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目的研究马兜铃酸(AA)体外致DNA损伤作用。方法采用噻唑蓝比色法比较AA对人胚肾293细胞与转染核苷酸切除修复基因的ERCC1-XPF-293细胞毒性差异;采用单细胞凝胶电泳试验研究AA致293细胞DNA单链断裂作用;以EB荧光法研究AA致牛胸腺DNA交联作用及其代谢活化。结果AA对人胚肾293细胞及ERCC1-XPF-293细胞的半数抑制浓度分别为480.1和661.8μmol/L(P<0.05);AA在60μmol/L即具有致DNA单链断裂作用;加大鼠肝S9条件下AA致牛胸腺DNA交联,同时加入CYP1A抑制剂α-萘黄酮降低DNA交联率。结论AA所致DNA损伤作用是其细胞毒性的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Twenty‐two of Galderma's proprietary compounds were tested in the GADD45α‐GFP ‘GreenScreen HC’ assay (GS), the SOS‐ChromoTest and the Mini‐Ames to evaluate GSs performance for early genotoxicity screening purposes. Forty more characterized compounds were also tested, including antibiotics: metronidazole, clindamycin, tetracycline, lymecycline and neomycin; and catecholamines: resorcinol mequinol, hydroquinone, one aneugen carbendazim, one corticoid dexamethasone, one peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor rosiglitazone, one pesticide carbaryl and two further proprietary molecules with in vitro genotoxicity data. With proprietary molecules, this study concluded that the GS renders the SOS‐ChromoTest obsolete for in vitro screening. The GS confirmed all results of the Mini‐Ames test (100% concordance). Compared with the micronucleus test, the GS showed a concordance of 82%. With known compounds, the GS ranked the potency of positive results for catecholamines in accordance with other genotoxicity tests and showed very reproducible results. It confirmed positive results for carbendazim, for tetracycline antibiotics and for carbaryl. The GS produced negative results for metronidazole, a nitroreduction‐specific bacterial mutagen, for dexamethasone (a non‐genotoxic apoptosis inducer), for rosiglitazone (a GADD45γ promoter inducer) and for clindamycin and neomycin (inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis in bacteria). As such, the GS appears to be a reproducible, robust, specific and sensitive test for genotoxicity screening. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The physicochemical characteristics of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) may greatly alter their toxicological potential. To explore the effects of size and coating on the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of AgNPs, six different types of AgNPs, having three different sizes and two different coatings, were investigated using the Ames test, mouse lymphoma assay (MLA) and in vitro micronucleus assay. The genotoxicities of silver acetate and silver nitrate were evaluated to compare the genotoxicity of nanosilver to that of ionic silver. The Ames test produced inconclusive results for all types of the silver materials due to the high toxicity of silver to the test bacteria and the lack of entry of the nanoparticles into the cells. Treatment of L5718Y cells with AgNPs and ionic silver resulted in concentration-dependent cytotoxicity, mutagenicity in the Tk gene and the induction of micronuclei from exposure to nearly every type of the silver materials. Treatment of TK6 cells with these silver materials also resulted in concentration-dependent cytotoxicity and significantly increased micronucleus frequency. With both the MLA and micronucleus assays, the smaller the AgNPs, the greater the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. The coatings had less effect on the relative genotoxicity of AgNPs than the particle size. Loss of heterozygosity analysis of the induced Tk mutants indicated that the types of mutations induced by AgNPs were different from those of ionic silver. These results suggest that AgNPs induce cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in a size- and coating-dependent manner. Furthermore, while the MLA and in vitro micronucleus assay (in both types of cells) are useful to quantitatively measure the genotoxic potencies of AgNPs, the Ames test cannot.  相似文献   

Bendamustine, an anticancer drug with alkylating properties, is widely used to treat hematological malignancies. Since the nitrogen mustard family alkylators induce DNA damages and have been associated with an elevated risk of second malignancy, current study evaluates the cytotoxic, mutagenic, and recombinogenic effects of bendamustine by using, respectively the mitotic index assay, the in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test (Mnvit) and the chromosome aberration (CA) test in human peripheral lymphocytes, and the in vivo homozygotization assay in Aspergillus nidulans, which detects the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) due to somatic recombination. Bendamustine (6.0?µg/ml, 9.0?µg/ml, and 12.0?µg/ml) induced a statistically significant concentration-related increase in the frequencies of micronuclei and a significant reduction in the cytokinesis block proliferation index (CBPI) rates when compared to negative control. In the CA test, bendamustine significantly increased the frequencies of structural aberrations at the three tested concentrations when compared to the negative control. Aspergillus nidulans diploids, obtained after bendamustine treatment (6.0?µg/ml, 12.0?µg/ml, and 24.0?µg/ml), produced, after haploidization, homozygotization index (HI) rates higher than 2.0 and significantly different from the negative control. Since bendamustine showed genotoxic effects in all tested concentrations, two of them corresponding to the peak plasma concentrations observed in cancer patients treated with bendamustine, data provided in the current research work may be useful to identify the most appropriate dosage regimen to achieve the efficacy and safety of this anticancer medication.  相似文献   

Hydrogels are three‐dimensional, crosslinked networks of hydrophilic polymers swollen with a large amount of water or biological fluids, without dissolving. Dextrin, a low‐molecular‐weight carbohydrate composed by glucose residues, has been used to develop an injectable hydrogel for biomedical applications. Dextrin was first oxidized to introduce aldehyde groups, which then reticulate with adipic acid dihydrazide, forming the dextrin‐based hydrogel (HG). The HG and its components were tested for cyto‐ and genotoxicity according to the International Standard ISO 10993‐3 on the biological evaluation of medical devices. To assess genotoxicity, a battery of in vitro genotoxicity tests employing both eukaryotic and prokaryotic models was performed: comet assay, cytokinesis‐block micronucleus assay and Ames test. Our data revealed that the HG (IC50 = 2.8 mg/mL) and oxidized dextrin by itself (IC50 = 1.2 mg/mL) caused a concentration‐dependent decrease in cellular viability of human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells after 24 hours of exposure to the test agents. However, these concentrations are unlikely to be reached in vivo. In addition, no significant increase in the DNA and chromosomal damage of TK6 cells exposed to non‐cytotoxic concentrations of the HG and its isolated components was detected. Furthermore, neither the HG nor its metabolites exerted a mutagenic effect in different of Salmonella typhimurium strains and in an Escherichia coli mix. Our data demonstrated the genocompatibility of the HG (up to 3.5 mg/mL) for biomedical applications. To our best acknowledge, this is the first report with a detailed genotoxicity assessment of an aldehyde‐modified polysaccharide/adipic acid dihydrazide hydrogel.  相似文献   

With the ongoing commercialization of nanotechnology products, human exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) is set to increase dramatically and an evaluation of their potential adverse effects is essential. Surface charge, among other physico‐chemicals parameters, is a key criterion that should be considered when using a definition for nanomaterials in a regulatory context. It has recently been recognized as an important factor in determining the toxicity of NPs; however, a complete understanding of the mechanisms involved is still lacking. In this context, the aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the surface charge modification of NPs on in vitro toxicity assays. Poly(lactic‐co‐glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles bearing different surface charges, positive(+), neutral(n) or negative(?), were synthesized. In vitro genotoxicity assays (micronucleus and comet assays) coupled with an assessment of cytotoxicity, were performed in different cell lines (L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells, TK6 human B‐lymphoblastoid cells and 16HBE14o‐ human bronchial epithelial cells). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and endocytosis studies were also performed. Our results showed that PLGA(+) NPs were cytotoxic. They are endocytosed by the clathrin pathway and induced ROS in the three cell lines. They led to chromosomal aberrations without primary DNA damage in 16HBE14o‐ cells, suggesting that aneuploidy may be considered as an important biomarker when assessing the genotoxic potential of NPs. Moreover, 16HBE14o‐ cells seem to be more suitable for the in vitro screening of inhaled NPs than the regulatory L5178Y and TK6 cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Indian frankincense is a gum resin from Boswellia serrata of Burseraceae used in Ayurveda and Western medicine for the antinflammatory effects of boswellic acids, particularly 3-O-acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA). We evaluated in vitro cytotoxicities of B. serrata extract and AKBA on differentiated and undifferentiated keratinocytes (HaCaT and NCTC 2544), and foetal dermal fibroblasts (HFFF2), using neutral red uptake (NRU), MTT, and DNA assays. Comparison between NRU and MTT, and between the extract and AKBA, suggested a relatively higher toxicity of both substances on lysosomes respect to mitochondria. Extract cytotoxicity on lysosomes was higher in NCTC and HFFF2 than on the more differentiated HaCaT. DNA assay showed low extract inhibition on HFFF2 proliferation, possibly due to lower growth rate, and a stronger effect on NCTC than on HaCaT, possibly related to higher proapoptotic effect on the less differentiated NCTC, as also suggested by higher AKBA toxicity on NCTC than on HaCaT. In general, gum resin and AKBA toxicities were slightly lower or higher than that of the reference compound SDS. Our in vitro model allowed to compare the sensitivities of different human skin cells to B. serrata, and indicated that the gum resin and AKBA exert moderate to low toxicity on the skin.  相似文献   

In vitro experiments using whole rat embryo cultures show that all -trans retinoic acid (all- trans RA) administered at low concentrations (30 ng/ml culture medium) is 10 times more active than 13-cis retinoic acid (13-cis RA) and 3 times more active when administered at high concentrations (1000 ng/ml culture medium). Morphological investigation of the embryos shows that both substances directly influence embryonic development in an identical manner. Isomerisation products of the administered compounds (all-trans RA from 13-cis RA and vice versa) were detected by HPLC both in the culture medium and the embryo. Correlation of embryonic retinoid concentration with the observed effects led us to suggest that the isomerisation to all- trans RA is crucial in regard to 13-cis RA-induced abnormal embryonic development. A 100% effect can be induced in vitro with very low amounts of all- trans RA (7.2 ng/g) in the embryo.  相似文献   

Benzothiazole and benzothiazole derivatives (BTs) have been detected in various environmental matrices as well as in human beings, but little is currently available regarding their toxicities. In our study, genotoxicities of nine BTs (benzothiazole [BT], 2‐chlorobenzothiazole [CBT], 2‐bromobenzothiazole [BrBT], 2‐fluorobenzothiazole [FBT], 2‐methylbenzothiazole [MeBT], 2‐mercaptobenzothiazole [MBT], 2‐aminobenzothiazole [ABT], 2‐hydroxy‐benzothiazole [OHBT] and 2‐methythiobenzothiazole [MTBT]) are comprehensively evaluated by the SOS/umu test using the bacterial Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 for DNA‐damaging effect and the high content in vitro micronucleus test using two human carcinoma cells (MGC‐803 and A549) for chromosome‐damaging effect. The cytotoxicity of BTs on both bacteria and two human cells was also evaluated. Except for the cytotoxic effect of MBT on MGC‐803 and A549, the other tested BTs showed more than 50% cytotoxicity at their highest concentrations in a dose‐dependent manner, and their LC50s ranged from 19 (MBT in bacteria) to 270 mg l–1 (CBT in A549). Activation and inactivation were observed for specific BTs after metabolism. On the other hand, no evidence of genotoxicity was obtained for BT, FBT and MBT, and DNA damage was induced by ABT, OHBT, BrBT and MTBT in MGC‐803, by MeBT in A549 and by CBT in both cells. Through quantitative structure–activity relationship analysis, two structure alerts for chemical genotoxicity, including heterocyclic amine and hacceptor‐path3‐hacceptor are present in ABT and OHBT respectively; however, the underlying mechanisms still need further evaluation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vanillic acid (VA) found in vanilla and cinnamic acid (CA) the precursor of flavonoids and found in cinnamon oil, are natural plant phenolic acids which are secondary aromatic plant products suggested to possess many physiological and pharmacological functions. In vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that phenolic acids exhibit powerful effects on biological responses by scavenging free radicals and eliciting antioxidant capacity. In the present study, we investigated the antioxidant capacity of VA and CA by the trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay, cytotoxicity by neutral red uptake (NRU) assay in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and also the genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects of these phenolic acids using the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) and the alkaline comet assays in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. At all tested concentrations, VA (0.17–67.2?μg/ml) showed antioxidant activity but CA (0.15–59.2?μg/ml) did not show antioxidant activity against 2,2-azino-bis (3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS). VA (0.84, 4.2, 8.4, 16.8, 84 and 168?μg/ml) and CA (0.74, 3.7, 7.4, 14.8, 74, 148?μg/ml) did not have cytotoxic and genotoxic effects alone at the studied concentrations as compared with the controls. Both VA and CA seem to decrease DNA damage induced by H2O2 in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Phospholipidosis is a lipid storage disorder in which excess phospholipids accumulate within cells. Some cationic amphiphilic compounds are known to have the potential to induce phospholipidosis. This study was undertaken to examine the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the development of phospholipidosis and to identify specific markers that might form the basis of an in vitro screening test. Specifically, we performed a large-scale gene expression analysis using DNA microarrays on human hepatoma HepG2 cells after they were treated with each of 12 compounds known to induce phospholipidosis. In electron microscopy, HepG2 cells developed lamellar myelin-like bodies in their lysosomes, the characteristic change of phospholipidosis, after treatment with these compounds for 72 h. DNA microarray analysis performed 6 and 24 h after treatment showed alterations in gene expression reflecting the inhibition of lysosomal phospholipase activity and lysosomal enzyme transport, and the induction of phospholipid and cholesterol biosynthesis. Seventeen genes that showed a similar expression profile following treatment were selected as candidate markers. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed that 12 gene markers showed significant concordance with lamellar myelin-like body formation. Furthermore, the average fold change values of these markers correlated well with the magnitude of this pathological change. In conclusion, microarray analysis revealed that factors such as alterations in lysosomal function and cholesterol metabolism were involved in the induction of phospholipidosis. Furthermore, comprehensive gene expression analysis enabled us to identify biomarkers of this condition that we then used to develop a rapid and sensitive in vitro screening test for drug-induced phospholipidosis.  相似文献   

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