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Spontaneous production of the interferon induced enzyme 2'',5''-oligoadenylate synthetase (2'',5''-A synthetase) was significantly greater in blood lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Behçet''s syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis than in control lymphocytes. Alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) induced comparable production of enzyme in normal, rheumatoid, and Behçet''s lymphocytes, and reduced, but still appreciable amounts in SLE lymphocytes. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) did not induce enzyme. Thus spontaneous production of 2'',5''-A synthetase is encountered in several connective tissue diseases and seems likely to be induced by in-vivo exposure to interferons.  相似文献   

Treatment of quiescent BALB/c mouse 3T3 cells with murine interferon alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta) (1000 units/ml) leads to the appearance at 4 hr of 1.7-kilobase 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2',5'-OAS)mRNA as detected by Northern blot analysis. This mRNA accumulates for at least 18 hr. Two protein kinase C activators, 1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, suppress, whereas the calcium ionophore ionomycin enhances, the IFN-alpha/beta-induced expression of 2',5'-OAS mRNA. The 8-bromo and dibutyryl analogs of cAMP and the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin did not affect the induction of 2',5'-OAS mRNA by IFN-alpha/beta. In the absence of IFN-alpha/beta, the above agents used either singly or in combinations, did not induce 2',5'-OAS mRNA expression nor did platelet-derived growth factor (1-2 units/ml), fibroblast growth factor (6-100 ng/ml), or bovine serum (10-20%). Bovine serum also did not affect 2',5'-OAS mRNA induction by IFN-alpha/beta. The poly(ADP)-ribose synthetase inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide suppressed IFN-alpha/beta-induced 2',5'-OAS gene expression. These results suggest that in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells (i) the 2',5'-OAS gene is not responsive to the three major signal transduction pathways activated by diacylglycerol, Ca2+, and cAMP; (ii) induction of the 2',5'-OAS gene by IFN-alpha/beta is decreased by activation of the protein kinase C pathway but enhanced by elevation of intracellular [Ca2+].  相似文献   

The first step in splicing of pre-mRNA involves an intermediate lariat structure, in which a 2'5' phosphodiester bond between the 5' terminal guanosine residue of the intron and a specific adenosine residue near the 3' end of the intron is formed. A mammalian enzyme that generates 2'-5' phosphodiester bonds is (2'-5')oligoadenylate synthetase [(2'-5')OASE]. Although the expression of this enzyme is induced by interferon, low constitutive levels can be detected in untreated cells and tissues. The structural similarity between the lariat branch point and the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond generated by (2'-5')OASE prompted the experiments described here which suggest that this enzyme is involved in pre-mRNA splicing. (i) We show that a (2'-5')OASE activity is associated with 60S spliceosomes in an ATP- and RNA-dependent manner and that it can be indirectly immunoprecipitated by anti-Sm antibodies. (ii) Antibodies against (2'-5')OASE inhibit the lariat formation in the first step of splicing when added directly to a splicing reaction in vitro. (iii) HeLa cell nuclear extracts immunodepleted of (2'-5')OASE activity were also deficient in splicing activity.  相似文献   

5'-O-Monophosphoryladenylyl(2' goes to 5')adenylyl-(2' goes to 5')adenosine [(2' goes to 5')(pA)3] antagonizes the protein synthesis inhibitory effects of 5'-O-triphosphoryladenylyl-(2' goes to 5')adenylyl(2' goes to 5')adenosine by preventing activation of the (2' goes to 5')oligo(a)-activated ribonuclease which degrades mRNA. The oligoribonucleotide (2' goes to 5')(pA)3 also antagonizes the translational inhibitory capacity of poly(I).poly(C) in extracts of interferon-treated L cells, suggesting that (2' goes to 5')oligo(A) is the primary mediator of the protein synthesis inhibitory effects of poly(I).poly(C) in this cell-free system.  相似文献   

人体感染HBV后,可自身清除病毒或持续性感染,在成人感染者中有5%~10%不能清除病毒,导致慢性病毒携带状态。其造成肝损伤的程度不一,发展为肝硬化或肝癌进程不一、药物治疗的反应个体差异亦很大,宿主的遗传因素对乙型肝炎的这些临床转归起了关键作用。目前干扰素诱导抗病毒基因2′-5′寡腺苷酸合成酶1(OAS1)与HBV易感性和抗病毒疗效的相关性研究鲜见报道,[第一段]  相似文献   

We have used a combination of spectroscopic, calorimetric, and computational techniques to characterize the properties of nucleic acid complexes with 2',5'- and 3',5'-phosphodiester linkages. Specifically, we have compared the properties of complexes formed by the association of 3',5' single-stranded 16-mers of adenylic acid (A16) and thymidylic acid (T16) with the complexes formed by the corresponding single-stranded 16-mers with 2',5'-phosphodiester linkages (A*16 and T*16). Our results reveal the following differential features: (i) the 3',5' strands form either a duplex or a triplex, depending on the sodium ion concentration, whereas the 2',5' strands form either a triplex or no complex at all; (ii) the 2',5' and 3',5' triplexes exhibit significantly different CD spectra, suggesting that the two triplex states are conformationally nonequivalent; (iii) the 2',5' triplex has a lower charge density than the 3',5' triplex; (iv) the thermal stability of the 3',5' triplex, as expected, is concentration dependent, whereas the thermal stability of the 2',5' triplex is concentration independent; (v) relative to their component single strands, the 2',5' triplex is thermodynamically much less stable than the 3',5' triplex, despite being thermally more stable; (vi) the reduced thermodynamic stability of the 2',5' triplex relative to the 3',5' triplex is overwhelmingly enthalpic in origin. In the aggregate, our results reveal and characterize significant differences in the properties of complexes formed by the association of strands with identical base sequences but different phosphodiester linkages. We describe a structural model that is consistent with many of the differential properties observed. We also speculate on how these differential properties may have provided an evolutionary advantage for 3',5' linkages and how the properties of 2',5' complexes might be exploited in antisense strategies.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine phosphatase protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) regulates hormone- and stress-induced cellular signaling by association with the molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). PP5-mediated dephosphorylation of the cochaperone Cdc37 is essential for activation of Hsp90-dependent kinases. However, the details of this mechanism remain unknown. We determined the crystal structure of a Cdc37 phosphomimetic peptide bound to the catalytic domain of PP5. The structure reveals PP5 utilization of conserved elements of phosphoprotein phosphatase (PPP) structure to bind substrate and provides a template for many PPP–substrate interactions. Our data show that, despite a highly conserved structure, elements of substrate specificity are determined within the phosphatase catalytic domain itself. Structure-based mutations in vivo reveal that PP5-mediated dephosphorylation is required for kinase and steroid hormone receptor release from the chaperone complex. Finally, our data show that hyper- or hypoactivity of PP5 mutants increases Hsp90 binding to its inhibitor, suggesting a mechanism to enhance the efficacy of Hsp90 inhibitors by regulation of PP5 activity in tumors.Protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) has pleiotropic roles in cellular signaling, including DNA damage repair, proliferation of breast cancer cells, circadian cycling, response to cytotoxic stresses, Rac-dependent potassium ion channel activity, and activation of steroid hormone receptors [e.g., glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and estrogen receptor] (1, 2). It is a member of the phosphoprotein phosphatase (PPP) family of serine/threonine phosphatases, which has members that share a highly conserved catalytic core and catalytic mechanism dependent on two metal ions, commonly Mn2+. Most PPP family members exhibit high, nonspecific phosphatase activity. Specificity is provided by a large cohort of regulatory and other interacting proteins that function to inhibit basal activity and recruit substrates, thereby finely tuning the enzymes (3). This combinatorial approach enables a small number of catalytic subunits to have the breadth of specificity equivalent to that seen in kinases, which are greater in number by an order of magnitude. Structures of complexes between regulatory and catalytic domains have illuminated the importance of regulatory subunits in facilitating substrate recruitment (3). However, to date, there is no structural information describing how a substrate binds at the active site of a PPP; therefore, a central question remains of how local interactions between the substrate and the catalytic domain contribute to the molecular basis of dephosphorylation.PP5 is unique among the PPP family because it has a low basal activity caused by an autoinhibitory N-terminal tetratricopeptide (TPR) domain (4). Its activity is promoted by a number of cellular factors, including fatty acids and the molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) (5), both of which release autoinhibition by interacting with the TPR domain (6, 7). Many established PP5 substrates are dependent on Hsp90 for their activation (known as Hsp90 clients). In addition to a requirement for Hsp90’s chaperone activity, it is likely that these PP5 substrates require Hsp90 to act as a molecular bridge to bring the catalytic domain of PP5 in close proximity to enable dephosphorylation, which has been shown for the Hsp90 cochaperone Cdc37 (8). In such cases, Hsp90 performs a role similar to that observed by the regulatory subunits of the PP1 and PP2A family (3).The cochaperone Cdc37 regulates the activation of Hsp90 client kinases by distinguishing between client and nonclient kinases (9) and recruiting the former to Hsp90 (10). Many of these kinases are oncogenes; therefore, the molecular details of their activation are of considerable interest in cancer therapy. Activation is dependent on a cycle of Cdc37-Ser13 phosphorylation by the constitutively active kinase CK2 (11, 12) and dephosphorylation by PP5 (8). The mechanisms by which Cdc37 phosphorylation and dephosphorylation regulate kinase activation are not understood.To understand the molecular determinants of the phospho-Ser13 Cdc37-PP5 interaction, we determined the 2.3-Å crystal structure of a Cdc37 phosphomimetic peptide bound to the catalytic domain of PP5. The structure reveals how PP5 uses conserved elements of PPP structure to bind substrate, whereas in vitro and in vivo analyses indicate that, despite being highly conserved, elements of substrate specificity are determined within the phosphatase catalytic domain itself.  相似文献   

Extracts of wheat germ contain a RNA ligase activity that catalyzes the conversion of linear polyribonucleotides into covalently closed circles. As reported previously, this enzyme joins two ends of a RNA substrate via a 2'-phosphomonoester, 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage. In the present work we provide evidence that a 2',3'-cyclic phosphate group at the 3' terminus is required for RNA ligation and that the 5'-hydroxyl end is phosphorylated before the two RNA ends are joined. We report on the presence of 5'-hydroxyl polynucleotide kinase and polynucleotide 2',3'-cyclic phosphate 3'-phosphodiesterase activities in wheat germ extracts. A possible involvement of these enzymes in the ligation process and a potential role of the newly described ligation pathway in RNA processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP have been localized in rat liver, small intestine, and testis by a fluorescent immunocytochemical procedure. In liver, cyclic AMP is distributed along sinusoids predominantly, and increased fluorescence is seen sinusoidal areas after glucagon administration. Cyclic GMP is located in nuclear elements and on the plasma membranes of hepatocytes. In jejunum, cyclic AMP is found predominantly at the basal and lateral sides of brush border cells and in the lamina propria, while cyclic GMP is located to the brush border membrane, smooth muscle, and nuclear elements. In testis, cyclic AMP is found in cytoplasm of cells at the perimeter of the seminiferrous tubules and in interstitial cells, while cyclic AMP is visualized on the plasma membrane of the cells lining the tubules. Cyclic GMP is also seen on chromosomes of premeiotic spermatocytes and in sperm. These data provide histological evidence implicating diverse roles for the nucleotides in these tissues. The nuclear localization of cyclic GMP in all of these tissues suggests a role for the nucleotide in nucleus-directed events.  相似文献   

Splice-site selection and alternative splicing of nuclear pre-mRNAs can be controlled by splicing enhancers that act by promoting the activity of upstream splice sites. Here we show that RNA molecules containing a 3' splice site and enhancer sequence are efficiently spliced in trans to RNA molecules containing normally cis-spliced 5' splice sites or to normally trans-spliced spliced leader RNAs from lower eukaryotes. In addition, we show that this reaction is stimulated by (Ser + Arg)-rich splicing factors that are known to promote protein-protein interactions in the cis-splicing reaction. Thus, splicing enhancers facilitate the assembly of protein complexes on RNAs containing a 3' splice site, and this complex is sufficiently stable to functionally interact with 5' splice sites located on separate RNAs. This trans-splicing is mediated by interactions between (Ser + Arg)-rich splicing factors bound to the enhancer and general splicing factors bound to the 5' and 3' splice sites. These same interactions are likely to play a crucial role in alternative splicing and splice-site selection in cis.  相似文献   

By using a translation assay in oocytes, a 17S RNA fraction coding for the interferon-induced (2'-5')oligo(A) synthetase was purified from human cells. A cDNA library was prepared by cloning in Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322 and screened by positive hybridization-translation in oocytes. A cDNA clone corresponding to the (2'-5')oligo(A) synthetase mRNA was identified. In SV80 cells, this E cDNA recognizes three RNAs of 1.65, 1.85, and 3.6 kilobases, which are present only after interferon treatment of the cells. In Namalva cells, mainly one RNA of 1.8 kilobases is seen.  相似文献   

Thirteen monoclonal antibodies to ppp(A2'p5')nA oligonucleotides have been produced by fusing Y3 myeloma cells with spleen cells of rat hyperimmunized with A2'p5'A succinyl albumin as immunogen. 125I-labeled A2'p5'A succinyl tyrosine methyl ester was used as a labeled probe. Antibodies were detected by their ability to bind the labeled analog and were selected for their affinity for A2'p5'A. There were no significant differences between the properties of the monoclonal antibodies and of the antiserum. They discriminated between 2'-5' and 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds: they crossreacted poorly with (A3'p5')2A (crossreactivity ratio, greater than 10(4)) and even less with ATP an adenosine (crossreactivity ratio, greater than (6)). The affinity was high (Kd = 6 x 10(-12) M) for succinyl A2'p5'A, which is the best ligand, and also high for A2'p5'A (crossreactivity ratio, 3) and (A2'p5')2A, (A2'p5')3A, and (As'p5')4A (crossreactivity ratio, 7.5). The binding to triphosphorylated isomers, ppp(A2'p5)nA, was affected by the presence of the triphosphate groups, and the affinity increased as the length of the isomer increased (crossreactivity ratio, 10,000 for n = 1 to 200 for n = 4). Thermodynamic analysis of these data demonstrated that, in dephosphorylated isomers, the binding site of highest affinity was located at the 5'-OH end of the molecule whereas in phosphorylated isomers, the favorable binding sites were in the middle and at the 2'-OH end of the chain. Use of monoclonal antibodies of such a specificity together with the 125I-labeled 2-5A analog allows quantification of (A2'p5')nA directly and of ppp(A2'p5')nA after removal of the terminal phosphates by alkaline phosphatase treatment.  相似文献   

An esterase activity was purified from rat pancreatic juice by DEAE cellulose chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and filtration through Sephadex G-100. After this procedure the enzyme was purified 200 times with a yield of 12%. The enzyme had a molecular weight of around 70,000 and an isoelectric point of 5.0. It had a wide substrate specificity and hydrolysed water-soluble esters as well as water-insoluble esters when dispersed with bile salt. Bile salt strongly stimulated the esterase activity, caused aggregation of the enzyme monomer into a polymer form, and protected the activity against proteolytic inactivation. On the basis of the low substrate specificity, the enzyme should be classified as a carboxylic esterase. It most probably is identical with sterolester hydrolase.  相似文献   

When the action of highly purified specimens of ribonuclease H (hybrid nuclease; RNA-DNA hybrid ribonucleotidohydrolase; EC of calf thymus on a wide selection of homopolymer hybrids was studied, the extent, and even the occurrence, of hydrolysis was found to be governed by the interplay of several factors: the composition of the ribo strand, the length of the deoxyribo strand, and the nature of the activating metal. Mn2+ activates the enzymic cleavage of all hybrid combinations, Mg2+ only of those containing purine ribo strands, Co2+ only of poly(A) hybrids. A 1:1 hybrid of phage f1 DNA and RNA is, however, split in the presence of any of these activators. Hybrids with deoxyribo tetranucleotides can still be cleaved, but not with dinucleotides. The behavior of hybrids containing covalently linked runs of ribo and deoxyribopolynucleotides was studied with the hybrid poly(dT)-poly(A)7-(dA)X]. This hybrid is attacked by ribonuclease H so that the bulk of the resulting poly(dA) still retains one covalently linked riboadenylic acid end group, whereas a small proportion carries a ribo dinucleotide. Inhibition studies showed that ribonuclease H is inactivated irreversibly by pretreatment with S-adenosylmethionine at 35 degrees, but not at 0 degrees. S-Adenosylhomocysteine also is inhibitory, but not irreversibly; also it is essentially limited to the inhibition of the cleavage of purine ribo strands. When the enzyme is exposed simultaneously to both inhibitors, irreversible inactivation is diminished considerably.  相似文献   

The 5'' end of poliovirus mRNA is not capped with m7G(5'')ppp(5'')Np.   总被引:65,自引:16,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文
Poliovirus was grown in HeLa cells in the presence of phosphorus-32 and actinomycin D. Three to four hours after infection, viral mRNA was recovered from polyribosomes and its identity verified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of RNase T1 digests. Digestion of the viral [32P]mRNA with RNase T2 and separation of the products by ion exchange chromatography at pH 5 yielded pUp as possible 5' terminus but no "capping group" of the structure m7G(5')ppp(5')Np. Total cytoplasmic [32P]RNA of HeLa cells, on the other hand, was found to contain capping groups. Neither the capping group nor ppNp or pppNp was found in an RNase T2 digest of poliovirion [32P]RNA, in agreement with previous results [Wimmer, E. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 68, 537-540]. The data indicate that 5'-terminal m7G(5')ppp(5')Np is absent from poliovirus RNAs and, therefore, is not involved in poliovirus protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Spliced segments at the 5'' terminus of adenovirus 2 late mRNA.   总被引:137,自引:56,他引:81       下载免费PDF全文
An mRNA fraction coding for hexon polypeptide, the major virion structural protein, was purified by gel electrophoresis from extracts of adenovirus 2-infected cells late in the lytic cycle. The mRNA sequences in this fraction were mapped between 51.7 and 61.3 units on the genome by visualizing RNA-DNA hybrids in the electron microscope. When hybrids of hexon mRNA and single-stranded restriction endonuclease cleavage fragments of viral DNA were visualized in the electron microscope,branched forms were observed in which 160 nucleotides of RNA from the 5' terminus were not hydrogen bonded to the single-stranded DNA. DNA sequences complementary to the RNA sequences in each 5' tail were found by electron microscopy to be located at 17, 20, and 27 units on the same strand as that coding for the body of the hexon mRNA. Thus, four segments of viral RNA may be joined together during the synthesis of mature hexon mRNA. A model is presented for adenovirus late mRNA synthesis that involves multiple splicing during maturation of a larger precursor nuclear RNA.  相似文献   

A series of 2'-5'-linked oligo(adenylic acid) triphosphate (2'-5' A) inhibitors of protein synthesis were described recently. These inhibitors are synthesized from ATP by an enzyme activated in interferon-treated cell extracts or rabbit reticulocyte lysates by double-stranded RNA. We show here that 2'-5' A is a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis in intact cells of different origin (human, monkey, hamster, and mouse). At a concentration of 10 nM (in AMP equivalents), protein synthesis is inhibited by 50-85%. There is also a secondary effect on the total RNA synthesis which becomes evident several hours after inhibition of protein synthesis. All of these effects, however, are transient and, after a recovery period, both RNA and protein synthesis resume rates comparable to the appropriate controls. A nuclease activity is detected in cells after treatment with 2'-5'A. The total polyadenylylated RNA is much reduced in comparison to that from untreated cells, and electrophoretic analysis in polyacrylamide slab gels provides evidence for its degradation. Similarly, there is an apparent degradation of ribosomal RNA. Consistent with these results, extracts from cells that had been treated with 2'-5'A manifest an enhanced nuclease activity in vitro on incubation with exogenous RNA. Here, we propose that, as in cell-free systems, the mechanism of action of 2'-5'A in intact cells involves activation of a nuclease. This activation is transient, but the nuclease remains sensitive to further activation by the inhibitor.  相似文献   

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