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门诊是医院的窗口,门诊工作质量的高低直接反映医院的水平和面貌,和谐门诊护患关系是护士职业的基本要求,是提高门诊工作质量,减少医疗纠纷,赢得医疗市场的重要举措.现探讨门诊护十构建和谐护患关系的措施.  相似文献   

随着医院改革的深化和以病人为中心的整体护理模式的推广 ,门诊护士如何在积极治疗的同时 ,充分运用人际认知理论和沟通技巧 ,达到门诊治疗效果的完美 ,已成为重要课题。笔者从二十年的工作实践中 ,深刻体会到沟通护患关系的重要和必要。下面 ,仅就眼科门诊中的护患关系作一探讨 :1 沟通护患关系 ,转变观念是首要的门诊工作是展示医院的医疗服务质量的窗口 ,医护人员与患者间是“供”与“需”、服务与被服务的关系。要提高医疗服务的质量 ,就不能够“见病不见人” ,因为患者在具有医治疾患需求的同时 ,还受到生理、心理以及社会环境诸多因…  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平和健康需求的不断提高,医疗护理工作面临前所未有的挑战,护患矛盾日益突出和尖锐,已经成为社会关注的热点问题之一。护患关系是护患双方在医疗护理过程中形成的相互关系。和谐护患关系是指护患之间相互理解、信任,积极配合,共同战胜疾病的融洽关系。客观分析护  相似文献   

张海珍 《家庭护士》2007,5(9):63-63
门诊是医院的窗口,是医院与社会的联络处,门诊工作质量反映出一个医院的水平和面貌,融洽门诊护患关系是护士职业的要求,是提高门诊工作质量,减少医疗纠纷,赢得医疗市场的重要措施。门诊很多护理工作是通过与病人沟通实现的,护士要充分认识到护患沟通的重要性,并将一言一行落实到工作中去,这就要求护士以“病人为中心,质量为核心”,首先从思想上转变观念,提高护理服务意识和自觉性;必须有沟通意识,掌握沟通技巧,取得病人的信任,建立良好的护患关系,这样才能融洽门诊护患关系,提高门诊工作质量。[第一段]  相似文献   

护理学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
050 0 0 1 新医疗体制下门诊护患关系的协调 /陈玉华… / /护理管理杂志 . 2 0 0 4 ,4 ( 1) . 30~ 31随着新医疗体制的实施 ,围绕“适应病人多方面的需求”这一中心 ,医护工作的重心也全方位地进行了调整 ,门诊护患关系也随着重新定位。门诊护士应更新观念 ,突破陈规 ,主动拓展自身工作范围 ,由单纯协同医生治疗、维护医疗秩序转变为宣传、指导、咨询、管理、研究等多重角色的担当者。针对门诊病种复杂多样、病人就诊时经常出现病情资料不全、心情迫切、候诊时常焦躁不安等情况 ,采取分类指导 ,合理安排 ;规范管理 ,保护隐私 ;加强卫生宣…  相似文献   

构建和谐护患关系减少护患纠纷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静 《家庭护士》2007,5(7):63-64
随着人们生活水平和健康需求的不断提高,医疗护理工作面临前所未有的挑战,护患矛盾日益突出和尖锐,已经成为社会关注的热点问题之一.护患关系是护患双方在医疗护理过程中形成的相互关系.和谐护患关系是指护患之间相互理解、信任,积极配合,共同战胜疾病的融洽关系.客观分析护患关系的现状,从多维层探究其成因,建立理性、客观、多元的干预机制.对于构建和谐护患关系,减少护患纠纷具有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,医学模式的改变,和谐的护患关系在医疗人际关系中显得更为重要,它能使患者享受到既有技术性又有功能性的医疗服务,而和谐的护患关系又有赖于良好的沟通技巧。儿科门诊是大部分患儿到医院就诊的第一站,分诊护士是患儿接触的第一个医务人员,他们不仅要照顾好患儿的病情,还要关照家长的情绪,况且门诊具有流动性强的特点,就诊患者来源于各个阶层,其受教育的程度、个人素质、家庭背景等各不相同。因此,除了有较强的专业知识来甄别病种外,儿科门诊护士还有必要掌握一些沟通的技巧和交流能力,通过多种途径,各种方式加强与患儿与家属之间的沟通,从而建立良好的护患关系,提高门诊工作质量。  相似文献   

护患关系就是在特定的条件下,护理人员通过医疗、护理等活动与患者建立起一种工作性的人际关系[1].随着社会的发展及<医疗事故处理条例>的颁布与实施,护患双方的法律意识、自我保护意识逐步增强,护患纠纷呈不断上升趋势,护理人员的工作压力和心理压力增加.如何正确处理护患关系,协调护患矛盾,是摆在护理管理者和护理工作者面前的重要课题.为调查影响护患关系的相关因素,探索建立良好护患关系的有效途径,特进行了本项研究,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   

门诊输液室护患冲突的原因分析及对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
门诊输液室是医院的窗口之一,也是护患关系最易发生摩擦和冲突的区域。随着人们自身保护意识的增强,护患冲突的发生率随之增加。如何改善护患关系,增加护患间的信任,避免护患冲突的发生,是提高医院工作满意度的关键。  相似文献   

总结门诊分诊工作如何建立良好的护患关系.包括根据门诊患者的特点,提供人性化优质服务,建立良好的护患关系,提升良好的医院形象,减少护患之间矛盾的发生.认为建立良好的护患关系,提升了门诊就诊率,进一步提高了门诊分诊工作质量,提高医院的信誉和社会认知度.  相似文献   

Altun I  Ersoy N 《Nursing ethics》2003,10(5):462-471
Patient advocacy has been claimed as a new role for professional nurses and many codes of ethics for nurses state that they act as patient advocates. Nursing education is faced with the challenge of preparing nurses for this role. In this article we describe the results of a study that considered the tendencies of a cohort of nursing students at the Kocaeli University School of Nursing to act as advocates and to respect patients' rights, and how their capacities to do so changed (or not) as a result of their nursing education. This longitudinal study used a questionnaire consisting of 10 statements relating to patient care. It was performed both at the start (1998) and at the end (2002) of the nursing training. At the beginning of their course 77 students participated; in the study. After four years, only 55 students participated, the reason for this drop in number being unknown. The questions asked nurses if patients should have: the right to receive health care; the right to participate in the decision-making process about their treatment; the right always to be told the truth; and the right to have access to their own medical records. They were also asked: if quality of life should be a criterion for discontinuing treatment; if patients have the right to die and the right to refuse treatment; if patients should be assisted to die or helped to undergo active euthanasia; and if severely disabled newborn babies should be allowed to die. The student nurses demonstrated considerable insight into contemporary nursing issues and were ready to act as patient advocates. Professional responsibility demands that good nurses advocate strongly for patients' choices.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the effects of patients' social, behavioral and medical characteristics on nurses' clinical decision for patient confusion. DESIGN: Factorial survey. METHODS: A random sample of 100 registered nurses scored 30 unique situation based vignettes on the likelihood the patient described was confused and whether restraints should be used. Every vignette contained a combination of eight independent patient variables: age; gender; race; patient affect; type, seriousness and time of patient act and medical diagnosis. FINDINGS: Examination of the recognition model and the intervention (applying restraints) models showed that patient variables explained approximately 40% and 43% of the variance respectively. Type of act, seriousness of act, time of act, and patient age all significantly increased nurses identifying patients as confused. The variables that were strong predictors for recognizing confusion were strong predictors for restraint use except that patients who exhibited a negative affect were more likely to be restrained than patients' who were portrayed as pleasant. CONCLUSION: Confusion is a complex clinical phenomenon with many dimensions. Confusion tools should be standardized and routinely used.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify the relationship between three predictor variables, perceived collaboration with medical staff, autonomy and independent actions and an outcome, the value hospital nurses placed on their work. In total 189 critical care and 366 non-critical care nurses completed a mailed survey. Critical care nurses perceived themselves to have a more collaborative relationship with the medical staff, described performing actions independent of medical orders more frequently and perceived their jobs to have more value than non-critical care nurses. However the latter group perceived themselves to have more autonomy in their work. Within both groups collaboration and autonomy were significantly, but weak to moderately correlated with job valuation. Simply expanding the work hospital nurses do is unlikely to result in nurses valuing their jobs more, however promoting an environment of respect and sharing between the medical and nursing staff and supporting nurses when they act in an autonomous fashion may positively influence nurses' perceptions of their work.  相似文献   

护患双方认知的差异性对建立和谐护患关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘传德 《护理研究》2006,20(23):2088-2090
[目的]了解护患双方对医患关系认知的差异性,为建立和谐护患关系提供实践指导依据。[方法]采取整群随机抽样方法,对浙江省某市城区4家医院的部分护士和病人进行问卷调查。[结果]护患双方除了对医患关系重要性的认知一致外,对医患关系的性质和发展趋势、医患冲突的常见诱因、主要解决方式等方面的认知情况均有统计学意义。[结论]护患双方对医患关系的认知差异是导致护患间有效沟通的障碍,相互理解和彼此尊重是解决认知分歧和建立和谐护患关系的根本要求。  相似文献   

目的调查医护人员和急诊患者对男性护士在急诊护理中的认知程度。方法采用自行设计的问卷调查,对我院急诊科87名医护人员和200例急诊患者就男性护士在急诊护理中的认知程度进行调查。结果医护人员对男性护士的认知程度高,不同文化程度的患者对男性护士的认知程度不同,文化程度越低对男性护士的认知程度越低。仅有5%的女性患者和18%的男性患者表示愿意选择男性护士服务。结论目前全社会对男性护士在急诊护理队伍中的作用和认知程度仍较低,应进一步加强宣传教育,充实急诊护理队伍,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

目的 加强护患之间的协作,以促进护患关系的和谐性。 方法 实施专职随访人员对住院病人全程随访和出院病人追踪访视。 结果 连续访视能及时、有效地加强护患沟通,满足病人需求,对护理服务中的不足能够得到病人的理解和宽容,减少了医疗纠纷的发生。 结论 实施专职人员对病人进行连续性的随访对构建和谐的护患关系,对进一步开发医疗服务市场、提高优质服务均有促进作用。  相似文献   

Parker JM 《Nursing inquiry》2004,11(4):210-217
This paper considers some issues confronting contemporary medical nursing and draws upon psychoanalytic theories to investigate some seemingly straightforward and taken-for-granted areas of medical nursing work. I am arguing that the everyday work of medical nurses in caring for patients is concerned with bringing order to and placing boundaries around inherently unsettled and destabilized circumstances. I am also arguing that how nurses manage and organize their work in this regard stems from traditional practices that tend to be taken for granted and not explicitly thought about. It is therefore difficult for nurses to consider changing these practices that often have negative consequences for the nurses. I want to examine the impact upon nurses of the consequences of three taken-for-granted nursing practices: (i) the tendency of nurses to confine their reactions to what is going on so as to present a caring self; (ii) the tendency of nurses in their everyday talk to patients to confine, limit and minimize meaning; and (iii) the tensions and ambiguities that emerge for nurses in the policing function they perform in confining patients to the bed or the ward. Negative consequences on nurses of these practices potentially include stress and confusion regarding their ability to care for patients; an undervaluing of nursing skills; and a deterioration in the nurse-patient relationship. Clinical supervision for medical nurses is proposed as a means of facilitating greater understanding of the nature of nurses' relationships with patients and the complex dimensions of their medical nursing role.  相似文献   

The task of defining, maintaining, and mutually adapting the nurse-patient relationship has been ongoing since modern nursing's earliest days. The nurse-patient relationship changes with social changes and paradigm shifts. Most medical centers today strive to incorporate the concept of partnership into the nurse-patient relationship in response to patient-centered medical care. What is the implication of this relationship? Is it suitable for all nurse-patient situations? What are the impacts on nurses and patients? How should nurses adapt to change in nurse-patient relationships? This article analyzes and reflects upon the nurse-patient relationship within a postmodernist framework guided by concepts of "deconstruction", "de-centralization", "multiplicity", and "inter-subjectivity." We derive a "dual-active" and "dual-expert" partnership between nurses and patients that centers on patient disease management. Core values of this partnership are respect and caring, and strategies include emancipation, enlightenment, and empowerment.  相似文献   

Nurses need to be aware of their professional, legal and ethical responsibilities towards patients. Male nurses in particular face problems in their practice as a result of their gender and the stereotypes associated with male nurses. Such stereotypes can act as a barrier to their duty of care. This article examines the challenges associated with male nurses carrying out intimate, physical care. It discusses the ethical, legal and professional issues that male nurses should consider in relation to maintenance of patient dignity during nursing care provision, particularly in relation to female patients.  相似文献   

目的调查脊髓损伤患者和相关科室医护人员对脊髓二次损伤的知晓情况。方法采用问卷调查和方便抽样的方法分别对某三甲医院260例脊髓损伤患者、145名护士和45名医生进行了调查。结果 患者在受伤以前对脊髓二次损伤知晓率较低,仅20%左右,现场实施保护措施的占41.5%;医护人员对脊髓二次损伤认知率较高,护士90%,医生100%。结论应大力宣传脊髓二次损伤知识,提高大众知晓率,减少脊髓损伤后的二次损伤。医护人员应强化健康教育行为。  相似文献   

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