rhBMP-2),用于上前牙缺失伴唇侧骨缺损患者种植中的临床疗效。方法:将2016-01—2017-05期间收治的,104例上颌前牙缺失伴唇侧骨缺损患者随机分为对照组与实验组,每组52例。对照组种植同期采用Bio-Oss骨粉进行骨增量,观察组种植同期采用Bio-Oss骨粉联合rhBMP-2进行骨增量。术后6个月和12个月对两组种植成功率、红色美学评分(PES)、骨密度、唇腭向骨板厚度进行观察。结果:两组患者种植成功率均为100%。观察组术后6个月、12个月的PES评分、新生骨密度均较对照组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组术后6个月、12个月的唇腭向骨板宽度低于实验组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:小牛脱钙骨Bio-Oss骨粉联合rhBMP-2用于上前牙缺失伴唇侧骨缺损患者种植效果满意,美观度较好,可促进新生骨组织形成。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the outcomes of direct pulp capping performed with two types of tricalcium silicate‐based materials (mineral trioxide aggregate/MTA and Biodentine/BD); nano‐hydroxyapatite (nHAP) crystals or calcium hydroxide (CH) in dogs. Following mechanical exposure, the pulps were randomly capped with one of the four materials. Histological analyses were performed to examine the outcomes after 7 days or 3 months. At 7 days, BD and nHAP showed significantly less inflammatory cell response than MTA and CH. At 3 months, the inflammatory cell response and tissue necrosis were significantly higher in the CH group. There was no significant difference between the tested materials in the calcific bridge formation after 7 days; however, a significant difference was noticed at the 3‐month period. Tricalcium silicate‐based cements and nHAP are potential alternatives to CH in vital pulp therapy following accidental pulp exposure.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare the transfer accuracy of four different lingual retainer (LR) transfer methods using three-dimensional digital models.Materials and MethodsFour groups of 17 patients each were created: finger transfer (FT), silicone key transfer (SKT), acrylic resin transfer (ART), and indirect bonding (IDB). At the end of orthodontic treatment, the mandibular dental casts of patients were scanned with the LR wire. Then, intraoral scanning of the mandibular arches was performed after bonding the retainer wires. Linear and angular measurements were made using software on superimposed digital models.ResultsHorizontal and vertical errors among the teeth were not significantly different among the FT, SKT, and ART groups. However, in the IDB group, linear transfer errors showed significant differences among the different teeth. The tip and rotation errors in the FT group were not significantly different among the teeth. The angular errors were lower in canines than in the incisors. In all measured parameters, the SKT group showed the lowest errors, whereas the FT group had the highest transfer errors in all parameters except vertical.ConclusionsAmong the transfer methods tested, SKT was determined to have the highest clinical accuracy.  相似文献   

目的 通过体外实验探究不同封闭材料对复合树脂充填体边缘微渗漏的影响.方法 选择牙冠完整无龋的第三磨牙,在颊、舌侧分别制备V类洞,并用3M Z350复合树脂充填后得到150个试样.将试样随机分为5组(n=30),其中阴性对照组不进行边缘封闭(CT组),其他4组分别使用Single Bond Universal粘接剂(SU组)、G-Coat Plus表面封闭剂(GC组)、PermaSeal表面封闭剂(PS组)和Icon渗透树脂(IC组)进行边缘封闭.各组中选择10个样本进行冷热循环试验(5℃与55℃恒温水箱间循环1000次,各停留30 s),另有10个样本进行水老化试验(生理盐水中37℃恒温保存3个月),剩余10个样本直接进行微渗漏评价.使用染料渗入法评价充填体微渗漏程度,采用SPSS 23.0进行数据统计分析.结果 在任何条件下,GC组样本微渗漏程度最低,且显著低于CT组样本(P<0.05).SU组和PS组样本仅在少数条件下微渗漏程度明显低于CT组样本(P<0.05).经过老化后,IC组样本冠端的微渗漏级别显著增加(P<0.05),而SU组样本的微渗漏级别无显著改变(P>0.05).结论 4种封闭材料均能不同程度的减轻充填体的边缘微渗漏,其中以G-Coat Plus作用效果最佳.  相似文献   

Calcium hyroxide has been used for eliminating persistent intracanal exudation. In order to address the mechanism behind this action, we investigated whether calcium hydroxide solutions cause the constriction of microvessels in the mesenteric microcirculation bed of rats. The exteriorised mesentery from anaesthetised rats was spread in a chamber, and arterioles, venules and capillaries were viewed under a digital microscope. Various concentrations of calcium hydroxide solutions were applied for 10 sec, and the diameter of the microvessels was recorded. In arterioles, calcium hydroxide solutions caused rapid and transient constriction. A statistically significant difference versus original diameter was detected 1 min after the application of 4.0 x 10(-3) mol/l and 1.0 x 10(-2) mol/l solutions (p < 0.05, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer test). No statistically significant constriction occurred in capillaries and venules. It was concluded that the arteriolar constriction might be an explanation for the exudation-controlling effect of intracanal calcium hyroxide dressings.  相似文献   

目的 评价4种树脂粘接剂与牙釉质和牙本质的粘接强度以及粘接界面微观形态,以期为临床应用提供依据.方法 选取24颗新鲜拔除的无龋坏人磨牙,每颗牙制取牙釉质和牙本质试件各2片,均分为4组,每组牙釉质和牙本质试件各12片.选用4种树脂粘接剂(A组:PanaviaTMF;B组:RelyXTM ARC;C组:RelyXTM Unicem;D组:ClearfilTM SA Cement)进行粘接处理后,在扫描电镜(SEM)下观察粘接界面,并测试粘接强度.结果 B组牙釉质粘接强度[(29.38±6.28)MPa]高于D组[(27.25±7.03)MPa],但两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两者均显著高于A组[(22.92±7.13)MPa]和C组[(10.92±3.41)MPa,P<0.05].B组牙本质粘接强度[(27.28±6.79)MPa]最高,随后依次为A组[(14.23±6.39)MPa]、D组[(10.09±3.26)MPa]和C组[(6.43±1.60)MPa],各组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).B组牙釉质粘接界面可见树脂突,A、B组牙本质粘接界面可见树脂突.结论 四种树脂粘接剂表现出不同的牙釉质、牙本质粘接性能.
Objective To evaluate the dentin and enamel bonding strength and resin-dentin interfaces of four resin cements. Methods Twenty-four sound freshly extracted molars were sectioned with low-speed saw under running water. Two mesial-distal enamel disc and two buccal-lingual dentin discs were sectioned from each molar. Four resin cements( A group: PanaviaTM F; B group: RelyXTM ARC; C group:RelyXTM Unicem; D group: ClearfilTM SA Cement) were applied to the surface of these enamel and dentin discs according to manufacturers' guidance. The bonded specimen were prepared for shear bond strength test and sectioned occluso-gingivally into two slabs for scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observation. Results The bonding strength between resin and enamel in B group[ (29. 38 ±6. 28) MPa] was higher than that in D group[ (27.25 ± 7.03) MPa], and both of them were significantly higher than those in A [ ( 22.92 ±7. 13) MPa] and C group [ ( 10.92 ± 3.41 ) MPa] ( P < 0.05 ). The highest dentin bonding strength was shown in B group [ ( 27.28 ± 6. 79 ) MPa ], followed by A [ ( 14. 23 ± 6. 39 ) MPa ], D [ ( 10.09 ±3.26) MPa] and C group[ (6. 43 ± 1.60) MPa, P < 0.05 ]. Conclusions The four resin cements have different enamel or dentin bonding properties.  相似文献   

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目的    评价不同根管充填材料的根管封闭性能。方法    将2005—2007年黑龙江省森工总医院口腔科门诊拔除的40颗离体单根牙随机分为A、B、C、D 4个组,分别用塑化液、Vitapex糊剂、氧化锌丁香油(ZOE)糊剂加牙胶尖、氢氧化钙糊剂侧压充填根管。采用染液渗入法检查根尖孔微渗漏,在体式显微镜下用游标卡尺测量染液渗入根管的长度。结果    4个组染液渗入根管的长度分别为(2.02±0.92)mm、(0.94±0.50)mm、(3.21±0.87)mm和 (3.97±1.66)mm。除C组与D组间差异无统计学意义 (P > 0.05) ,其余各组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论    Vitapex糊剂对根尖孔的封闭性能优于塑化液、ZOE糊剂和氢氧化钙糊剂。  相似文献   

目的 研究四种常用复合树脂与牙釉质磨损的规律和状态以及硬度与磨损量的关系.方法 利用UMT-2微摩擦磨损实验机模拟口腔咀嚼状态.应用称重法计算磨损量,测试树脂硬度值,扫描电镜观察磨损表面形貌.结果 SEM显示,B,S树脂中无机填料颗粒体积较大,T树脂次之,K树脂相对较小且均匀.四种树脂无机填料颗粒周围均出现裂纹和脱落迹象.K树脂磨损面可见清晰的划痕走向;T,B,S树脂磨损为不等量磨损.K为等量均匀磨损;四种树脂的耐磨性与硬度关系,P>0.05.结论 无机填料细小而且混合较均匀的复合树脂,磨损状态趋于等量磨损,无机填料颗粒大小不均匀的复合树脂磨损状态为不等量磨损;复合树脂耐磨性与树脂硬度问没有直接关系;对于不同的临床需要.应该选择不同类型的复合树脂料.  相似文献   

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