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Cesium (Cs) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) have been shown to increase action potential duration. However, action potential duration is known to be influenced by the rate of stimulation. In this study, the effect of stimulation rate on action potential characteristics was studied in Cs-treated and TEA-loaded canine Purkinje fiber preparations. Action potentials of Purkinje fibers from Cs-treated and TEA-loaded preparations had longer durations than action potentials of Purkinje fibers from normal preparations. Greater prolongation of action potential duration was observed when the rate of stimulation was reduced in Purkinje fibers from Cs-treated and TEA-loaded preparations than those from normal preparations. Whereas the increase in action potential duration of Purkinje fibers from Cs-treated preparations was accompanied by a significant membrane depolarization, no change in membrane potential was observed in Purkinje fibers from TEA-loaded preparations. In some Cs-treated and TEA-loaded preparations, the prolonged duration observed at slow stimulation rates was associated with the appearance of early afterdepolarizations. Lidocaine and cromakalim, agents known to reduce action potential duration in normal Purkinje fibers, also shortened action potential duration in Purkinje fibers from both Cs-treated and TEA-loaded preparations. However, lidocaine and cromakalim caused a significant membrane depolarization in Cs-treated Purkinje fibers but not in TEA-loaded Purkinje fibers. Our results suggested that although Cs and TEA are capable of producing rate-dependent prolongation of action potential duration and the occurrence of bradycardia-dependent early afterdepolarization, differences exist in Cs-treated Purkinje fibers in terms of the appearance of membrane depolarization at reduced stimulation rate and in the presence of lidocaine and cromakalim.  相似文献   

The antiarrhythmic, electrophysiologic and hemodynamic effects of a new antiarrhythmic agent, ACC-9358, were evaluated. In anesthetized dogs, ACC-9358 converted ouabain-induced ventricular tachycardia to normal sinus rhythm at a cumulative dose equal to encainide or flecainide and less than disopyramide. In 24-hr coronary artery ligated dogs, ACC-9358 suppressed spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias for up to 6 hr after oral or i.v. administration. The antiarrhythmic effect and plasma concentrations of ACC-9358 correlated well for both oral (r = 0.88) and i.v. (r = 0.87) administration. ACC-9358, flecainide and disopyramide were equieffective in converting crush-stimulation-induced atrial flutter in anesthetized dogs to normal sinus rhythm. In alpha-chloralose-anesthetized, closed-chest dogs, ACC-9358 slowed impulse conduction through the atria, atrioventricular node, His-Purkinje system and ventricles and prolonged atrial functional refractory period. In conscious dogs, ACC-9358 increased heart rate, reduced stroke volume and had no effect on mean arterial pressure, systemic vascular resistance or cardiac output. In alpha-chloralose-anesthetized dogs, ACC-9358-induced sinus tachycardia was unaffected by propranolol but was blocked by hexamethonium or vagotomy. In isolated cat ventricular muscle, the IC50 for the negative inotropic effect of ACC-9358 was significantly greater than flecainide or disopyramide. These results indicate that ACC-9358 is a potent, broad-spectrum, long-acting, orally and intravenously active class Ic antiarrhythmic agent that 1) may be devoid of active metabolites, 2) exerts little or no vascular effects and 3) has less direct cardiodepressant activity than flecainide or disopyramide.  相似文献   

We studied the actions of ketanserin (KT) on transmembrane action potentials (AP) of canine Purkinje fibers (PF) and ventricular muscle (VM) and on rhythm in vivo. PF AP duration (APD) was increased by KT (10(-8) to 10(-6) M) and shortened at 10(-5) M. KT effect on APD was greater during stimulation at longer cycle lengths and KT induced early afterdepolarizations in two of six PF at [K+]0 = 2.7 mM. Maximum diastolic potential, AP amplitude and Vmax were not changed by KT. In VM, KT (10(-8) to 10(-6) M) prolonged APD; but 10(-5) M KT did not shorten APD, reducing the difference in APD between VM and PF. KT had no effect on slow response Vmax or amplitude but prolonged APD. To analyze whether changes in Na plateau current or transient outward current contributed to KT effects on APD, we used tetrodotoxin (TTX) and 4-aminopyridine. TTX shortened APD and in its presence, KT (10(-5) M) induced no further shortening. In contrast, the effect of KT persisted in the presence of 4-aminopyridine. In six anesthetized, open chest dogs, KT prolonged the QT interval, but did not modify QRS duration and epicardial conduction time or induce arrhythmias. KT facilitated the onset of torsades de pointes during epicardial aconitine application.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to evaluate the relationship between interval dependent effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on conduction time and Vmax in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers. Standard microelectrode techniques were used to monitor action potential characteristics at two sites along a canine cardiac false tendon and to measure interelectrode conduction time. The maximum rate of voltage rise during phase 0 (Vmax) and conduction time were independent of diastolic interval under control conditions. In the presence of local anesthetic drugs, recovery from drug-induced depression of Vmax and conduction were first order processes with recovery time constants (mean +/- S.D. in seconds) of 0.14 +/- 0.02 (for Vmax) and 0.15 +/- 0.04 (for conduction time) for lidocaine; 0.17 +/- 0.04 and 0.18 +/- 0.05, respectively, for mexiletine; 0.26 +/- 0.05 and 0.27 +/- 0.07 for amitriptyline; and 1.01 +/- 0.31 and 1.00 +/- 0.32 for procainamide. The kinetics of onset of block were studied using a 30-sec pause, followed by a pacing cycle length of 300 msec (for procainamide) or 1 sec (for quinidine). The onset time constants averaged 2.66 +/- 0.53 pulses (for Vmax) and 2.49 +/- 0.42 pulses (for conduction time) in the presence of procainamide; and 4.02 +/- 1.33 pulses (for Vmax) and 3.86 +/- 1.22 pulses (for conduction time) in the presence of quinidine. These experiments show that local anesthetic drugs produce use dependent changes in conduction time in vitro with time constants comparable to simultaneously measured time constants for effects on Vmax. They imply that the use dependence of drug effects on cardiac conduction can be studied quantitatively in vivo by studying the response to changes in activation frequency.  相似文献   

Effects of E-4031, a class III antiarrhythmic agent, on re-entrant ventricular arrhythmias were studied in eight dogs with a 7-day-old myocardial infarction. Epicardial mapping and local refractory periods were obtained using 47-channel bipolar electrodes attached to the epicardium. The induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia by programmed electrical stimulation was not suppressed by i.v. infusion of E-4031 at 1 microgram/kg/min, but was suppressed markedly by infusion at 10 micrograms/kg/min in six of seven dogs. During the infusion of E-4031 at 10 micrograms/kg/min, epicardial conduction velocity in the normal ventricle did not change (0.7 +/- 0.12 to 0.71 +/- 0.13 m/sec, n = 6), whereas slowed conduction in the infarct zone improved (0.58 +/- 0.10 to 0.77 +/- 0.13 m/sec, n = 6). E-4031 at 10 micrograms/kg/min prolonged effective refractory periods (ERP) in the normal zone (139 +/- 8 to 164 +/- 18 msec, P less than .01, n = 8), nontransmural infarct zone (145 +/- 7 to 177 +/- 15 msec, P less than .01, n = 8) and transmural infarct zone (156 +/- 14 to 191 +/- 22 msec, P less than .01, n = 8). The degrees of ERP prolongation were almost equal in all zones. On epicardial mapping, the areas of longer ERP and delayed conduction were observed to become inexcitable after the administration of E-4031. These results demonstrated that E-4031 effectively prevented the induction of re-entrant ventricular tachycardia in canine myocardial infarction model, and suggested that E-4031 rendered re-entrant circuits inexcitable by marked ERP prolongation in both normal and infarct zones.  相似文献   

This study has determined the propranolol content of Purkinje fibers associated with antiarrhythmic and electrophysiological actions of the drug both in vivo and in vitro. The minimum effective tissue content of propranolol that consistently reversed a sustained ouabain-induced ventrivular tachycardia in vivo after i.v. propranolol was between 6.7 and 11.1 micron g/g of tissue. Propranolol doses producing Purkinje fiber contents of less than 6.7 micron g/g failed to revert the arrhythmia but did ponotropic responses to 0.5 micron g/kg of isoproterenol. The in vivo minimum effective tissue content was produced in isolated Purkinje fibers perfused with Tyrode's solution containing 1.7 X 10(-6) M propranolol. In Purkinje fibers this concentration of propranolol depressed the rate of phase 4 depolarization previously enhanced by ouabain 2.1 X 10(-7) M. Propranolol, 1.7 X 10(-6) M, did not alter membrane responsiveness and only slightly accelerated repolarization at 5 minutes. Propranolol, 0.85 X 10(-6) M, did not significantly depress the ouabain-enhanced rate of phase 4 depolarization but did attenuate the response to epinephrine through beta blockade. This study indicated that the initial direct action of propranolol in reverting a ouabain-induced ventricular tachycardia to a sinus rhythm in the dog is depression of automaticity.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of six class I antiarrhythmic drugs, i.e., quinidine (5 micrograms/ml), disopyramide (10 micrograms/ml), procainamide (30 micrograms/ml), flecainide (4 micrograms/ml), lidocaine (4 micrograms/ml) and mexiletine (4 micrograms/ml), on the durations of the basic action potential (APDb) at a cycle length of 500 ms and on the premature APD (APDt) elicited at progressively increasing diastolic intervals (DI) in canine Purkinje fibers. The difference between APDt elicited at diastolic intervals of 100 msec and the earliest APDt elicited at the onset of effective refractory period was defined as the range of APDt. In control this range was 98 +/- 1.8 ms (n = 59). Disopyramide and procainamide did not change the range significantly but the other four drugs decreased it significantly (P less than .01) as follows: quinidine by 50.2%, lidocaine by 60.2%, mexiletine by 61.6% and flecainide by 61.4%. The following four factors contributed to this decrease in range of APDt: shorter duration of APDb, increased effective refractory period/APD ratio, slower kinetics of APD restitution, and shift of normalized restitution curve toward longer APDt values. The magnitude of the contribution made by each of the above factors varied with different drugs. The greatest contributing factor for quinidine was an increased effective refractory period/APD ratio, for lidocaine a slower restitution and for flecainide and mexiletine the shift of the restitution curve. We concluded that antiarrhythmic drugs belonging to the same class have different effects on the range of premature APD and that these effects cannot be predicted from the effect of the drug on APDb alone.  相似文献   

1. In this study we have investigated the effects of a novel inotropic agent, pimobendan (UDCG 115-BS), on skinned and intact ventricular muscle from ferrets. 2. Pimobendan (20 or 100 mumol/l) increased tension at a given free [Ca2+] when applied to skinned ventricular muscle, i.e. it increased the Ca2+ sensitivity of the myofibrils. 3. Tension and intracellular free Ca2+ [( Ca2+]i) were measured simultaneously in intact papillary muscles using the aequorin technique. When 25 mumol/l pimobendan was added to the superfusing solution, a slowly developing positive ionotropic effect was produced, which was accompanied by an increase in the size of the systolic rise in [Ca2+]i (Ca2+ transients) with a similar time course. 4. In order to determine whether pimobendan increased the Ca2+ sensitivity of myofibrils in an intact papillary muscle, we compared the increase in Ca2+ transients and tension observed in response to changes in extracellular [Ca2+] with those observed in response to pimobendan. The result of this comparison was that in intact muscle pimobendan caused no apparent increase in myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity. 5. Pimobendan caused an abbreviation of the time course of the Ca2+ transients, but the twitch was slightly prolonged. 6. When isoprenaline was added to the superfusing solution, a positive inotropic effect was produced, which was accompanied by a marked increase in the size of the Ca2+ transients. Isoprenaline caused an abbreviation of the time course of both the Ca2+ transients and the twitch. When the Ca2+ sensitivity of the intact myofibrils was determined as described above, isoprenaline caused a desensitization. Pimobendan produced a sensitization when compared with isoprenaline. 7. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that pimobendan produces an inotropic effect in isolated cardiac muscle which is mediated both by an increase in Ca2+ sensitivity and by an increase in adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate due to its phosphodiesterase-inhibiting activity. Such a combination of activities may be particularly advantageous for an inotropic agent.  相似文献   

The effect of dl-, d- and I-sotalol on electrophysiologic characteristics of guinea-pig papillary muscles, sheep and rabbit Purkinje fibers was studied. Standard electrophysiologic and voltage clamp techniques were used. At concentrations between 10(-6) and 10(-4) M, the main effect of sotalol consisted of prolongation of the action potential duration. In voltage clamp experiments this effect correlated with a substantial reduction of the time-dependent K current activated during the plateau of the action potential and a small reduction of the background K current. At concentrations above 10(-4) M, a secondary shortening of the action potential concomitant with a fall in maximal rate of depolarization was seen. In voltage clamp experiments this effect correlated with a decrease of a slowly inactivating Na current. In the absence of catecholamines d- and I-sotalol exerted identical effects on action potentials and voltage clamp currents.  相似文献   

Prucalopride is a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine type 4 (5-HT4) receptor agonist developed for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. The endogenous agonist 5-HT acting via 5-HT4 receptors increases the L-type Ca2+ current (I(CaL)) with potentially proarrhythmic consequences (Pau et al., 2003). The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of prucalopride on I(CaL), action potentials, refractory period, and arrhythmic activity in human atrial myocytes, and to compare these with the effects of 5-HT, using the whole-cell perforated patch-clamp technique. Prucalopride (10(-9) to 10(-4) M) produced a concentration-dependent increase in I(CaL) amplitude, with a maximum response at 10 microM, from -5.3 +/- 0.6 to -10.9 +/- 1.5 pA/pF (p < 0.05; n = 22 cells, 10 patients), without affecting its voltage-dependence. Subsequent application of 10 microM 5-HT further increased I(CaL) to -17.7 +/- 2.8 pA/pF (p < 0.05; n = 16 cells, 9 patients). The increase in I(CaL) by prucalopride, 98 +/- 15%, was significantly smaller than that by 5-HT, 233 +/- 26% (p < 0.05). Prucalopride (10 microM) significantly increased the action potential duration at 50% repolarization (APD50) from 12 +/- 2 to 17 +/- 3 ms (p < 0.05; n = 22 cells, 9 patients). Following washout of prucalopride, 5-HT (10 microM) increased APD50, to a greater extent, from 14 +/- 3 to 32 +/- 7 ms (p < 0.05; n = 11 cells; 8 patients). The APD75, APD90, and effective refractory period were unaffected by prucalopride or 5-HT. Furthermore, 5-HT induced abnormal depolarizations in 27% of the cells studied, whereas prucalopride induced none (p < 0.05). In conclusion, in human atrial cells, prucalopride, at concentrations markedly above those used therapeutically, acted as partial agonist on I(CaL) and APD50, with no effect on late repolarization or refractory period, and was devoid of arrhythmic activity.  相似文献   

The electrophysiologic and electrocardiographic effects of intravenous pirmenol were compared with intravenous procainamide in 17 patients with symptomatic ventricular tachycardia. Pirmenol was found to prolong the PR interval, the QRS duration, the QTc interval, the HV interval, the atrial effective refractory period, and the ventricular effective refractory period. The sinus cycle length decreased following pirmenol administration. The sinus node recovery time, the PA interval, the AH interval, the Wenckebach cycle length, and the AV nodal ERP were unchanged. In patients whose ventricular tachycardias remained inducible on pirmenol, the cycle length was significantly prolonged compared to baseline. These changes were similar to those seen following the administration of procainamide. All 17 patients had sustained ventricular tachycardia inducible during programmed ventricular stimulation in the baseline state. In four patients the ventricular tachycardia was suppressed with both primenol and procainamide. In the remaining 13 patients ventricular tachycardia remained inducible on procainamide. Of these 13 patients, an additional two patients had their ventricular tachycardias rendered noninducible on pirmenol. In conclusion: (1) the electrophysiologic and electrocardiographic effects of pirmenol are similar to those of procainamide; (2) although ventricular tachycardia inducibility following procainamide was similar to that of pirmenol, an occasional patient with ventricular tachycardia inducible on procainamide had ventricular tachycardias suppressed on pirmenol.  相似文献   

Preparations of right ventricular papillary muscle and false tendon (Purkinje fiber) were obtained from dog hearts, placed in a bath perfused with Tyrode solution, and observed both under control conditions and during exposure to lidocaine in concentrations from 1 x 10(-7) to 5 x 10(-4) mole/liter. Transmembrane voltages were recorded from both ventricular muscle (VM) and Purkinje fibers (PF) of spontaneously beating and electrically driven preparations. Low concentrations (1 x 10(-6) and 1 x 10(-5) mole/liter) attenuated or abolished phase 4 (diastolic) depolarization and spontaneous firing in PF without decreasing their diastolic excitability. Concentrations of 1 x 10(-5) mole/liter produced maximal shortening of both action potential duration (APD) and effective refractory period (ERP) and made the ERP long relative to APD; the latter alteration was more prominent in VM. At concentrations /= 1 x 10(-4) mole/liter) did not cause further shortening of APD or ERP in either VM or PF but did produce a decrease in peak V(max) of phase 0 and membrane responsiveness. In most cases, these concentrations also caused a decrease in RP or DTMV(max) and action potential amplitude, with progression to bizarre action potential depolarization and inexcitability. These properties of lidocaine are strikingly different from those of quinidine or procaine amide. The mechanisms responsible for lidocaine's in vivo antiarrhythmic action are discussed.  相似文献   

Adenosine is known to have effects on electrophysiologic parameters of the sinus node, AV node and atrium and to antagonize isoproterenol-induced increased inotropy in the ventricle. However, the effects on cardiac Purkinje fibers are not well established. Therefore, the purpose of the present experiments was to examine the effects of adenosine alone and adenosine on isoproterenol-treated canine cardiac Purkinje fibers. Microelectrode techniques were used to record transmembrane action potentials. Adenosine alone (10(-7) to 10(-4) M) produced no effects on action potential characteristics of paced fibers. Adenosine in concentrations of 10(-7), 10(-6), 10(-5) and 10(-4) M produced a 15, 24, 44* and 72*% attenuation of isoproterenol (10(-6) M)-induced action potential duration shortening, respectively (*P less than .001). In 7 of 7 fibers depolarized with 22 mM K+, adenosine (10(-4) M) ablated calcium-dependent action potentials restored with isoproterenol (10(-6) M). These effects were antagonized by theophylline (5 X 10(-5) M) and adenosine deaminase (1 U/ml). Action potential shortening due to superfusion of high calcium Tyrode's solution and calcium-dependent action potentials generated in Na+ free-high Ca++ Tyrode's solution were not antagonized by adenosine. Adenosine (10(-5) M) produced a negative chronotropic effect, increasing escape intervals from 2669 +/- 647 to 3702 +/- 717** msec in control fibers and from 1864 +/- 329 to 2658 +/- 399** msec in tyramine (10(-4) M)-treated fibers (**P less than .05), but failed to produce a negative chronotropic response in fibers pretreated with propranolol (10(-7) M).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To clarify the electrophysiological mechanisms of the antiarrhythmic effects of mexiletine, we examined the actions of mexiletine (0.1--30 mg/l) on action potential characteristics (phase 0 amplitude, overshoot, maximum upstroke velocity, maximum diastolic and activation voltages, duration at 50% and 90% repolarization) of cardiac Purkinje fibers using standard microelectrode techniques. In fibers stimulated at constant rate, mexiletine decreased phase 0 amplitude and Vmax and shortened the action potential. Mexiletine shortened action potential duration at lower concentrations than those which altered phase 0 depolarization. The effect of mexiletine on normal automaticity in cardiac Purkinje fibers was studied in fibers made automatic either by hypokalemia or by isoproterenol. Mexiletine suppressed normal automaticity by shifting activation voltage, so that spontaneous phase 4 depolarization reached a stable resting voltage without triggering regenerative phase 0 depolarization. The effects of mexiletine on abnormal automaticity were studied in Purkinje fibers intoxicated by ouabain. Mexiletine decreased the amplitude of or abolished either early or delayed after depolarizations induced by ouabain.  相似文献   

Amiloride, a potassium-sparing diuretic, inhibits Na+ transport, Na+-H+ exchange and possibly Na+-Ca++ exchange in a variety of cellular and epithelial tissues. Similar membrane ion transport mechanisms exist in cardiac tissue, yet there are little data on possible interference by amiloride with ion transport in the heart. Given recent evidence for a delay in amiloride uptake into erythroid cells, we studied the electrophysiologic effects of amiloride after prolonged drug exposure in canine Purkinje fibers using standard microelectrode techniques. Amiloride (1-10 microM) led to a progressive lengthening of action potential duration with a tau of 1.8 +/- 0.5 hr (n = 15). At long cycle lengths (greater than or equal to 2000 msec) early afterdepolarizations and oscillations around the plateau were seen. To determine the etiology of the afterdepolarizations, Purkinje fibers treated for 2 hr with 10 microM amiloride were then exposed to tetrodotoxin, manganese and nisoldipine. Tetrodotoxin (7.8 X 10(-7) M) reversed completely all amiloride effects rapidly and reversibly. MnCl2 (4 mM) increased the afterdepolarizations, and arrest occurred at the plateau potential routinely. Nisoldipine (10(-6) M), a more selective blocker of slow inward current, shortened action potential duration somewhat but did not reverse fully the effects of amiloride. We conclude that amiloride has a pronounced effect on repolarization in the canine Purkinje fiber and this effect is manifest only after prolonged exposure to the drug.  相似文献   

Both conduction time (CT) and effective refractory period (ERP), absolute and relative to action potential duration (APD), are major determinants of re-entry arrhythmia circuits. We compared the effects of 3 commonly used class I antiarrhythmic agents, lidocaine, mexiletine and quinidine, and of the combination of the latter 2, on APD, ERP, ERP/APD ratio and interventricular CT in 26 in vivo canine hearts. To assess also the frequency dependence of these effects, each measurement was made at multiple steady-state cycle lengths ranging from 600 to 250 msec. A modified contact electrode technique was used to measure both APD and ERP simultaneously and at the same left ventricular site. Interventricular CT was measured as the interval from the stimulus of right ventricular paced beats to the upstroke of the ensuing left ventricular action potential. Lidocaine did not change APD, ERP and ERP/APD ratio significantly at any basic cycle length. In contrast, both mexiletine and quinidine increased the ERP/APD ratio, with progressively greater effects toward shorter cycle lengths. The quinidine/mexiletine combination increased the ERP/APD ratio significantly more than either drug alone (cycle length 350 msec: 8.3 +/- 2.2% quinidine; 17.6 +/- 7.0% mexiletine; 35.3 +/- 9.6% mexiletine/quinidine combination, P less than .01 vs. quinidine, P less than .05 vs. mexiletine). CT increased only with quinidine but not with mexiletine or lidocaine. Combination of mexiletine and quinidine caused no further slowing of conduction as compared to quinidine alone. Thus, although both ERP/APD ratio and CT are related to sodium channel conductance, drug effect on one parameter does not necessarily imply quantitatively similar effects on the other.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The electrophysiologic and antifibrillatory properties of UK-68,798 were studied in vivo in a conscious canine model of sudden coronary death. Electrophysiologic testing was performed on conscious male mongrel dogs (14.5-21.5 kg) 3 to 5 days after surgical induction of an anterior myocardial infarction by occlusion (2 h)-reperfusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Compared to saline-treated control animals, UK-68,798 at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg i.v. did not (P = .083) suppress the induction of ventricular tachycardia by programmed electrical stimulation. Six of 12 UK-68,798-treated dogs remained inducible, whereas 10 of 12 vehicle-treated dogs responded to electrical induction of arrhythmia. When compared to predrug inducibility, UK-68,798 significantly (P = .007) reduced the incidence of programmed electrical stimulation-induced ventricular tachycardia. In five of the six dogs inducible after UK-68,798 administration, the cycle length of the induced ventricular tachycardia was prolonged (P = .007) compared to the predrug cycle length. Heart rate, PR interval and QRS duration were not affected by UK-68,798 administration. The rate-corrected QT interval was prolonged (P less than .05) by UK-68,798. The ventricular effective refractory period was increased by UK-68,798 (158 +/- 7 msec, predrug vs. 185 +/- 7 msec, postdrug). Subsequent to programmed electrical stimulation, a 150 microA anodal current was applied to the luminal surface of the left circumflex coronary artery to induce transient episodes of posterolateral ischemia in response to electrolytic injury of the vessel wall.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanical effects of RP 62719 [(-)1-[-2-(3,4-dihydro-2H-1- benzopyran-4-yl)ethyl]-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-piperidine] were tested in vitro on guinea pig left ventricular papillary muscle. RP 62719 is a novel pure class III antiarrhythmic agent known to prolong the cardiac action potential duration by selectively blocking the inward rectifying K+ current. Mechanical parameters were determined from contraction and relaxation phases under isotonic and isometric conditions. At a concentration of 0.02 microM, RP 62719 did not produce significant effects on inotropy or lusitropy. At 0.2 and 2 microM, the drug improved contraction under both heavy and low loading conditions, as evidenced by a 30% increase in maximum unloaded shortening velocity (Vmax, P < .001), peak amplitude of shortening (delta L, P < .001), peak isometric active force normalized per cross-sectional area (AF/s, P < .001) and positive peak of the force derivative per mm2 (+dF/s, P < .001). At the same concentrations, positive lusitropic effects were evidenced by an increase in maximum lengthening velocity (maxVr) and negative peak of force derivative per mm2 (-dF/s, P < .001). At a higher concentration (20 microM), effects of RP 62719 on inotropy and lusitropy were less marked, thus accounting for the bell-shaped form of the dose-response curve. An increase in the extracellular Ca++ concentration from 2.5 to 3.75 mM improved inotropy to a similar extent (+30-50%) as did 2 microM RP 62719. However, lusitropy and mechanical coupling between contraction and relaxation were not modified in the same proportion under RP 62719 and under 3.75 mM Ca++.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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