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目的了解新疆锡伯族成人基础代谢率、体脂分布的特征,探讨基础代谢率与体脂分布的相关性。方法抽取3代均为新疆锡伯族且年龄为35~70岁的成人536例(男性263例,女性273例)作为研究对象,利用身体成分分析仪等仪器,检测皮下脂肪、内脏脂肪、体重、身高、去脂体重、体脂率和基础代谢率。应用回归分析法研究身体各部体脂含量与基础代谢率之间的相关关系,并计算出回归方程系数。结果新疆锡伯族成人不同年龄段比较,除男性的内脏脂肪与女性的皮下脂肪外,脂肪总量、去脂体重与体脂率的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同性别比较,除内脏脂肪外,皮下脂肪、脂肪总量和体脂率的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);新疆锡伯族成人的内脏脂肪含量与基础代谢率成负相关(P<0.05)。结论新疆锡伯族成人体脂分布存在年龄差异和性别差异;内脏脂肪与基础代谢率成负相关。  相似文献   

目的:了解云南宁蒗地区摩梭人成人体成分现状,分析其特点及随年龄变化的规律。方法:随机抽取云南宁蒗地区摩梭人健康成人262 例( 男为112 例,女为150 例),采用生物电阻抗法对所有受试者进行体成分测量。所得数据经SPSS20.0 统计软件包进行统计学处理。结果:云南宁蒗地区摩梭人成年女性体成分除脂肪量、体脂率外,其他各项指标均低于男性,性别间差异具有统计学意义。男、女性的体质指数、体质量、脂肪量、肌肉量、推定骨量随年龄均有升高趋势,都在40 ~岁组到达高峰,之后逐渐下降;其中女性肌肉量在绝经期下降幅度大于男性;女性体脂肪率在40 ~岁组达高峰,之后出现一过性下降,60 ~岁组后又开始呈增加趋势,而男性体脂肪率40 ~岁达高峰,之后随年龄增加而下降;云南宁蒗地区摩梭人成年男女性身高、蛋白质含量均逐渐降低,去脂体质量保持相对稳定,身体水分变化幅度相对较小;云南宁蒗地区摩梭人与普米族成人男女性对比所测各项体成分指标无明显差异;结论:云南宁蒗地区摩梭人成人体成分随年龄的增长发生变化,尤其在40 岁年龄组变化明显;当地摩梭人与普米族体成分无差异的原因,可能与他们生活环境、经济文化水平相同有关。  相似文献   

目的:收集西藏那曲藏族居民体成分数据,探讨其体成分分布及随年龄变化特点,并分析其超重和肥胖现状。方法:采用随机整群抽样法抽取那曲藏族成年人共646例(男359例,女287例),采用生物电阻抗法检测受试者体成分各指标,所获数据录入SPSS 20.0软件,进行统计分析。结果:除脂肪量、体脂率女性明显高于男性外,其他指标男性均高于女性,各指标性别间差异有统计学意义;男性体脂率、内脏脂肪等级随年龄增长呈上升趋势,BMI、脂肪量50~岁组达峰值,其他指标在30~岁组达峰值;女性蛋白质含量随年龄增长呈下降趋势,内脏脂肪等级随年龄增长呈上升趋势,其他指标在40~岁组达峰值。年龄与BMI、脂肪量、体脂率、内脏脂肪等级间呈正相关关系,与其他指标间无明显相关关系;各指标各年龄组间比较具有一定程度的统计学差异。男性超重和肥胖率分别为34.5%和15.9%,女性为23%和20.6%,且随年龄增加超重和肥胖率呈上升趋势。结论:西藏那曲藏族成人体成分特点与已有报道的其他地区、民族有所不同,不同地区的藏族成人体成分各指标也各具特点,那曲藏族围绝经期女性及50岁以上男性是脂肪相关慢性疾病防治的关键人群。  相似文献   

目的:了解拉萨藏族成人体成分现状,进一步探讨拉萨藏族与锦州汉族体成分差异。方法:随机抽取拉萨藏族健康成人1 149例(男为560例,女为589例),采用生物电阻抗法对所有受试者进行体成分的测量。所得数据经SPSS 20.0统计软件包进行统计学处理。结果:拉萨藏族成年男性除脂肪量、体脂率低于女性外,其他各项指标均高于女性,且性别间差异具有统计学意义。随着年龄增加,拉萨藏族成年男女性身高、蛋白质含量均逐渐降低,去脂体质量保持相对稳定,身体水分变化幅度相对较小;体质量、肌肉量、骨含量男性在30岁组、女性在40岁组达峰值,之后呈逐渐降低趋势;身体质量指数随年龄增加呈波动变化,男性30岁组出现1次小高峰,50岁组达峰值后开始下降,女性则是40岁组达峰值后出现一过性下降,50岁组后又开始呈增加趋势。男性脂肪含量出现2次高峰,分别是30岁组和50岁组,之后开始下降;体脂肪率随年龄增长呈增加趋势,50岁后女性增加幅度更明显,但男性呈下降趋势。拉萨藏族成人体成分各指标均值均低于锦州汉族成人男、女性,且差异具有统计学意义。结论:拉萨藏族成人体成分随年龄的增长发生变化,尤其在30、40岁年龄组变化明显;藏汉族体成分差异的原因,可能与两地居民生活环境、经济文化水平不同有关,尤其是海拔的差异可能是主要原因。  相似文献   

目的:了解北方汉族大学生皮下脂肪的发育状况及体成分特征。方法:采用整群抽样方法对以北方生源为主的河北某高校10个班1 188(男570,女618)名汉族大学生进行身体测量,用皮褶厚度估算体密度和体脂率。结果:除体密度外,城市男、女学生的皮褶厚度、体脂率和瘦体重都高于乡村学生;男生的体密度、瘦体重均明显高于女生,皮褶厚度和体脂率却低于女生;身体3个部位皮褶厚度两两呈相关性,男生皮褶厚度肱三头肌肩胛下腹部,女生肩胛下肱三头肌腹部,呈不均匀分布;皮褶厚度除与身高没有相关性外,与体质量、BMI、腰围呈正相关性,瘦体重与其他几个指标都有明显相关性;皮褶厚度和体成分存在南北差异和时间差异。结论:北方汉族大学生皮褶厚度和体成分存在城乡、性别差异,时间因素也对其有明显影响。  相似文献   

目的 分析东乡族成年女性绝经前后骨强度和体成分变化并探讨体成分变化对骨强度的影响。 方法 2016年9月~2018年7月采用随机整群抽样选取甘肃省东乡族41~50岁成年女性203例(绝经前102例,绝经后101例),采用超声骨密度仪、生物电阻抗分析仪分别测量跟骨骨强度和体成分指标。 结果 东乡族绝经后女性的骨强度、肌肉组织体成分低于绝经前(P<0.05);脂肪组织体成分高于绝经前(P<0.01)。东乡族绝经后女性骨质疏松的患病率高于绝经前(P<0.01)。Pearson 相关分析显示,绝经前后女性的骨强度均与肌肉组织体成分正相关(P<0.01),与脂肪组织体成分负相关(P<0.01)。多元线性逐步回归分析显示,四肢肌肉量是东乡族女性骨强度的保护性因素,皮下脂肪含量是骨强度下降的危险因素。 结论 肌肉以及脂肪组织共同决定着东乡族女性的骨强度且与体成分分布部位有关,但两者的关系不受绝经状态的影响。绝经是东乡族女性骨质疏松发生的重要影响因素,应加强绝经后女性骨质疏松的防控。加强肢体锻炼,增加四肢肌肉量,减少皮下脂肪,有助于提高东乡族绝经前、后女性骨强度,预防骨质疏松。  相似文献   

用分段生物电阻抗方法评估人体成分需测量人体各段的长度或横面积,增加了这种方法的复杂性。本文通过分析人体参数间相关性,得到了用性别、身高、体重表示的各段参数的线性回归等式,从而简化了分段阻抗法。  相似文献   

目的 了解广西多民族大学生肺活量和体成分的基本情况,并探讨两者的相关性。 方法 对自愿参加调查的广西某高校1322名学生进行肺活量及体成分测定,并进行统计学分析。 结果 汉族、壮族及其他少数民族大学生的肺活量、肌肉量、推定骨量、身体水分及蛋白质均存在民族差异(P<0.05);相关分析中,肺活量与脂肪量成负相关关系(相关系数r=-0.092,P<0.01);肺活量与肌肉量、推定骨量、身体水分及蛋白质含量成正相关关系(相关系数分别为0.687、0.633、0.658及0.653,均P<0.01)。 结论 广西多民族大学生的肺活量及部分体成分存在民族差异,三者中肺活量及部分体成分的比较:汉族>其他少数民族>壮族;增加肺活量,则体内脂肪量越低,肌肉量、推定骨量、身体水分及蛋白质含量越高。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕晚期母亲体成分、血脂水平状态与新生儿出生体重之间的关系。方法选择来我院建卡的单胎健康孕妇63例,孕前无基础疾病,未合并妊娠期高血压疾病、妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症、口服糖耐量实验阴性。于孕晚期(孕37—38周)测得人体测量学指标、血脂指标,并用多频节段生物电阻抗分析(segmentalmulti-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis,SMFBIA)测定母亲体成分,分析其与新生儿出生体重的关系。结果我院孕晚期母亲血脂水平高于正常参考值范围,胆固醇(Tc)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL—C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL—C)、载脂蛋白AI(apoAI)、载脂蛋白B(apoB)、脂蛋白a(Lp(a))等与新生儿出生体重之间无相关性(P〉0.05);母亲体成分的指标中,上臂肌围(arinmuscle circumference,AMC)、蛋白质、无机盐、脂肪量(fatmass,FM)等与新生儿出生体重之间无相关性(P〉0.05);基础代谢率(basal metabolicrate,BMR)、体细胞群(bodycellmass,BCM)、细胞内液(intraeellular fluid,ICW)、细胞外液(extracellular fluid,ECW)、总体水(totalbodywater,TBw)、无脂组织(fatfreemass,FFM)与新生儿出生体重相关(P〈0.05);FFM是对新生儿出生体重贡献最大的因素。结论体成分与血脂水平在代谢水平上紧密联系,反应了母体的营养状态,对胎儿发育产生重要影响。体成分中的FFM可能是新生儿出生体重的一个预测因子。  相似文献   

Background: Overweight or obese populations may have lower risk of osteoporotic fractures and higher bone mineral density (BMD), while bone strength is determined not only by bone material but also by bone structural parameters. Thus, the influence of body weight on bone geometry was examined in Chinese overweight adults.

Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore how total body lean mass (TBLM) and total body fat mass (TBFM) contribute to the variation of bone geometry at the femoral neck in Chinese overweight adults.

Subjects and methods: Bone geometric parameters including section modulus (Z), cross-sectional area (CSA), subperiosteal width (W), cortical thickness (CT) and buckling ratio (BR) were compared in 100 overweight (body mass index, BMI?≥?23) vs. 100 underweight subjects (BMI?≤?18.5) in Chinese female and male adults aged 20–44 years by multiple regression analyses.

Results: Multiple regression analysis revealed that both TBLM and TBFM were significantly higher in overweight subjects than in underweight subjects. Meanwhile, significant differences in bone geometric parameters (except W) were also detected between the overweight and underweight groups after adjustment for age and height in both sexes (p?≤?0.001). Bone bending strength Z and axial strength CSA were 14% and 13% higher in females, as well as 18% and 20% higher in males in the overweight group than in the underweight group, respectively. The significant differences mentioned above were not observed when adjusted for TBLM, age, and height. TBLM seemed to be the strongest significant positive predictor of bone geometric parameters (p?<?0.001), with the exception of W in both sexes and BR in females, while TBFM did not contribute significantly to the bone geometric parameters (p?>?0.055 for both sexes).

Conclusion: Bone geometry may adapt primarily to mechanical load as represented by TBLM, but TBFM seemed to have no independent effect on bone geometry in Chinese overweight subjects.  相似文献   

生物电阻抗分析法(BIA)测量人体成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测量人体成分的理想方法应当是相对廉价的、病人易于接受的、可以由非专业人员来操作的、结果准确且可重复性高的。生物电阻抗分析法 ( BIA)可以部分满足这些要求。然而 ,生物电阻抗分析法 ( BIA)还有许多待解决的问题和应用的限制。本文综述 BIA的基本理论、数据分析方法。  相似文献   

目的:对中国汉族人脂肪质量与脂肪质量指数进行综合性研究。方法:研究组于2009年至2013年在中国测量了26 927例(男13 221例,女13 706例)的体质数据,对瘦体质量(LM)、瘦体质量指数(LMI)、脂肪质量(FM)、脂肪质量指数(FMI)与纬度、经度、年龄的相关性进行了研究。结果:男性、女性FM、LM、FMI、LMI与纬度、经度均呈正相关。男性LM、LMI与年龄呈负相关,而FM、FMI与年龄呈正相关。女性LM与年龄呈负相关,FM、FMI、LMI与年龄呈正相关。女性FM、LM、FMI、LMI值均小于男性。北方汉族的FM、LM、FMI、LMI值均大于南方汉族。北方女性比南方女性更丰满一些。城市男性的FM、LM、FMI、LMI值均大于乡村男性,城市女性LM、LMI值大于乡村女性,但FMI小于乡村女性,FM与乡村女性差异无统计学意义。结论:中国汉族FM、LM、FMI、LMI随纬度、经度的增加而增大,不同年龄间、性别间、城乡间亦多有差异。  相似文献   

山东潍坊市汉族城乡学生身体体成分分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金利新  朱钦 《解剖学杂志》2004,27(6):681-684,F002
目的 :探讨山东汉族儿童青少年身体体成分现状及变化规律。方法 :对山东省潍坊市城乡汉族学生进行了体格测量 ,并计算出体脂率、总体脂量和瘦体重等身体体成分 ;通过逐步回归对瘦体重及相关指标进行了回归分析。结果 :身体体成分随年龄的增长而增高 ,体成分在大多数年龄组存在性别差异和城乡差异 ;城乡男女生瘦体重与体重、肱三头肌和肩胛下位皮褶厚度之和、身高及上臂围存在回归关系 (F =1 82 90 .0~ 5 81 1 4.5 ,P <0 .0 0 1 )。结论 :瘦体重和皮褶厚度是评价儿童青少年营养状况和诊断肥胖的有效指标  相似文献   

Metabolic rate, more specifically resting metabolic rate (RMR) or sleeping metabolic rate (SMR), of an adult subject is usually expressed as a function of the fat-free mass (FFM). Chronic exercise is thought to increase FFM and thus to increase RMR and SMR. We determined body mass (BM), body composition, and SMR before, during, and after an endurance training programme without interfering with energy intake. The subjects were 11 women and 12 men, aged 37 (SD 3) years and body mass index 22.3 (SD 1.5) kg · m–2. The endurance training prepared subjects to run a half marathon competition after 44 weeks. The SMR was measured overnight in a respiration chamber. Body composition was measured by hydrostatic weighing. Measurements were performed at 0, 8, 20, 40, and 90 weeks after the start of the training. The BM had decreased from a mean value of 66.6 (SD 6.9) to 65.6 (SD 6.7) kg (P<0.01), fat mass (FM) had decreased from 17.1 (SD 3.9) to 13.5 (SD 3.6) kg (P<0.001), and FFM had increased from 49.5 (SD 7.3) to 52.2 (SD 7.6) kg (P<0.001) at 40 weeks. Mean SMR before and after 40 weeks training was 6.5 (SD 0.7) and 6.2 (SD 0.6) MJ · day–1 (P<0.05). The decrease in SMR was related to the decrease in BM (r=0.62,P=0.001). At 90 weeks, when most subjects had not trained for nearly a year, BM and SMR were not significantly different from the initial value while FM and FFM had not changed since week 40 of training. In conclusion, it was found that an exercise induced increase in FFM did not result in an increase in SMR. There was an indication of the opposite effect, a decrease in SMR in the long term during training, possibly as a defence mechanism of the body in the maintenance of BM.  相似文献   

Maximal metabolic rate (MMR) of mammals scales differently from basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is first shown by scrutinizing data reported on exercise-induced Vo2 max in 34 eutherian mammalian species covering a body mass range of 7 g-500 kg. Vo2 max was found to scale with the 0.872 (+/-0.029, 95% confidence limits 0.813-0.932) power of body mass which is significantly different from the 3/4 power reported for basal metabolic rate. The aerobic scope is higher in athletic than non-athletic species, and it is also higher in large than in small species. Integrated structure-function studies on a subset of 11 species (body mass 20 g-450 kg) show that the variation of Vo2 max with body size is tightly associated with the aerobic capacity of the locomotor musculature: the scaling exponents for Vo2 max, the total volume of mitochondria, and the volume of capillaries are nearly identical. The higher Vo2 max of athletic species is tightly linked to proportionally larger mitochondrial and capillary volumes in animals of the same size class. As a result Vo2 max is linearly related to both total mitochondrial and capillary erythrocyte volumes. We conclude that the scaling of maximal metabolic rate is explained by features and mechanisms different from those determining basal metabolic rate.  相似文献   

There are several techniques used to measure body composition in experimental models including dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR). DEXA/QMR data have been compared in mice, but have not been compared previously in rats. The goal of this study was to compare DEXA and QMR data in rats. We used rats that varied by sex, diet, and age, in addition we compared dissected samples containing subcutaneous (pelt) or visceral fat (carcass). The data means were compared by focusing on the differences between DEXA/QMR data using a series of scatter plots without assuming that either method is more accurate as suggested by Bland and Altman. DEXA/QMR data did not agree sufficiently in carcass or pelt FM or in pelt LBM. The variation observed within these groups suggests that DEXA and QMR measurements are not comparable. Carcass LBM in young rats did yield comparable data once the data for middle-aged rats was removed. The variation in our data may be a result of different direct and indirect measures that DEXA and QMR technologies use to quantify FM and LBM. DEXA measures FM and estimates fat-free mass. In contrast, QMR uses separate equations of magnetic resonance to measure FM, LBM, total body water and free water. We found that QMR overestimated body mass in our middle-aged rats, and this increased the variation between methods. Our goal was to evaluate the precision of DEXA/QMR data in rats to determine if they agree sufficiently to allow direct comparison of data between methods. However DEXA and QMR did not yield the same estimates of FM or LBM for the majority of our samples.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the effect of menopause on regional and total body lean mass. Methods: Evaluation of 123 healthy premenopausal women (40.6±10.8 years) and 123 healthy postmenopausal women (61.8±7.5 years). All subjects were right side dominant. Regional (head, bilateral arms, trunk, and bilateral legs) and total body lean mass were measured using whole-body scanning by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Baseline characteristics including age, height, weight, and menopausal state were recorded. These variables were compared between pre- and postmenopausal women. In all subjects, correlations between regional or total body lean mass and baseline characteristics were investigated using univariate and multiple regression analyses. Results: Height, and lean mass of the trunk, bilateral legs and total body were significantly lower in postmenopausal women than in premenopausal women, while lean mass of the bilateral arms did not differ between the two groups. On univariate regression analysis, bilateral arms lean mass was positively correlated with height (P<0.001). Trunk, bilateral legs, and total body lean mass were inversely correlated with age and menopausal state (P<0.001), but were positively correlated with height (P<0.001). After adjusting for age and height, trunk lean mass was still correlated with menopausal state (P<0.01). Conclusions: Menopause induces lean mass loss, independent of aging and height. Trunk lean mass is more prone to decline with menopause than lean mass of other sites.  相似文献   

目的:了解鲁中地区汉族7~11岁小学生的体成分及体表面积现状,分析其年龄、性别差异,并与我国其他地区、其他民族小学生做对比分析。方法:对600名小学生进行体成分和体表面积的测量,并进行性别、年龄方面的差异分析。结果:随年龄增长,鲁中地区汉族小学生身体的各成分指标逐步增加,但体型差别不明显,总体上男生去脂体质量、肌肉量大于女生,而女生的脂肪百分比高于男生。鲁中地区汉族小学生的体表面积明显大于浙西南山区汉族、浙西南山区畲族、湖南省白族、武陵山区土家族、湘黔地区苗族、广东省瑶族、皖东农村汉族、沈阳市锡伯族等同龄学生(除了8岁女生),差异均有统计学意义,而与沈阳市汉族学生体表面积无差异(除了10岁女生)。除年龄和肥胖度无相关关系外,鲁中地区汉族小学生的体表面积和体成分主要指标之间均呈正相关。结论:鲁中地区汉族小学生的身体形态特点是体型高壮、体表面积大,肥胖率高于全国水平。  相似文献   

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